Chemical and Isotopic Equilibria Involving Liquid ... - ACS Publications

Viscosity of Solutions of Some. Electrolytes in Heavy Water. Anatol Selecki, Bogdan Tyminski, ... Mass Spectrometry of Perchloric. Acid and the Oxides...
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Chemical a n d Isotopic Equilibria Involving Liquid a n d Gaseous Nitrogen Oxides. Takanobg Ishida and William Spindel. P-V-T Properties of Hydrogen a n d Mixtures Containing Hydrogen. Arnold Brief and Joseph Joffe. Isothermal Compressibility of Liquid W a t e r at 1 A t m . G . S. Kell Thermal Conductivity a n d Viscos­ ity of Biphenyl a n d the Terphenyls. W . H. Hedley, M . V. Milnes, and W. H.Yanko Viscosity of Solutions of Some Electrolytes in H e a v y W a t e r . Anatol Selecki, Bogdan Tyminski, and Andrzej G. Chmielewski. Solubilities a n d Refractive Indices of Some Inorganic Salts in H e a v y W a t e r . Anatol Selecki, Bogdan Tyminski, and Barbara Mariankowska Kinetics of Reaction b e t w e e n Isopropyl Methylphosphonofluorid a t e a n d Hydrogen Chloride. James R. Bard, Lester W . Daasch, and Harold Klapper Sodium Carbonate-Bicarbonate Equilibrium w i t h M o n o e t h a n o l a m i n e Additive. M . B. Hertz, T. M . G o d b o l d , and J. A. Roth. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of, a n d Sound Speed through, Nitromethane a n d Four Bis(difluoramino)alkanes. B. O. Reese, L. B. Seely, Robert Shaw, and Derek Tegg Solubility of Lithium Bromide in Water between —50° and + 1 0 0 ° C. ( 4 5 to 7 0 % Lithium Bromide). Daniel A. Boryta.











Liquid Hydrogen Sulfide in Contact w i t h Sulfur. J. J. Smith, Dan Jensen, and Beat Meyer


Enthalpies of Combustion and Formation of l,l-Bis(difluoroamino) heptane. Ν—F Thermochemical Bond Energy. William D. Good and Norris K. Smith.


Enthalpies of Formation of Ethylenediamine, 1,2,-Propanediamine, 1,2,-Butanediamine, 2 - Methyl-1,2-propanediamine, a n d Isobutylamine. C - N a n d Ν—F Thermochemical Bond Energies. William D. G o o d and Richard T. Moore Melting Points of Ethane a n d Three of Its Deuterated Modifi­ cations. Lowell J. Burnett and Burton H. Muller

Mass Spectrometry of Perchloric Acid a n d the Oxides of Chlorine. Herman F. Cordes and S. Ruven Smith Reaction of Hydrogen w i t h Praseo­ d y m i u m a t Various T e m p e r a ­ tures. K. H. Gayer and J. J. Grunwald Reaction of Alpha-Olefins w i t h Formaldehyde a n d Hydrogen Halides. Anatoli Onopchenko and Richard Seekircher Kinetics of Methanolysis of Ben­ zoyl Chloride in MethanolDioxane Mixtures. Joan C. Biordi Weathering and Stability of Methylacetylene - PropadieneHydrocarbon Mixtures. Robert F. Huston, Cyril A. Barrios, and Robert A. Holleman Solubility of Some Light Hydro­ carbons a n d Hydrogen in Some Organic Solvents. J. A. Waters, George A. Mortimer, and H. E. Clements Vapor-Liquid Equilibria: 2,3Dimethylbutane-Methanol and 2,3 - Dimethylbutane-MethanolChloroform Systems. C. E. Kirby and Matthew Van Winkle . . . . Critical Properties and Vapor Pressures of Some Organic Nitrogen a n d O x y g e n C o m ­ pounds. Kenneth A. Kobe and Joseph F. Mathews






Reaction of trans-1,4-Dichlorobutene a n d Diethyl Acetamidomalonate. Formation of a N e w Lysine Intermediate. M. T. Tetenbaum and E. R. Degginger.


Potential Inhibitors of Cholesterol Biosynthesis Phosphonates Derived from Geraniol a n d Congeners. N. F. Blau, T. T. S. W a n g , and C. M . Buess


N e w Data Compilations





Editor, BRUCE H. SAGE Associate Editors, EVERETT R. JOHNSON RICHARD H. WILEY Manager, Manuscript Reviewing, Katherine I. Biggs


Manager, Manuscript Editing, Ruth Reynard Assistant Editor, Norma Yess Supervisor, Photocomposition, Elbert R. Brown ADVISORY BOARD Arthur W . Adamson, Richard E. Benson, David M . Mason




Diffusion Coefficient of Sodium Nitrate in Aqueous Solution a t 2 5 ° C. as a Function of Con­ centration from 0.1 to 1.0ΛΊ. H. S. Yeh and G . B . W i l l s


Viscosity a n d Density of MercuryThallium A m a l g a m s . Douglas A. Olsen, Robert E. Bunde, Richard E. Johnson, and Dwight C. Johnson.


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Organic Section


Some New Silicon-Containing Secondary a n d Tertiary Acetylenic Akohols. John Samuel Adams, Jr

Dipole M o m e n t s a n d Molar Re­ fractions of Some Substituted Cinnamonitriles. R. J. Dolter, K. W. Kraus, R. J. Reuland, G. E. Petrowski, D. J. Koopman, D. L. Whalen, J. R. Tretter, and C. M . Binz


Diesters from Trialkylacetic Acids a n d Glycols. Henry F. Lederle.


Selective Hydrogénation of the Double Bond in Unsaturated Aliphatic Isocyanates. Robert J. Knopf


Alkyl Benzyl Ketones a n d Hydantoin Derivatives. Eldon H. Sund and Henry R. Henze.


Synthesis of Five N e w Organotin Esters. John Samuel Adams, Jr.



Copyright 1970 by the American Chemical Society

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