Chemical Chaperones and Permissive Temperatures Alter the

May 19, 2006 - Point mutations in the lysosomal hydrolase, glucocerebrosidase (GC), can cause Gaucher disease, a common lysosomal storage disease. Sev...
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Chemical Chaperones and Permissive Temperatures Alter the Cellular Localization of Gaucher Disease Associated Glucocerebrosidase Variants

Anu R. Sawkar†, Martina Schmitz‡, Klaus-Peter Zimmer‡, David Reczek§, Tim Edmunds§, William E. Balch¶, and Jeffery W. Kelly†,* † Department of Chemistry and The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037, ‡Universitätskinderklinik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, D-48149 Münster, Germany, § Genzyme, 500 Kendall Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, and ¶Department of Cell and Molecular Biology and The Institute of Childhood and Neglected Disease, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037


aucher disease is the most common lysosomal storage disorder, with an estimated incidence of 1 in 60,000 in the general population (1) and 1 in 800 among the Ashkenazi Jewish population (2). A functional deficiency of glucocerebrosidase (GC), a lysosomal hydrolase that cleaves glucosylceramide to ceramide and glucose, leads to the accumulation of glucosylceramide in the lysosomes of monocytemacrophage cells. Glucosylceramide storage results in hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, anemia and thrombocytopenia, bone lesions, and, in severe cases, central nervous system (CNS) involvement (reviewed in 3 and 4). Over 185 GC mutations give rise to Gaucher disease ( (5) by decreasing GC activity in the lysosome. This decrease may stem from reduced catalytic activity (specific activity), from a reduced GC concentration in the lysosome, or from both. Specific activity can be reduced directly by mutations that impair the catalytic machinery or indirectly by altering the binding of substrate or activators (6). Additionally, point mutations can cause structural destabilization, leading to non-native protein conformations with reduced catalytic activity at lysosomal pH (7). The lysosomal concentration of some GC variants is reduced because mutations compromise folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resulting in sustained molecular chaperone binding and ER-associated degradation (ERAD) mediated by the proteasome, instead of proper folding and trafficking to the lysosome (8, 9). We hypothesize that several clinically important GC variants give rise to pathology as a consequence of their inability to exit the ER efficiently, owing to misfolding

A B S T R A C T Point mutations in the lysosomal hydrolase, glucocerebrosidase (GC), can cause Gaucher disease, a common lysosomal storage disease. Several clinically important GC mutations impede folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and target these enzymes for ER-associated degradation (ERAD). The removal of these misfolded proteins decreases the lysosomal concentration of GC, which results in glucosylceramide accumulation. The most common GC variant, N370S, and other clinically relevant variants, G202R and L444P, exhibit different cellular localization patterns in patient-derived fibroblasts. We show that these distributions can be altered by manipulation of the ER folding environment, either by chemical chaperones or by temperature shifts. N370S, L444P, and G202R GC are destabilized in the neutral pH environment of the ER, rendering them prone to ERAD. Fibroblasts harboring the G202R and L444P GC mutations grown at 30 °C localize the mutant proteins to the lysosome, and this increases total GC activity. Both of these temperature-sensitive mutants appear to be stable at 37 °C once they are trafficked to the low pH environment of the lysosome. Chemical chaperones correct the ER instability and significant ER retention of G202R GC. N370S is also destabilized under ER simulating conditions, a deficiency that is corrected by chemical chaperone binding. These data clearly show manipulating the ER environment with chemical chaperones increases the lysosomal concentration of partially active GC variants and suggest that small molecules could be used to treat Gaucher disease.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. Received for review March 2, 2006 and accepted May 2, 2006. Published online May 19, 2006 10.1021/cb600187q CCC: $33.50 © 2006 by American Chemical Society



Figure 1. GC structure and function. a) Proposed mechanism of chemical chaperoning. Glucocerebrosidase(GC) folding commences when the sequence is inserted into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) at neutral pH (1). Glucocerebrosidase sequences that are deficient in folding in the ER are retained by chaperone binding and targeted for degradation by the proteasome (2). Chemical chaperones (red hexagons) stabilize the native state of GC at neutral pH by binding to it in the ER, leading to increased ER exit (3) and trafficking to the lysosome (4) by way of the Golgi complex. Lysosomal GC enzymes that are unstable in the pH 7 environment of the ER are often stable and catalytically active in the acidic lysosomal environment for which the fold and activity has been optimized. b) The structure of GC (22) and the location of the GC mutations investigated in this study. N370S (purple residue) is located in a helix in the active site domain (shaded blue) near the key catalytic residues E235 and E340 (red residues). G202R (orange residue) is located at the end of a helix in the same domain but is farther away from the active site than N370S. L444P (blue residue) is located in a separate Ig-like domain of the protein (shaded yellow).

and ERAD. We (10, 11) have shown that small molecules or chemical chaperones that bind to the active site of GC and template its folding (see below) in the ER can be 236

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used to rescue the misfolding of the most common disease-associated variant N370S, which is usually associated with non-neuropathic disease (Figure 1, panel a) (12). The N370S variant is the most prevalent GC variant in the Ashkenazi Jewish population (1:865 births are homozygous or heterozygous for this mutation) (2) and is also the predominant mutation found in other European populations, albeit at a lower frequency (13, 14). The high prevalence of the N370S mutation makes it an attractive target for pharmaceutical intervention. Aerts and colleagues (15) have reported that the catalytic activity of the N370S variant is severely impaired at pH values above 5.0. Grace and colleagues (6, 16) have shown that this enzyme has a reduced catalytic activity and affinity for various inhibitors and exhibits an increased sensitivity to detergent and phosphatidylserine stimulation relative to WT-GC. These and additional data imply that the N370S mutation affects catalytic activity, conformational stability, and the ability of saposin C binding in the lysosome to activate the enzyme. Chemical chaperones (for examples see Figure 2) are cell- and ER-permeable small molecules that bind to and stabilize the native fold of a protein in the ER, shifting the folding equilibrium away from the malfolded state (17, 18). This enables the protein–chemical chaperone complex to be trafficked to the proper protein destination environment (Figure 1, panel a). Thus, chemical chaperoning overcomes a loss-of-function phenotype, typically caused by ERAD, as long as the protein can function in its destination environment after dissocia-

Figure 2. Line drawing depiction of the chemical structures of the GC inhibitors/GC chemical chaperones used in this study: 1, N-butyl-deoxynojirimycin (Miglustat); 2, N-nonyl-deoxynojirimycin; 3, N-hexanoic acid adamantyl amide deoxynojirimycin; 4, N-pentyl adamantyl ether deoxynojirimycin.

