chemical engineering aspects of fluid. dynamics - ACS Publications

degree ofcross-fertilization of ideas andapplication. In some fields, such as magnetohydrodynamics, mathemati- cal analysis is intimately associated w...
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CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF FLUID DYNAMICS Broad ayeas of activit3, are found in single- and mult@hase systems. Cross-fertilization of ideas among mathematical, empirical, and hardwaredesign approaches is increasing ancient art of fluid flow engineering and the Themodern mathematical science of fluid dynamics continue their independent progress, but with an increasing degree of cross-fertilization of ideas and application. I n some fields, such as magnetohydrodynamics, mathematical analysis is intimately associated with most of the physical successes. I n other areas, such as fluid-solid interactions, the relationship between theory and practice remains generally remote, although even here an important connection is occasionally established, as in the boundary layer concepts (72A) that reflect on the separating ability of cyclones. I n this review, directed primarily to the chemical engineer who is not a fluid dynamics theoretician, references to many aspects of turbulence and boundary layer structure have been omitted, except for those studies which are so basic as to suggest new approaches to engineering problems, or which provide illumination for important engineering problems. One of several areas of increasing activity has been the establishment of principles of similitude and of scaling-up of model phenomena as a tool for predicting flow through complex configurations. Flows through and about various simple geometries have proved fertile sources of both theoretical and applied knowledge. During the period reviewed, annuli and cyclones were the configurations most frequently studied, the former being the subject of investigations dealing with turbulence, drag, non-Newtonian flow, and nonhomogeneous flow, among other topics. Magnetohydrodynamics continued to be of increasing importance, and despite the primary concern with electrical generation and plasma physics, a number of recent publications deal with basic phenomena of energy conversion and other concepts important in chemical engineering fluid flow. A wide variety of equipment was subjected to individual studies of flow performance. Interest in mechanics of sieve plate and other types of perforated phase-

contacting trays was especially noted in Polish, Russian, and Japanese literature. Research in fluid meters was fairly equally distributed between utilization of present industrial devices and extension of novel methods such as ultrasonic transducers and Pirani gage arrays. Analysis of flow through fixed beds continued a t a moderate pace. Some interest was shown in tower packings, but most of the activity that occurred during the past year was in porous materials and consolidated structures such as those of interest to geologists. Although pressure drop and similar phenomenological studies are still important, fluidized bed research has become more sophisticated with increasing attention being directed to interparticle reactions, agglomeration, and particle and gas distributions. A report on progress in basic fluidization science (20) provided a detailed review of the subject through the early part of 1962. The entire field of multiphase flow exhibited the vigorous activity which has been characteristic of it in recent years. A large part of the Third Congress of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering ( 5 F ) was devoted to sessions dealing with fluidization, particle separation, and other aspects of the interaction between fluids and solids. Another segment of the multiphase flow topic, that of gas-liquid systems, was the subject of an extensive review (78E) by an investigator into the science of the boiling-water nuclear reactor. I n the hardware phase of fluid flow, progress may be noted in the development of new piping material and new pumps. Standardization of pump dimensions has again been advanced by several manufacturers and by the revival of an industry-wide committee ( I IH) . Fluid dynamics research was quite prolific during the past two years. The bibliography cited in this review has been selected as most representative of current chemical engineering interest as reflected in about 1000 recent publications in the field. The period reviewed was principally from January 1962 to April 1963, although some foreign publications in 1961 were included. The large number of references and the short interval covered preclude any exhaustive evaluations. The articles specifically mentioned in the following sections were selected either because of their particularly interesting conclusions, or because they were representative of the most active areas in their fields. Tables are provided to clessify the other items cited in the bibliography. VOL. 5 6

