Chemical Market Prices - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Chemical Market Prices ... manufacturers or other primary sources prevailing i n the New York market as of June 13, 1949. ... Email a Co...
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&Aemic2 A c e t o n e , C . P . , d r u m s , c.L, d l v d lb. 0.09 A c e t o n i t r i l e , d r u m s , c.L, w k s lb. 0.45 A c e t o p h e n e t i d i n , b b l . , 1,000 1b lb. 1.10 Acetophenone, cans, d r u m s lb. 1.50-1.75 A c i d , a b i e t i c , d r u m s , c.L, w k s . . . . l b . O.07 A c e t i c , 5 6 % , b b l . , c.l 100 l b . 7 . 2 5 - 7 . 5 0 Glacial, synth., tech., drums, c.L, w k s 100 1b. 9-00 tanks, wks 100 l b . 7.50 U.S.P., drums, wks 100 lb. 1 1 . 5 0 - 1 2 . 0 0 Acetylsalicylic, U.S.P., bbl lb. 0.53 Anthranilic, tech., b b l lb. 1.00-1.10 B a t t e r y , c b y . , c.L, E a s t , w k s . 100 l b . 1.60 B e n z o i c , t e c h . , bbl lb. 0 . 39 Boric, tech., gran., bags ton 109.00 B u t y r i c , 9 0 % , d r u m s , c.l., w k s . . . l b . 0.34 C h l o r o s u l f o n i c , d r u m s , c.L, w k s . . l b . O.03K C h r o m i c , 9 9 . 5 % , d r u m s , c.l lb. 0.253^ C i n n a m i c , réf., b o t s lb. 3 . 0 0 - 4 . 0 0 C i t r i c , c r y s t . , bbl., c.l lb. 0.27^ Cresylic, 5 0 % , 210-215°, drums, c.L, w k s . , t gal. 1.16 Fluosilicic, 3 0 % , bbl.. wks lb. 0.05 F o r m i c , 8 5 o r 9 0 % , c b y . , c.l., f.o.b. wks lb. 0.13H Hydriodic, 47%, cby lb. 2.52 Hydrobromic, 3 4 % , cby lb. 0.35-0.37 H y d r o c h l o r i c , 2 0 ° , c b y . , c.L, w k s . 100 l b . 1.90 Hydrofluoric, 30%, drums, wks.. .lb. 0.09 60% rubber drums lb. 0.13>£ H y p o p h o s p h o r o u s , U.S.P., 3 0 % 5-gal. d e m i j o h n s lb. 0.75 L a c t i c , t e c h . , 2 2 % , b b l . , c.L, w k s . 100 l b . 4.40 4 4 % , b b l . , c.L, w k s 100 l b . 8.15 Maieic, powd., drums lb. 0.26 M i x e d , tanks, wks. ..nitric unit, lb. 0.05 sulfuric u n i t , l b . 0.0085 N a p h t h e n i c , 2 2 0 - 2 3 0 ° d r u m s extra, wks lb. 0.15 Nitric, C.P., cby. e x t r a lb. 0.13 3 6 ° B e , c b y . , c.L, w k s . , E a s t 100 l b . 5.00 O x a l i c , b b l . , Avks lb. 0 . 1 4 ^ - 0 . 1 5 Phosphoric, U.S.P lb. 0.12^ Picramic, kegs lb. 0.65 Picric, bbl lb. 0.32 Pyrogallic, tech., b b l lb. No prices S a l i c y l i c , t e c h . , b b l . , c.L, w k s lb. 0.31 Stearic, dbl. press, bags, dlvd.. . . l b . 0.14^ Sulfanilic, tech., d r u m s , wks lb. 0.17 S u l f u r i c , 6 6 ° B6, c b y . , c.L, E a s t , wks 100 1b. 1.65 66° Bé., tanks, East, wks ton 17.00 60° Bé., t a n k s , E a s t , wks ton 13.75 Oleum, 2 0 % , tanks, East, wks. ton 19.50 T a n n i c , tech., 6 0 % , drums lb. 0.68 Tartaric, U.S.P., granular, bbl.. .lb. 0.35 Alcohol,amyl, from pentane, drums, c.L, w k s . , t E a s t . . . . , lb. 0= 18 tanks, wks., t E a s t lb. 0.17 tert-Rtxiyl, from pentane, drums, c.L, w k s . , f E a s t lb. 0.16 tanks, wks., t E a s t lb. 0.153 Butyl, synthetic, drums, c.L, * East lb. 0.15^ tanks, $ East.' lb. 0.14 τι-Butyl, fermentation grade, d r u m s , c.L, t lb0.15H tanks, f East lb. 0.14 Cinnamyl, bots.. .·. ~ lb. 2.85-3.00 D e n a t u r e d , S . D . 1 2 A , d r u m s , c.L, dlvd., E a s t . . Λ gal. 0.31^ D i a c e t o n e , tech., d r u m s , c.l... .lb. 0 . 1 4 - 0 . 1 5 ^ E t h y l , 190-proof, t a x p d . , d r u m s , c.L, w k s . , E a s t gal. 17.40^ Furfuryl, tech., tanks, f.o.b. wks lb. 0.18 I s o b u t y l , réf., d r u m s , w k s lb. 0.13


