Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring

fields, such as environmental monitoring, clinical toxicology, wastewater treatment, animal husbandry and industrial process monitoring. Classical met...
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Chapter 7

Study of Bacterial Metal Resistance Protein-Based Sensitive Biosensors for Heavy Metal Monitoring 1




Ibolya Bontidean , Jon R . Lloyd , Jon L. Hobman , Nigel L . Brown , B o Mattiasson , and Elisabeth Csöregi 1


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Lund University, Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, P . O . Box 124, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden The University of Birmingham, School of Biological Sciences, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2 T T , United Kingdom 2

A capacitive signal transducer was used with metal-resistance (SmtA) and metal regulatory (MerR) proteins to construct sensitive biosensors for monitoring heavy metal ions. The proteins were overexpressed in E. coli, purified and immobilized on a gold electrode modified with self-assembled thiol layers. The protein-modified electrode was used as the working electrode in an electrochemical cell placed in a flow injection system. Both the metallothionein from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus P C C 7942 and the MerR regulatory protein from transposon Tn501 enabled monitoring of Cu , Hg , Zn , and Cd starting from femtomolar concentrations. The metal ions were bound differentially and the shape of the binding curves may sense conformational changes related to the biological roles of the proteins. 2+




Heavy metal ions are extremely toxic, and hence their determination at trace levels is an important task, not only in analytical chemistry, but also in other fields, such as environmental monitoring, clinical toxicology, wastewater treatment, animal husbandry and industrial process monitoring. Classical methods characterized by high sensitivity and selectivity e.g., atomic absorption and emission spectroscopies (7), inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy ( i , 2) etc., can be used for heavy metal measurements, but they often require sophisticated instrumentation and qualified personnel. Corresponding author 102

© 2000 American Chemical Society

In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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103 Electrochemical methods, such as ion selective electrodes, polarography etc. are also often used, since they require simpler instrumentation (3), but these are not useful at low concentrations. Biosensors, known to monitor various analytes both selectively and sensitively, have also been reported for heavy metal detection. Several electrode configurations using whole cells, enzymes or apoenzymes have been designed (46). The main advantage of such biosensors is that samples often require little pretreatment and the bioavailable concentration of the toxic heavy metal is measured, rather than the total concentration. However, a limited selectivity and quite low sensitivity characterize these sensors described in the literature. Metal-binding proteins are synthesized by many bacteria in response to the presence of specific heavy metals (e.g., silver, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, copper, mercury, nickel or zinc). Some of these are normal components of the cellular machinery (such as metal uptake proteins for copper or zinc), others are part of specific mechanisms of resistance to antimicrobial metals (e.g. to cadmium or mercury). In each case the heavy metal induces expression of the genes for metalbinding proteins under the control of a specific regulator responsive only to that metal, or a few related metals. The specificity of prokaryotic metallothionein (SmtA, expressed and used as a fusion with glutathione-S-transferase) (7) and the mercury-responsive regulator MerR (8) was exploited as the biological recognition element of a capacitive biosensor.

Experimental Section Chemicals. The fusion protein GST-SmtA and the regulatory protein MerR, were isolated and purified as described elsewhere (9, 10). Gold rods, 99.99%, used as electrode material, and 1-dodecanethiol were from Aldrich Chemicals (Milwaukee, WI), thioctic acid, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and HEPES buffer were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, M O ) and 1 -(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethyl-carbodiimide (EDC) was obtained from Fluka A G (Buchs, Switzerland). Dithiothreitol (DTT) was from Chemicon (Malmo, Sweden), and H3BO3, N a B 0 and heavy metal salts C u C l - 2 H 0 , Z n C l , H g C l and C d ( N 0 ) H 0 were all purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). A l l reagents were of analytical grade. Solutions were prepared with water obtained from a M i l l i - Q system preceded by a reverse osmosis step, both from Millipore (Bedford, M A ) , if not otherwise specified. To remove all traces of metal ions, all glassware was soaked for 3 days in 3 M H N 0 and 1 day in water before use. 2











Biosensor Design. A detailed description of biosensor construction was previously published (9); here only a brief description of the procedure is given. The proteins were

In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

104 dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (70 m M NaCl, 1.3 m M KC1, 5 m M N a H P 0 , 0.9 m M K H P 0 ; pH 7.3) containing 50% (v/v) glycerol to a final concentration of 1 mg/ml and immobilized via a thiol monolayer to the gold electrodes using E D C coupling. First, the storage buffer for the proteins was exchanged with 100 m M borate coupling buffer, p H 8.75, by ultrafiltration and readjustment of the concentration to approximately 0.04 mg/ml with borate buffer. Next, the gold electrodes were polished, sonicated and plasma cleaned, and treated with thioctic acid to form a self-assembled monolayer. The thiol monolayer was activated with a solution of 1 % E D C in dried acetonitrile for 5 h, washed with 100 m M borate buffer, pH 8.75, and placed in the protein solution at 4°C for 24 h. Finally, the electrodes were washed with borate buffer and immersed in a solution of 1 -dodecanethiol for 20 minutes just before taking measurements. Electrode preparation was performed at room temperature, unless otherwise specified.

