Chemical Market Prices - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - The following prices are for chemicals and related products usually handled in commercial quantities and represent quotations of manufac...
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e&emtosiiIftan&et'PtCcet The f o l l o w i n g prices are for c h e m i c a l s and r e l a t e d p r o d u c t s u s u a l l y h a n d l e d in c o m m e r c i a l q u a n t i t i e s and represent q u o t a t i o n s of m a n u f a c t u r e r s o r o t h e r p r i m a r y s o u r c e s prevailing in t h e New York m a r k e t as of D e c e m b e r 13, 1918. Every effort has b e e n m a d e t o k e e p t h i s list a c c u r a t e , b u t i n view o f t h e current a b n o r m a l supply situation, it m a y n o t a l w a y s be p o s s i b l e to o b t a i n i t e m s a t t h e prices q u o t e d . Acetaldehvde. 99'7. ôô-sçal. drums, c.L. wks lb. Ο 11Η Acetamide, tech.. drums, wks. . .lb. 0.3S Acetanilide. tech.. powd.. bbl lb. 0. 19 Acetic anhvdridc, drums, cl., t East " 0.13^ Acetone. C.P.. drums, c i . , 0 10-0. 10}^ Acetonitrile. drums, c.l., wks lb. 0.45 Acetophenetidin. bbl.. 1.000 lb lb. 1.10 Acetophenone, cans, dru ins lb. 1.50-1.75 Acid, abiotic, drums, c.l.. wks. . . lb. 0 07V3 Acetic. 5 6 % . bbl., c.l 100 lb. 7.90-8.15 Glacial, svnth.. tech., drums. c.l.. wks 100 lb. 10.50 U.S.P.. drums, wks. . . . 100 lb. 11.50 12.00 Acetylsalicylic. U.S.P.. bbl lb. 0.53 Anthranilic. tech.. bbl lb. 1.00-1 -10 Bat ter v, cby., c.l.. East, wks. 100 lb. 1.60 Benzoic, tech., bbl lb. 0. 43 Boric, tech., gran., b a g s . . . .ton 99 00-129.00 Butyric, 90%, drums, c.l.. wks. . . l b . 0.34 Cbloroacetic. mono-, tech.. drums. wks lb. 0 17 0 . 19 Chlcrosulfonic, drums, c.l., wks. lb. 0.0314 Chromic. 99.5%. drums, c.l lb. 0.25^ Cinnamic. réf., bots lb. 3.00-4 . 00 Citric, cryst.. bbl., c.l lb. 0.27)A Cresylic. 50%, 210-215°, drums. c.l., wks., I gai. 1. 61 Fluosilicic, 30%. bbl.. wks lb. 0.0S-0.09 Formic, 85 or 90%, cby., c.l., f.o.b. wks lb. 0.133^ Hydriodic. 47%, cby lb. 2 52 Hydrobromic, 34%, c b y lb. 0.35-0.37 Hvdrochloric, 20°, cby.. c.L. wks. 100 lb. 1.90 Hydrofluoric, 30%, drum3, 0.09 6 0 % , rubber drums lb. 0. 13)^ Hypophosphorous, U.S.P., 3 0 % , 5-gal. demijohns lb. 0.75 Lactic, tech., 22%. bbl., c.L. wks. 100 lb. 4.40 4 4 % , bbl., c.L, wks 100 lb. 8.15 Maleic, powd., drums lb. 0.26 Mixed, tanks, wks.. .nitric unit. lb. 005 sulfuric unit, lb. 0.0OS5 Naphthenic. 220-230°. drums extra, wks lb. 0. 15 Nitric, C.P.. cby. extra. lb. 0.13 36° Be., cby.. c.l.. wks., East ... 100 lb. 5 00 Oxalic, bbl., wks lb. Ο 14»4-0. 15 Phosphoric, U.S. Ρ lb. 0 12 Η Picramic. kegs lb. 0. 65 Picric, bbl lb. 0.30 Pyrogallic, tech.. bbl lb. No prices Salicylic, tech., bbl., c.L, wks.. . . lb. 0.31 Stearic, dbl. press, bagçs, dlvd.. . . l b . 