Nov 6, 2010 - Uncovering the Chemical Secrets of Burned Bones. Burned bones hold stories. From them, anthropologists can gather clues about how an ...
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1. S T O P A H I J A C K E R from stealing up to 300 cubic feet of cargo space in refrigerated transportation vehicles... by replacing conventional insulation with thinner sections of urethane produced from Hetrofoam® polyols. Hetrofoam, a product of Durez® Plastics Division, makes possible a foam so efficient that two inches insulate as well as four inches of ordinary materials. It's safer than many others, too—it is inherently fire retardant. 2 . GET RID O F C O S T L Y B U G S For the man with an eye on the huge pesticide market, we offer a broad-spectrum base for highly efficient compounds. Known as C-56®, it provides a starting point from which to build a variety of profitable products that spell sudden death to pests. 3 . MAKE B E T T E R P R O D U C T S with a chemical that helps to produce dyes, pharmaceuticals, and tough synthetic r u b b e r . . . aids in forming catalysts and plasticizers for plastics. Benzoyl chloride, a highly reactive Hooker chemical, has these and many other applications to assist industry in being competitive through salable, profitable products. Divisions: Durez Plastics • Eastern Chemical • International • Parker Rust Proof • Phosphorus • Western Chemical



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