Chemical Bingo: ACS-Project Seed - American Chemical Society

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chemical bingo HOWto play the game Detach the Reader's Inquiry Card at the back of the JOURNAL.Fill in the necessary information at the top. Then simply circle the number of the publications which you wish to receive. Mail the card and you're off. (Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.)



Project SEED-one of the American Chemical Society programs-is designed to help economically disadvantaged young people succeed in their studies. Specific activities include a summer program that provides high school students (usually between the junior and senior years) with an opportunity to work with a colleae researcher for a summer. and with the distribution of chemistry reference materials and equipment to educational institutions. Printed information on this program is made available . free of charge: 151 Proiect SEED Needs Your Help. A one-page flier summa;zing the program an0 its accomplishmints. six-page article covers in152 Proiect SEED-Abstract. Thms formation on the objectives of the prigram, requirements for participation, background information, and program operation: 153 Project SEED Summer Program. A one-page summary highlightingthe benefits to the student and to the faculty member involved in the program. 154 Proiect SEEDlProiect CATALYST-Survev Report. ~ u & s t1979. A 32-6age report of a survey coiducted at the Rochester Institute of Technolow. The principal objective of the survey was to discover what impact the project experience M s had on the educational and career development of the participants. CDD




Project SEED Project SEED, the American Chemical Society's social action program, supports economically disadvantaged high school students for 10-weekworkllearning experiences in academic chemistry laboratories during the summer between their junior and senior years. During the past summer approximately 130 students participated in the pmgram a t a total of 69 colleges and universities across the country. The Project SEED experience acquaints youth with scientifically trained persons who become role mudels for them. The students receive training, counseling,and a small stipend. The research project benefits from the work of the SEED student. College faculty members and staff working with the student learn more about the problems of the disadvantaged and have the opportunity t o deal with solutions to these problems. A recent non-ACS evaluation of the program found that SEED has had positive results on the careers of past partieipants. The experience was rated especially beneficial in improving participant self-confidence,increasing personal skills and abilities, and providing exposure t o advanced scientific study. The investigators concluded that SEED'S "hands-on" experience was an invaluable source of academic and career guidance far participants. Janet Boese Staff Associate. Project SEED

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Journal of Chemical Education