Characterization of ham flavor using an atomic emission detector

Introductory Remarks: A Tribute to. Walter G. Jennings. Walter G. Jennings recently retired from the University of California at Davis, where he had a...
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J. Agric.

Food Chem. 1990,38,2021-2026


Introductory Remarks: A Tribute to Walter G. Jennings Walter G. Jennings recently retired from the University of California at Davis, where he had a distinguished career as a Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology. As Dr. Jennings has been an effective leader in and active contributor to both the Analytical and Agricultural and Food Chemistry Divisions, a national meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) was considered a most appropriate place to hold a symposium in his honor. At the September 1989ACS meeting in Miami Beach, a symposium on "Analytical Methods in Agriculture and Food Chemistry-A Tribute to Walter G. Jennings" was held. Speakers were restricted to former students, postdoctoral students, and colleagues that have worked with Walter. This somewhat unusual restriction was appropriate because of his effectiveness as a teacher. He has trained many graduate students, postdoctoral students, and visiting scientists who value his role in their professional development. Dr. Jennings has made many significant scientific contributions to flavor chemistry. He is particularly known for his role in the development and effective application of fusedsilica capillary columns. The on-column injector is another chromatographic device that has benefited from his creative efforts. This issue contains three papers that were presented a t the symposium, which was cosponsored by the Agriculture and Food Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Divisions.

Characterization of Ham Flavor Using an Atomic Emission Detector? David W. Baloga, Gary A. Reineccius,' and Joel W. Miller1 Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, 1334 Eckles Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Volatile flavor compounds were isolated from a cured, precooked premium ham by using a LikensNickerson apparatus. Four individual 250-g ham samples were used to provide flavor isolates. These isolates were pooled and concentrated for extensive gas chromatographic analysis. Atomic emission detection (AED), flame ionization detection, flame photometric detection, nitrogen phosphorus detection, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to qualitatively determine specific constituents of the pooled solvent fraction. AED spectra proved useful in the selective detection of nitrogen-, oxygen-, and sulfur-containing compounds by comparison of the elemental profiles to the various GC chromatograms. More than 60 heteroatomic compounds were tentatively identified in this study. INTRODUCTION

To date, there have been few studies on ham flavor. Much of the research concerning ham flavor was conducted b e f o r e t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of t h e s o p h i s t i c a t e d instrumentation that we have today [e.g., Hornstein and Crowe (1960), Macy et al. (1964), and Ockerman et al. (1964)l. Now gas chromatography and mass spectrometry are ubiquitous tools in the flavor chemist's regime of analysis. Complex chromatograms, typical of meat and other food extracts, can be resolved with fused silica capillary columns and identified by using the table-top mass spectrometers and respective automated spectral library searching algorithms (Petitjean et al., 1983). In + Presented as part of the 198th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, FL, Sept 1015,1989, within the "Symposium on Analytical Methods in Agriculture and Food Chemistry-A Tribute to Walter G. Jennings", cosponsored by the Analytical Chemistry and Agricultural and Food Chemistry Divisions. f Present address: Analytical Research Laboratory, Building 201-1W-40, 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144. 0021-8561/90/1438-202 1$02.50/0

a recent study, Shen e t al. (1988) reported 75 volatile compounds in a Jinhua ham (most famous of China), isolated by simultaneous distillation extraction and identified by GC-MS. These compounds included hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, esters, furans, phenols, and sulfur-containing compounds. In general, meat flavors have been noted for the heteroatomic constituents produced thermally via nonenzymatic browning reactions (MacLeod and Ames, 1986; Shahidi, 1989). Because of the great number of possible chemical compounds found in foods and the limited ability of mass spectral data searches to discriminate between various possible structures, a complementary means of compound identification is essential (Petitjean et al., 1983). Therefore, often unknown volatiles are categorized in reference to the linear elution time of n-alkane hydrocarbons on polar and nonpolar GC columns, as discussed by Jennings and Shibamot0 (1980). Another aid in the chromatographic analysis of flavor volatiles is the employment of selective detectors such as the NPD for nitrogen-containing compounds and the FPD for sulfur-containing compounds. The newly available atomic emission detector (AED) allows the 0 1990 American Chemical Society


Baloga et al.