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Single-phase Flow

Fundamental and Applied Analysis. Although most fluid engineering research is devoted to analyzing complex geometries, unsteady state flow systems, and the behavior of anomalous fluids, the more prosaic systems are certainly not completely solved problems. When Hartnett, Koh, and McComas ( 3 1 A )reviewed the literature on friction factors for flow through rectangular ducts, they found that most of the investigations previously reported dealt with limited ranges of flow rate or duct shape. As a result of their investigation, they could report on the accuracy of theoretical approaches and that the circular tube correlation could be used with confidence for any aspect ratio rectangular duct and for Reynolds numbers between 6 X lo3 and 5 X 105. One of the more basic of a number of articles that have appeared on flow modeling of processing equipment, such as heat exchangers ( 3 7 4 43A) and absorption columns (.30A, 70A), is a method presented by Levenspiel (41A) in which real vessels are represented by interconnected regions of different modes of flow, such as dead-water, back-mixing, and plug flow. T h e major difficulties in the engineering of nonNewtonian fluid systems are generally attacked by consideration of the various specific types of anomalies covered by the term non-Newtonian. A new equation was offered by Wolff (88A) to describe the viscosity of solutions of macromolecules. This equation has several advantages in mathematical and experimental manipulations. Other types of anomalous behavior are produced by elasticity, a property whose measurement, effects, and origin were discussed by Philippoff (54A). Several papers dealt with spatially varying (3A) and temporally varying ( 1 4 4 , 364 78A) flows, and one related frequency and amplification rates between the two types of disturbances (244). An interesting method of circumventing many of the mathematical difficulties which frequently arise in the engineering of such unsteady states is a graphical treatment which was used by Benson ( 6 A ) to analyze the passage of a transient flow through a branching pipe system. Most chemical engineering interest in vortex flow arises from the use of the cyclone separator to remove particulate matter from fluid phases, as discussed in the Multiphase section of this review. A great deal may be learned, however, from considerations of single-phase flow through cyclones, such as the work of Smith (7211) which demonstrated that boundary layer separation, induced by radial flow, generates high turbulence and poor particle separation in a symmetric cyclone. An interesting application of fluid dynamics development to problems involving other dynamic processes is the work of Knudsen (39A) who attempted to apply the j-factor analogy between fluid flow and heat transfer to turbulent flow in annuli. He found that a workable Murray Weintraub i s Chemical Research Engineer at the Pittsburgh Coal Research Center, Bureau of Mines, U. S. Deftartment of the Interior, Pittshur~qh,Pa. HP has authored the I B E C Fluid Dynamics Annual Reviews since 1951.




analogy could be developed from Rothfus' analysis of separate friction factors for each surface of the annulus. Although many of the mathematical investigations into the microscale description of such phenomena as boundary layers and turbulence structure are far removed from immediate engineering application, a number of such studies lead to an improved qualitative understanding of the gross behavior of fluid systems. Among such research may be mentioned that of Gill and Del Casal (Z5A) on flow instabilities produced by natural convection and that of Reynolds ( M A ) on instabilities produced by changing geometries. Other turbulence studies of interest include the mathematical demonstration by Sternberg (77A) that turbulence dissipation is continuous to the wall, the exposition by Sarpkaya and Garrison (65'4) of the growth End motion of vortices within wakes of accelerated flows, and the experimental study by Croop and Rothfus (76-4) of friction during transitional flow in annuli, An even more intimate association between theory and application is found in papers relating to jet flows and to the problem of jet stability .cvhich have been the cause of some recent controversies. A valuable contribution toward the reconciliation of variously reported transition parameters was presented by Reynolds (60A) who showed experimentally that five different modes of ,jet breakdown occur sucwssively as the Reynolds number increases from 11 to 300. Other fields of study in which engineering practice is closely associated with theoretical developments include magnetohydrodynamics recently reprecented by the work of Swift-Hook and \Yright (80A). whose equations establish the minimum length or volume of a duct for optimum MHD output; and low pressure flows, where the generalized mean free path concept of Muckenfuss (,51A) has basic experimental connotations. A4dditional items in the bibliography that relate to single-phase flow are classified in Table I. Metering. Turbulence and boundary layer structure are two of the many flow parameters that affect the accuracy of most flow meters, although sensitivity to these conditions varies with instrument design. The effect of turbulence on current meters (4%) was the subject of one study in an extensive series of investigations on this type of meter reported by the International Current Meter Group. The limits of accuracy of Venturi meters were shown by Numachi and others (7OB) to be frequently dependent upon the onset of cavitation and hence upon upstream pressure and throat conformation. Another aspect of the sensitivity of Venturis to boundary layer structure was the demonstration (75B) that critical flows can be calculated accurately through Venturis if the standard design is altered so that boundary laver development may be precisely predicted. Fixed Beds

New correlations and data have appeared for pressure drop through microcapillaries ( X ' ) , saddles (4C), spheres (ZC, 9C), and Raschig rings ( 8 C ) , but attempts to generalize were discouraged by Quinton ( ? I C ) who