ARTICLE tion of the chemical chaperone. Perhaps surprisingly, addition of active-site-directed cell-permeable enzyme inhibitors to cells lacking that activity of that enzyme can restore enzyme function over a given concentration range because the increased folding and trafficking of the mutant enzyme result in an increased concentration that overwhelms the inhibitor, as long as the inhibitor concentration is not too high. Chemical chaperoning can thus be utilized to increase mutant GC concentration in the lysosome (Figure 1, panel a) to levels that are widely thought to be sufficient to ameliorate Gaucher disease (⬎5% of WT levels) (4, 10, 11). Incubation of homozygous patientderived fibroblasts with 2, 3, and 4 results in a significant increase in the cellular activity of N370S-GC (11). Chemical-chaperone-assisted GC folding allows GC variants to exit the ER and be transported to the lysosome, where they remain stable after chemical chaperone dissociation due to high substrate concentrations, the binding of protein activators, and the low pH environment for which the protein fold is optimized. Chemical chaperones can thus restore lysosomal variant GC activity by increasing the concentration there and therefore may be useful in ameliorating Gaucher disease. A recent study suggests that G202R cells are also amenable to chemical chaperoning, whereas L444P cells appear to be resistant (11). However, it is important to realize that cell line specific effects could contribute, and therefore a negative result should be viewed suspiciously until several lines are evaluated (9, 19). Herein, we further evaluate whether the L444P GC variant, which leads to CNS pathology (20) can benefit from chemical chaperoning and/or lowered growth temperature. Importantly, we also address the mechanism of chemical chaperone function in the context of WT, L444P, N370S, and G202R GC utilizing biophysical and cellular trafficking studies. G202R GC is known to be retained in the ER (8, 21), and is therefore a particularly useful mutation to address the question of whether chemical chaperones alter variant GC trafficking. The G202R and L444P mutations are unlikely to directly affect catalytically important residues or ligand binding to GC owing to their remote location relative to the active site (Figure 1, panel b) (22). Moreover, the L444P mutation is located in the immunoglobulin domain of GC, allowing us to probe whether ligand binding to the active site domain (the domain bearing the N370S and G202R mutations) can stabilize GC variants bearing

mutations in the Ig-like domain by thermodynamic linkage of domain stabilities. We identify point mutations that reduce GC concentration in the lysosome by ER misfolding, mistrafficking, and degradation and show that chemical chaperones and/or reduced growth temperature can be used to increase the lysosomal concentration of these variants by restoring proper folding and trafficking. Moreover, we confirm that chemical chaperoning produces GC enzymes that are stable and functional in their lysosomal destination environment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The pH-Dependent Enzymatic Activity of WT-GC and N370S-GC. To understand the factors contributing to reduced N370S-GC activity in the lysosome, we first compared the enzymatic activities of recombinant human WT-GC (rhWT-GC) and N370S-GC (rhN370S-GC), expressed in and purified from insect cells. We also procured recombinant human WT-GC produced in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells from Genzyme Inc. (this protein is also called imiglucerase and is administered to Gaucher disease patients enabling GC replacement therapy). Even though we were unable to prepare N370S-GC in CHO cells, the GC enzymes that are available enable a meaningful comparison of the glycosylated WT enzymes (WT-GC from fibroblast lysates, purified imiglucerase from CHO cells, and purified rhWT-GC

TABLE 1. The activity of recombinant GC proteinsa Activity (U mgⴚ1)b

Glucocerebrosidase (GC)


Imiglucerase Imiglucerase rhWT rhWT rhN370S rhN370S

5.3 9.1 ⫾ 0.4 7.0 4.0 ⫾ 0.3 5.3 15.5 ⫾ 0.5 7.0 8.1 ⫾ 0.4 5.3 3.0 ⫾ 0.3 7.0 1.6 ⫾ 0.2


Iimiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC measured in the presence of 0.1% taurodeoxycholate and 0.1% hydrogenated triton X-100 using 4-methylumbelliferyl-␤D-glucopyranoside as a substrate. Data shown are the average ⫾ standard deviation of three independent experiments. bU ⫽ ␮mol of 4-methylumbelliferone released per minute.

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Figure 3. The pH-dependent thermal stability of recombinant WT-GC and N370S-GC in the presence and absence of chemical chaperones. a) Thermal denaturation curves of rhWT-GC and rhN370S-GC (4.8 ␮M) at pH 7.0 and 5.3 derived from far-UV circular dichroism spectra as a function of temperature. Data are shown from a representative denaturation experiment. Lines have been added to guide the eye. Thermal denaturation curves of b) rhWT-GC and c) rhN370S-GC in the presence of chemical chaperone 3 derived from far-UV circular dichroism spectra as a function of temperature. Recombinant enzyme (4.8 ␮M) was denatured at pH 7.0 and 5.3 in the presence of 1 equiv (4.8 ␮M) or 10 molar equiv (48 ␮M) of 3. Data are shown from a representative denaturation experiment; lines have been added to guide the eye. d) The data have been replotted to show that stabilization of rhN370S-GC by 3 (4.8 ␮M) affords a 3-N370S complex that is equal in stability to WT-GC at pH 7.0 in the absence of chemical chaperone.

from insect cells) with the glycosylated N370S enzymes (N370S-GC from fibroblast lysates and purified rhN370S-GC from insect cells) to understand the pH-dependence of GC activity and conformational stability. Imiglucerase contains a single C-terminal amino acid substitution (R495H) and a slightly different glycan structure than the recombinant human enzyme produced in insect cells (see Methods). The activities of imiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC were assessed at a lysosome-simulating pH (5.3) and at neutral pH (mimicking the ER environment) in the presence of detergents (Table 1). The activity of rhN370S-GC is reduced at lysosomal pH to ⬇1/3 of imiglucerase levels and ⬇1/5 of rhWT-GC levels. All of the enzymes are optimized for activity at lysosomal pH and are less active at pH 7.0 (Table 1). For this reason, all subsequent enzyme assays were performed under acidic conditions. A previous assessment of activities reveals the Gaucher disease associated variants (N370S, 32 ⫾ 7%; G202R, 10 ⫾ 5%; L444P, 12 ⫾ 7%) all have reduced activity relative to WT-GC (100%) in fibroblast lysates at pH 4 (11). The pH-Dependent Stability of WT-GC and N370S-GC. To assess relative conformational stabilities, thermal denaturation curves of recombinant N370S-GC and WT-GC were recorded in buffers utilizing far-UV 238

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circular dichroism spectroscopy at pH 7.0 and pH 5.3, simulating ER and lysosome pHs, respectively (Figure 3, panel a). The denaturation curves of rhWT-GC at both pH values are similar (open and filled black squares, Figure 3, panel a) and exhibit the same thermal denaturation midpoint (Tm). rhN370S-GC is destabilized by 4.2 °C with respect to rhWT-GC in buffer at pH 7 (Figure 3, panel a, filled purple triangles versus filled black squares), implying that N370S-GC is less stable in the ER, a neutral pH compartment, relative to WT-GC. At pH 5.3, rhN370S-GC is destabilized by less than 1 °C with respect to rhWT-GC (Figure 3, panel a, open purple triangles versus open black squares). Thus, trafficking N370S-GC from the neutral pH environment of the ER to the acidic environment of the lysosome should increase its stability. While the relative Tm values recorded in buffer are useful to make comparisons, the absolute values cannot be assumed to be the same in a cell owing to the distinct intracellular environment. The slope of the thermal transition appears to be pH-sensitive, as the enzyme at neutral pH undergoes a sharper melting transition than the enzyme at acidic pH, possibly because unfolding of the domains becomes uncoupled at low pH.