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Instrumentation The protein-based biosensors were placed as the working electrode in a three (four)-electrode electrochemical cell (with a dead volume of 10 uL) connected to a fast potentiostat (Zata Elektronik, Lund Sweden) (9, 77). A Pt foil served as the auxiliary electrode, and a Pt wire together with a second Ag/AgCl (0.1 M KC1) served as quasi and real reference electrodes. The second reference electrode (Ag/AgCl) was placed in the outlet stream (//). The cell was arranged in a flow injection (FI) system as presented in Figure 1. Buffer solutions (10 m M borate or H E P E S , both containing 0.02% sodium azide) were pumped with a peristaltic pump (Alitea A B , Stockholm, Sweden) at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. Samples were injected into the flow via a 250 ul sample loop. The carrier buffers were filtered through a 0.22 um Millipore filter and degassed before use.

Results and Discussion Biorecognition Elements Two different proteins were used in this work, the metallothionein SmtA and the metalloregulatory protein MerR. Metallothioneins are low molecular weight proteins, which are characterized by a high cysteine content and a selective capacity to bind heavy metal ions. They have been isolated from a wide range of organisms and their properties have been studied using a great variety of analytical methods (12-14). However, there has been little use of electrochemistry in the study of the characteristics of these kind of molecules and no application for biosensor design was reported until recently (9, 75, 76). The fusion protein GST-SmtA used in this work was selected for its ability to bind several ions (Cu, Hg, Cd, and Zn), and hence was not anticipated to allow determination of individual metal ions. The amino acid sequence of this protein is known, and its

In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the experimental set-up.

In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

106 3D structure is assumed to be similar to a domain of human metallothionein. The MerR regulatory protein is encoded by the mer operon of Tn501 (8) and is highly specific for H g in its biological response. The amino acid sequence is known, but not the structure, and 3 cysteine residues are responsible for binding H g in the dimeric MerR protein (17). 2 +

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Capacitive Transducer A recently described capacitive sensor was shown to be able to detect antigens with high sensitivity (11) and was therefore considered to be have potential use as signal transducer for heavy metal detection. It was previously demonstrated that it is able to transduce the conformational change which occurs when metal ions bind to the protein (9, 15, 16). The principle of detection involves capacitance measurements made by applying a potential pulse of 50 mV and recording the current transients following the potential step according to eq: i(t)=u/R exp(-t/R C,) s


where i(t) is the current at time t, u is the amplitude of the potential pulse applied, R is the resistance between the gold and the reference electrodes, C\ is the total capacitance over the immobilized layer and t is the time elapsed after the potential pulse was applied. The working electrode had a rest potential of 0 mV vs. the A g / A g C l reference electrode. The current values were collected with a frequency of 50 kHz and the first ten values were used for the evaluation of the capacitance. s

Protein Biosensors Both protein biosensors responded to heavy metal ions over a broad concentration range, while electrodes prepared identically using bovine serum albumin (BSA) did not respond (see Figure 2.). A detailed description of the characteristics (detection limit, stability, selectivity, etc.) of the biosensors based on the two above mentioned proteins were recently presented (9). The GST-SmtA electrode binds a variety of metal ions as part of its biological function (18), while the Tn501 MerR is highly specific in its biological function for H g , having an in vitro response to H g in the initiation of the transcription about 103-fold more sensitive than its response to C d . Since the MerR protein is oxygen sensitive, these electrodes were prepared under nitrogen atmosphere, but attempts were made to stabilize the protein by adding excess D T T to the protein solution, and preparing the electrodes in air. Results presented here were obtained with electrodes prepared in air with the protein solutions containing 2 m M D T T . Comparing the relative responses of the MerR biosensor (Figure 3B) to those obtained for the GST-SmtA-based one (Figure 3A) it can be seen that MerR electrodes have higher selectivity for H g than the GST-SmtA ones which senses all four heavy metal ions. Capacitance changes are shown relative to the 2+

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In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 2. Capacitance changes for electrodes based on different proteins at injection ofCu relative to the capacitance change of GST-SmtA electrode for 1 fM Cu * (C ) considered as unit. 2+




In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 3. Capacitance changes obtained for GST-SmtA (A) and MerR (B) based electrodes respectively, for injection ofCu , Hg *, Cd * and Zn * relative to the capacitance change for 1 fM Cu (C cu*) considered as unit. 2+






