Characterization of V-Shaped Defects Formed during the 4H-SiC

Jul 26, 2016 - Synopsis. A kind of unidentified defect which corresponded to the V-shaped contrasts in the in-plane X-ray topographic images was ident...
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Characterization of V‑Shaped Defects Formed during the 4H-SiC Solution Growth by Transmission Electron Microscopy and X‑ray Topography Analysis Shiyu Xiao,*,† Shunta Harada,†,‡ Kenta Murayama,‡ and Toru Ujihara†,‡ †

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics (CIRFE), Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

ABSTRACT: Defects generated during 4H-SiC (0001) solution growth have been investigated by synchrotron X-ray topography and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The defects unidentified before are recognized as V-shaped contrast features in the X-ray topographic images. The detailed analysis combining TEM results revealed that the newly generated defects are identified as a pair of dislocations on a basal plane with opposite Burgers vectors parallel to the [112̅0] direction. It is found that no defects in the substrate are directly associated with the formation of the V-shaped defects. Geometric analysis of the size and shape of the V-shaped defects indicates that they nucleate in pairs intermittently during the growth process. On the basis of the observed morphology of these defect configurations, a mechanism of two-dimensional nucleation during solution growth is postulated for the generation of the V-shaped defects.

1. INTRODUCTION Silicon carbide (SiC) has been proved to be a choice of materials for the next-generation power devices, because of its excellent physical properties such as high breakdown field, wide band gap, and high thermal conductivity.1 Various defects such as threading screw dislocations (TSDs), threading edge dislocations (TEDs), and basal plane dislocations (BPDs) are contained in commercial SiC wafers grown by the physical vapor transport (PVT) method. Meanwhile, several types of defects like carrot defects and comet defects formed during the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of SiC have been reported.2,3 It is well-known that defects in SiC have various deleterious effects on power device performances.4−6 In order to realize the full potential of SiC power devices, the reduction of defects density becomes extremely crucial. Although many efforts have been done to decrease the density of defects, the dislocation density of thousands cm−2 still exists in SiC grown crystals by PVT and CVD growth.7−11 Solution growth is a potential method to produce highquality crystals because the growth proceeds under the condition close to thermal equilibrium.12 In our previous research, TSDs can be dramatically reduced by the conversion of the TSDs to Frank-type stacking faults (SFs) on the basal planes due to the overgrowth of macrosteps on the TSDs. As the growth proceeds, the defects on the basal planes are excluded due to extending along the in-plane direction, and consequently, the ultra-high-quality SiC grown crystals can be obtained.13−17 Recently, we discovered unidentified defects corresponding to V-shaped contrasts in X-ray topographic images of the crystals grown by 4H-SiC solution growth which may hamper © 2016 American Chemical Society

the reduction of dislocations density. Moreover, we made clear that the new V-shaped defects are different from similar Vshaped defects in CVD layers.18−20 In this study, we characterized the newly discovered V-shaped defects peculiar to the solution growth by synchrotron X-ray topography and transmission electron spectroscopy (TEM) observation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the present type of defects which corresponds to the V-shaped topography contrasts during the 4H-SiC (0001) solution growth.

2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 4H-SiC crystals were grown in an induction-heating furnace (NEVSC35 Nisshin-Giken) by the top-seeded solution growth method. The outline of the growth setup is shown in Figure 1. The growth proceeds on a SiC seed crystal dipped in pure Si solvent, and carbon is supplied from the carbon crucible. In the present setup, the crucible is put inside the hot wall heated by induction current. In advance, we measured the temperature at different vertical positions in the inner crucible with Si solvent using a thermocouple inserted from the top of the furnace. The temperature of the crucible bottom is higher than the solution surface. The growth temperature gradient was controlled by the relative position of the crucible and the heat coil. The Si for the solvents in experiments has a purity of 11N. Off-axis 4H-SiC (0001) Si-face and (0001)̅ C-face (10 mm × 10 mm) crystals were used as seeds. The off-angle was 4°, and the off-direction was [112̅0]. The seed crystal mounted on the lower end of a graphite rod was dipped in solvent in a graphite crucible. Prior to growth, the 4H-SiC seed crystals and the polycrystalline silicon were cleaned by sonication in methanol, Received: May 10, 2016 Revised: July 21, 2016 Published: July 26, 2016 5136

DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00711 Cryst. Growth Des. 2016, 16, 5136−5140

Crystal Growth & Design


grown crystal for 60 min (b) on the Si face. The white arrows at the upper left-hand side indicate projected directions of the vectors of incident X-ray on the crystal surface. The large white circular contrasts (A), relatively smaller circular white contrast (B), and line contrast (C) in Figure 2a correspond to TSDs, TED, and BPD, respectively. A magnified view of the boxed area containing the TED (B) in Figure 2a is shown in the inset. The Frank-type SFs (A′) corresponding to asymmetric knifeshaped contrast extend from the position of the TSDs (A) in the seed crystal as shown in Figure 2a. The TED (B′) is propagated from the site (B) of the seed crystal. These behaviors of TSDs and TEDs are consistent with our previous studies.13 V-shaped contrasts of interest as indicated by D and E in Figure 2b were observed. Each of these V-shaped configurations consists of two symmetric line contrasts. The apexes of the V-shaped contrasts were located at the up step direction, and the “V” always opened up toward the down step direction of the grown layer. By a comparison of panels (a) and (b) in Figure 2, no defects were observed at the positions of the seed crystal corresponding to the apexes of the V-shaped defects. Therefore, it is sensible to assume that the V-shaped defects are newly generated during the 4H-SiC solution growth instead of propagating or converting from defects in substrates. In order to identify the Burgers vectors of two branches of the V-shaped defects, X-ray topography images of the 10 min growth sample were taken at different Bragg conditions. Figure 3a,b shows the X-ray topography images of the grown crystal

Figure 1. Schematic representation of experimental configuration for TSSG. acetone, and purified water (18 MΩ cm). Growth experiments were performed by keeping the seed crystal at 2 mm below the solvent surface, where the temperature was at 1973 K and the temperature gradient was about 20 K/cm, for 10, 30, and 60 min with a high-purity (>99.9999 vol %) helium gas flow, respectively. The growth procedure is described as follows. (1) The crucible was maintained at 1973 K for 1 h to melt and homogenize the raw material. (2) In order to clean the surface of the seed crystal, the seed crystals were immersed in the hightemperature zone (near the bottom of the crucible as shown in Figure 1) of the solution to melt back for 10 min. (3) After the melt back process, the seed crystals were moved to the low temperature zone which is 2 mm under the solvent surface and held there during the growth period. (4) The grown crystals were then removed from the solution and the cool down to room temperature. The residual solvent was removed in HF and HNO3 solution (HF:HNO3 = 1:2). The growth rate in this study is 29 μm/h. Synchrotron X-ray topography was carried out at the highresolution X-ray diffraction station BL3C in the Photon Factory at the High-Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan. The monochromatic X-ray wavelength was 1.50 Å, and the applied g vectors were 11-28 and 1-108, respectively. The topography images were recorded on Ilford L4 nuclear emulsion plates. Molten KOH etching was carried out in a nickel crucible at 793 K for 4 min to identify the position of dislocations. Specimens for cross-sectional TEM were prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) fabrication. The crosssectional TEM observation was conducted by a Hitach H-800 along the [112̅0] direction. Surface morphologies were observed with a differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope Leica DM4000M using a Nomarski-type prism.

Figure 3. X-ray topography images of the grown crystal Si face for 10 min taken at Bragg conditions: (a) g = 11-28 and (b) g = 1-108.

on the Si face taken at different Bragg conditions g = 11-28 and 1-108, respectively. The white arrows in the upper-left-hand corners indicate the direction of the projection of the incident X-ray wave vectors onto the observed surface. When the conditions g·b = 0 are satisfied, the contrasts of dislocations disappear. Here, b is the Burgers vectors of dislocations. Line contrasts corresponding to BPDs (B) in Figure 3a with a Burgers vector parallel to the [112̅0] direction become invisible under the 1-108 reflection condition, as indicated by B′ in Figure 3b. The contrast of the V-shaped defects can be seen at the position of A as shown in Figure 3a, whereas the V-shaped defect contrast disappears in the 1-108 reflection in Figure 3b. The disappearance of the contrast at the position of A′ indicates that the V-shaped defect has a Burgers vector parallel to the [112̅0] direction, since it satisfied the condition g·b = 0. It was observed that two branches of each V-shaped contrast tilted counterclockwise and clockwise from the step-flow direction, respectively, with certain angles. The BPDs deflecting direction from the step-flow direction are decided by their Burgers vectors properties.21,22 The Burgers vectors must sum to zero if several branches of dislocations are connected to the