ARTICLE pH-Sensitive GC Variant Tertiary Structural Stability. Some disease-associated variants of ␣-galactosidase A, the lysosomal hydrolase associated with Fabry disease, have kinetic properties similar to the WT enzyme (23) but are thermolabile at neutral pH (24). ␣-Galactosidase A variants that are less stable in the neutral pH environment of the ER, relative to the WT stability, are likely to be subjected to ERAD to an extent that appears to correlate with the extent of ER destabilization. To test the hypothesis that the decreased stability of GC variants at neutral pH could also lead to ERAD and therefore loss of function, we assessed the pH-dependent stability of GC variants. While we demonstrated above the recombinant N370S GC is less stable than WT GC at neutral pH in buffer, the unavailability of the purified, glycosylated recombinant L444P and G202R human GC variants led us to compare the stability of all four sequences in human fibroblast lysates. WT, N370S, L444P, and G202R patient-derived fibroblast lysates were heat denatured at neutral and acidic pH and assayed for residual GC activity to discern whether these GC variants exhibit pH-sensitive instability. WT-GC lysates are thermostable at both pH 7.0 and 5.3 for 100 min at 40 °C (Figure 4, panel a, black diamonds) based on the complete retention of catalytic activity. L444P GC lysates also exhibit thermal enzymatic stability under these conditions (Figure 4, panel a, orange circles). This may be surprising to some as L444P is a severe mutation. However, the L444P mutation is located in the Ig-like domain of the protein, and it may simply be that the catalytic domain of this protein exhibits WT-like stability and activity while the Ig-like domain is conformationally less stable and is recognized by the ERAD machinery in the cell mediating the degradation of the entire GC enzyme. The catalytic domain of the N370S variant is slightly destabilized with respect to WT at pH 5.3 (Figure 4, panel a, closed purple triangles) and significantly destabilized at neutral pH found in the ER (Figure 4, panel a, pH 7.0; open purple triangles). The stability of the catalytic domain of the G202R variant is also pH-sensitive, with the protein retaining little residual activity at ER pH (Figure 4, panel a, pH 7.0, open green squares) and more residual activity at lysosomal pH (Figure 4, panel a, pH 5.3; closed green squares). The G202R variant is by far the least stable GC variant tested, samples incubated at pH 7.0 have ⬍5% residual activity after 100 min at 40 °C. The stability trends revealed by biophysical

Figure 4. The pH sensitivity of GC variant conformational stability probed by activity. a) Cell lysates were incubated at 40 °C, and the residual activity was measured at various time points and compared to the activity of lysates maintained at 4 °C. An activity of 1 represents activity equal to lysates from the same cell line maintained at 4 °C. b) N370S lysates were heated at 42 °C as a function of the concentration of 3. The residual activity was compared to the activity of lysates maintained at 4 °C containing the same concentration of chemical chaperone. c) G202R lysates were heated at 38 °C as a function of the concentration of 3. The residual activity was compared to the activity of lysates maintained at 4 °C containing the same concentration of 3.

experiments on recombinant proteins are substantiated and extended by the fibroblast lysate experiments, supporting the notion that the GC variants are destabilized in the ER. VOL.1 NO.4 • 235–251 • 2006


Figure 5. The subcellular localization of GC variants. a) Immunofluorescence colocalization was performed using mouse anti-GC (column 1) and rabbit anti-LAMP2 (column 2) as a lysosome marker. In column 3, the colocalization of GC (green) and LAMP2 (red) is shown in white. b) Immunofluorescence colocalization was performed using mouse anti-GC (column 1) and rabbit anticalnexin (column 2) as an ER marker. In column 3, the colocalization of GC (green) and calnexin (red) is shown in white.

Chemical Chaperone Binding Stabilizes pHSensitive GC Variants in Vitro. A variety of GC active site-binding chemical chaperones increase the cellular activity of GC in patient-derived fibroblasts including 1 (25) and 2–4 (Figure 2) (10, 11). Herein, we evaluate the ability of the established chemical chaperone, N-hexanoic acid adamantyl amide deoxynojirimycin (Figure 2, structure 3) (11), to stabilize the N370S and G202R GC variants exhibiting pH 7 instability in patientderived fibroblast lysates. Chemical chaperone 3 stabilizes both of these variants in a dose-dependent manner at pH 5.3 and especially at pH 7 (Figure 4, panels b and c). The incubation temperature was optimized for each variant. The relatively stable N370S variant was heated to a higher temperature (42 °C) to increase the amount of denaturation observed in the absence of chemical chaperone (Figure 4, panel b). Since this variant is fairly stable at a lysosome simulating pH (5.3), the added stabilization bestowed on the catalytic domain by the binding of a chemical chaperone is quite small (Figure 4, panel b, red lines). However, the addition of 0.5 ␮M 3 notably increases the stability of the N370S catalytic domain at an ER simulating 240

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pH (Figure 4, panel b, pH 7.0; cf. closed blue squares to open blue circles). Dramatically, the denaturation of N370S GC at pH 7 is negligible in the presence of 5.0 ␮M 3 (Figure 4, panel b, closed blue triangles). Since the catalytic domain of the G202R variant is less stable than that of N370S, the samples were heated at 38 °C (Figure 4, panel c). The denaturation of G202R GC at pH 5.3 is greatly reduced in the presence of 0.5 ␮M 3 and is abolished in the presence of 5.0 ␮M 3 (Figure 4, panel c, red lines). While G202R GC is substantially less stable at pH 7.0, the stability of the catalytic domain is dramatically increased at this pH in the presence of 3 in a dose-dependent fashion (Figure 4, panel c, closed blue triangles and open blue circles versus closed blue squares). In conclusion, the GC binding of 3 compensates for the neutral pH instability of both N370S and G202R GC in vitro, which should increase the amount of folded GC in the ER, reducing ERAD, consistent with the increased trafficking/activity demonstrated below. Chemical Chaperone Binding Increases Recombinant WT-GC and N370S-GC Stability. Recombinant WT and N370S GC were thermally denatured in the presence of chemical chaperone 3 to quantify GC stabilization. Addition of 3 (Figure 3) increases the Tm of rhWT-GC and rhN370S-GC at pH 5.3 and pH 7.0 in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 3, panels b and c). The Tm increases of rhWT-GC at neutral and acidic pH are quite similar at each chaperone concentration (Figure 3, panel b), whereas the Tm increases of rhN370S-GC are higher at pH 7.0 than at pH 5.3, reflecting the high pH instability of this variant (Figure 4, panel c). These data demonstrate that chemical chaperones stabilize the native state of GC at neutral pH. Significantly, binding of chemical chaperone 3 (4.8 ␮M) at pH 7 increases the Tm of rhN370S-GC by 4 °C, resulting in a stability that is comparable to that of rhWT-GC (Figure 3, panel d, blue triangles versus black squares). It seems likely that this stabilization would lead to more N370S-GC being able to exit the ER, thus reducing the extent of ER-associated protein degradation, consistent with the observed trafficking and cellular activity increases discussed below. Cellular Distribution of GC Variants in PatientDerived Fibroblasts. The subcellular distribution of the aforementioned GC variants in patient-derived fibroblasts was visualized using immunofluorescence microscopy (see Methods). WT-GC distributes in a

ARTICLE tate manner consistent with lysosomal localization. This was verified by the colocalization of WT-GC with the lysosome marker LAMP2 (Figure 5, panel a, overlap shown in white, column 3). The N370S-GC distribution looks similar to that of WT and is predominantly lysosomal (Figure 5, panel a), with the exception that there is significantly less N370S-GC in the lysosome and in the cell in general, presumably as a result of a greater extent of ERAD. Since N370S is the predominant Gaucher disease associated mutation, quantifying both the concentration and the activity of N370S-GC in patientderived fibroblast lysosomes, with and without the application of chemical chaperones, is a short term goal that requires further technology development. The G202R-GC distribution pattern is more diffuse than that exhibited by WT or N370S (Figure 5, panel a). Importantly, only a small portion of the G202R-GC signal overlaps with the lysosomal marker LAMP2. Instead, G202R shows significant colocalization with the ER marker calnexin (Figure 5, panel b). This observation is consistent with previous reports that this variant has difficulty exiting the ER (8, 11, 21). As a consequence of the marked trafficking defects exhibited by the G202R variant, this variant proves very useful for demonstrating the chaperone restoration of proper trafficking (see below) as well as permissive temperature enhanced folding and trafficking, also demonstrated below. The subcellular distribution of L444P-GC could not be discerned with confidence under these conditions, likely due to very low L444P levels in the cell (Figure 5, panel a), probably as a result of extensive ERAD. A Subset of GC Variants Are Temperature Sensitive for Folding in Fibroblasts. Many proteins that are deficient in folding and subjected to ERAD display improved folding and trafficking when cells are grown at a reduced “permissive” temperature (26–31). In order to explore the possibility that the intracellular folding and trafficking of GC variants is temperature sensitive (TS), we cultured Gaucher disease patient fibroblasts at 30 °C for 7 days. The GC activity of WT cells grown at this temperature is similar to that of cells maintained at 37 °C (data not shown). The GC activity of the N370S cells is similarly insensitive to culture temperature (Figure 6, panel a, blue versus black bar); looking at other N370S cell lines is required to discern the generality of this result. In contrast, the GC activity of the G202R cells proved to be notably sensitive to culture temperature. Cells grown at 30 °C have 4-fold higher GC activity than