2 7,



A l c o h o l , i s o p i o p y î , réf., 9 1 % . t a n k cars gal. 0. 2 2 > ^ Phenylethyl, cans lb. 1.40 W o o d , see M e t h a n o l A l d o l , 9 5 , % , d r u m s , c.L, w k s lb. ,0.15-0.16 Algin, d r u m s lb. * 0 . 7 9 A l u m , a m m o n i u m , l u m p , bbl., wks. 100 l b . 4.05 P o t a s s i u m , l u m p , bbl., wks..100 lb. 4.30 Potassium chrome lb. 0.12 S o d i u m , bbl., w k s 100'lb. 3.24 A l u m i n u m c h l o r i d e , a n h y d . , ciril., d r u m s e x t r a , c.L, w k s lb. 0.10 Metal, 9 8 - 9 9 % , ingots lb. 0.17 S t é a r a t e , c t n . , c.l lb. 0.30 S u l f a t e , cml., b a g s , c.L, w k s . , % 100 1b. 1.50 Iron-free, bags, w k s 100 lb. 2.75 A m m o n i a , a n h y d r o u s , cml., t a n k s , wks ton 75.00-85.00 A q u a , 2 6 ° , t a n k s (on NIL· c o n t e n t ) , f.o.b. w k s ton 76.05 P u r e , r e t u r n a b l e cyls lb. 0.17 Refrigeration, t a n k s , f.o.b. w k s . . t o n 77.50 A m m o n i u m b i c a r b o n a t e , d r u m s , c.L l b . 0.06 Bichromate, bbl., wks lb. 0.26-0.30 B i f l u o r i d e . bbl lb. 0.18 B r o m i d e , gran., N . F . , bbl lb. 0.26 Carbonate, tech., bbl lb. 0.O8 C h l o r i d e , g r a y , bbl 100 l b . 6. 5 5 U . S . P . , g r a n . , bbl lb. 0.13 Iodide. 25-lb. j a r s lb. 3.90 Linoleati\ 8 0 % . drums, wks lb. 0.40 N i t r a t e , t;?cl·., b a - . s . c.L, w k s . 1 0 0 l b . 4.35

quantities New York quantities lots, may indicated.

