Chemical Industry Injury-Frequency Rates Per Million Man-hours

Statistics for the first quarter of 1959 show little change in the chemical industry's injury-frequency rate over the first quarter of last year. Slig...
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SAFETY Che m iccl i l ι fid ustry Ι η ι y i i S F r ê q y ë n cy Rçitéss Per million Man-hours First Qtjarter 1959 1958 1.7 2.6 1.7 2.9 2.3 2.8 4.0 5.1 4.4 3.4 4.4 4.4 6.1 9.1 6,6 6.4 6.9 7.6 9.2 10.2 14.9 14.3 15.0 12.4 27.7 28:6


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Synthetic fibers Synthetic rubber Industrial organics Plastics Industrial inorganics Gases Soaps Drugs and medicines Paints and pigments Miscellaneous chemicals Fertilizers Oils anil fats

i Chemical Industry Still One of the Safest Statistics for the first quarter of 1959 show little change in the chemical indus­ try's injury-frequency rate over the first quarter of last year. Slight increases over Î958 fourth quarter figures, which occurred in most industry groups, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics, may be attributed to usual seasonal factors plus increased industrial activity. Among all manufacturing, the average number of disabling work injuries per million employee-hours worked rose 4% above the first quarter of 1958 but remained well below any previous first quarter injury rate. Of the 136 groups recorded, 31 show decreases of one frequency-rate point or more from the first quarter of 1958. And of these 3 1 , eight are chemical industries. Explosives, synthetic fibers, and synthetic rubber held on to their 1958 safety records (C&EN, April 13, page 7 0 ) .

Briefs · · * • An accident prevention course sponsored by the fertilizer section of the National Safety Council is scheduled for Aug. 18 and 19 at the council's Chicago headquarters. Midwestern fertilizer plant supervisors are invited to attend the two-day program, which will cover safety education, accident rate cutting, and cost reduction methods. • Eight-time winner of the National Safety Council Award of Honor, Chemstrand Corp. holds a world's record for safety in textile plants. The nylon manufacturer established a mark of 17,106,185 hours of work without employee time loss because of an industrial accident. • Principles a n d Techniques of M e chanical Guarding. B u l l . N o . 197,




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U. S. Department of Labor. 58 pages. Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washingtor, 25, D. C. 1959. 40 cents. • Oxygen Therapy in Industry, Bull. No. NM-116, National Cyl. Gas, Chicago 11, 111. Descriptions, specifications, and techniques for use of portable resuscitators, pressure breathing units, and oxygen piping systems. S 1 • Portable extinguishers.

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