Figure 6. Temperature and chemical chaperone dependent GC folding and trafficking. a) The relative activity of GC variant expressing fibroblasts in response to reduced temperature culturing, culturing with chemical chaperone 3, or a combination thereof. The normalized activity of GC variants subjected to permissive temperature growth, chaperone 3, or a combination thereof compared to the activity of untreated cells harboring the same mutation. The activity of untreated cells (black) was normalized to 1. The activity of cells grown for 7 days with 80 ␮M 3 is shown in red. The activity of cells grown for 7 days at 30 °C (permissive temperature) is shown in blue. The activity of cells grown for 7 days with 80 ␮M 3 at 30 °C is shown in green. b) Immunofluorescence colocalization of G202R and N370S GC in cells grown at 30 °C for 7 days. Protein was visualized using mouse anti-GC antibody (column 1) and rabbit anti-LAMP2 antibody (column 2) as a lysosome marker. In column 3, the colocalization of GC (green) and LAMP2 (red) is shown in white. c) Immunofluorescence colocalization of G202R GC in cells grown with 80 ␮M chemical chaperone 3 for 7 days. Protein was visualized using mouse anti-GC antibody (column 1) and rabbit anti-LAMP2 antibody (column 2) as a lysosome marker. In column 3, the colocalization of GC (green) and LAMP2 (red) is shown in white. VOL.1 NO.4 • 235–251 • 2006


cells grown at 37 °C (Figure 6, panel a, blue versus back bar). Notably, the cellular activity of the L444P-GC variant in fibroblasts is also similarly increased at low temperature (Figure 6, panel a, blue versus black bar), a striking result, given that this variant has not been responsive to treatment by various chemical chaperones (10, 11, 32) and was thought to be severely misfolded, at least with respect to the Ig domain. Distribution of GC Variants in Cells Grown at the Permissive Temperature. In order to assess whether the TS-GC variants exhibit altered subcellular distribution at the permissive temperature, cells grown at 30 °C were analyzed by immunofluorescence microscopy in comparison to cells grown at 37 °C. The distribution of both G202R- and L444P-GC in cells grown at the permissive temperature (Figure 6, panel b) is strikingly different than the distribution of these variants in cells grown at 37 °C (Figure 5). Whereas G202R-GC immunofluorescence is diffuse in cells grown at 37 °C and is ER localized, the cells grown at the permissive temperature contain punctate GC immunofluorescence that substantially colocalizes with the lysosome marker LAMP2 (Figure 6, panel b, third column). While the L444P variant is not visible in cells grown at 37 °C, it is easily detected, punctate, and is observed to colocalize with lysosomes in cells grown at the permissive temperature. In summary, growing variant fibroblasts at 30 °C (the permissive temperature) leads to increased trafficking of the G202R- and L444P-GC variants to the lysosome, presumably as a result of increased ER folding efficiency. The Interplay between Growth at the Permissive Temperature and Chemical Chaperoning. We have previously shown that N370S- and G202R-GC expressing fibroblasts are amenable to chemical chaperoning (10, 11). Culturing N370S fibroblasts in the presence of the active-site-directed chemical chaperone 3 leads to a greater than 2-fold increase in the total GC activity of these cells (Figure 6, panel a, red versus black bar). The total GC activity of G202R is also increased (4-fold) in the presence of 3 (Figure 6, panel a, red versus black bar). The total GC activity of L444P is not increased in the presence of 3, but rather it is inhibited (Figure 6, panel a, red versus black bar). Small molecules that chaperone N370S- and G202R-GC in patient-derived fibroblasts either are inhibitory or have no effect on L444P fibroblasts (Figure 6, panel a) (11), 242

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consistent with the idea that the L444P mutation destabilizes the Ig-like domain, but not the catalytic domain. We also grew cells at the permissive temperature in the presence of chemical chaperone to investigate whether the TS and chaperone effects are additive. Recall that the N370S cells do not exhibit TS. Moreover, N370S cells grown with 3 at 30 °C have the same GC activity as cells grown with 3 at 37 °C (Figure 6, panel a, green versus red bar). G202R cells grown with chemical chaperone at 30 °C (Figure 6, panel a, green bar) have roughly twice the GC activity of cells grown at the permissive temperature (30 °C) without chemical chaperone or cells grown at 37 °C with chemical chaperone 3 (Figure 6, panel a, green versus red and blue bars). In this case, the effects of the treatments appear to be roughly additive. These data imply that 3 is a suboptimal chaperone for G202R-GC. L444P cells grown at 30 °C with chemical chaperone have lower GC activity than cells grown at 30 °C without chemical chaperone (Figure 6, panel a, green versus blue bar), suggesting that the chemical chaperone is acting as an inhibitor of the L444P-GC that does make it to the lysosome. Altered Cellular Distribution of G202R-GC in Cells Treated with Chemical Chaperone. While we would like to demonstrate that the increase in N370S lysosomal GC activity in patient-derived fibroblasts in response to chemical chaperone treatment is a result of enhanced folding within and trafficking out of the ER, this is difficult because N370S is found in both the ER and the lysosome in the absence of chemical chaperone treatment. Precise quantification of the amount of N370S-GC in each subcellular location is needed to demonstrate increased folding and trafficking in the presence of a chemical chaperone, a feat we hope to be able to perform soon with the more sensitive methods under development. In the absence of these, immunofluorescent microscopy examination of the subcellular distribution of G202R-GC in fibroblasts treated with 3 for 7 days (Figure 6, panel c) versus chaperone-free control cells is easy to interpret because G202R barely reaches the lysosome in the absence of a chemical chaperone (Figure 5, panels a and b). The chemical chaperonetreated G202R cells contain punctate GC immunofluorescence that colocalizes with the lysosome marker LAMP2, in contrast to the ER localization found in cells grown at 37 °C in the absence of 3 (cf. Figure 6, panel c and Figure 5, panels a and b). The G202R-GC distribution in cells grown in the presence of chemical