A m m o n i u m oleate, bbl>. *0.28 Oxalate, drums>. 0.27 Persulfate, kegs lb>. 0.25 P h o s p h a t e , d i b a s i c , tech., b b l . l b . 0 . 0 8 - 0 . 0 8 M S u l f a t e , b u l k , c.L, f . o . b . c a r s , producing ovens ton 4 5 . 0 0 - 4 8 . 0 0 S u l f i d e , liq. 4 0 - 4 5 % , basis 1 0 0 % , tanks, dlvd lb. 0.08^ A m y l a c e t a t e , ex p e n t a n e , d r u m s , c.L, w k s . , f E a s t lt>. 0.19M l.c.L, d r u m s , w k s . , t East lfc>. 0.20M tanks, wks., f E a s t lfc>. 0.18K Chloride, mixed, t a n k s , w k s lt>. 0.06 M e r c a p t a n , d r u m s ,, w k s ll>. 1.10 A n i l i n e , d r u m s , c.l .lt>. 0.16 A n t h r a q u i n o n e , subL, b b l lt>. 0 . 8 0 - 0 . 8 5 A n t i m o n y chloride, soin., cby lfc>. 0.17 M e t a l , d o m . , f.o.b. L a r e d o , bnilk. 0.3834 O x i d e , b a g s , c.L, w k s . , dlvd lb. 0.34 P o t a s s i u m t a r t r a t e (tartar e m e t i c ) , tech 0.49 S u l f i d e , b b l . , c.L, w k s lb. 0. 2 3 A r g o l s , m i n . , 7 0 % , b a g s , basis 100% lOOkgc. 18.00 Arsenic trioxide (white arsenic), b b l . , c.l 0.06 A r s e n o u s chloride, h o t s lb. 1.55 B a r i u m c a r b o n a t e , n a t u r a l , 9 9 *%— 2 0 0 - m e s h , bags, c.L, wks ton 43.00 C h l o r i d e , t e c h . , c r y s t . , b a g s , c.L, wks ton 90.00 H y d r o x i d e , bbl., w k s 0.19 N i t r a t e , b b l . , c.L, w k s lb. 0.11)4

CHROMATES CONTROL CORROSION IN THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Mutual Chemical Company has recently prepared a 16-page pamphlet describing applications in which chromâtes have been used effectively to prevent corrosion in the petroleum industry. The topics discussed include drilling, , production, refining and transportation. For a c o p y of this pamphlet (Serial N o . 55), fill out the coupon, or write to


270 Madison Avenue

New York 16, Ν . Y

Mutual Chemical Company of America, Dept. CEN 270 Madison Avenue, New York 1 6, Ν. Υ. Please send mc free copy of "Corrosion Inhibition with Chromâtes."

Serial N o . 55.




2 0,



Barium peroxide, drums, c.L, wks.

New Technical Processes call for




FLORIDIN PRODUCTS ENTER MANY EXACTING USES Specially prepared forms of Fullers Earth a n d Bauxite-based Adsorbents of varied properties are offered by Floridin for m a n y requirements o f adsorption—dehydration—catalysis—decoloration. Extensive research Has b e e n carried on for m a n y years* Your inquiry is invited.



1700 tim ORGANIC CHEMICALS (Including all the building blocks) Highest standards of purity and quality are assured by the strict laboratory controls maintained by our Paragon Division. All items stocked for immediate shipment,

10 CHEMICAL GASES * Designed for research and

pilot plant use. Whatever your need, in rare o r c o m m o n gases—M at he son has i t · Matheson supplies a r a n g e of cylinder sizes that i s convenient for every use, whether y o u need gases for c l a s s r o o m demonstrations, pilot plant runs, o r commercial production. *•_ A complete^ list of chemicals ^ 1 and gases is available on request·

The MATHESON Co., Inc.


