chemical attraction - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

6 Nov 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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chemical attraction Attracting people with vigorous imagination is the powerful force in our continuing successful growth as a chemical company. So we search for exceptional people. Provide a climate in which ideas are nurtured. Shared. Rewarded. We charge them with responsibility for their professional growth. And ours. They've made us the foremost producer of acetic acid and formaldehyde. A world-wide supplier of basic bulk chemicals. Plus some very specialized ones. We combine their technical contributions with

constantly expanding physical resources. New equips ment, machines, technologies. This combination makes it possible to improve market service in existing product lines and to explore new areas of chemistry. So we can serve the markets of the future. Our search has produced sound, practical results. Exceptional people. Products. Profits. Which means exceptionally fine service to all of our customers. Celanese Chemical Company, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York, 10036. CELANESE Celanese®