ARTICLE erone looks like the G202R-GC distribution in cells grown at the permissive temperature (Figure 6, panel b, 30 °C). Treatment of L444P fibroblasts with 3 did not alter L444P-GC trafficking (data not shown) consistent with the folding defect being in the Ig-like domain. Importantly, these data and the results outlined in the next section provide the first direct evidence that chemical chaperone treatment increases the lysosomal trafficking of a Gaucher disease associated GC variant, leading to increased lysosomal enzyme concentrations that may be sufficient to ameliorate Gaucher disease. GC Oligosaccharide Processing Changes in Cells Treated with Chemical Chaperone. The glycosylation state of GC is altered as the protein matures through folding and is trafficked, offering an opportunity to monitor GC trafficking. Nascent GC is glycosylated in the ER affording a 62 kDa mannose-rich GC precursor. As the protein matures in the Golgi, reflecting departure from the ER, and trafficking toward the lysosome, the precursor is converted into a complex-glycosylated 66 kDa protein (complex GC). The mannose-rich GC precursor found in the ER is sensitive to complete deglycosylation by the enzyme endo-H, in contrast to the mature complex-glycosylated protein formed in the Golgi which is endo-H resistant (12). WT GC cells contain a mixture of complexglycosylated (mature) and mannose-rich GC (ER form), which results in a broad smear when the protein is analyzed by a Western blot (Figure 7, lane 1). Endo-H treatment of a WT-GC lysate reveals that the endo-H sensitive and resistant GC forms of GC are both present (Figure 7, lane 2). When G202R-GC cells are analyzed in a similar manner, the result is a compact band corresponding to the mannose-rich precursor consistent with its ER retention (Figure 7, lane 3), which upon endo-H treatment results in a single, endo-H-sensitive band (Figure 7, lane 4). Collectively, these results suggest that very little mature GC is present in homozygous G202R cells and that the protein that is present is the immature ER precursor form, fully consistent with the immunofluorescence microscopy results presented above. However, the glycosylation pattern of G202R-GC changes when the cells are cultured with the chemical chaperone 3 (80 ␮M) for 7 days. The protein is detected by Western blot as a molecular weight distribution (Figure 7, lane 5) and endo-H treatment reveals the presence of both the endo-H sensitive and resistant G202R-GC (Figure 7, lane 6). While chaperoned G202R cells clearly produce

Figure 7. The endo-H (EH) sensitivity of WT and G202R-GC as a means of following GC trafficking. G202R cells were cultured in the presence and absence of 80 ␮M chemical chaperone 3 for 7 days. GC was isolated by immunoprecipitation using mouse anti-GC and then subjected to EH treatment, SDS-PAGE, and Western blot analysis. WT cells cultured without chemical chaperone were subjected to the same treatment for comparison. Data from a representative experiment are shown.

less mature GC than WT cells, chemical chaperone treatment increases the trafficking of the G202R-GC from the ER as demonstrated by the presence of endo-H resistant complex glycosylated band. The Activity of a Chemical Chaperone in Vitro Does Not Predict Its Efficacy in Vivo. In order to ascertain whether cellular chemical chaperone potency and the extent of native state stabilization in vitro are related, a series of deoxynojirimycin analogues (Figure 2) were incubated with homozygous WT-GC and N370S-GC cells for 5 days. The candidate chemical chaperones displayed a range of chaperoning activities as a function of inhibitor concentration, with 2 and 3 exhibiting the best activity (Figure 8, panels a and b). Since the deoxynojirimycin analogues are targeted to the GC active site, the compounds were expected to become inhibitory at sufficiently high concentrations. While the relative chaperoning activity of the compounds was higher in N370S cells than in WT cells (note that even some of the WT-GC is subjected to ERAD as surmised by its increase in activity in the presence of chemical chaperone), the activity trends are similar (cf. Figure 8, panel b vs panel a). The butyl analogue 1 (Figure 8, panels a and b, gray circles) has no activity in either cell line, despite reports that it is a chaperone (25). The nonyl analogue 2 (Figure 8, panels a and b, blue squares) is a modest chaperone, increasing cellular WT-GC activity by ⬇20% and N370S-GC activity by ⬇60%. The adamantyl amide analogue 3 (Figure 8, VOL.1 NO.4 • 235–251 • 2006


panels a and b, orange diamonds) is one of the best chemical chaperones tested to date, increasing cellular WT-GC activity by ⬇30% and N370S-GC activity by ⬇140% over a broad concentration range. It is not functionally inhibitory up to a concentraFigure 8. Chemical chaperoning of WT and N370S GC. tion of 80 ␮M. The Chemical chaperoning profiles of deoxynojirimycin-based adamantyl ether compounds utilizing a) WT and b) N370S patient-derived analogue 4 fibroblasts. Cells were treated with the indicated compound (Figure 8, panels a for 5 days before cellular GC activity levels were determined. and b, green Levels above 1 represent elevated activity relative to untreated cells. Data shown are the average of three triangles) is slightly experiments, and the error bars correspond to the standard activating at low ␮M deviation. Lines have been added to guide the eye. concentrations but becomes inhibitory at concentrations above 10 ␮M. The media concentration at which a chemical chaperone becomes inhibitory is generally higher than its IC50 value, most likely due to cell permeability issues. Imiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC were subjected to thermal denaturation in the presence of

these deoxynojirimycin analogues (Tm values are summarized in Table 2). The Tm values of imiglucerase at pH 5.3 and pH 7.0 are slightly higher than those of rhWT-GC, possibly due to differences in glycan structure, but the trends are similar. Compound 1 exhibits no significant influence on the Tm of imiglucerase or rhWT-GC (only tested at pH 7.0, 48 ␮M in the case of rhWT-GC), consistent with its inability to chaperone in our hands. On the basis of these results, 1 was not tested with rhN370S-GC due to limited quantities of this GC variant. Compounds 2, 3, and 4 exhibit similar Tm increases despite their different cellular chemical chaperoning profiles. We did not expect the in vitro stability data to correlate with or to predict the cellular chaperone efficacy because the compound’s cellular permeability, metabolic half-life, and intracellular distribution, among other features, were expected to differ. The changes in imiglucerase and rhWT-GC Tm values do not seem to be pH dependent (within the standard deviation of measurement). Compounds 2, 3, and 4 increase the stability of rhN370S-GC at both neutral and acidic pH. While the absolute stability is higher at pH 5.3, the net stability increase due to chemical chaperone binding is greater at pH 7.0. The slight differences in Tm (all chemical chaperones excepting 1 confer WT-like stability to rhN370S-GC at neutral pH) and IC50 values (Table 3) do not satisfactorily explain the differences in the chemical chaperoning profiles of 2, 3, and 4, (Figure 8, panels a and b). It is more likely that

TABLE 2. Tm values for the thermal denaturation of imiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC in the presence of deoxynojirimycin analoguesa Chemical chaperone

Tm (°C) Imiglucerase pH 5.3

Tm (°C) Imiglucerase pH 7.0

Tm (°C) rhWT pH 5.3

Tm (°C) rhWT pH 7.0

Tm (°C) rhN370S pH 5.3

Tm (°C) rhN370S pH 7.0

None 4.8 ␮M 1 4.8 ␮M 2 4.8 ␮M 3 4.8 ␮M 4 48 ␮M 1 48 ␮M 2 48 ␮M 3 48 ␮M 4

50.5 ⫾ 0.4 51.3 53.3 54.3 54.1 51.7 56.9 58.5 58.2

51.1 ⫾ 0.4 51.4 53.7 54.0 54.0 51.5 57.1 58.2 57.9

49.3 – – 52.6 – ⫺ 55.8 57.3 56.9

49.2 – 51.9 52.8 – 49.3 55.8 57.7 56.5

48.5 – 49.6 50.8 – ⫺ 53.5 53.8 53.3

45.0 – 47.8 49.0 – ⫺ 51.7 52.4 50.6


Experiments done at pH 7.0 and 5.3. The Tm values were obtained by interpolation based on the best-fitted curves (Microsoft Excel) and standard deviations were less than 0.4 °C for three independent experiments.