lb. 0.11H Stéarate, 2,000-lb. lots or more. .lb. 0.35 Sulfate, natural (barytes), wetgrd., bags, c.L, wks ton 33.30 Synthetic (blanc fixe), dry, bags, c.L, wks ton 77.60 Benzaldehyde, tech., cby lb. 0.45 Benzene, indust., tanks, f.o.b. mills gal. 0.2O drums, f.o.b. wks gal. 0.26 Benzidine, bbl lb. 1.02 Benzyl acetate, f.f.Cl, drums lb. 0.6O Bismuth, metal, ton lots lb. 2.00-2.15 Nitrate, cans lb. 1.70 Oxychloride, drums lb. 3.80 Subnitrate, powd., drums lb. 2.30 Bleaching powder, l.c.l., wks... 100 lb. 3.75-5.25 Bone black, 4 bbl.—c.L, t East lb. 0.15^ Borax, tech., gran., bulk, c.l., t · · - ton 31.25 Powd., bags, c.L, wks ton 40.25 Bromine, cases 1,000-lb. lots lb. 0.23 Bromoform, cby lb. 1.42 Butyl acetate, synthetic, drums, c.L, f east of Miss. R lb. 0.15*3 tanks lb. 0.14 Lactate, drums, c.L, * East lb. 0.42>£ Stéarate, drums, l.c.l lb. 0.33 Butyraldehyde, drums, l.c.l lb. 0.21H Cadmium bromide, 25-lb. jars lb. 1.66 Metal, ingots, cases lb. 2.00 Stéarate, ton lots lb. 1.24 Caffeine, 100 lb. or more lb. 4.75 Calcium acetate, bags 100 lb. 3.00 Arsenate, drums, c.l lb. 0.10H Carbonate, precip., 500-lb. bags, c.L, wks lb. 0.02% Chloride, bags, flake, c.L, dlvd..ton 22.00 Gluconate. U.S.P., bbl lb. 0.59-0. 65 Phosphate, feeding grade, bags, wks ton 105.00 Tribasic, bbl., c.L, wks lb. 6. 50 Stéarate, 2,000 lb. or more lb. 0. 33 Calomel, see Mercurous chloride Camphor, synthetic, dom., tech., bbl., contract, wks lb. 0. 42 Carbazole, 95%, drums, ton lots, wks lb. ·1.55 Carbon bisulfide, 55-gal. drums, 0. 06% Black, channel, paint quality, c.L, f.o.b. Texas points lb. 0.O832 Channel, rubber grade, c.L, f.o.b. Texas points lb. 0.069 Furnace, rubber grade, c.L.. .lb. 0.035-0.05 Dioxide, liq., cyl lb. 0.O6 Tetrachloride, drums, c.L, Zone 1, t lb. 0.O8 Casein, dom. acid-precip., shipping pt lb. 0.20 Argentine,, ground, bags lb. 0.18^ Catechol, C.P., drums lb. 2. 00 Caustic potash, see Potassium hydroxide Caustic soda, see Sodium hydroxide Cerium oxalate, N.F., bbl., wks.. . .lb. 0*70 Charcoal, willow, powd., bbl lb. 0. 06 China clay, bulk, c.L, wks ton 9. 50-10.00 Chloral hydrate, jars lb. 0.03-0.98 Chlorine, liq., cyl., c.L, dlvd lb. 0.09^ tanks, wks., f 100 lb. 2.40 Chlorobenzene, mono-, drums, wks., t lb. 0 . 0 6 - 0 . 0 7 ^ 2-Chloroethyl ether, drums, c.L, wks lb. 0.13K Chloroform, tech., drums lb. 0. 20 Chromium acetate, 7.5% soin., bbl. lb. 0.09K Coal tar, crude, drums, c.l., 0.24>^ Cobalt, metal, 97-99%, kegs lb. 1. SO Acetate, bbl lb. 0.93 Κ Oxide, black, keg lb. 1.38 Copper carbonate, 52-54%, bbl. lb. 0.24K Chloride, cryst., bbl lb. 0.17% Cyanide, tech., bbl lb. 0.48 Metal, electro., Conn. Valley. . lb. 0.17 Oxide, black, bbl., tons, wks lb. 0.25 Κ Sulfate, bags, c.L, wks lb. 7.00-8.00 Copperas, see Ferrous sulfate Corrosive sublimate, see Mercuric chloride Cream of tartar, see Potassium acid tartrate Cresol, U.S.P., drums, c.L, wks lb. 0.1505 Crotonaldehyde, 91-93%, drums, wks lb. 0.17 Cyanamide, 21% N:20 lb. N/unit, pulvd., wks., contracts unit 2.75 Dextrin, white 100 1b. 6.71 Diatomaceous earth, dom., purif., bags, c.L, Atlantic Seaboard. . . .ton 62.00 Dibutylamine, c.L, drums, wks., j.Ab. 0.51J^ l.c.l., drums, East t 0. 525


