CHEMICAL COTTON - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Publication Date: July 10, 1946. Copyright © 1946 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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NATURE'S HIGH POLYMER C ^ E M G O T chemical cotton (Cellulose in its purest c o m ­ mercial £brm) i s a natural high polymer produced for manufacturers o f cellulose derivatives and regenerated cel­ l u l o s e whto p u t a premium o n strength. T h e high degree of polymerization in C H E M G O T is preserved' w i t h i n a c l o s e grouping w h i c h promotes uniformity and ease o f reactivity^. T h e increased strength in t h e finished cellulosic product its accompanied by excellent colors and clarities. C H E M C O T offers you a correct cellulose base for each cellulose c o m p o u n d . C U R R E N T USES OF CHEMCOT • Cellulose e s t e r s • Cellulose esthers • Regenerated cellulose

· Laminated products · Resin impregnations · Quality papers

C H E M C O T has a high alpha cellulose (99%) and a l o w a s h content. It is brilliantly white and absorbent and is furnished in sheets, rolls or in loose form. W e -will g i v e ycwur inquiries concerning more definitive information or research s a m p l e s our sustained attention.


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1Ό. 1946