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 shows in-plane X-ray topographic images recorded in grazing incidence g = 11-28 from the seed crystal (a) and the

Figure 2. X-ray topographic images of the (a) seed crystal Si face and (b) the crystal grown for 60 min taken at the identical position. Magnified view of boxed areas containing TED (B) and (B′) in (a) and (b) is shown in the insets, respectively. 5137

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angle θ is 4° and the length L of the contrast is about 150 μm. According to calculation, its generated position is about 10.5 μm under the surface. An FIB microsampling technique was subsequently applied to prepare the TEM specimens for extracting the area between two branches of contrasts. The position of the FIB sample is shown as the white rectangle in Figure 4a. The distance of the FIB sampling position is located at 70 μm from the end of the V-shaped branches. According to geographic analysis, if SFs were formed between the two branches of the V-shaped defect, we could observe any contrast at the depth of 5 μm from the surface in TEM image. The cross-sectional TEM image of the FIB sample is shown in Figure 4d. In the cross-sectional TEM image, no contrast is observed at the position about 5 μm under the surface. TEM results complement the data obtained by X-ray topography that there is no SF between two arms of the V-shaped defects. The microstructure of the newly generated V-shaped defects in our case is different from the V-shaped defects in the CVD crystals reported as refs 19 and 20 even though they appear to have similar topographic contrasts topographic contrasts. The illustrations of the V-shaped defects studied by other groups and us are summarized in Figure 5. One kind of the Vshaped defect mentioned is composed of one or more

same node in the crystal. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that two arms of each V-shaped defect possess the same value and opposite direction Burgers vectors. In addition, Zhang et al. reported that the tilt angles from the step-flow direction were affected by the N2 doping concentration and the tilt angle increased with the N2 doping concentration in CVD growth. In our case, the average tilt angle from the [112̅0] direction for each arm of V-shaped defects is about 8.5° and the N2 doping concentration from the background is 1.35 × 1018 cm−3 evaluated from the LOPC mode of the Raman spectrum. These data are consistent with the results in the literature.22 We concluded that the Burgers vector b of newly generated Vshaped defects was parallel to [1120̅ ]. Similar V-shaped contrasts in X-ray topographic images also were reported by other researchers in 4H-SiC CVD growth. It is emphasized that all of these V-shaped defects in the CVD crystal contain stacking faults between two branches of “V”.18−20 In order to characterize the newly discovered Vshaped defects in our case, TEM studies have been conducted using [112̅0] cross-sectional specimens. First, a topographic image was obtained by incidence X-ray topography using 11-28 diffraction. Then, etch pits were formed at the defects on the 4H-SiC Si face by KOH etching at 520 °C for 3 min to identify the defects’ position. The etching pattern consisting of two shell-like shaped pits indicated by white arrows was observed to be associated with the sites where the V-shaped defects intersect the surface as shown in Figure 4b. The projected

Figure 4. (a) In-plane X-ray topographic image and (b) optical microscopy image after KOH etching obtained from the same areas on the Si face. The FIB fabrication position is shown as a white rectangle in (a). Two oval-shaped etch pits indicated by white arrows in (b) correspond to the surface intersections of the two arms of V-shaped defects. (c) The geographic analysis model of FIB sample and schematic of etch pits shapes on an off-axis surface. The depth of the starting point of the defect is defined as d = L × tan θ. (d) The crosssectional TEM image of FIB sample.