Luoutyl phthalate, drums, c.L, dlvd. lb. 0.31H o-Dichlorobenzene, drums.. . lb. 0.08H~O-0^3^ p-Dichlorobenzene, drums, c.L. . .lb. 0.11-0.12 J^ Diethylamine, drums, l.c.l., wks lb. 0.71 Diethylaniline, drums lb. 0.48 Diethylene glycol, drums, c.L, t East lb. 0.17 Monobutyl ether, drums, 0.26 Monoethyl ether, drums, c.L, 0.18 Mono-oleate (di-glycol oleate), light, bbl lb. 0.37 M Diethyl phthalate, drums, c.L, t -lb. 0.27^ Diethyl sulfate, tech., drums, 0.15 Dimethylaniline, drums lb. 0.21% Dimethyl phthalate, drums, c.L, dlvd lb. 0.27 Dinitrobenzene, tech., drums lb. 0.16 Dinitrochlorobenzene, drums lb. 0.14 Dinitronaphthalene, bbl lb. 0.35 Dinitrophenol, bbl., wks lb. 0.28 Diphenyl, bbl.T c.L, wks lb. 0.15 Diphenylamine, bbl lb. 0.25 Diphenylguanidine, drums, ton. . . lb. 0.35 Epsom salts, see Magnesium sulfate Ethanolamine, drums, c.L, t East. .lb. 0.32 Ether, solvent, concenj^uted, 3001b. drums, f.o.b. St. Louis, N.Y., Phila lb0.19 Ethyl acetate, 85-88%, tanks, t . . . lb. 0.10 Acetoacetate, drums, c.L, 0.55 Bromide, tech., 98%, drums lb. 0.36M Chloride, tech., tanks lb. 0.1534 Formate, drums, wks lb. *0.26 Nitrate, bots., 100 lb lb. 0.98 Ethylene dichloride, drums, c.l, wks., X lb· 0.09 Glycol, drums, c.L, X East lb. 0Λ5Η Dibutyl ether, drums, wks lb. 0.31 Diethyl ether, c.L, drums, f.. -lb. 0.13-0.18 Feldspar, 20-mesh, bulk, wks ton 11.75 Ferric acetate, soin., U.S.P. IX, cby. lb. 0.17 Chloride, tech., cryst., bbl., wks., f 100 lb. 5.00 Ferrous sulfate, cryst., bulk, c.L, wks ton 18.00 Film scrap, colored, cases, 1,000 lb., East, wks lb0.11 Fluorspar, washed gravel, 70% or more CaF2, mines ton 35.00 Formaldehyde, tanks, wks lb. 0.037 Fuller's earth, spent, bulk, mines, .ton 2.OO-4.O0 Furfural, tech., tanks, f.o.b. wks.. .lb. 0.09>£ Glycerol, C.P., tanks, wks lb. 0.24% Crude, saponification lb. *0.16 % Crude, soap lye lb*0.15 % Glycol boriborate, drums lb. 0.26 Stéarate, drums lb. 0.26 Hexamethylenetetramine, tech., bbl lb. 0.25M Hydrogen peroxide, 100 vol., 1-3 cby., f.o.b. Niagara Falls frt. pd. east of Miss. R lb0.19M Hydroquinone, drums lb. 0.98 Indigo, synthetic, 20% paste, drums lb. 0.16H Iodine, resubl., jars lb. 2.55 Iodoform, drums, 100 lb lb. 4.45 Iron, pig, Chicago ton 46.00 IsoproDyl acetate, tanks, t East of Rockies lb. 0.10 Lead acetate, white crystals, bbl.. .lb. 0.24% Arsenate, basic, powd., bags, c.L lb. 0.27-0.30 Carbonate, basic (white lead), bags, c.L, N.E lb. 0.14% Metal, Ν. Υ lb. 0.12 Oxide, red, bbl., c.L, N.E lb. 0.14% Yellow (litharge), bbl., c.L, f.o.b. shipping point lb. 0.13% Peroxide, powd., tech lb. 0.41 Stéarate, 2,000 lb. or more lb. 0.37 Sulfate, blue or white, bbl. or bags, c.L, N.E lb. 0. 14 Lecithin, tech., unbleached, drums, c.l lb. 0.15 Lithopone, ordinary, bbl-, c.l lb. 0.06% Magnesium carbonate (magnesite), calcined, bags, mines ton 60.00 Tech., bags, c.L, j '. . -lb. 0.08 Chloride, flake, drums, wks ton 37.00 Fluoride, bbl lb. 0. 20 Oxide, light, bbl Ik. 0. 33 Stéarate, 2,000 lb. or more lb. 0. 36 Sulfate, tech., 100-lb., c.L, bags, f.o.b. plant 100 lb. 2.15 Maleic anhydride, drums, c.l lb. 0.3O Manganese chloride, bbl . .lb. 0. 24 Dioxide, 85-90%, bbl., c.L, wks..ton 74.00 Metal, 96%, min., dlvd. east of Miss. R., blk., c.l lb. 0.32 Sulfa.e, indust., bags, wks lb. 0.05%