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IC50 values of deoxynojirimycin analogues tested as candidate GC chaperonesa Chemical chaperone

Imiglucerase IC50 (␮M)

rhWT-GC IC50 (␮M)

rhN370S-GC IC50 (␮M)

1 2 3 4

⬎1000 1.0–3.0 0.5–0.8 0.7–0.9

⬎1000 2.0–5.0 0.9–1.5 0.8–1.5

⬎1500 3.0–5.0 0.9–1.5 1.0–2.5


IC50 values were determined using the same assay conditions described in Table 1.

intracellular ER and/or lysosomal concentration differences or differences in chaperone cellular metabolism explain the observed range of chaperoning efficacy, and we posit that this will be the typical relationship between in vitro and in cell data. Besides high affinity binding, an efficacious inhibitor has to be cell and ER permeable, it has to have a reasonable intracellular halflife, and ideally it would not concentrate in the lysosome. Lysosomal Stability of Trafficked G202R- and L444P-GC Variants. The stability of the mutant GC enzymes in the lysosome is likely to be greater than those in the other subcellular compartments due to the low pH for which the sequences were evolutionarily optimized and due to the high concentrations of stabilizing molecules such as the substrate and protein-based activators. In order to examine the stability of mutant GCs in the context of the lysosome, the TS-GC variant fibroblasts were equilibrated at 30 °C for 7 days and then shifted to 37 °C before determining GC activity as a function of time. The amount of time that it takes for the elevated GC activity resulting from permissive growth to return to the basal activity of cells grown at 37 °C (normalized here as an activity of 1) is related to the lysosomal stability of the enzyme. An enzyme that is unstable in the lysosome should lead to rapid re-equilibration to basal activity levels (Figure 9, dashed lines), whereas a stable enzyme should retain elevated activity levels for days, as the half-life of WT GC is ⬃60 h (33). Both of the TS GC variants examined (G202R and L444P) appear to have similar stabilities in the lysosome, comparable to the stability reported for WT GC (33). Importantly, these data show that at least a subset of the GC variants are stable in their

nation environment. It would be undesirable to utilize chemical chaperoning to enable lysosomal trafficking if the GC variants rapidly misfold in the lysosome after chaperone dissociation. Superior recombinant N370S stability at pH 5.3 relative to pH 7 (Figure 3, panel c) also predicts that this variant will likely be stable in the lysosome after chemical chaperone dissociation. Implications for Treating Gaucher Disease The N370S-, G202R-, and L444P-GC mutations appear to reduce lysosomal GC activity via distinct, but related, misfolding and mistrafficking mechanisms. Manipulating the unique folding environment of the ER can restore variant GC function by increasing the extent of ER folding, ER departure, and trafficking of variant GC to the lysosome, thus increasing the concentration of a partially active GC variant there. The ER plays a central role in the folding of non-cytoplasmic proteins. The efficiency of folding in the ER is mediated by numerous factors including proteins such as molecular chaperones, folding enzymes including disulfide isomerases, and small molecules such as osmolytes (19, 34, 35). Proteins that are unable to adopt a native conformation in the ER are bound in a sustained fashion by one or more chaperones, triggering ERAD (36, 37). The mechanism by which these molecular chaperones discriminate between folded and misfolded proteins is still under investigation and has important implications for disease. Numerous familial loss of function diseases are associated with mutations that lower the conformational stability of the protein in the ER and to a lesser degree in the destination environment. Many of these variants retain enough activity that if they could reach their destination environment, they would restore function (38). Unfortunately, the quality control machinery retains these variant proteins in the ER and targets them for degradation (39). The recognition and destruction of variant enzymes that are catalytically inactive, are highly destabilized, and/or are unable to properly oligomerize is clearly beneficial to the cell, as buildup of these nonfunctional proteins would likely be toxic (38). In the case of variant enzymes that retain partial catalytic activity, it remains unclear whether ERAD is benefiting the cell if degradation ultimately causes disease by loss of function. Both G202R- and N370S-GC are destabilized at the neutral pH found in the ER relative to WT-GC but are significantly more stable and wild type-like at the acidic pH of their VOL.1 NO.4 • 235–251 • 2006


destination environment, i.e., in the lysosome. It is generally accepted that the conformational stability of a protein is linked to its ability to exit the ER (40–43). While it is likely that the energetics of the protein fold and the cell-specific environment (including small molecule, protein chaperone, and folding enzyme distribution) all play a role in determining which proteins are exported from the ER, our data demonstrate that quality control decisions made in the ER cannot reflect the behavior of a protein in its functional or destination environment (19). In the case of the pH-sensitive lysosomal hydrolases studied herein, ER “quality control” is a bit of a misnomer, in that ERAD can degrade functional hydrolases, which leads to a loss of function disease. Since temperature changes influence the folding energy landscape of proteins and the physiology of the host cell, growing cells at reduced temperature has been found to facilitate more efficient folding of variant proteins (26–31). At the cellular level, the response of mammalian cells to reduced temperature is quite complex: transcription, translation, and metabolic processes are reduced and the lipid composition of

Figure 9. The stability of GC trafficked to the lysosome. The temperature-sensitive GC variant G202R (filled squares) and L444P (open triangles) fibroblasts were cultured at 30 °C for 7 days before returning the cells to 37 °C for the indicated amount of time. The activity of the cells was measured and normalized to the activity of variant cells maintained at 37 °C. An activity of 1 represents the GC activity of cells of a given type grown at 37 °C. The amount of time required to return to an activity of 1 is related to the lysosomal stability of the variant. A hypothetical curve representing an unstable protein is shown for comparison (dashed line).


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membranes is altered. Many of the net cellular physiological effects of cold exposure (reviewed in refs 44 and 45) are similar to those seen in heat-stressed cells; hence, growing cells at a reduced temperature has global effects beyond simply altering protein folding energetics. While many proteins that are deficient in folding at 37 °C show improved trafficking at a reduced “permissive” temperature, G202R- and L444P-GC are the first examples of temperature-sensitive (TS) GC enzymes. TS protein variants may be grouped into two classes: (1) proteins that remain thermolabile in post-ER compartments and (2) proteins that are thermostable after reaching their destination environment. The ⌬F508 cystic fibrosis (CF) associated mutation in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is an example of the former. Organic solutes rescue ⌬F508 trafficking to the cell surface by stabilizing the mature form of the protein (46). At temperatures below 30 °C, the ⌬F508 CFTR ion channel is also trafficked properly, and chloride channel activity is detected (26). However, rescued ⌬F508 CFTR has a short residence time at the cell surface at nonpermissive temperatures, implying that the TS folding defect persists in the mature, trafficked protein at the destination environment and that the native state of ⌬F508 CFTR appears to have a lower stability than WT CFTR at the cell surface (47). TS variants of the P22 tailspike protein fail to reach a native state conformation at 37–42 °C but traffic properly at 28 °C. In contrast to ⌬F508 CFTR, once the TS tailspike variants reach maturity at 28 °C, they remain native when the cells are transferred to a nonpermissive temperature (31). The G202R and L444P TS GC variants are also members of the second group, in that they are sufficiently stable and active in their destination environment at 37 °C. The biophysical basis for the failure of these GC variants to fold and exit the ER merits careful investigation. These results demonstrate that native-like stability of a variant protein in its destination environment is not sufficient to ensure export from the ER. Chemical chaperones have been used to increase the cellular activity of variant lysosomal enzymes associated with Fabry (39, 48, 49), Gaucher (10, 11, 32), Tay-Sachs, and Sandhoff diseases (50) as well as GM1-gangliosidosis (51). The different responses of N370S-, G202R-, and L444P-GC patient-derived cell lines to chemical chaperone treatment reflect distinct mutationdependent GC folding defects in the ER. Both the N370S

