Chemical energetics and the curriculum (Millen, D. J.) - Journal of

Chemical energetics and the curriculum (Millen, D. J.). Laurence E. Strong. J. Chem. Educ. , 1970, 47 (3), p A211. DOI: 10.1021/ed047pA211.2. Publicat...
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Ta.lbook of O.n.rol Chomlslry

11'. Sorfon Jmrt, Jr., XlrXlurry College, hbilcne, Texas. C. >lculry C'm, I . I ,l ! t ! l . xi W l pp. Ftp. nnd tal,ln. IS.5 X 26 rnm. S!t.K;.



Solvk-Selvonl lnkroctions Edited h y J. F. Cwlrm, lTnivemity of Pitt4,urah, Permsylvanin, and ('nA,in I). I l i l d i r , State Ynivenity of Sew York nt Duffnlo. .\larcel I)ekkcr, Inc., New York, l!I6!4. siv Flil pp. Figs. and tables. I t i X 2 X e m . 5'-')..511.


Mo*t of t h r text of this recw~rledition of !'nlfPSor \ l n h ~ l l ' * well I M ~ W I M I " l T s i v r r 4 y Chvnni*try" is !llWhlWg~l I I t f I I i t i n IIrvnu*~ of this the ilrtxil~11nnd r.wnplrtr rcvirw of the lint wIiti8~n given lsy l ' r h w ~ r Tobix* (J. CIIP v , l~:nvr.,4?, %.5 ) i* Inrecly applirnlvlr I n 1his nrw liti inn. WP IF I nre w n w chnnges in this edition lhnl nre r n r l h nding, hnwewr. One ir thnt i t Ian.; l w n prinlrcl lnsleftllly I . A mwe a n t t l i l y in I signifivnnt I'hnngr i* thnt rhnptrr* WI rn~,lcwlnr orl,itnl- and I>iwhcmirtryhnve h w n ndclnl. TIIF lntler 4 n p l r r r o n t ~ i l w much i n t ~ r ~ i t i n mntrrizd g nnd thwe i n ~ t r ~ w t wr sh n f w l th:kt t h ~ i rstwl~wts ~ h n u l dl w told ~ ~ m ~ t01h the i ~~ ~ h rg mivnl ayctrmr the1 m e of prr.onnl importnnrr t t ill I it. Thc r h n p t ~ r on m n I w ~ ~ lnrlitaI< :~r i s 1101 nn integral pnrl r ~ the f hook Iwt shnuld prove t c t l w instrtlcfun who tin111 of I r n c f i l I n ~IIOSC writtrt, nmtrrinl nvnilnldc to theirrturlcnt* in !hi< m e n . the more nblu X~I~PIII. T l w grmt xtreapth nf the Irmk l i w 'I'hcrc arc far t w many imp>rtsnt and i n i l s r.:,rcful nnd p r r w p t i v r trmtrnenl nf thorc q!~nntilnlivrw p w l x of phyri