Chemical InstrumentationII - American Chemical Society

ards and toxicology, medical services and first aid, and precautions against radiation. ... duplication without consulting the original work, extensiv...
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Books secondary ion mass spectroscopy, and photoelectron and electron tunneling spectroscopy; Volume 2 (Polymer Sur­ faces)—electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, infrared and laser Raman spectroscopy, microscopy for polymers, and surface-chemical and radiation analyses. For each of these parts, there is at least one plenary lec­ ture paper to provide an authoritative survey of the subject matter. Other contributed papers then present re­ cent research results related to the same theme. Two postconference con­ tributions have been included while several of the original papers have been published elsewhere. A total of 36 papers as well as transcripts of the discussion sessions is presented. The volumes are reproduced from type­ written text. Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory. 2nd Ed. G. D. Muir, Ed. xvii + 4 7 3 pages. The C h e m i c a l Society, Burling­ ton House, London, W 1 V OBN, England. 1977.$14

The major part of this laboratory manual is devoted to the alphabetical listing of hazardous chemicals. Accom­

panying each entry are the measures to be taken in the event of accidents. The recommended measures for most of the chemicals listed include infor­ mation on how to deal with toxic ef­ fects, spillage, and fires where appro­ priate. This chapter consists of ap­ proximately 75% of the total space and is printed in yellow tinted paper. The remainder of the book contains chap­ ters on the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 (United Kingdom), planning for safety, fire protection, re­ active chemical hazards, chemical haz­ ards and toxicology, medical services and first aid, and precautions against radiation. Colorimetric and Fluorimetric Analysis of Steroids. J. Bartos and M. Pesez, xii + 2 7 4 pages. A c a d e m i c Press Inc., 111 Fifth A v e . , N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 10003. 1976. $ 2 1 . 5 0

The analytical methods presented in this 13-chapter volume are restrict­ ed to those based on chemical reac­ tions performed in solution which yield a visible spectrum or a fluores­ cence spectrum. Qualitative tests are quoted only when quantitative proce­

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Molecular Spectroscopy. Alan R. West, Ed. xx + 5 7 8 pages. Heyden & S o n Inc., Kor-Center East, Bellmawr, N.J. 08030. 1977.$60

The articles assembled in this book were presented at the Sixth Confer­ ence on Molecular Spectroscopy orga­ nized by the Institute of Petroleum,

Topics in ...

Chemical Instrumentation—II An ACS Reprint Collection

(Where the proof of purity is right on the label.)

dures might be derived from them. The first chapter deals with nomen­ clature, the second with functional group analysis, and the third chapter deals with halochromism and halofluorism. In the remaining 10 chapters, different analytical methods for analy­ sis of various classes of steroids are discussed. These classes include ste­ rols and vitamin D, bile acids, estro­ gens, gestogens, androgens, corticoste­ roids, contraceptive progestogens, car­ diac glycosides, steroid saponins and sapogenins, and steroid alkaloids. Al­ though most of the procedures de­ scribed are detailed enough to permit duplication without consulting the original work, extensive lists of the lit­ erature references are provided at the end of each chapter, and these include some as recent as 1975.

A volume of reprints from the Journal of Chemical Education Galen W. Ewing, Editor 310 pages (1977) hardback $12.00 ISBN 0-8412-0367-9 LC 73-153064

This new collection of selected reprint articles trom the "Topics in Chemical Instrumentation" column in the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION provides excellent coverage of the field from January 1970 through November 1975. In order to furnish the most complete, up-to-date information on the subject many ot the authors have added supplemental material to their papers. The 36 reprints are listed according to subject matter rather than by chronological order. This useful collection will be of particular interest to analytical chemists, college chemistry faculties, research chemists, librarians, and those seeking an introduction to the state of the art. SIS/American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash., D.C. 20036 Please send Instrumentation—II

J.T.Baker J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865 201 859-5411




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