ARTICLE and G202R mutations compromise the folding of the active site domain of GC in the ER, resulting in proteins that are amenable to chaperoning by active-site-directed small molecules. While culturing N370S fibroblasts at the permissive temperature does not increase total GC activity (at least in this cell line), chemical chaperone 3 is able to correct the neutral pH sensitivity of this variant and increase its folding stability and export from the ER as reflected by the increase in lysosomal activity. In the case of G202R-GC, the effects of chemical chaperone and reduced temperature culture conditions are roughly additive, suggesting that neither of these treatments is optimized and that better chemical chaperones for G202R-GC may further improve trafficking. Asano and co-workers (49) have previously suggested that the inhibitory potency of a chemical chaperone for ␣-galactosidase A in vitro is directly related to its chemical chaperoning potency in vivo, but this trend does hold in the context of variant GC chaperoning by 2–4 (Figure 8). The slight differences in Tm (all these chemical chaperones confer WT-like stability to rhN370S-GC at neutral pH) and IC50 values do not satisfactorily explain the large differences in the chemical chaperoning profiles of 2, 3, and 4. The intracellular ER and/or lysosomal concentration differences or differences in chemical chaperone cellular metabolism are expected to dramatically influence chaperoning efficacy. Thus, chaperone binding to and stabilization of GC are necessary but are not sufficient for intracellular chaperoning efficacy. At a minimum the compound has to be cell and ER permeable, it has to have a reasonable intracellular half-life, and ideally it would not concentrate in the lysosome. The L444P mutation is unique among the GC variants characterized in this paper in that this variant destabilizes the Ig-like domain of GC rather than the catalytic domain destabilized by the N370S and G202R mutations. Binding of chemical chaperone 3 (Figure 2) to the active site of L444P-GC does not correct the folding defect of this protein, in contrast to the dramatic rescue of this variant at a permissive temperature. In fact, inhibition is observed when L444P expressing cells are cultured with chaperone at the permissive temperature (Figure 6, panel a), strongly suggesting that the stability of the Ig-like and catalytic domains are not thermodynamically linked and that chaperone binding to the

lytic domain inhibits function, probably because there is so little L444P-GC present in cells cultured at 30 or 37 °C. The inhibition of L444P-GC provides strong evidence that 3 is indeed present in the lysosome. In the case of the other GC variants, the efficacy of a chemical chaperone (e.g., 3) in improving enzyme trafficking must be substantial such that the inhibitory action of the compounds is overwhelmed by quantity of the enzyme that is rescued and is trafficked to the lysosome. Others have reported that L444P-GC fails to be chaperoned by small molecules that rescue the activity of the F213I-GC variant (32), leading to the suggestion that the proline substitution results in an unsalvageable protein conformation. The characterization of the temperaturesensitive nature of this mutation indicates, however, that this is not the case. It may be possible to develop chemical chaperones that bind specifically to the Ig-like domain of GC, which should substantially stabilize the L444P variant. Even though the GC variants studied herein are less catalytically active than WT-GC, increasing their concentration in the lysosome by chemical chaperoning and/or a permissive growth temperature may be sufficient to ameliorate Gaucher disease, based on the apparent 5% activity threshold that is thought to result in glucosylceramide storage (4). The data herein reveal that the N370S mutation may cause more problems than lowered activity and ER instability, for example, lysosomal activation by saposin C binding, not evaluated herein, also be compromised. Even though there is more to learn about the basis of GC mutant disease etiology, we demonstrate herein and elsewhere (10, 11) that it is likely that we can increase N370S- and G202R-GC activity levels to more than 5% of that exhibited by WT-GC, providing optimism that we can ameliorate Gaucher disease with this strategy. In summary, the data demonstrate that the N370S, G202R, and L444P Gaucher disease associated mutations all compromise GC folding in the ER, lowering the amount of GC trafficked to the lysosomes. Fluorescence microscopy and oligosaccharide processing analysis demonstrate for the first time that chemical chaperones increase variant GC trafficking to the lysosome, and temperature shift experiments and/or biophysical data confirm that variant GCs are conformationally stable in this unique environment. While the L444P destabilizing mutation in the Ig domain of GC cannot be chaperoned by the active site-directed small molecules discovered VOL.1 NO.4 • 235–251 • 2006


thus far that stabilize the active site domain, it may ultimately be possible to develop chemical chaperones that stabilize the Ig domain. It is becoming clear that manipulating the environment of the ER with small

molecules can enable proper folding and trafficking of disease-associated GC variants, offering optimism that these data will ultimately translate into new therapeutics for lysosomal storage disorders.


above and incubated with 0.5 ␮M or 5 ␮M 3 for 30 min prior to heating. The samples were heated at the indicated temperature and assayed as described above. The residual activity of the heated samples is reported compared to the activity of lysates maintained at 4 °C containing the same concentration of chemical chaperone. An activity of 1 indicates thermal stability under these conditions. Intact Cell Activity Assay. The detergent-free intact cell GC assay has been previously described (10). Cells were grown at 30 °C or in the presence of chemical chaperone for 7 days at 37 °C before assessing GC activity. Quadruplicate samples were prepared for each condition, and two samples were sacrificed to obtain total cell protein (Micro BCA, Pierce) because cell growth at reduced temperature is greatly retarded. The data reported are normalized to the activity of untreated cells grown at 37 °C. Immunoblotting. The cells were cultured with chemical chaperone 3 (80 ␮M) for 7 days prior to lyses of the cells in 25 mM Tris-HCl, 50 mM NaCl, pH 8.0, containing 0.5% Na deoxycholate, and 0.5% Triton X-100, and a cocktail of protease inhibitors (antipain, pepstatin, aprotinin, leupeptin, PMSF, and trypsin inhibitor). The cell extracts were immunoprecipitated using the mouse anti-GC antibody 8E4 (54) followed by protein-ASepharose at 4 °C (55). Washing of the immunoprecipitates, treatment with endoglycosidase H, and SDS-PAGE (10% acrylamide) were performed essentially as previously described (56). Western Blot analysis was done with antibody 8E4 and antimouse-HRP. Detection was done using the ECL system (Amersham Pharmacia). Temperature Shift Activity Assay. The lysosomal stability of temperature-sensitive GC variants was assessed using a temperature shift assay. G202R and L444P fibroblasts were equilibrated at 30 °C for 7 days. Plates of cells were shifted to 37 °C for 1, 2, 3, or 4 days prior to assaying GC activity using the intact cell assay. Duplicate samples were sacrificed to measure total protein in order to account for temperature-sensitive cell growth. The data reported are normalized to the activity of cells maintained at 37 °C. Recombinant Enzymes. Imiglucerase. Injection quality rhWT-GC (trade name Cerezyme) was obtained from Genzyme and was reconstituted according to the manufacturers instructions. Imiglucerase is produced in a transformed Chinese hamster ovary cell line and sequentially reacted with neuraminidase, galactosidase, and acetylglucosamidase to expose more mannose residues at the nonreducing ends of the oligosaccharide chains of the glycoprotein to improve lysosomal targeting (57). The amino acid sequence of imiglucerase differs from human placental GC by one amino acid at position 495, where histidine is substituted for arginine. WT-GC and N370S-GC. Since isolating Chinese hamster ovary cell pools or lines expressing even low levels of the N370S-GC proved to be difficult, both the WT-GC and N370S-GC were expressed in insect cells. The sequence encoding WT-GC (identical to the placental GC sequence) was amplified by PCR from cDNA and subcloned into the pFastBac-1 expression vector (Invitrogen). The N370S mutant GC was subsequently derived from the WT construct using the Quickchange PCR mutagenesis kit (Stratagene) according to the manufacturer’s protocols and was used to generate recombinant baculovirus by employing the

