Chemical Bingo - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Chemical Bingo. J. Chem. Educ. , 1981, 58 (11), p 971. DOI: 10.1021/ed058p971.2. Publication Date: November 1981. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 58, 11, XXX...
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How to play the game. Detach the Reader's lnouirv Card at the back of the JOURNAL. Fill in the necessarv information at the to^. then simply circle the number df the publications which you wish to receive. Mail the cardand you're off. ( ~ ~ e a s k i ~ ~ o w 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.) The Amerlcan Iron and Steel Institute makes available to teachers, free of charge, single copies of publications and f i l m strips: 151 Flowllne of Steelmaking. An 8 X 22-in. color drawing showing how steel is made. Grades 7-12. The Iron and Steel Cookbook or How Steel is Made. Cartwn style filmstrip in full color. It describes the making of steel from mining ore to producing finished steel. 1n1 cludes sound cassette and teacher's guide. Grade - . 7-12.

The Making of Steel. A 98-page illustratedbook on how iron and steel are made, designed to provide interested laymen with enough technical knowledge concerning steelmaking. Grades 9-12.

154 155 156

Steel: A Picture Story. A 52-page pictorial essay ontoday's steel industry. Grades 5-12. Steel '80. Published bimonthly, this publication features major issues facing today's steel industry. Steelmaking Flowlines. This booklet includes several flowlines designed to give viewers a graphic impression of how steel is made. Steel and America-A New Look. This 28-min. 16 mm sound-color film combines Donald Duck animation with live action in telling the history of steel making. Includes teachers guide, wall chart, and spirit masters. Grades 5-12. Available from Modern Talking Picture Service, 2323 New Hyde Park, NY 11040. CDD

Volume 58

Number 11 November 1981