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 38,No. 11, 1990

simultaneous detection of u p to four elements (depending upon the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c w a v e l e n g t h of e m i s s i o n ) i n a complex sample matrix (Szelewski and Wilson, 1988). Fox and Wylie (1989) h a v e demonstrated that the sensitivity of t h e AED was adequate i n the d e t e c t i o n of nitrogen-, sulfur-, and oxygen-containing h e t e r o a t o m i c c o m p o u n d s i n a cooked m e a t flavor isolate. The objective of this s t u d y was to analyze q u a l i t a t i v e l y the flavor volatiles f r o m a processed p r e m i u m h a m b y using the t r a d i a t i o n a l GC d e t e c t o r s a n d the AED for elemental profiles of c a r b o n ( C ) , nitrogen (N), and sulfur ( S ) and also the AED for oxygen (0). MATERIALS AND METHODS S a m p l e Preparation. A 2-kg premium ham was purchased a t a local supermarket and stored a t 4 "C until sample preparation. All sample preparation took place within 24 h of purchase. T h e casing and outer 2-cm portion were trimmed from the ham to avoid contamination from the plastic shrinkwrap packaging and to avoid direct sampling of the smoke condensates deposited on the ham surface. Four individual 250-g portions of the remaining ham were each blended for 10-s segments intermittently for a total of 1 min with 500 mL of distilled water in a Waring Blendor. This slurry was then stirred for 10 min with a magnetic stirrer a t low speed. The ham and water mixture was added to a 5-L round-bottom flask. An additional volume of 1.5 L of distilled water a t 80 "C was added to the tissue mixture prior to heating, and then the sample flask was attached to a modified Likens-Nickerson apparatus. In a 100-mL round-bottom flask, 35 mL of chromatographic grade methylene chloride was added. Additionally, 10 mL of methylene chloride was added into the Likens-Nickerson solvent return loop. Both solvent and sample mixtures were heated to boiling with heating mantles and allowed to reflux for 1.5 h. This time was determined by previous trials to yield a solvent extract with a smoky, cured-ham aroma. After the mixture cooled to ambient temperature, the solvent was quantitatively recovered from both the collection flask and the solvent return loop. Recovered extracts were pooled and dried with anhydrous MgS04. Concentration to */75 the combined fraction mass was achieved by gentle sparging with purified nitrogen gas for injection into the gas chromatograph. A control experiment or system/solvent blank was conducted by using only distilled water and solvent under the same conditions. Gas Chromatography. A Hewlett-Packard ( H P ) Model 5890 gas chromatograph equipped with either a FID, AED, or mass selective detector (MSD) and a H P Model 5880 chromatograph equipped with a NPD or FPD were used. Separation was achieved on a 30 m X 0.25 mm i.d. X 1.0 fim film thickness fused silica capillary column (J&W Scientific; Folsom, CA), coated with cross-linked 5 (3 phenylmethylsilicone (DB-5). All injections were performed under the same following GC conditions. The oven temperature was held at 40 "C for 1 min and then programmed a t 5 "C/min up to 270 "C (14-min hold). The injector temperature was 275 "C for all instruments. Detector temperatures were 300,275,200, and 275 "C for the AED, FID, FPD, and NPD, respectively. Helium was used as the carrier gas a t a column flow rate of 1.25 mL/min and 15 psi of head pressure. A splitless injection with a 45-s valve delay and 1 fiL extract volume was injected each time. The data from the H P 5880 GC were recorded on a H P Level Four integrator, while the data from t h e H P 5890 GC were recorded by using t h e H P Chem Station software. Values reported were the average of two analyses. Linear retention indices of the volatile constituents were calculated from the spiked injection of n-alkanes (C6C26) as references (Novik and Ruzickovi, 1974). M a s s Spectrometry. Positive ion, electron impact mass spectrometry d a t a were collected on a H P Model 5970 mass spectrometer. The capillary column was interfaced directly into the mass spectrometer operating a t 70-eV ionization potential, with an ion source temperature of 220 "C and a scan threshold of 750, scanning from m / z 29 to 400 a t 0.86 s/cycle. The mass spectra of the compounds identified were compared with those in t h e NBS/EPA and user-generated libraries by using t h e Chem Station data system.