“height” d (shown as Figure 4c) of each V-shaped defects contrast measured along the off-cut direction corresponds to the depth of the generation position. The distance d was estimated by the calculation as d = L × tan θ, where θ is the offangle of the substrate and L is the length of contrasts along the [112̅0] direction as shown in Figure 4a. In this case, the off-

Figure 5. Illustrations of microstructure of V-shaped defects observed in (a, b) CVD growth19,20 and (c) solution growth. 5138

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Crystal Growth & Design


model for the V-shaped defects generation during solution growth is described as below. In this study, wide terraces were frequently observed on Si-face growth. When the supersaturation reached a certain value, it becomes easy for 2D nucleation to occur. Pairs of threading dislocations with the same value, but opposite direction, Burgers vectors will be generated due to 2D islands. Threading dislocations will convert to dislocations on the basal plane appearing as Vshaped contrasts just right after the formation due to macrosteps as in our research before.15 The converted dislocations on the basal plane would deflect and extend opposite sides with each other from the step-flow direction due to their opposite Burgers vectors. Figure 7 shows the

overlapping Frank-type staking faults in the CVD layers. They are constituted of two partial dislocations with c-components of Burgers vector and the Frank-type staking faults as shown in Figure 5a. These V-shaped defects are inferred to be generated by repetitive two-dimensional (2D) nucleation of a single SiC bilayer at different atomic layers during epitaxial growth. The stacking sequence is distorted when steps overcome the 2D nucleation.19 Another type of V-shaped defects is also observed in the CVD growth.20 The threading portion of a once deflected threading dislocation in the substrate becomes the nucleation site of SF at the substrate/epilayer interface as illustrated in Figure 5b. The formation mechanism was proposed on the basis of the overgrowth of the surface spiral steps associated with the surface intersections of threading dislocations. They assumed that the nucleation site of V-shaped SF at the epilayer/substrate interface is the threading portion of a once deflected threading dislocation in the substrate.20 The illustration of the V-shaped defects nucleated during the solution growth is shown in Figure 5c. The newly generated Vshaped defects in our case are composed of two dislocations with Burgers vector parallel to [1120̅ ], and no SF was observed between them. They are different from other V-shaped defects reported in the case of CVD growth. Considering that the both branches are generated from a same point suddenly, each Vshaped defect consists of a pair of defects on a basal plane with opposite Burgers vector which generated simultaneously during the solution growth. The number of V-shaped defects was counted in the whole area of each sample, and the density of them was calculated. Figure 6 summarizes the growth time dependence of the newly

Figure 7. Nomarski images of the grown crystal surface on (a) Si face and (b) C face for 60 min growth. The white arrow indicates 2D island.

morphology of grown crystal on (a) Si and (b) C faces for 60 min growth. In Figure 7a, the zigzag-shaped macrosteps were observed on the Si-face grown surface. Meanwhile, wide terraces can be observed on the crystal surface; most of them have the width of about 10 μm. A 2D island on the wide terrace is indicated by an arrow in Figure 7a. On the other hand, we noted that no V-shaped defect was observed on the C-face grown crystal. The grown morphology on the C face (Figure 7b) is different from that on the Si face. The C-face growth surface consists of the ordered step trains and wide terrace like the Si-face grown crystal surface, which are rarely observed. On the basis of our observation, 2D islands are rarely observed on C-face grown crystals. Therefore, it is also reasonable to attribute 2D islands to the formation of V-shaped defects. The C-face growth can restrain the generations of V-shaped defects, which is beneficial for the reduction of dislocations density.

Figure 6. Growth time dependence of the V-shaped defects density and growth thickness.

generated V-shaped defects density and growth thickness. The growth rate is almost the same since all the growth experiments were conducted under the same condition. The V-shaped defects density increases with the growth time on Si-face growth. The linear increase of the density with time indicates that their generation rate is almost the same in each sample and they intermittently generate during growth process. The formation mechanism of the present V-shaped defects is considered to be similar to the defect formation phenomenon in the sublimation method reported by Sanchez et al., who proposed that the nucleation of 2D islands during sublimation growth is responsible for the generation of threading dislocations.23 They observed that threading edge dislocations are nucleated as pairs with opposite Burgers vectors. A possible

4. CONCLUSION X-ray topography and TEM studies reveal that V-shaped defects are composed of a pair of dislocations on the basal plane. Each pair of dislocations with the opposite Burgers vector parallel to the [112̅0] direction was proved to be generated simultaneously. They are different from the V-shaped defects in CVD growth. A mechanism of generation of the Vshaped defects was proposed on the basis of the 2D nucleation islands on a terrace. So far, they only can be observed on the Siface grown crystal during solution growth. Therefore, the Cface growth can restrain the generation of V-shaped defects. 5139

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Crystal Growth & Design



Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +81-52-789-3249. Fax: +81-52-789-3248. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00711 Cryst. Growth Des. 2016, 16, 5136−5140