Friction factor measurements Equipment modeling Open channel flow Low pressure and slip flow Nonisothermal flow Non-Newtonian effects Non-Newtonian annular and boundary layer flows Cyclones and vortex structure Application to heat and mass transfer Boundary layer Boundary layer control Mathematical expressions Experimental techniques Roughness effects Convection effects Boundary and stream energy distribution Effect of acoustic field Hydraulic analogy for compressible flow Mathematical analyses of turbulence and drag In flow through annuli In flow over various geometries

Laminar-turbulent transition Magnetohydrodynamics Jet stability, geometry, etc. (not motive power) Molecular relations and flows, as mean free paths, mixture viscosity, etc. Differential head devices Orifices Nozzles Pitots Lo-loss tube Vane, propellers, and turbines Approach factor. Controllers Miscellaneous techniques Ultrasonics Photographic Hot wire Pirani array Vibrating diaphragm Chemical dilution

7 7A 33A, 35A 7A, 18A, 32A, 38A 68A, 74A 45A, 84A 72A, 6 4 A , 8 5 A , 8 6 A 53A, 63A 9A, IOA, 55A, 59A, 76A 73A, 79A, 23A, 79A, 83A

20A 5A, 73A 27A,47A, 87A 40A 75A

Gilliland and others (5C), they are frequently of considerable importance. Additional bibliographic items dealing with both fixed and fluidized beds of solids are classified in Table 11. Fluidization

Attempts to resolve the similarities, differences, and transition between aggregative and particulate fluidization were made by Simpson and Rodger (270). Most studies, however, concentrated on gas-fluidized beds. Zabrodsky (270) developed a model of fluidized bed structure which explains how poorly fluidized, highly aggregated beds may exhibit low heat transfer, even though local conditions corresponded to high heat transfer coefficients. Richardson and Smith ( 7 9 0 ) found that the presence of solid particles in suspension increased heat transfer to flowing liquids, but the increase was not as great as a simply additive effect of a liquid-fluidized system. TABLE II.

28A,44A, 69A 56A



57A,87A,82A,89A 7A, 2A, 22A, 67A 27A, 29A, 42A, 67A, 77A 77A, 75A, 26A, 52A, 62A 4A, 46A, 48A, 50A


8B, 74B 16B 17B 7B 3B, 73B, 77B 7B, 79B 2B 6B 9B 788 72B 5B 208

6C, 7C, 70C, 14C

tures Dispersion and displacement in consolidated structures Porous-walled tubes

72C, 73C 7 5C

Interparticle effects: drag, agglomeration, etc. Particle and gas distribution and residence Heat transfer, blending, and other unit operation effects Coating, drying, and other processes

40, 5D, 760, 20D 6D-8D, IOD, 23U 77D, 75D, 7 7 0

70,7 2 0 , 7 4 0 , 7 8 0 , 2 5 0

An analysis of the residence times of particles in a fluidized reactor with continuous solids feeds was made by Yagi and Kunii (260). When these investigators applied their analysis to the development of equations for the chemical conversion of the solids, they obtained correlations which effectively described data for four different chemical processes. Multiphase Systems

Two Fluid Phases. Flow of mixtures of two fluid phases is affected by a number of factors which do not ordinarily appear in single-phase systems. Gibbons and others ( 9 E ) studied the rate of rise of benzene drops in water and suggested that the changes in the drag coefficient that occurred upon addition of surface active agents could be attributed to the resultant changes in shape, in internal circulation, and in surface roughness. Flow and pressure drop in the steam-water system is sensitive to flow distribution, as evidenced in eccentric annuli studied by Levy (76E) and in drag on immersed objects investigated by Bradfield ( 7 E ) . VOL. 5 6


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As part of an extensive symposium on two-phase flow, Nicklin and Davidson (22E) reported their data on the transition from slug flow to semiannular flow in a vertical tube, They found that their measurements could be correlated with liquid velocity and length of slug. Flow of two fluid phases and other aspects of multiphase flow are further described in Table 111. TABLE I I I . ADDITIONAL REFERENCES ON M U LT I PHASE SYSTEMS