0.24>£ Sulfanilic, tech., drums, wks lb. 0.17 Sulfuric, 66° Bé. cby.. c.L. East. wks 100 lb. 1.65 66° Be., tanks. East, wks... .ton 17.00 60° Be., tanks. East, wks.. . .ton 13.75 Oleum, 20%, tanks. East, wk>s.ton 19.50 Tannic, tech., 60%, d r u m s lb. 0.68 Tartaric, U.S.P.. granxilar, b b l . . . l b . 0.38 Alcohol, arayl, from pentane, 0.17 text, from pentane, f gal. *0.10 Butyl, synthetic, dr-uins, c.L, * East lb. 0.18H tanks, X East lb. 0.17 η-Butyl, fermentation grade, drums, c.l., f.... lb. 0. 19>$ tanks, t East lb. 0. 18 Cinnamyl, bots lb. 3.00 Denatured, C D . 12, d r u m s , c.L, dlvd.. East gal. 0.55^ Diacetone, tech.. drums, c.l lb. 0.14^ Ethyl, 190-proof. tax pd., drums, c.L, wks., East gal. 17.66 FurfuryL tech., tanks, f.o.b. 0.18 Isobutyl, réf.. drums, wks lb. 0.13 Isopropyl, réf., 9 1 % , d r u m s incl., c.L, dlvd gal. 0.50^ Phenylethyl. cans lb. 2.30 Wood, see Methanol


Aldol. 9 5 % , drums, c.L. wks lb. 0. 15-0. 16 Algin, drums lb. 0. 79 Alum, ammonium, lump, bbl., wks. 100 lb. 4.05 Potassium, lump, bbl., wks. 100 1b. 4.30 Potassium chrome lb. 0. 12 Sodium, bbl., wks 100 lb. s . 24 Aluminum chloride, anhyd., cml., drums extra, c.L, wks lb. 0. 12 Metal, 98-99%. ingots lb. 0. 17 . Stéarate, ctn., c.l lb. 0.38 Sulfate, cml.. bags, c.L, wks., % 100 lb. 1.50 Iron-free. bags, wks 100 lb. 2 . 50 Ammonia, anhydrous, cml., tanks, wks ton 7 5 . 0 0 - 8 5 . 0 0 Aqua. 26°, tanks (on NIL content), f.o.b. wks ton 76.00 Pure, returnable cyls lb. 0. 16-0.22 Refrigeration, tanks, f.o.b. wks. ton 77 . 50 Ammonium bicarbonate, drums, c.l lb. 0.06 Bichromate, bbl., wks lb. 0 . 2 6 - 0 . 3 0 Bifluoride. bbl lb. 0.18 Bromide, «ran.. N : .F.. bbl lb 0.36 Carbonate, tech., bbl lb. 0.08 Chloride, gray, bbl 100 lb. 7.00 U.S.P.. gran., bbl lb. 0.13 Iodide, 25-lb. jars lb. 3.90 Linoleate, 8 0 % , drums, wks lb. 0.40 N'itrate. tech., bags, c.L, wks.. 1001b. 4.35 Oleate. bbl lb. *0.28 Oxalate, drums lb. 0.27 Persulfate, kegs lb. 0.25 Phosphate, dibasic, tech., 0 . 0 8 - 0 . 0 8 H Sulfate, bulk, c.l., f.o.b. cars, producing ovens ton 45.00 Sulfide, liq. 4 0 - 4 5 % , basis 100%, tanks, dlvd lb. 0.08^ Amyl acetate, from pentane, tanks, t lb. 0.23 Chloride, mixed, tanks, wks lb. 0.06 Mercaptan, drums, l.c.L, wks lb. 1.10 Amylamine, 100% basis ib. 0.61 Aniline, drums, c.l lb. 0.16 Anthraquinone, subi., bbl lb. 0 . 8 0 - 0 . 8 5 Antimony chloride, soin., cby lb. 0.17 Metal, dom., f.o.b. Laredo, 0.38>£ Oxide, bags. c.L, wks., dlvd lb. 0.34 Potassium tartrate (tartar emetic), tech lb. 0.49 Sulfide, bbl., c.L. wks lb. 0.22 Argols, m i n . , 7 0 % , b a g s , basis 100% 100 kg. 18.00 Arsenic trioxide (white arsenic), bbl., c.l lb. 0.00 H Arsenous chloride, bots lb. 1.55 Barium carbonate, natural, 9 9 % — 200-mesh, bags. c.L, wks ton 43.00 Chloride, tech., cryst., bags. c.L, wks ton 90.00 Hydroxide, bbl., wks lb. 0.19 t i t r a t e , bbl.,,c.l., wks lb. 0. 11>£ Peroxide, drums, c.L, wks lb. 0. U>£ Stéarate, 2.000-lb. lots or more. .lb. 0.42 Sulfate, natural (barytes), wetgrd., bags, c.L, wks ton 3 3 . 30 Synthetic (blanc fixe), dry, bags, c.L, wks ton 77. 50 Benzaldehyde, tech., cby lb. 0. 