Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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CHEMAGINATION IN THE CONQUEST OF SPACE On the earth and beneath it are the p o w e r s that will liberate man from h i s planet. Behind laboratory windows, the chemist marshals these powers i n a million ways—building his knowledge of them, testing their might, stirring them t o usefulness. F r o m Hooker laboratories and plants come scores of earth-born products f o r the space age. A few of them are: Molten alkali salt purges the surface i m purities from titanium and stainless steel, tough missile metals. Trichlorethylene, highly purified, -washes rocket engines clean of the slightest sediment that could trigger a premature e x Sales Offices:

C H I C A G O • D E T R O I T • K E N T O N , O. •

plosion . . . yet costs no more than regular trichlorethylene used throughout industry for vapor degreasing. Fiuorocarbon o i l s reduce friction to an almost incredible minimum i n gyro stabilizers that steer a rocket. Greases made with stable fluorine provide a safe corrosion barrier i n rocket-fueling lines handling liquid oxygen. Durez plastics flow into shape as thousands of tiny components for missile guid-

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LOS A N G E L E S • N E W Y O R K • N I A G A R A F A L L S * P H I L A D E L P H I A • T A C O M A • N O R T H T O N A W A N D A . N . Y . • W O R C E S T E R , M A S S . In Canada:


ance and control systems. Solid oxidants for rockets, researched by H o o k e r in cooperation with other leading companies, give promise of important new advances i n propulsion. As industry moves into the space era, more and m o r e industries rely on the basic materials w e develop and supply in quan-

H O O K E R C H E M I C A L S L I M I T E D , N O R T H V A N C O U V E R , B. C.