Chemical Industries Exposition Reveals New Laboratory Items

measure trace elementswhen a large preceding reduction is taking place. The electrode stand for the instru- ment includes a vertical membercarry- ... ...
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Chemical Industries Exposition Reveals N e w Laboratory Items N E W YORK.

The 26th Exposition of

Chemical Industries played here before a large turn-out of representatives from the chemical and process industries during the week Dec. 2 to 6. Despite a six-inch snowfall, 38,000 individuals associated with the chemical process industries came to New York's new Coliseum to see what 550 exhibitors had to offer in their 669 booths. They saw thousands of items ranging in size from a l V 2 - ° u n c e battery to a 12-ton chemical reactor. The show was given more of an international flavor than ever before, with a registration of more than 400 chemists and engineers from outside the nation's boundaries. These included representatives from 32 countries located in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Far East. Although instruments and laboratory supplies accounted for only a small part of the entire show, these could easily have been the basis for a separate show in themselves. About 75 manufacturers had their names listed in the exposition's directory as exhibitors of laboratory equipment and instruments. Coverage of new and improved products will be accomplished in these columns in two parts. Part one follows— and part two will appear in Analytical Chemistry's February issue. Gas-Liquid Partitioner Although shown at the exposition, the Fisher-Gulf Partitioner Model 300 produced by Fisher Scientific Co. will not be available until March. The gasliquid partition chromatography apparatus is designed for a column working temperature range from below room temperature to 300° C. The flash evaporator controls up to 425° C , the boiling temperature up to which materials can be analyzed. The unit has independent temperature-controlled air baths for the thermal conductivity cell and the column injection system. This permits interchange of columns while maintaining the conductivity cell at a desired température. The cell bath has four operating temperatures and is controlled by a

thermistor and magnetic amplifier. A flash evaporator, built into the sample injection unit, enables the operator to inject reproducible size samples of melted solids or liquids with boiling temperatures up to 425° C. Other features include a redesigned transistor power supply, a zero- to twomillivolt recorder with three-second full scale speed, an automatic integrator, and a thermal conductivity cell with about 0.1-ml. sample volume. 1 Gas-liquid partitioner

Moisture Tester Moisture determinations completed in six minutes are made by their new moisture tester, according to C. W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. Necessity for preweighing a sample on a separate balance is eliminated with this instrument. After grinding, the sample is weighed directly into the machine on a built-in single pan balance. The correct sample weight is shown on an illuminated dial, and the operator pushes a button. This starts a sixminute cycle of drying, reweighing, and computation of results. A warning bell signals completion and the final result is indicated, again on the illuminated dial. The company says the instrument has an accuracy of ±0.2%. Also, the company feels that the most novel and useful feature of the instrument is the fact that the result is retained until a reading is taken at any time after the test is completed. 2

Moisture tester

Low Cost Lab Furnace A low cost crucible furnace for the laboratory is being offered by Selas Corporation of America. Selling for less than $100, the item is designed for small melts and for testing samples at temperatures up to 2650° F. The furnace is chambered for crucibles up to 1 5 / l e -inch base diameter by 2 1 / 4 inches high. The company says it can be fired by any available fuel gas (natural, manufactured, mixed, or LP) and air under low pressure. 3 ^

For further information, see coupon on page 73 A

Low cost lab furnace VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARY 1958 ·


NEW PRODUCTS High Pressure Valve

Polarographic Analyzer

A new valve for use with V i e -inch tubing is offered by High Pressure Equipment Co. The company says it will handle up to 15,000 p.s.i., has a nonrotating stem, and that seating is always secure. The item is available in stainless steel, Monel, or Hastalloy, and it is adaptable for standard compression, socket weld, and IPS connections. Company recommends use for gage lines and instrument, sampling, and catalytic injection systems. 4

Rapidity and sensitivity of analysis are two of the advantages claimed for the Polarotrace, manufactured by Southern Instruments Computer Division of England and distributed in the United States by Standard Scientific Supply Corp. The entire polarogram is reproduced on the screen once every seven seconds. The distributor says that the practically continuous trace obtained enhances the study of kinetic reactions. Small currents can be

High pressure valve

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Tygon Tubing, Formulation R-3603, is the original transparent plastic tubing specif­ ically developed to handle virtually every laboratory requirement. Flexible as string, Tygon makes tough lab. set-ups easy. Its glass-clear transparency permits better process control. N o w in standard use among laboratories all over the world, versatile Tygon Tubing is available in more than 60 sizes.