Table I. AED Parameters


wavelength, nm

scavenger gas



O2/Hz O2/H2 02/H2 Hz/ N2/CH4

S N 0


174.3 777.3

spectrometer purge flow window purge flow rate, mL/ min solvent backflush used? transfer line temp, "C cavity temp, "C water temp., "C

makeup flow, mL/min 30 30 30


nitrogen at 2 L/min 40 Yes 300

300 65

F i g u r e 1. Chromatogram of the carbon-containing volatiles isolated from cured ham by using the AED (top) and the FID (bottom). Atomic Emission Detection. A prototype H P 5921A atomic emission detector was used in the analysis of the elements C, N, 0, and S. Due to the detectable range of the positionable diode array in the AED, C, S, and N were analyzed in the first injection, a n d 0 was analyzed in a succeeding injection. Conditions were selected based on those of Fox and Wylie (1989) and are given in Table I.


A typical chromatogram of the volatile ham components o b t a i n e d u n d e r the previously d e s c r i b e d c o n d i t i o n s is shown in Figure 1. Chromatographic peaks from the NPD and FPD (Figures 2 and 3) were referenced to the carbon trace of the FID and the total ion c o u n t (TIC) of the MSD b y c o r r e s p o n d i n g r e t e n t i o n t i m e s and r e l a t i v e chromatographic profiles. Selective profiles were scaled identically f r o m 0 to 60 m i n , and the use of a light box was employed t o a s s u r e p e a k assignment. However, s u c h laborious m a t c h i n g was not necessary for the respective AED elemental profiles. As these c h r o m a t o g r a m s were o b t a i n e d s i m u l t a n e o u s l y o n the s a m e i n s t r u m e n t , an o v e r l a y plot o f t h e f o u r e l e m e n t s (C, N, 0, S ) w a s c o n s t r u c t e d to scale f r o m the s y s t e m software. It should b e n o t e d that the o v e r l a y p l o t p r o v e d i n v a l u a b l e f o r

Characterization of Ham Flavor

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 38, No. 11, 1990 2023




TIME 1 0


l M I N . >


4 0

Figure 2. Chromatogram of the sulfur-containing volatiles isolated from cured ham by using the AED (top) and the FPD (bottom).


: aa--





( M I N . )


4 0

Figure 3. Chromatogram of the nitrogen-containingvolatiles isolated from cured ham by using the AED (top) and the NPD (bottom). compound identification and alleviated confusion of variability of compound retention times due to instrument or parametric deviations, in spite of the same operational conditions being used. Table I1 summarizes the volatile compounds found in the cured ham. The baselines of all the AED chromatograms, except from the AED-S, show a large peak in the region of solvent elution. With the selective detectors one would not expect to observe a response to methylene chloride. With the NPD and the FPD this is a result of quenching due to the cooling of the detector due to a large amount of solvent eluting. Likewise, the negatively spiked peaks of the NPD chromatogram indicate quenching due to the elution of large isolate peaks. The AED-N and AED-0 chromatograms show a large solvent-like peak as a result of the solvent backflush option in the AED parameters. As the backflush valve opens, a trace of air sweeps in and thus the detection of N2 and 02. Some of the peaks observed by using selective detectors could not be attributed to a compound containing the

element being monitored (Table 11). The two explanations for this are either the detector is not absolutely selective or there is, in fact, a trace amount of another compound coeluting with the identified compound which does contain the element being monitored. We did not make an effeort to determine which explanation was correct. Relative Sensitivity. Areas listed for each compound (Table 11)are the absolute areas from integration. Values for the AED were generally greater than the respective value from the traditional detector. For the AED-C, the areas were 1-3 orders of magnitude greater than the FID values. Absolute areas were about 1-2 orders of magnitude greater for the AED-S than for the FPD, and the difference for the nitrogen-containing peaks was less pronounced with a difference of about 1 order of magnitude. This is not to suggest that the sensitivity of the AED is better than all traditional detectors outside this sampling. The apparent enhanced sensitivity of the AED remains confined to this example and the instrumentation employed. Sulfur-Containing Compounds. Seven sulfurcontaining compounds were tentatively identified in the Likens-Nickerson extract. Examination of the absolute areas of the AED-S and the FPD for these compounds reveals that the AED response is greater than the FPD response for all compounds. Furthermore, the AED/ FPD response ratio ranges from 24 for 1-(methylthiolpropane to 193 for 2-methylthiazole. This variation may be due to the differences in sensitivity and/or response linearity of each detector. To test the linearity of both sulfur detectors, an experiment was conducted by using dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) and dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) at concentrations of 0.2 and 4 ng/pL. Considering the sulfur molar ratio for DMDS and DMTS, the AED area response for the DMTS was 1.12 times (which is the expected linear factor) greater than the DMDS within 3 96 a t both concentrations. However, the FPD area response ’ of the ratio for DMTS/DMDS was in error 1896 and 15% predicted linear area response a t the low and high concentrations, respectively. Thus, the AED is more linear in response to sulfur than the FPD for detecting sulfurcontaining compounds. In five instances a sulfur compound was detected by both the AED and the FPD, whereby a nonsulfurous compound was identified from the mass spectral information. Two of these compounds, 2-acetylfuran and guaiacol, were injected as reference compounds for confirmation of identity. Since both retention properties and mass spectra matched the unknowns, the unidentified sulfur responses are most probably due to the coelution of sulfur compounds below the MSD detection limit. Noteworthy of the selectivity of the AED is the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of peak 50, dimethyl tetrasulfide. The mass spectral SNR is at the minimal detection limit of 3.5 and was not integrated automatically at the threshold used. However, the SNR of the FPD (153) and AED S-mode (218) of peak 50 demonstrates that both of these detectors are substantially more sensitive than the MSD. The AED was somewhat more sensitive than the FPD. A compound of particular interest is elemental sulfur, peak 86 (41-52-min elution range). The large Gaussianshaped peak in the F P D chromatogram was initially thought to be a baseline defect or a problematic FPD detector. When the concentrated system/solvent blank failed to produce the same effect, this suggested that the peak was perhaps from the ham extract. A similar elution response was also observed in the AED S-mode chromatogram. A mass spectral average of the 3-min range centered at 47 min provided the mass spectrum shown in


