Chemical Hazards in the Workplace - American Chemical Society

technology (including medical monitoring and analysis), and quality assurance and requirements of compliance statistics. 628 pages (1981) Clothbound $...
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Chemical Hazards in the Workplace Measurement and Control

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ACS S y m p o s i u m Series N o . 149 G a n g a d h a r C h o u d h a r y , Editor National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Chemical Health and Safety of the American Chemical Society. A collection of recent information on measurement and control methods in the workplace. This volume presents a current perspective on both the state of the art and future directions of monitoring and measurement procedures for the occupational environment — making valuable reading for industrial hygienists, chemists, toxicologists, occupational health professionals, and health insurance companies. As the field constantly changes, professionals need to keep abreast of the new technologies and procedures contained in this book.

will then be faced with cross-referencing all volumes to follow a theme. A better arrangement would be for all articles on a topic to be in a part of one volume, even though some volumes might not sell as well. Within the topic areas (notably III—Preparation, Deactivation and Repair of Columns) arrangement is by author; thus articles 8-10,13,14,17, 20, and 21-24 deal with deactivation/ surface preparation while 12,16, and 19 deal with coating techniques; 7 and 15 are methods of sealing the column for static coating. This organization is not "convenient" and problems will be aggravated in volumes 2 and 3. Since no further editing was done for the articles, nothing aids the reader in assessing the highly variable quality of papers. There is no chronological progression among topics; this would be invaluable and would surely have been easy to arrange. A drawback to the success of the volume is the absence of reference to the original journal page and volume. As many authors appear frequently in this compendium, the confusion this creates is markedly heightened. The value of this book would have been increased if: 1) A reasonable effort had been made to arrange material by topic throughout the three proposed volumes; 2) only the stronger papers had been included and selection had been made with regard to quality and current theory and practice; and 3) many application papers could have been omitted. Most people buying this volume will do so for coverage of the developing analytical technology. In summary, there is much material of analytical value here but this volume is of marginal utility except as a hardback form for articles already widely available.

CONTENTS Thirty-eight chapters are grouped into five subject areas: methodology, monitoring and control, special toxicants, quality assurance, and new technologies. Specific topics include new analytical techniques and methods development, occupational environmental monitoring and control technology (including medical monitoring and analysis), and quality assurance and requirements of compliance statistics. 628 pages (1981) Clothbound $43.00 LC 81 -1 30 ISBN 0-841 2-0608-2 Order from: SIS Dept. 51 American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your credit card.

Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. Joanne M. Widom and Stuart J. Edelstein. xiv + 800 pages. W. H. Freeman & Co., 660 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. 94104. 1981. $22.95 Reviewed by Ned D. Heindel, University, Chandler-Ullman 17, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015

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Very few authors have tried to blend the concepts of traditional general chemistry with the principles and reactions of organic and biochemistry. Even fewer have succeeded. Widom and Edelstein are among the successful few. Teachers of the allied health profes-

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