Technical PR. Brochure describes firm's capability in technical public relations (PR) counseling and activi ties; the company has worked with the American Water Works Association and the Water Quality Association. Services from writing to media con tacts. DXM 184 Reactor simulation. Predictive com puter code, described in announce ment, can calculate behavior of a nu clear power plant in "off-normal" conditions. EG&G Idaho 185 Clarification enhancement. "3 Footer" brochure tells how tube settlers en hance clarification by protecting settling solids from crosscurrents, so settling is disturbed much less. Enviropax 186 Temperature controllers. Catalog ED-1 lists full line of temperature controllers with modular, plug-in Ά DIN design for thermocouple or RTD input. Ranges from - 1 0 0 to 2500 °F. Burling Instrument 187 Level gauges. Bulletin 15.10/Am lists line of electronic level gauges, level alarms, and level controls. Oil-water separation is one of many applications. AMPRODUX 188 Aerial photography. Publication M-29 addresses aerial films, processing equipment, chemicals, papers, and many other related items and topics. Eastman Kodak 189
Pressure instrument protectors. Bul letin describes pressure instrument protectors that prevent liquids from clogging or corroding delicate pressure instruments, such as gauges, switches, and the like. Dover Corp. 194 Calibrated gas leaks. Brochure lists line of calibrated gas leaks used with gas analyzers, leak detectors, and the like. Standard gases and system con nection fittings are also listed. Vacuum Instrument 195 Nuclear engineering. Brochure lists full range of nuclear engineering services for establishing and maintaining nu clear power plants. Wyle Laborato ries
Refinery wastewater. "Refinery Wastewater Priority Pollutant Study—Sample Analysis and Evalu ation of Data" shows how wastewater treatment systems reduce toxic organics below detectable limits (cost of report, $4.40). American Petroleum Institute Publications and Distribution Dept., 2101 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. Ask for Order No. 84143460 (write direct) Nuclear science. Brochure lists public policy statements and books available. American Nuclear Society, 555 North Kensington Ave., LaGrange Park, 111. 60525 (write direct)
Water purification. Brochure describes company's services for the production of ultrapure water and discusses fea tures of various water purification systems. HYDRO
Refinery effluent analysis. Trace sub stances in aqueous refinery effluents analyzed. CONCAWE Report 6/82 of June 1982. CONCAWE, Babylon Kantoren A, Koningin Julianaplein 30-9, 2595 AA Den Haag, The Neth erlands (write direct)
Wastewater treatment. Brochure de scribes complete mix basin for the aeration and clarification of waste water in one place. It qualifies for share-costed EPA funds. Mixing Equipment
Passive solar energy. Passive solar is explained by the booklet, "Living With The Sun." Cost, $1. PPG Industries, One Gateway Center, 10 North, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 (write direct)
Low-leakage valve. Bulletin 51.6:8510 describes eccentric disc control valve, suited for liquid and gas applications requiring extremely low leakage. Fisher Controls International 190
Specialty gases. Buying guide lists specialty gases in purity grades rang ing from 99.0-99.9999%. Scott Spe cialty Gases 191 Odor masking. Bulletin 30D describes advantages of Dizene emulsifiable orthodichlorobenzene as an indus trial-strength odor-masking agent and solvent. Chemical properties and health precautions are listed. PPG Industries 192 Particulate sampling training. Bro chure describes training program for those to be involved in particulate sampling; the program is for inexpe rienced people and as a refresher course. ASA Consultants 193
Our test kits are different! Ordinary kits are c o m p l i c a t e d t o use, but ours are simple. In most cases you don't have to measure the sample or even handle a reagent because t h e testing is done with dis posable, self-filling, evac uated ampoules.
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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 11, 1982