WIS UOMMH** BeeNPBUVUUne.· •::.*li


C-75 Lectrodryer serving tablet conditioning room at Strong Cobb & Co. in Cleveland

"WINTER WEATHER" dryness ever since 1936 15% relative humidity and an even temperature maintained in the room behind this Lectrodryer assure that tablets produced by Strong Cobb & Company will be uniformly higL· in quality. The operation is independent of ontsicle weather conditions. A request for a spare r art for this Lectrodryer recently brought the machine t o our notice. It's been on the job for thirteen years, performing its D R Y i n g function faithfully and requiring practically no attention.

Lectrodryers are built to give such low-cost, maintenance-free service. Parts are liberally constructed. Designs for different work—whether DRYing air, gas or organic liquid, low or high pressure, a few cubic feet per hour or thousands per minute—take full advantage of Lectrodryer's many years of experience. Alcoa Activated Alumina is the adsorbent; efficient and long lived. For help in solving your DRYing problems, write Pittsburgh Lectrodryer Corporation, 305 32nd Street, Pittsburgh 309 Pennsylvania. In England: Birtic, United, Tyburn Road, Erdington, Birmingham. In Australia: Birlec, Limited, 5 1 Parramatta Road, Glebi, Sidney.

t ICT!tOD*«*S

°" 1 '

W.TH A « . V A « D » l » « ' « » S



/ O L U M E

2 7,







2 0,







O f f e r s AGAINST AND




AO 70S SUPER VENT GOGGLE PROTECTS AGAINST FOGGING AND STEAMING ALSO T h e s e t w o N E W G o g g l e s are identical except for the special nosepiece and inhalation a n d exhalation valves on the 705 which operate to prevent fogging and steaming i n hot, h u m i d w o r k i n g conditions. Each goggle is designed for t h e greatest possible protection and comfort — each features a large shatter-resistant single acetate lens w h i c h can be easily replaced, and W I D E A N G L E VISION. The all-rubber frame molded to conform to face contours provides a n airtight, dust-tight fit. W h i l e the705 is recommended for severely h o t and humid operations, the 700 provides ample ventilation in norm a l atmospheres. A filter element

under t h e perforations at top and sides of t h e g o g g l e blocks acid and dust from t h e eye area. Headband i s comfortable a n d adjustable. The 705 Super V e n t Goggle operates by air s w e e p i n g through a chamber when wearer inhales, thus r e m o v i n g moisture on the inner lens surface before fogging c a n begin. W h e n exhaling, inlet valve c l o s e s and m o i s t air escapes t h r o ^ h exhalation valve. Your A O Safety Representative can supply y o u w i t h the right g o g g l e for your n e e d s .