Mixture densities Annuli and packed beds Liquid-liquid Emulsion flow Stratified flow Bubble and drop dynamics Bubble and drop rise Bubble formation


l l E , 12E 25E 20E 21E 13E, 1gE 3E, 6E, 1OE

4E 5E, 7E. 17E 23E, 26E 14E, 75E 2E, 8E, 24E

l l F , 73F 9F 8F, 14F, 78F

15F, 16F, 29F 1OF lF, 6F, 12F 4F, 20F: 23F, 28F 22F, 25F, 27F 31F 2F. 79F 2G, 8G 7G 4G

Solid-Fluid Transport. Some new basic data were presented on friction losses in specific systems (3F, 28F), but the utility of such data suffers from lack of a dependable general correlation Two new correlations were presented (7F.3 0 F ) , one ( 3 0 F ) apparently successfull) describing the data of four independent groups of investigators who studied a particle range from 50 to 2000 microns and a pipe diameter range from to 24 inches. A more fundamental approach was that of Thomas (26F)who combined new data on two sizes of particles with previously derived data to establish a unique minimum transport velocity for particles larger than the thickness of the laminar sublayer. Another interesting relation between fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer is that demonstrated bv 46


Saeman (21F) who developed an interrelation of the processes in rotary dryers. Several investigators have reported that solid particles attain velocities which are proportional to the fluid yelocities, whereas others have reported a constant difference between solid and fluid. A theoretical analysis by Staniiard ( 2 4 F ) showed that both of these results are consistent kvith his theory, the difference in the phenomena being attributable to the presence or absence of electrostatic charges on the particles. Another type of approach to solid-liquid transport is the analysis of the system as a homogeneous nonNewtonian fluid. This approach can sometimes be quite successful, as Michaels and Bolger ( 7 7 F ) showed when they not only correlated shear stress us. shear rate for a series of kaolin suspensions, but used their results to explain the microstructure of the fluid. Solid-Fluid Separation Processes. The two dynamic processes most penerally used Cor separation of particuldtc matter from suspensions are gravity separation a i d centrifugal force. -4s contributions to the first of these maybe mentioned the work of Brenner (7G) and of Skittery (6G) on forces opposing sedimentation. An extensive investigation into some of the basic parameters of hydraulic cyclone design was reported by Fontein and others (3G), while Kozulin and Ershov (SG) investigated the intriguing fact that the presence of solids reduces pressure drop through a gas cyclone. Mechanical Construction and Design

One of the more difficult problems in the prediction of pump performance is the translation of cavitation phenomena from one piece of equipment to another. Stepanoff and Stahl (28H)provided such a criterion expressed in terms of impeller design elements. This criterion was claimed to be applicable between pumps of different specific speeds and other operating factors. Pump performance was the subject of a number of papers listed in Table 111, but an interesting \‘EM’’ point was presented b>-Pavluch (24H). He called attention to the efforts to improve the efficiency of pumps by design ; much of the energy saved is eventually discarded in regulating s)-stems. Pavluch compared methods of regulation, such as valves and hydraulic couplings. Wood (36H) pointed out another source of economic loss when he showed several areas where the performance TABLE IV. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES ON MECHANICAL PROBLEMS Cavitation criteria and effects Pump and fan blade design New pump designs Pump srlection Pump performance New piping materials High pressure construction Filters, valves, and gaskets Pipe sizing for boilers Pipe flexibility analysis Ejectors and high vacuum pumps