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measured down to 2.0 χ 10 -8 ampere full scale, and effective sensitivity is increased by the peaked nature of the waves, according to the company. This is especially true in the case of multielectron reductions. Separate measurement can be taken on waves differing in half-wave poten­ tial by as little as 0.1 volt. Use of the derivative circuit permits finer resolu­ tion, in some cases at half-wave poten­ tials of 0.04 volt. The derivative cir­ cuit, built into the instrument, is used to resolve two direct peaks which are close together. It can also be used to measure trace elements when a large preceding reduction is taking place. The electrode stand for the instru­ ment includes a vertical member carry­ ing the mercury reservoir and capillary tube, and the box incorporates a ther­ mostatically controlled water bath. Control is accurate to ±0.25° C. over a range from 10° to 30° C. Camera at­ tachments are available in sizes 35 mm. or 70 mm. for taking single photos of the trace and graticule. Power supplies are for a.c. 110-115 or 200-250 volts, with others available on request. 5 U l t r a Thermostats Brinkmann-Haake Ultra Thermo­ stats are available in self-contained units or in heater-stirrer combinations from Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. The heater-stirrer combinations come in two models. Model EC controls baths of volume up to 10 gal. at tempera­ tures of 0° to 150° C , with accuracy of ±0.1 to ±0.01° C. Model EB con­ trols up to 25 gal. at - 6 0 ° to +250° C , with accuracy of ±0.01° to ±0.02° C. The small self-contained unit, model F, has a capacity of 0.5 gal, which it controls at temperatures from —60° to + 150° C. This is used for refractom-



Polarographic analyzer

Analytical balance

eters, polarimeters, a n d similar equipment. Model N , a medium-size unit, is for controlling open or closed circuits, and it controls a capacity of l'V'-t galat temperatures from —60° to + 2 5 0 ° C. T h e large model K B controls a capacity of three gallons at t e m p e r a t u r e s from —60° to + 3 0 0 ° C. This is used for open or closed circuits and for multiple operation. These models have an accuracv of ± 0 . 0 1 ° to ± 0 . 0 2 ° C. T e m p e r a t u r e is controlled b y a p a t e n t e d contact t h e r m o m e t e r , with all elements sealed in. M a x i m u m contact current on all models is 10 microamperes or less. T e m p e r a t u r e is a d justed by turning an external magnet on t o p which causes a micrometer spindle inside to r o t a t e b y induction.

use on t h e W a r i n g Blcndor, is being offered b v t h e Bronwill Scientific D i vision of Will C o r p . T h e Model B E W consists of a three-bladed rotor running within an eight-slotted stator. Operating as a centrifugal p u m p , t h e shearing blades of t h e rotor drive t h e material under high pressure against t h e shearing edges of t h e stator slots. T h e c o m p a n y says t h e large n u m b e r of shearing faces increases t h e speed a t which t h e material m a y b e cut down to a smaller particle size. I t also says that pumping action assures efficient mixing a n d dispersion by keeping all material in motion. T h e a t t a c h m e n t is recommended for use in mixing, dispersion, emulsification, homogenization, defibration, extraction, a n d chemical reactions. 8

Mixing Attachment One-Pan Analytical Balance Two-beam construction is a feature of a one-pan analytical balance available from T h e Torsion Balance C o . Covering t h e range from 0.1 milligram to 200 grams, weighings are first m a d e to within one gram on a rough-weighing beam. T w o a m b e r lights at eye level indicate which w a y t h e weight control k n o b should be t u r n e d to adjust t h e balance t o within one gram. All weighing a d j u s t m e n t s from 0.1 milligram a r e then m a d e automatically on a fineweighing b e a m . A new reticle a n d vernier optical system produces a n image of 10,000 parts, each p a r t being 0.1 milligram. Other features claimed: temperature compensation, large u n o b s t r u c t e d a c cess t o weighing chamber, and oil d a m p ing. 7

High Shear Rotor-Stator Assembly T h e Willems Polytron, a high shear r o t o r - s t a t o r head assembly a d a p t e d for

