Chemical energetics and the curriculum (Millen, DJ) - ACS Publications

to wonder just what its various authors had in mind ... of textbook writers over the past fifty. Vean, "This ... this book is certainly one of the bes...
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Ta.lbook of O.n.rol Chomlslry

11'. Sorfon Jmrt, Jr., XlrXlurry College, hbilcne, Texas. C. >lculry C'm, I . I ,l ! t ! l . xi W l pp. Ftp. nnd tal,ln. IS.5 X 26 rnm. S!t.K;.



Solvk-Selvonl lnkroctions Edited h y J. F. Cwlrm, lTnivemity of Pitt4,urah, Permsylvanin, and ('nA,in I). I l i l d i r , State Ynivenity of Sew York nt Duffnlo. .\larcel I)ekkcr, Inc., New York, l!I6!4. siv Flil pp. Figs. and tables. I t i X 2 X e m . 5'-')..511.


Mo*t of t h r text of this recw~rledition of !'nlfPSor \ l n h ~ l l ' * well I M ~ W I M I " l T s i v r r 4 y Chvnni*try" is !llWhlWg~l I I t f I I i t i n IIrvnu*~ of this the ilrtxil~11nnd r.wnplrtr rcvirw of the lint wIiti8~n given lsy l ' r h w ~ r Tobix* (J. CIIP v , l~:nvr.,4?, %.5 ) i* Inrecly applirnlvlr I n 1his nrw liti inn. WP IF I nre w n w chnnges in this edition lhnl nre r n r l h nding, hnwewr. One ir thnt i t Ian.; l w n prinlrcl lnsleftllly I . A mwe a n t t l i l y in I signifivnnt I'hnngr i* thnt rhnptrr* WI rn~,lcwlnr orl,itnl- and I>iwhcmirtryhnve h w n ndclnl. TIIF lntler 4 n p l r r r o n t ~ i l w much i n t ~ r ~ i t i n mntrrizd g nnd thwe i n ~ t r ~ w t wr sh n f w l th:kt t h ~ i rstwl~wts ~ h n u l dl w told ~ ~ m ~ t01h the i ~~ ~ h rg mivnl ayctrmr the1 m e of prr.onnl importnnrr t t ill I it. Thc r h n p t ~ r on m n I w ~ ~ lnrlitaI< :~r i s 1101 nn integral pnrl r ~ the f hook Iwt shnuld prove t c t l w instrtlcfun who tin111 of I r n c f i l I n ~IIOSC writtrt, nmtrrinl nvnilnldc to theirrturlcnt* in !hi< m e n . the more nblu X~I~PIII. T l w grmt xtreapth nf the Irmk l i w 'I'hcrc arc far t w many imp>rtsnt and i n i l s r.:,rcful nnd p r r w p t i v r trmtrnenl nf thorc q!~nntilnlivrw p w l x of phyri