Cell Cultures. Primary skin fibroblast cultures were established from patients homozygous for either the N370S (c.1226A⬎G) mutation or the G202R (c.721G⬎A) mutation. Type 2 Gaucher disease fibroblasts containing the L444P (c.1448T⬎C) mutation (GM10915) and apparently normal fibroblast cultures (GM05659, GM00498) were obtained from the Coriell Cell Repositories. Fibroblasts were maintained in minimum essential medium with Earle’s salts and nonessential amino acids (Gibco) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% glutamine Pen-Strep (Irvine Scientific) at 37 °C in 5% CO2. Culture medium was replaced every 3 to 4 days, and monolayers were passaged upon confluency with TrypLE Express (Gibco). All cells used in this study were between the 4th and 18th passages. Cells that were subjected to temperature shift were grown at 30 °C for 7 days prior to assaying or plating for microscopy. Cells grown on microscope slips were maintained at 30 °C until the cells were fixed and processed. Cells that were subjected to chemical chaperone treatment were grown in the presence 80 ␮M of chemical chaperone 3 for 7 days prior to assaying or plating for microscopy. The medium was replaced with fresh drugged medium every 3 days. Cells grown on microscope slips were maintained in drugged medium until the cells were fixed and processed. Immunofluorescence. Cells grown on cover glass slips were fixed with 3.7% paraformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, Irvine Scientific). The slips were washed with PBS, quenched with 15 mM glycine in PBS, and permeabilized with 0.2% saponin in PBS. The antibodies were prepared in 0.2% saponin and 5% goat serum in PBS. Cells were incubated with primary antibodies (mouse anti-GC (52) (1:100), rabbit antiLAMP2 (53) (1:1500), and rabbit anti-calnexin (Stressgen Biotechnologies) for 1 h, washed with 5% goat serum in PBS, and then incubated with secondary antibodies (Alexa Fluor 594 goat anti-mouse IgG and Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-rabbit IgG) from Molecular Probes for 1 h. Images were captured using a Bio-Rad Radiance 2100 Rainbow laser scanning confocal microscope attached to a Nikon TE2000-U microscope with infinity corrected optics. The pH Sensitivity of GC Variants. WT, N370S, G202R, and L444P fibroblast lysates were prepared in 0.1 M citrate phosphate (pH 7.0 or 5.3) with 0.1% taurodeoxycholate, 0.1% hydrogenated triton X-100, and protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma) added. Lysates were maintained at 40 °C for the indicated amount of time and then transferred to 4 °C. The pH of all samples was adjusted to pH 5.3 before the enzyme activity was assayed using 5 mM 4-methylumbelliferyl-␤-D-glucopyranoside (Sigma) in the presence of 0.1% taurodeoxycholate, 0.1% hydrogenated triton X-100. Conduritol B epoxide (Toronto Research Chemicals) was used as a control to evaluate the extent of nonspecific activity. The residual activity of the heated samples is reported compared to activity of lysates maintained at 4 °C. An activity of 1 indicates thermal stability under these conditions. In Vitro Stabilization of GC Variants by 3. An assessment of the ability of chemical chaperones to stabilize against denaturation was performed using 3. Cell lysates were prepared as described


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ARTICLE Invitrogen Bac-to-Bac system. All recombinant sequences were determined to be free of PCR errors by nucleotide sequence analysis (Sequegen Inc.). rhWT-GC and rhN370S-GC were expressed in the baculovirus expression vector system by infection of Tn-5 cells (Expression Systems) with recombinant virus at an MOI equal to 1. Conditioned medium was harvested 48 h postinfection by centrifugation at 500g and filtered (0.22 ␮m). For purification, conditioned medium was loaded onto a butyl Toyopearl 65 °C column (Tosohaas) pre-equilibrated in 20 mM sodium acetate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 5.0. The protein was eluted in 50% ethylene glycol in 20 mM sodium acetate, 150 mM sodium chloride, pH 5.0. Fractions enriched in GC were pooled, diluted with distilled water, and then loaded onto a heparin-sepharose fast flow column (AP Biotech) pre-equilibrated in 20 mM sodium acetate, 50 mM sodium chloride, 20% ethylene glycol, pH 5.0. The protein was eluted in a linear gradient from 0.05 to 1.0 M sodium chloride. Glucocerebrosidase-enriched fractions were pooled, diluted with 20% ethylene glycol, and then loaded onto a CM-sepharose column (AP Biotech) pre-equilibrated with 30 mM sodium citrate, 0.01% Tween-80, pH 5.7. Bound enzyme was eluted in 55 mM sodium citrate, 0.01% Tween-80, pH 6.3. rhWT-GC and rhN370S-GC primarily have an oligomannose glycan structure as purified, and no subsequent carbohydrate modification was performed. Inhibitors/Chemical Chaperones. N-(n-Butyl) deoxynojirimycin (1), N-(n-nonyl) deoxynojirimycin (2), and N-(5-adamantane-1-ylmethoxy-pentyl) deoxynojirimycin (4) were obtained from Toronto Research Chemicals. The synthesis of deoxynojirimycin analogue 3 has been described (11). Determination of Tm Values for Imiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC. Circular dichroism spectra were recorded on an AVIV model 202SF spectrometer using a 0.1 cm path length quartz cell. The cuvette was placed in a jacketed cell holder maintained at the desired temperature. Temperature scans were performed at a heating rate of 2 °C min⫺1, with a 10 min pause at each temperature prior to measurement for thermal equilibration. Ellipticity at 225 nm was measured as a function of temperature between 25 and 95 °C. The data are plotted as fraction unfolded vs temperature. The heat denaturation of the protein was irreversible, as the protein precipitated under these conditions and did not redissolve upon cooling. Recombinant enzyme (4.8 ␮M protein) was dialyzed into 0.1 M citratephosphate (pH 7.0 or 5.3) with 0.1% taurodeoxycholate (Calbiochem) and 0.1% hydrogenated triton X-100 (Calbiochem) prior to thermal denaturation studies. The effect of deoxynojirimycin analogues on native state stability was tested at 4.8 and 48 ␮M. Enzyme Activity for Imiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC. The activity of imiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC (0.01 ␮M) was assayed in 0.1 M citrate-phosphate (pH 7.0 or 5.3) with 0.1% taurodeoxycholate and 0.1% hydrogenated triton X-100. 4-Methylumbelliferyl-␤-D-glucopyranoside (5 mM) was added, and the samples were incubated for 10, 20, or 30 min prior to quenching with 0.2 M glycine buffer (pH 10.6). The enzyme activity was found to be linear on this time scale. The activity is reported as the number of mol of 4-methylumbelliferone released per minute per mg of purified protein. Chemical Chaperone IC50 Values for Imiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC. IC50 values were determined by preincubating imiglucerase, rhWT-GC, and rhN370S-GC with inhibitors for 15 min in 0.1 M citrate-phosphate buffer (pH 5.3) in the presence of 0.1% taurodeoxycholate and 0.1% hydrogenated triton X-100 at 37 °C before assaying for enzyme activity. Inhibitor concentrations ranged from 10.0 nM to 1.0 mM.

Chemical Chaperone Activity Assay. The intact cell GC assay previously described was used to monitor chemical chaperoning activity (10). Briefly, cells were incubated in media treated with inhibitors for 5 days before GC activity was assayed using 5 mM 4-methylumbelliferyl-␤-D-glucopyranoside (Sigma) in 0.2 M acetate buffer (pH 4.0). Chemical chaperones were evaluated in triplicate at each concentration and each compound was assayed at least three times. Conduritol B epoxide (Toronto Research Chemicals) was used as a control to evaluate the extent of nonspecific activity. Data are reported normalized to the activity of untreated cells. Total cell protein was measured using the Micro BCA assay reagent (Pierce). Acknowledgments: This work was supported by grant DK075295 (J.W.K.) of the National Institutes of Health, the National Gaucher Foundation, Gaucher Disease Divot Classic, Grant No. 70, the Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, the Lita Annenberg Hazen Foundation, and a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship (to A.R.S.).

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