In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

109 capacitance change obtained with GST-SmtA electrodes for injection of 1 f M C u (this being considered as a detection unit). In order to elucidate the binding mechanism, the responses of both biosensors were studied to the four metal ions (Cu, Hg, Cd, and Zn) across the concentration range 10" -10" M , and the effects of p H and the nature of the buffer were assessed. Although both protein-based biosensors showed a similar shape of the capacitance vs. concentration dependence for each metal ion, the corresponding curves are displaced. The GST-SmtA electrode is most sensitive for C u at concentrations below 10' M (Cu >Cd >Hg >Zn ) but becomes more sensitive to H g at concentrations above 1 0 " M , and to C d and Z n above 10~ M (Figure 3A). The slope of the capacitance curve changes at 10" M for H g , at 10" M for C d and Z n , and at 10~ M for C u . It is assumed that below 10" M each metal ion titrates the metal binding sulphhydryl and histidine groups of SmtA at different rates, the sum of the titration events for each metal ion being reflected in the capacitance curves. The dramatic capacitance change observed at higher concentrations is assumed to represent the folding of the SmtA region forming the typical metallothionein cage structure. 2 +



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The MerR electrodes (Figure 3B) were also responsive to all four metal ions at low concentrations (Cu >Zn >Cd . The change in capacitance occurs at 10" M for H g and C d , at 1 0 M for Z n and at 1o" M for C u . This is compatible with a model in which there is a change from non-specific binding of metal to cysteine and histidine to specific binding of the metal ions to the specific binding site in MerR, which is associated with a conformational change related to its gene activation function (10, 19). The capacitance changes caused by metal ion concentrations might be only partially explained conformational changes, as this occurs i.e. at 10~ M for H g and at 10" M for Z n , whereas the in vitro response for activation of transcription shows at least 10 -fold difference (19). The conformational changes caused by the metals may contribute partly, but not exclusively to the specificity of transcriptional activation by metal binding. Ongoing experiments using other metal-responsive regulators related to MerR, such as ZntR (20) are expected to clarify the observed phenomenon. The capacitive signals of the GST-SmtA electrode for the four metal ions in different buffers (HEPES and borate) at different pH values (7, 8, and 8.75) on exposure to C u and H g (see Figure 4) were determined in order to determine the effect of p H on binding. The capacitance changes obtained in HEPES were approximately two-fold lower than those obtained in borate and a decrease of one unit of pH in both buffers caused an approximately 30-35% signal decrease. Thus, borate buffer seemed to give the optimum response. However, while electrodes could not be regenerated with E D T A in borate at p H 8.75 when exposed to 1 m M C u , this could be done in both buffers at pH 8.0, confirming our assumption that the detailed mechanisms of binding might differ at different pH values. In order to assess the robustness of the GST-SmtA electrodes the regeneration of the electrode was studied using 1 m M E D T A following injection of 10" M H g in both borate and HEPES at p H 8.0. Results (not shown) indicated that the absolute capacitance in HEPES was relatively constant across 9



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In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 4. Dependence of relative capacitance changes on the nature and pH of the carrier buffer, where the capacitance change for Hg in borate buffer with pH 8.75 was considered as 100%. 2+

In Chemical and Biological Sensors for Environmental Monitoring; Mulchandani, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Ill three exposure cycles to Hg and E D T A , whereas those obtained in borate drifted slightly upwards. However, both buffer conditions allowed the use of the electrodes for several measurements. The full extent of electrode reusability, effects on electrode regeneration, and optimal storage conditions have to be elucidated more rigorously, but we have already shown that if the electrode was stored in the presence of heavy metal ions and reactivated with E D T A just before use, it displayed a stable response for 10 days (9). The data reported here indicate that not only can protein-based biosensors monitor heavy metal ions at low concentrations and across a wide concentration range, but they can provide useful information on the response of a protein to the metal, which may have a biological significance. However, the results should be interpreted with caution, as oxidation or other denaturation of the protein may alter the observed response, as was the case with MerR electrodes prepared in D T T solution compared with those prepared under nitrogen.

Conclusions The electrodes described here are not specific for a single heavy metal, but they are yielding information in the specificity of metal binding, and may suggest ways in which one can tailor protein-based capacitive biosensors to specific metals. Recently new members of the MerR family of proteins have been identified, which will be considered for further biosensor development. ZntR from E.coli has a similar sequence to MerR but selectively responds to Z n and PbrR from Alcaligenes eutrophus CH34, regulates the expression of lead resistance genes. This is highly specific in vivo for Pb(II) and does not respond to Zn(II), Cd(II), Cu(II) or Hg(II). Biosensor development using these new proteins is planned. Future work also targets testing of optimal electrode designs in both mixture of metal ions and real samples. 2 +

Acknowledgements The European Commission (project ENV4-CT95-0141), the Swedish Natural Research Council/NFR, the Swedish Institute, M I S T R A (Coldren project), and the U K Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (No. G07943) supported this work. Prof. N . J. Robinson (Newcastle) is kindly acknowledged for the gift of plasmid pGEX3X-smtA, and K.J. Jakeman for technical assistance in protein purification.

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