T h e Palo I m p e l a t o r , a mixing a t t a c h ment offered b y Palo L a b o r a t o r y S u p plies, is said b y t h e company to combine centrifugal force, suction a n d shearing action, a n d countercurrent whirl. T h e unit consists of a n u m b e r of small conical tubes m o u n t e d around the periphery of a series of disks. One disk is fitted t o t h e b o t t o m of a vertical rotating shaft, a n d others a r e adjusted in various positions along t h e shaft. T h e n u m b e r of disks used depends upon the length of t h e shaft. Controlled turbulence is created in an u p w a r d or downward direction b y t h e angle a t which t h e conical tubes are set, according to t h e company. Palo recommends use in t h e m a n u f a c t u r e of solutions and emulsions, t h e mixing of solids with liquids, a n d t h e mixing of liquids of different viscosities. 9

Chloride Ion Analyzer A new chloride ion analyzer for continuous detection a n d measurement of chloride ions in aqueous solution is b e -


• FAST «PRECISE • EASY TO USE The Fisher Elecdropode is a simple-tooperate instrument capable of detecting minute quantities of ions or radicals and measuring these quantities within precise limits. The Elecdropode operates efficiently in the range of 0.01 to 0.000001 equivalents per liter; less than 10 ml of solution is required, and the sample is not altered during analysis. When necessary—extensive analyses may be made with as little as 0.005 ml of solution. Get details now about the Fisher Elecdropode and other analytical instruments.

HAVE YOU ANALYTICAL PROBLEMS OF ANY KIND? THIS BULLETIN WILL HELP Y O U Bulletin FS-250 details Fisher apparatus for analysis by electrodeposition and outlines the applications and advantagesof each type. FOB YOUR COPY, WRITE 100 FISHER BLDQ., PITTSBUROH 19, PA. B-9a

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VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARY 1958



NEW PRODUCTS ing produced by Beckman Process In­ struments Division. The unit contains a silver-silver chloride electrode and a reference electrode, which are immersed in a process stream. The developed millivolt potential is fed to an analyzer, which then gives readings in p.p.m. of chloride ion. Beckman says that under controlled conditions it is possible to measure less than one part per million of chloride ion. They point out, however, that effects of temperature and interfering substances may cause the lower limit



of measurement to vary. For this reason the company suggests 5 p.p.m. as a practical lower limit. Since for­ mation of the complex AgCl2~ becomes a factor at higher concentrations, a practical upper limit of analysis of 50,000 p.p.m. is suggested. The com­ pany also points out that, by the nature of its operating principle, the instru­ ment cannot be used to measure chlo­ ride in nondissociating compounds. Since generated potential is depend­ ent upon solution temperature as well as concentration, a thermo-compensa-

Automatic-L/^ Scintillation Counting KJWUMIJffiKBS]


I sensitivity ι versatility


I '^\




peratures and one for millivolts. Each scale is designed for use with a common type thermocouple—copper-constantan, iron-constantan, and chromel-constantan. Other features cited are: parallax corrected magnifying viewer; mercury battery power supply; built-in auto­ matic electrical compensation; two-way scale drive with crank for rapid trav­ erse; and vernier knob for fine adjust­ ments. 11

Simplicity of operation can be shown by the other ex­ treme: hundreds of moderately active samples can be counted daily. Versatility is indicated by t h e fact t h a t this is a method of spectrometry. Pulse height analysis permits selection of t h e most favorable sample and background condi­ tions. Also, two or more beta emitting isotopes of dif­ ferent energies can be selectively counted in a single sample. Ease of sample preparation is one of the most popular features. Besides samples t h a t are readily soluble in toluene, such things as aqueous samples, carbon dioxide, and completely insoluble solid samples can also be counted. Automation now further enhances the advantages of the Tri-Carb Method. Up to 100 samples can be handled completely automatically, with the original data ac­ curately and permanently recorded on paper tape. T h e instrument can be utilized to the fullest extent—24 hours per day—without consuming valuable staff time.

Important to present and prospective users of Tri-Carb Spectrometers:

The automatic sample handling equipment and the printing readout are both designed to be compatible with all Tri-Carbs. Thus existing models, as well as all new manual models, can be converted to automatic operation at any time in the future.