,5H>15H, 26H, 30H, 35H

SH, 31H 6H. 8H,16H, 19H 7H, 3.3H 23H, 27H 12H, 74H 78H, 25H IOH, 22H, 32H 27H 29H I H , 2H, 13H, 17H, 20H

of radial flow turbines is equal to that of the more expensive designs which are usually used. Use of ever higher pressures warranted an extensive review by Wilson (34H) of construction and applications of vessels and compressors for service up to 200,000 p.s.i. Another field of expanding industrial interest is the use of plastics in piping material. Baird (3H) discussed the economic evaluation and selection of various thermoplastics in terms of chemical resistance, and thermal and mechanical properties. Also exhibiting increasing activity is the area of high vacuum pumping. Cryogenic pumping, or the use of cold to condense or otherwise trap gas molecules, is often used for large installations. A discussion of the use of molecular sieves in cryogenic pumps was presented by Bannock (4H)who described the choice of material and of operating conditions. Table IV provides a summary of additional references on mechanical problems associated with fluid flow. REFERENCES Single-phase Flow (1A) Abbott,D.E.,Kline, S. J.,J. BasicEng. 84,317 (1962). (2A) Abernathy, F. H., Ibid., p. 380. (3A) Barbin, A. R., Jones, J. B., Ibid., 85, 29 (1963). (4A) Batchelor, G. K., Gill, A . E., J . FIuid Mech. 14, 529 (1962). (5A) Benedict, R . P., Steltz, W. G., J . Eng. Power 84, 49 (1962). (6A) Benson, R . S., Motortech. Z. 23, No. 1, 10 (1962). (7A) Bogdanov, G . G., Gidrotekhn. Stroil. 92, No. 4, 42 (1962). (8A) Bourdillon, J., Compt. Rend. 255, 512 (1962). (9A) Bradley, D., “The Determination of Tangential Velocities in Hydraulic Cyclones,” AERE-R 4027,United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 1962. (10A) Brooks, Benjamin T., J . FluidMech. 14,593 (1962). (11A) Carabateas, E. N., Hatsopoulos, G. N., J . Appl. Mech. 29,568 (1962). DEVELOP.2, 62 (1963). ( 1 2 4 Charm, S. E., INn. ENC. CHEM.,PROC.DESIGN (13A) Christiansen, E. B., Craig, S. E., Jr., A.I.Clr.E. J . 8, 154 (1962). (14A) Cohen, H.,Tu, Yih-O., J . Baric Eng. 84, 593 (1962). (15A) Cole, G. H . A , , Phys. Fluids 5, 628 (1962). (16A) Croop, E. J., Rothfus, R . R., A.I.CI1.E. J . 8, 26 (1962). (17A) Damiani, A,, Giorn. Genio Ciuile 99, No. 1, 60 (1961). (18A) Engel, F. V. A,, Stainsby, W., Engineer (London) 212, No. 5514, 513 (September 1961). (19A) Evans, L. B., Churchill, S. W., Chem. Eng. Progr. 58, No. 10, 55 (1962). (20A) Favre, A,, Dumas, R., Verollet, E., “Boundary Layer Above a Porous Airfoil With Suction,” Publ. Sci. Tech. Min. Air France 377, 1961. (21A) Fisher, H., Fritzsche, A,, Chem. Ing. Tech. 34, 118 (1962). (22A) Fox, R. W., Kline, S. J., J . Basic Eng. 84, 303 (1962). (23A) Gambill, W. R., Bundy, R. D., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Paper 62-HT-42, A.1.Ch.E. Heat Transfer Conference, Houston, Tex., Aug. 5 , 1962. (24A) Gaster, M., J . Fluid Mech. 14,222 (1962). (25A) Gill, W. N., Del Casal, E., A.I.Ch.E. J . 8, 513 (1962). (26A) Gold, R . R., J . Fluid Mech. 13, 505 (1962). (27A) Greenspan, H . P., Benney, D. J., Ibid., 15, 133 (1963). (28A) Gukhman, A. A,, Intern. J . Heat Mass Trans. 5 , 889 (1962). (29A) Hanks, R . W., Christiansen, E. B., A.I.Ch.E. J. 8, 467 (1962). (30A) Haiada, M., Adachi, M., Eguchi, W., Nagata, S., Kagaku Kognku 26, 856 (1962). (31A) Hartnett, J. P., Koh, J. C. Y., McComas, S. T., J. Heat Transfer 84, 82 (1962). (32A) Hlavek, R., Houille Blanche 16, No. 4, 469 (1961). (33A) Holland, F. A,, Chem. Eng. 69, No. 29, 71 (1962). (34A) Hoyt, J. W., Appl. Mech. Res. 15, 419 (1962). (35A) Hubbard, E. H., J . Inst. Fuel 35, 160 (1962). (36A) Jones, C., Jordan, D. W., Brit. J . AppI. Phys. 13, 420 (1962). (37A) Kazakevitsch, F. P., Teploenerg. 8, No. 1, 56 (1961). (38A) Kevalenko, E.P., Inzh. Fir. Zh. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR 4, No.4, 55 (1961). (39A) Knudsen, J. G., A.I.Ch.E. J . 8, 565 (1962). (40A) Konobeev, V. I., Shavoronkov, N. M., Intern. Chem. Eng. 2, No. 3, 431 (1962). (41A) Levenspiel, O., Con. J . Chem. Eng. 40, 135 (1962). (42A) Lindgren, E. R., ArkiuFysik 18, 449 (1961). (43A) Linke, W., Dia, T., Skupinski, E., Allgem. Waermeiech.11, No. 2, 19 (1962). (44A) Logan, E., Jr., Jones, J. B., J . Bnsic Eng. 85, No. 1, 35 (1963). (45A) Lothholz, W. K., Chem. Eng. 70, No. 1, 89 (1963). (46A) Maczyriski, J. F. J., J . Fluid Mech. 13, 597 (1962). (47A) Mark, H., Mirtich, M. J., Jr., Phys. Fluids 5 , 251 (1962). (48A) Middleman, S., Gavis, J., Ibid., 4, 963 (1961). (49A) Miles, D. O., Ibid., 4, 1482 (1961). (50A1 Miller, D. R., Chem. Eng. Progr. 5 , No. 4, 77 (1962).