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 38, No. 1 1 , 1990

Baloga et ai.

Table 11. Volatile Compounds Identified in Cured Ham

peak compound RIDB-5 2 2-butanone 680 3 ethyl acetate" 706 4 unknown 719 5 isovaleraldehyde" 737 6 2-methyl-I-nitropropane 745 7 2,3-pentanedione" 774 812 8 l-(methyIthio)propane" 834 9 2,3,3-trimethylpentane 851 10 2-methylthiazole" 854 11 3-methyl-2-buten-1-01 1 2 unknown 861 13 4-methyl-2,3-dihydrofuran 866 14 hexanaP 876 15 methylpyrazine" 894 16 furfural" 911 17 unknown 949 18 2-methyl-3-pentanethioP 981 19 3-methyl-2-cyclopenten-l-onea 987 20 2-acetylfurana 993 2 1 benzaldehyde" 1047 22 dimethyl trisulfide" 1059 23 phenol" 1068 24 1-ethylcyclohexene 1080 25 unknown 1086 26 unknown 1092 27 unknown 1127 28 isomer of 25 1131 29 2-phenylacetaldehyde" 1137 30 u-cresol 1146 31 unknown 1151 32 3,4,5-trimethyl-2-cyclopenten-l-one 1158 33 unknown 1161 34 acetophenone" 1163 35 m-cresol 1168 1187 36 guaiacol" 1198 37 p-cresol" 38 unknown 1201 39 2,6-dimethylphenola 1205 40 2-methoxyphenol" 1234 41 2-ethylphenol 1237 1241 42 unknown 1249 43 2,3-dimethylphenol 1263 44 2-methoxybenzaldehyde 1271 45 3,4-dimethylphenol 46 2,5-dimethylphenol 1282 1286 47 1,4-dimethoxybenzene 1301 48 4-methylguaiacol 1313 49 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenol 1334 50 dimethyl tetrasulfide 1348 51 anisyl methyl ester 1356 52 geraniol 1356 53 unknown 1397 54 4-ethylguaiacol" 1436 55 4-vinylguaiacol 1441 56 methyl thiazoleethanol acetate 1484 57 4-allylguaiacola 1487 58 unknown 1495 59 5-propylguaiacol 60 unknown 1526 1541 6 1 L - isoeugenol 1586 62 geranyl acetate 63 unknown 64 unknown 1632 65 unknown 1636 66 BHT 1658 1746 67 unknown 1751 68 unknown 1761 69 dodecanal" 1756 70 2-pentadecanone 1874 71 tetradecanal" 1946 72 pentadecanal 73 unknown 1969 74 hexadecanal" 1998 75 unknown 2059 2069 76 unknown

AED-C 67264 254574 21714 244344 223289 536591 99333 105532 117326 51911 41929 135394 28042 365437 36885 92407 117733 45972 231376 128672 63566 16584 34756 157701 40129 59595 128884 227536 26432 33285 10895 61280 188587 474049

selective area response FID AED-N NPD 952 3603 289 3252 757 5169 1595 372 407 3557 327 1399 570 493 1819 216 25 3744 243 547 166 764 1451 357 2681 1399 365 765 368 565 815 1727 2937 433 325 285 135 1746 5453