\mcrican W Optical

Safety Division









Heavy and Fine Chemicals, Natural and Synthetic Resins, Gums, W a x e s and O i l s , Pharmaceuticals, Solvents, Dyes and Pigments for the Chemical Process Industries


p - A m i n d s a l i c y c l i c Acid 7-Butyrolactone /5-ChIorolactic Acid G e n t i s i c Acid α - H y d r o x y b u t y r i c Acid 3 - H y d r o x y b u t y r i c Acid a - K e t o g l u t a r i c Acid K o j i c Acid l(—) L a c t i c Acid ( u n n a t u r a l ) L i g n o c e r i c Acid L i t h o c h o l i c Acid M u c o n i c Acid O x a l a c e t i c Acid Propiolactone Sebaconitrile S u b e r i c Acid .. I(—) Tartaric A c i d ( u n n a t u r a l )

ALSO COMPLETE STOCKS OF Natural and Synthetic Amino A c i d · U n n a t u r a l A m i n o Acids BiocHemicals

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BIOS U#J0wwed. &*u>. 17 West 60th St PLoza 7-8171

Mannitol, cml., drums, wks lb. 0.40 Menthol, natural lb. 11.25 Mercuric chloride, gran, or powd., drums, 50 lb. or more lb. 1.53 Mercurous chloride, U.S.P., 1.82 Mercury 76-lb. flask 80.00 Methanol, synthetic, drums, c.L, Zone 1 gal. 0.363^ tanks, Zone 1 gal. 0.26 Methyl acetate, 97-90%, 0.09^ Chloride, cylinders, wks lb. 0.17 Ethy] ketone, drums, East lb. 0.11^ Formate, drums lb. 0.35 Hexyl ketone, drums, tech., 0.60 Salicylate, 50-lb. drums, wks lb. 0.40 Monoethylamine, drums, c.l lb. 0.22 Naphthalene, crude, cml., 7 4 ° , tanks, Î lb. 0.06 M α-Naphthol, bbl., f lb. 0.70 0-Naphthol, tech., bbl., l.c.l., t lb. 0.30 α-Naphthylamine, bbl., f lb. 0.38 0-Naphthylamine, tech., kegs lb 0.70 Nickel, metal, electrolytic 0.40 Sulfate (nickel salts, single), 0.18 p-Nitroaniline, kegs lb. 0 . 43 Nitrobenzene, tech., drums, c.L, t East lb. 0.18 Nitrocellulose, ester-sol., 30-35 cps., H, Η - s e c , bbl., wks.. lb. 0 . 3 2 - 0 . 35 o-Nitrochlorobenzene, * drums, t East lb. 0.15 p-Nitrochlorobenzene, kegs, t 0.15 Nitromethane, drums, l.c.l., wks lb. 0.25 •-Nitrotoluene, drums, f East lb. 0.12 p-Nitrotoluene, kegs, \ East lb. 0.30 2-Octanol, drums, wks lb. 0.30 Oil, castor, N o . 3, tanks lb. 0.17 Coconut, crude, Atlantic ports, tanks lb. 0.14^ Corn, crude, tanks, mills lb. 0.11J^ Cottonseed, crude, tanks lb. 0. 10-0.10 M Linseed, raw, tanks lb. 0.278 Menhaden, crude, tanks, f.o.b. Baltimore lb. *0.06 Neat's-foot, 15°, ret. drums, 0.34 Oiticica, drums lb. 0.17H Oleo, ex Chicago, tanks lb. 0.12H Olive, edible, impt., drums gal. 3 . 0 0 - 4 . 0 0 Peanut, crude, tanks lb. 0. 12-0.12 Κ Rapeseed, tanks lb. 0.24