(51A) Muckenfuss, C., Phys. Fluids 5 , 165 (1962). (52A) Napolitano, L. G., Contursi, G., “Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics” (Bibliography I ) , Pergamon Press, New York, 1962. (53A) Narasimhan, M . N. L., Appl. Sci. Res. 10, No. 6, 393 (1961). (54A) Philippoff, W., “Progr. Intern. Res. Thermodyn. Transport Properties,” p . 698, 2nd Symp. Thermophys. Properties, Princeton, N. J., 1962. (55A) Pilgrim, R. F., Ingraham, T. R., Can. J . Chem. Eng. 40, 169 (1962). (56A) Prudy, K . R., Jackson, T. W., Gorton, C. W., Am. SOC.Mech. Engrs., Paper 62-WA-116, Annual Meeting, New York, 1962. (57A) Redberger, P. J., Charles, M . E., Can. J . Chem. Eng. 40, 148 (1962). (58A) Reynolds, A. J., J . Fluid Mech. 13, 333 (1962). (59A) Ibid., 14, 18 (1962). (60A) Ibid., 14, 552 (1962). (61A) Robertson, J. M., Clark, M. E., J. AerosflaceSci. 29, No. 7, 842 (1962). (62A) Roidt, M., Cess, R. D., J . Appl. Mech. 29, 171 (1962). (63A) Rotem, Z., Ibid., 29, 421 (1962). (64A) Sakiadis, B. C., A.Z.Ch.E. J . 8, 317 (1962). (65A) Sarpkaya, T., Garrison, C. J., J . Appl. Mech. 30, 16 (1963). (66A) Saxena, S. C., Narayanan, T. K . S., IND.END.CHEY.FUNDAMENTALS 1, 191 (1962). (67A) Scheele, G. F., Hanratty, T. J., J.Fluid Mech. 14, 244 (1962). (68A) Scott, D. S., Dullien, F. A. L., A.I.Ch.E. J . 8, 293 (1962). (69A) Seban, R . A,, Back, L. H., J . Heat Transfer 84, 45 (1962). (70A) Selix, M., Intern. Chem. En#.2, No. 3, 394 (1962). (71A) Sibulkin, M., Phys. Fluids 5, 280 (1962). (72A) Smith, J. L., Jr., J. Basic Eng. 84, 602 (1962). (73A) Spalding, D. B., Intern. J . Heat Mass Trmis. 5, 1133 (1962). (74A) Sparrow, E. M., Jonssnn, V. K., Lundgren, T. S., J . Heat Transfer 85, 111 (1963). (75A) Sparrow, E. M., Minkowycz, W. J., Intern. J. Hmt Mass Trans. 5, 595 (1962). (76A) Steiger, M . H., Bloom, M. H., J. Heat Transfer 84, 370 (1962). (77A) Sternberg, J., J . Fluid Mech. 13,241 (1962). (78A) Streeter, V. L., Lai, C . , Proc. Am. Sot. Ciu. Engrs. 88, HY-3 (J. Hydr. Div,), Part I , 79 (May 1962). (79A) Sunavala, P. D., J . Sci. Ind. Res. (India),Sec. B, 21, 167 (1962). (80A) Swift-Hook, D. T., Wright, J. K., J . Fluid Mech. 15, 97 (1963). (81A) Takeda, B., Kobunshi Kagaku 18, 609 (1961). (82A) Tillman, W., 2.Phys. 12, No. 10, 468 (1961). (83A) Viehweg, H., Vieweg, R., Chcm. Tech. 9, 520 (1962). (84A) Walden, H., Rozprowy Inz. 9 , No. 4, 589 (1961). (85A) White, J. L., Metzner, A. B., “Progr. Intern. Res. Thermodyn. Transport Properties,” p. 748,Znd Symp. Thermophys. Properties, Princeton, N. J., 1962. (86A) Williams,M. C.,Bird,R.B., A.I.Ch.E.J. 8,378 (1962). (87A) Willis, J. A . B., J . Fluid Mech. 12, 388 (1962). (88A) Wolff, C., Comfit. Rend. 254, 4296 (1962). (89A) Yamada, Y . , Bull. J S M E 5, No. 18, 302 (1962). Meters a n d Controls (1B) Bogema, M., Spring, B., Ramamoorthy, M . V., J . Basic Eng. 84, 415 (1962). (2B) Butcher, K. L., Trans. Inst. Chem. Engr. (London) 39,No. 6, A51 (1961). (3B) Buzhinskii, N. I., Teplornerg. i Khimikotekhnol. Pribory i Regulyatory: Sb. 1961, p. 141. (4B) Chaix, B., “Field and Laboratory Investigation of the Effect of Turbulence on the Performance of Different Types of Current Meters,’’ International Current Meter Group (East Kilbride, Glasgow), Rep. 9, 1962. (5B) Dimeff, J., Lane, J. W., Coon, G. W., Reu. Sci. In.rtr. 33, 804 (1962). (6B) Fischbacker, R . E., Control 5 , No. 43, 93 (January 1962). (7B) Hooper, L. J., J . Basic Eng. 84, 461 (1962). (8B) Murdock, J. W., Ibid., 84, 419 (1962). (9B) Nedderman, R. M., Chem. Eng. Sci. 16, 113 (1961). (10B) Numachi, F., Kobayashi, R., Kamiyama, S., J . Basic Eng. 84, 351 (1962). (11B) Pengelly, A. E., J . Sci. Imtr. 37, 339 (1960). (12B) Sarafa, Z. N., Soo, S . L., Rev. Sci. Instr. 33, 1077 (1962). (13B) Shafer, M. R., J. Basic E q . 84, 471 ( 1 962). (14B) Shichman, D., Johnson, B. S., Jr., Instr. Control Systems 35, No. 4. 102 (1962). (15B) Smith, R . E., Jr., Matz, R . J., J . Baric Eng. 84, 434 (1962). (16B) Voss, L. R., Hollyer, R. N., Jr., Rcu. Sci. Instr. 94, 70 (1963). (17B) Weber, P., “Effect of Displacement on Current Meter Measurement in a Closed Rectangular Section,” International Current Meter Group (East Kilbride, Glasgow), Rep. 2 (1961); Rep. 3 (1961). (18B) Webster, C. A. G., J . Fluid Mcch. 13, 307 (1963). (19B) West, R. G., Instr. Prad. 16, 176 (Feb. 1962). (20B) Wolf, Perez, Houille Blanche 16, No. A (special issue), 412 (July 1961). Fixed Beds (IC) .4garwal, J. C., Davis, W. L., Jr., IND.ENG.CHBM.PROCESS DESIGN DEVELOP 2, 14 (1962). ( 2 C ) Benenati, R. F., Brosilow, C. B., A.Z.Ch.E. J . 8, 359 (1962). (3C) Fedyakin, N. N., Zh. Fin. Khim. 36, 1450 (1962). (4C) Frantz, J. F., Glass, K. I., J . Chern. Eng. Data 7, 146 (1962). ( 5 C ) Gilliland, E. R., Baddour, R. F., Engel, H. H., A.I.Ch.E. J . 8, 530 (1962). (6C) Harper, J . C . , Ibid., 8, 298 (1962). (7C) Jones, P., J. Petrol. Technol. 14, 613 (1962). (8C) Kafarov, V. V., Luk’yanov, B. G., Murav’ev, V. S., Izv. Vysshikh Uchebn. Zavedenz’i, Khim. i Khim. Tekhnol. 4, 854 (1961). (9C)Lapin, A,, Chcm. Eng. Progr. 58, No. 7, 47 (1962). (1OC) Matta, G., Civ. Eng. (London) 56, No. 622, 1183 (September 1961).

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( 11C) Quinton, P. G ., Brit. Chem. Eng. 7, 9 i 4 (1962), (12C) Scheidegger, A . E., J . Geophys, Res. 6 6 , No. 10, 3273 (1961) (13C) Taber, J. J., J. Soc. Petrol.Engrs. 1, No. 3, 195 (1961). (14C) Tek, 51. R., J.Petrol. Technol. 14, 799 (1962). (15C) M’hite, F. M., Jr., J . Appl. .Mech. 29, 201 (1962).

Fluidized Beds

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