4971 534 1004 7800

41 102



588 537 7761

3135 45 86 12




31 72 150



1776 1032

25231 12997 176496 24286 66177 33597 72790 485846 47559


57300 33116 205850 81915

532 822

2399 2743


6 137316 76637

1066 460 130

10 7 24 16

240 194

510 1689 452



1541 414 6250 411


6103 1059




759 3368 446 266

72 67

2688 278 453 412 906 5957 659 735 481

182 403 622 22217


35717 46601 18086 78226

267 581 213 1820

15177 52392 36795

331 731 329

174009 93939 97711 277521 52857 178717 6028667 99368 194958

392 1443 1471 4139 1150 2497 287129 1843 2779


9 582 7718



466 3291 299

2555 641


692 198 175


1317 493 526 151

424 7

366 3436


1393 891



1459 152




215 243 208 467 258 7236 375

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 38, No. 11, 1990

Characterization of Ham Flavor


Table I1 (Continued) selective area response peak compound



2077 2081 2101 2156 2175 2186 2195 2199 2217

82315 66203 927242 165151 24305 75440 3431463 1099942 2501999

77 9-octadecenal 78 4-methylpentadecan-2-one 79 octadecanala 80 dibutyl phthalate 81 2-octadecenal 82 9,12-octadecadienal 83 9,12-octadecadienol 84 9,17-octadecadienol 85 octadecandienol isomer 4

FID 2228 13572 1954 369 1255 40345 17741 55327




227 190



1490 1013 33





543 6149 5341 5727

Compound confirmed by reference injection. I007 90;

\6 4

Figure 4. Mass spectrum of the cyclooctasulfur in cured ham.



20 T

30 me



: m i n . )

Figure 5. Chromatogram of the oxygen-containing volatiles isolated from cured ham by using the AED. Figure 4. The presence of orthorhombic cyclooctasulfur, the thermodynamically stable allotropic form (Meyer, 1964), was confirmed by injection of elemental sulfur in methylene chloride. From a standard curve, it was estimated to be present at 1-2 ppb in the original ham sample. The poor chromatographic peak shape appears to be due to the nonvolatile nature of the compound. The source of the elemental sulfur in this ham sample is unknown. N i t r o g e n - C o n t a i n i n g Compounds. Only three N-containing compounds were identified in the curedham sample. Of these, 2-methylthiazole and 2-methylpyrazine were detected by both the AED and the NPD. The AED area responses exceeded those of the NPD (factors of 11 and 9, respectively). While an additional 11peaks were detected by using the AED-N (Figure 3) and 13 by using the NPD (Figure 3), only 2 of these were detected by both detectors. As noted above, none of these compounds were identified by MS as containing nitrogen. Oxygen-Containing Compounds. The oxygen chromatogram (Figure 5) from the AED is most useful in characterizing cured-ham flavor. Unlike many cooked meat flavors, ham lacks the numerous S- or N-containing heteroatomic compounds. Cured-ham flavor has been described as being smoky or cured. Sodium nitrite

(NaN02) added to the cure solution has been considered responsible in part for the “cured” flavor in ham (MacDonald et al., 1980b; Mottram, 1984). However, Price and Greene (1978) concluded from results of a 13-member sensory panel that curing without NaN02 would still produce a ham with a cured flavor provided that NaCl was included in the formulation. The majority of O-containing volatile compounds from this ham are also found in hardwood and softwood smoke condensate (Maga, 1987). Phenolic compounds are well noted for their smoky qualities. Maga and Fapojuwo (1986) have pointed out the contribution of carbonyls to smoke flavor. Eighteen phenolic compounds were identified and most probably constitute the smoky aroma of cured ham. Guaiacol and 4-methylguaiacol were the predominant phenolic compounds and most likely make a major contribution to the smoky character of cured ham. Guaiacol and 4-methylguaiacol have low odor thresholds (0.021 and 0.09 ppm) and low taste thresholds (0.013 and 0.065 ppm), respectively, in water (Wasserman, 1966). These two phenolics along with o-cresol, m-cresol, 4-ethylguaiacol, and 2,6-dimethylphenol constituted 72 5% of the phenolic content in the ham sample or 7.5% of the total volatile ham composition on the basis of the FID chromatogram. Short-chain aldehydes, usually formed via fat oxidation and indicators of off-flavor in meats (Reineccius, 1979), were minimal, probably due to the inhibition effect of nitrite (MacDonald e t al., 1980a). However, longchain aldehydes (C12-Cla) dominated the chromatogram, contributing nearly 35% of the total FID area response. Several O-containing compounds tentatively identified by MS were not detected by the AED. Those compounds not detected were most likely below the detection level of the AED. Of the four elements profiled in the AED study, oxygen showed the lowest sensitivity and highest background noise. Although the sensitivity of the prototype AED in oxygen mode appeared to be lacking in comparison to the other elements studied, recent operational developments by the manufacturer have enhanced oxygen detection by a factor of 4-5. CONCLUSIONS

