Chemical crossword puzzle - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

1993 70 (12), p 1039. Abstract: Puzzles such as this one have made useful extra-credit projects. Abstract | PDF w/ Links | Hi-Res PDF · Letters. Journ...
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Chemical Crossword Puzzle


I. Zinc-like metal 4. Its sulfate is taken internally before taking abdominal X-rays

13. Alkaloid, C , B H ~ ~in N the , seeds of

black mustard 16. English unit of weight-about 30 g 17. Densest element 19. Insect repelled by naphthalene and

p-dichlorobenzene 20. Exnands indefinitelv unless confined


&anate group


23. To fuse ore to separate and refine the

metal 25.

-magnetic substanoea

are repelled by a magnet

Alkali metal Combining form meaning twenty Mast malleable of all metals Forme green and purple anions with oxygen 33. Diatomic free radical 34. The first transition element 36. Forms smelly (and blinding) tetroxide 38. Color of ferric thiocyanat,e 40. Produced by hydrolysir of starch 42. Abbr. molecular 43. The anti-pellagra vitamin, nicotinic arid 47. Suffix denoting state, condition, quality, or degree 48. Prepared industrially by electrolysis of the oxide in cryolite 49. Isotope of hydrogen 51. C~Hr1-gronp 53. Combustible substance 55. In the Haber process, more pressufe produces ammonia 56. Atomic number 10. 57. Gas produced when copper reacts with dilute nitric acid 58. Halogen extracted from sea water 60. Mineral separable into very thin, elsstic sheets 63. Indigo 65. One thousandth of a n inch 66. Poisonous alkaloid extracted from belladonna 70. Fungi inducing alcoholic fermentation 73. Copper hydrogen arsenite is green 7.5. Colloquial for CClr 76. Produced by catalytic oxidation of ammonia 77. Rare gas with anesthetic properties (!) 78. Prefix memine two 79. Most cammo'alksli mehl 80. Prefix indicating a substitnent turned relatively in toward the center of a ring ~ y s t e m 52. Combining form indioating hydrogen 84. AsHa 87. Matter, every part of which exhibits constant oharacteristics 88. Pertaining to an aromatic hydrocarbon gmup

27. 29. 31. 32.

Down 1. Densest of the alkali metals 2. Not bright; obscure 3. A glyceryl ester of palmitic or stearic -~ ~

acids 4. Major component of many easily fusible alloys

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 18. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25.

Black, carbonaceous mineral The slow oxidation of iron Between Cd and Sn in periodic table Direct current That is A period of existence; an age The pale of a giant bar magnet which would be pointed south if the earth's field were cauaed by it Carbonylchloride Liquid colloidal suspension Precious stone Forms slightly soluble sulfate soluble in aoids English town famous for waters containing MgS04.7BO Mixture of earth and water An edible tarus



26. Combining form i n d i c a t i n e N ~ Cor 28. 30. 35. 37. 39. 41.

-N=C=O group Its spectrum is mainly two yellow lines A chemical analysis Woody substance, (CsHmO& Susceptible to beingdisaolved Current flowing in one direction only Calcium oxide

The smallest particle of a n element Ceriumoxide Magnetic metal with blue-green salts Deciliter Prefix meaning not Corrosion resistant alloy, 70'7; Ni and 30% Cu 54. Erbium 59. Combining form indioating nitrogen or -NO2 GI. Poisonousgray element which does not melt (at 1 atm) 62. Suffix indicating two double bond* 64. Violet element 65. Maqter of Science and Arts 67. C8Hm 68. Negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration 69. Rare gaq emitting orange-red light when excited 70. Ytterbium 71. Compounds with replaceable hydrogen 72. Formula. of product of dehydration of formic acid 74. A reaction which liberates heat is -thermic 78. Named from the Greek "hard t o get at." The free element has never been isolated. 81. ice is COX 82. Used to fill dirigibles 83. Least used of the platinum metals 84. Abbr. atomic 85. Biggest alkaline earth atom 86. Used in fusible alloys and to plate steel

14. 45. 46. 49. 50. 52.

Volume 41, Number 7, July 1964