Packard! Instrument


DEPT. D · P.O. B O X 4 2 8 · LA G R A N G E , I L L I N O I S For further information, circle number 64 A on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

A portable potentiometer introduced by Technique Associates, Inc. features interchangeable scales and automatic compensation. Known as the Thermotest-I, the instrument makes directreading measurements from — 200° F. to + 600° F. Direct-reading voltage measurements can also be made in the range from zero to 21 millivolts. Ordinary thermocouples are used, and equipment includes four interchangeable aluminum disk scales—three for tem­

up to ΊΟΟ samples

Sensitivity can be shown by noting one extreme condi­ tion: natural radiocarbon dating can be extended be­ yond 40,000 years.


Portable Potentiometer

simplicity of operation ease of sample preparation

Counting Tritium, Carbon-14, and other beta emitting isotopes by the Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrom­ e t e r M e t h o d offers m a n y a d v a n t a g e s o v e r o l d e r methods such as Geiger and proportional counting.

64 A

tor is incorporated in the meter circuit. This enables measurements to be made over a wide temperature range by au­ tomatically correcting for solution temperature. Beckman's Model W Amplifier is modified for use with the unit so that standard recorders may be used. 10

Automatic Stream Selector

The automatic stream selector intro­ duced by Beckman Instruments, Inc. is designed primarily for use with their Models 120 and 220 industrial gas chromatographs. But, says the company, it can be used just as well on hygrom­ eters and other type stream analyzers. When used with the Beckman chromatographs, the selector enables con­ secutive monitoring of two or more identical streams. The intensity of color in a series of numbered lamps indi­ cates what streams are included in the



NEW PRODUCTS chromatographic system. I t also indi­ cates w h a t streams are being monitored a n d t h e particular system being an­ alyzed a t t h e m o m e n t . T h e i n s t r u m e n t m a y be set for a u t o m a t i c or m a n u a l



PARAFFIN DISPENSER Melts embedding paraf­ fin and keeps it on tap for instant use. Free flowing. Electrically heated. Portable.


VENTGARD BOTTLE PUMP Protects distilled water, standard solutions, etc. from air-borne contami­ nation. Traps particles, dust, mist, bacteria, ra­ dio-active dust, etc.

DISTILLED WATER HEATER Heats distilled water automatically and main­ tains it at any desired temperature. Compact, uses small counter space. Portable.

operation b y use of t h e m a n u a l advance button. Operation is based on control of a manifold consisting of solenoid valves. A m o n g features of t h e u n i t are a key lock door, safety glass window, and a gasketed, air-purgeable casing. 12 Continuous Culture Apparatus T h e Chemostat, a continuous culture a p p a r a t u s for microorganisms, is an­ nounced b y D e l m a r Scientific Labora­ tories. T h e c o m p a n y says t h a t t h e unit can be used for experiments in t h e physiology and genetics of microorgan­

PURITY METER Accurately checks puri­ ty of distilled and demineralized water in 30 seconds. Best low-cost protection.




1434 Brandywine Street Philadelphia 30, Pa.

Barnstead Bantam and Pressure Bantam (oper­ ates under pressure). Employs renewable cartridges. Extremely pure mineral-free water available with minimum fuss. Regenerative type models also available.




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These thermometers are now available directly from any one of the Commit­ tee members listed below, who will sub­ mit specifications and quotations upon request. 20-26 North Moore Street New York 13, Ν . Υ.


B 2 L # STILL & IIE\1I\ERAUZFH CO. 9 Lanesville Terrace, Boston 31, Mass.

As a result of re­ search conducted by the P.M.T. Commit­ tee, a method of Per­ manently Marking Thermometers has r been de\ eloped.


Constant, automatic sup­ ply of chemically pure, sterile water of highest purity. Illustrated, Lab­ oratory model. Others in capacities up to 100 gph.




116 Wooster Street New York 12, Ν . Υ. isms. A constant flow of n u t r i e n t liquids m a i n t a i n s a population of con­ s t a n t conditions, a n d t h e a p p a r a t u s comes with a glass feeder a n d growth t u b e or as a complete ready-to-operate assembly. 13 pV


132-02 89th Ave. Richmond Hill, Ν . Υ. NURNBERG THERMOMETER CO.

124 Livingston Street Brooklyn, Ν . Υ.

For further information, see coupon on page 7 3 A Circle No. 65 A-7 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A

VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARY 1958


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