The importance of using GC selective detectors with the GC-MS for the identification of unknown volatiles in a complex flavor isolate, such as ham, has been reaffirmed. The presence of heteroatomic compounds was more easily discerned with the aid of both the AED and the traditional detectors. For detection of C and S, the AED provied to be more sensitive than the FID or the FPD. Although the AED appeared slightly more sensitive than the NPD in nitrogen detection, the sensitivity comparison is not conclusive because too few N-containing peaks were present. As the cured-ham sample was dominated by O-containing compounds, the AED-0 chromatogram was useful in their discrimination. Overall, the AED proved


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 38,No. 11, 1990

valuable for t h e complex flavor analysis a n d greatly facilitated m a s s spectral identification. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Published as Paper No. 18 252 of the contribution series of the M i n n e s o t a Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t S t a t i o n based o n research c o n d u c t e d u n d e r Project 18-083, s u p p o r t e d b y H a t c h funds. LITERATURE CITED Bailey, M. E. Undesirable meat flavor and its control. In T h e Analysis and Control of Less Desirable Flavors in Food and Reuerages; Academic Press: New York, 1980; pp 31-52. Fox, L.; Wylie, P. Qualitative analysis of extracted cooked meat flavors by gas chromatography with the HP 5921A Atomic Emission Detector. Hewlett-Packard Appl. Note 1989, No. 228-75, 1-3. Hornstein, I.; Crowe, P. F. Flavor studies on beef and pork. J . A&. Food Chem. 1960,8,494-498. Jennings, W.; Shibamoto, T. Analytical considerations. In Qualitative Analysis of Flavor and Fragrance Volatiles by Class Capillary Gas Chromatography;Academic Press: New York, 1980; pp 2-14. MacDonald, B.; Gray, J. I.; Kakuda, Y.; Lee, M. L. Role of nitrite in cured meat flavor: chemical analysis. J. Food Sci. 1980a, 45,889-892. MacDonald, B.; Gray, J. I.; Stanley, D. W.; Usborne, W. R. Role of nitrite in cured meat flavor: sensory analysis. J . Food Sci. 1980b, 45, 885-889,904. MacLeod, G.; Ames, J. M. Capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of cooked ground beef aroma. J . Food SC~ 1986, . 5 1 , 1427-1434. Macy, R. L.; Naumann, H. D., Jr.; Bailey, M. E. Water-soluble flavor and odor precursors of meta. I. Qualitative study of certain amino acids, carbohydrates, non-amino acid nitrogen compounds, and phosphoric acid esters of beef, pork and lamb. J . Food Sei. 1964,29, 136-141. Maga, J. A. The flavor chemistry of wood smoke. Food Reu. I n t . 1987, 3 (1, 2), 139-183. Maga, J. A.; Fapojuwo, 0. 0. Aroma of various wood smoke fractions. J . Sens. S t u d . 1986, 9-13. Meyer, B. Solid allotropes of sulfur. Chem. Reu. 1964,64,429451. Mottram, D. S. Some new observations on the flavour chemistry of cured meats. In Progress in Flavour Research, Proceedings of the 4th Weurman Flavor Research Symposium; Dourdan, France, Adda, J., Ed.; May 9-11; Elsevier Science Publishers: Amsterdam, 1984; pp 323-328. N o v a , J.; Ruzickovl, J. Generalization of the gas chromatographic retention index system. J . Chromatogr. 1974, 91, 79-88. Ockerman, H. W.; Blumer, T. N.; Graig, H. B. Volatile chemical compounds in dry-cured hams. J . Food Sci. 1964,29, 123129.

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