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Oil, red, single dist., drums included lb. 0.12^ Soybean, crude, Decatur, tanks lb. 0.09^g Sperm, natural, winter, drums.. .lb. 0. 2 5 ^ Tung, tanks lb. 0 . 2 0 ^ - 0 . 2 1 Paraformaldehyde, drums lb. 0.22 Paraldehyde, tech., 98%, 5-10 gal. drums lb. 0 . 1 2 ^ - 0 . 1 3 ^ Paris green, dealer, drums, c.L, t · -lb. 0.31 Phenol, U.S.P., drums, c.L, 0 . 1 3 ^ - 0 . 1 4 ^ Phenolphthalein, yellow, barrels.. .lb. 1.00 m-Phenylenediamine kegs, t lb. 0.76 p-Phenylenediamine, bbl., f lb. 1.30 Phloroglucinol, tech., fiber drums, .lb. 10.00 C.P., fiber drums lb. 13.75 Phosphorus, red, cases lb. 0.33 Oxychloride, large drums, c.L. . .lb. 0.12>£ Trichloride, large drums, c.l lb. 0.12>£ Phthalic anhydride, bags, c.L, t East lb. 0.223^ Platinum, metal, solid oz. 7 2 . 0 0 - 7 5 . 0 0 Potassium acetate, tech., 0.20 Acid tartrate, bbl lb. 0.30^ Bicarbonate, gran., drums lb. 0.20 Bichromate, bags, c.L, wks lb. 0.12J^ Bromide, U.S.P., gran., bbl lb. 0.33 Carbonate, calcined, tech., c.L, wks lb. 0.078 Chlorate, cryst., kegs, c.L, wks.. .lb. 0.083^ Chloride, tech., cryst., bags ton 54.50 Fertilizer (potassium muriate), 60% K2O, mines, unit %/ton 0.37^-0*. 40 Citrate, U.S.P., gran., bbl lb. 0.373^ Cyanide, drums .lb. 0. 55 Ferricyanide (potassium prussiate, red), bbl lb. 0 . 6 0 - 0 . 6 3 Ferrocyanide (potassium prussiate. yellow), bbl lb. 0.21 Hydroxide, solid, drums lb. 0.07 Κ Metabisulfite, bbl lb. 0 . 1 9 - 0 . 2 1 Nitrate, gran., bbl., 10-20 tons 100 1b. 10.50-11.00 Permanganate, tech., drums lb. 0.21££ Pyridine, denat., drums gal. 2.49 Quinine sulfate, U.S.P., 100-oz. cans oz. 0.803^ Reeorcinol, tech., drums, wks lb. 0.68 Riboflavin, U.S.P., bots kg. 125.00 Rochelle salt, see Sodium potassium tartrate Rosin, gum, E . Sav 100 lb. 6.36 Saccharin, 1,000-lb. lots or more.. .lb. 1.50 Silica, amorph., ground, 325-mesh, bags, c.L, wks ton 20.00-23.00 Silver bullion oz. 0.71^ Silver nitrate, bots., 2,500-oz. lots..oz. 0.45% Sodium acetate, N.F., crystals, 0.09 Antimonate, bbl., wks., t East. .lb. 0.31 Benzoate, U.S.P., bble lb. 0.46 Bicarbonate, U.S.P., gran., bags, c.L, wks 100 1b. 2 . 3 5 - 3 . 0 0 Bichromate, bags, c.L, wks lb. 0.09>£ Bisulfite, powd., bbl., c.L, wks 100 lb. 3 . 5 0 - 4 . 0 0 Bromide, U.S.P., bbl., wks lb. 0.33 Carbonate, 58%, light, paper bags, contract, wks 100 lb. 1.40-1. 45 Chlorate, cryst., bags lb. 0.07>£ Chloride, bags, c.l ton * 18.60 Citrate, U.S.P., gran., bbl lb. 0.27f£ Cyanide, 96-98%, dom., drums, .lb. 0.17 Ferrocyanide (sodium prussiate, yellow), bbl lb. 0. 1 2 ^ - 0 . 13 Fluoride, 90%, bbl., c.L, wks lb. 0.10^ Fluosilicate, dorn., bbl., c.L, wks lb. 0.05 Hydroxide, 76%, solid, drums, contract, wks 100 lb. 3 . 0 5 - 3 . 15 Metal, 5- or 12-lb. bricks, drums, lb. 0.18*$ Metasilicate, gran., bags, wks... 100 lb. 3.40 Naphthionate, bbl lb. 0.65 Nitrate, crude, bulk, wks ton 45.00-51.00 Nitrite, bbl lb. 0.07% Perborate, bbl lb. 0.17% Phosphate, disodium, cryst., bags, c.L, wks 100 lb. 3. 50 Phosphate, trisodium, bags, c.L, wks 100 lb. 3.75 Potassium tartrate, powd., bbl., 5.000 1b lb. 0.29 3^


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