45 Benzene, indust., tanks, f.o.b. 0.21 drums, f.o.b. wks gal 0.26 Benzidine, base, bbl lb. 1.02 Benzyl acetate, f.f.Cl. drums lb. 0.60 Bismuth, metal, ton lots lb. 2 0 0 - 2 . 15 Nitrate, cans lb. 1.70 Oxychloride, drums lb. 3 . 80 Subnitrate, powd., drums lb. 2.30 Bleaching powder, l.c.L, wks... 100 lb. 3. 75-5. 25 Bone black, 4 bbl.—c.L, t East. . . .lb. 0.15^ Borax, tech., gran., bulk, c.L, f- ton 4 4 . 5 0 - 4 9 . 5 0 Powd., bags, c.L, wks ton 5 3 . 5 0 - 5 8 . 5 0 Bromine, cases, 1,00,0-lb. lots lb. 0.23 Bro moform, cby lb. 1.42 Butyl acetate, synthetic, drums, c.L. t e a s t of Miss. R lb. 0.18>£ tanks lb. 0.17


Butyl lactate, drums, c.L. f East. .lb. 0.4ô£-£ Stéarate, drums, l.c.l lb. 0.43 >£ Butyraldehyde, drums, l.c.l lb. 0.21 >$ Cadmium bromide, 25-lb. jars lb. 1.66· Metal, ingots, cases lb. 2.00 Caffeine, 100 lb. or more lb. 4.25 Calcium acetate, bags . . 100 lb. 3.00 Arsenate, drums, c.l lb. 0.10>H Carbonate, precip., 500-lb. bags, c.L. wks lb. 0.02 54 Chloride, bags, flake, c.l., dlvd.. ton 23.40 Gluconate, U.S.P., bbl lb. 0. 59-0. 65 Phosphate, feeding grade, bags, wks ton 105.00 Tribasic, bbl., c.L, wks lb. 6.6O Stéarate, 2,000 lb. or more lb. 0.39» Calomel, see Mercurous chloride Camphor, synthetic, dom., tech., bbl., contract, wks lb. 0.42 Carbazole, 9 5 % , drums, t o n lots, wks lb. *1.55 Carbon bisulfide, 55-gal. drums, c.l. lb. 0.05% Black, channel, paint quality, c.L, f.o.b. Texas points lb. 0.075 Channel, rubber grade, c.L, f.o.b. Texas points lb. 0.0732 Furnace, rubber grade, c . L . . . l b . 0.O35-0. 0 5 Dioxide, liq., cyl lb. 0.06> Tetrachloride, drums, c.L, Zone 1. t 0.07 Casein, dom. acid-precip., shipping pt lb. 0.3O Argentine, ground, bags lb. 0. 26-0. 27 Caustic potash, see Potassium hydroxide Caustic soda, see Sodium hydroxide Catechol, C.P., drums lb. 2.0Q> Cerium oxalate, N . F . , b b l , . wks.. .lb. 0.70> Charcoal, willow, powd., bbl' lb. 0.0S China clay, bulk. c.L, wks ton 9.50-10.00 Chloral hydrate, jars lb. 0. 93-0. 9 8 Chlorine, liq., cyl., c.L, dlvd lb. 0.09» H tanks, wks., t 100 lb. 2.40> Chlorobcnzene, mono-, drums, wks., t lb- 0 . 0 6 - 0 . 0 7 ^ 2-Chloroethyl ether, drums, c.L, wks lb. 0.15H Chloroform, tech., drums lb. 0.20» Chromium acetate. 7.5% soin., bbl. lb 0.03·^ Coal tar, crude, drums. c.L, 0.24r^ Cobalt, metal, 97-99%, kc^s lb. 1.72 Oxide, black, keg lb. 1.27 H~l • 30 Copper carbonate, 52 5 4 % , bbl. lb. 0 . 2 5 ^ - 0 . 2 6 14 Chloride, cryst.. bbl lb. 0.21 >$ Cyanide, tech., bbl lb. 0.46 \fetal, electro., Conn. Valley lb. 0 . 2 1 3 ^ - 0 . 2 5 H Oxide, black, bbl., tons, wks lb. 0 . 2 9 - 0 . 30 Sulfate, bags. c.L, wks 100 lb. 8. 10-8. 60 Copperas, see Ferrous sulfate Corrosive sublimate, see Mercuric chloride Cream of tartar, see Potassium acid tartrate Cresol, U.S.P.. drums, c.L, 0.182£-0.1& Μ Crotonaldehyde, 9 1 - 9 3 % , drums, wks lb. 0.17 Cyananiide. 2 1 % N ; 20 lb. Ν / u n i t , pulvd., wks., contracts. unit 2.75 Dextrine, white 100 lb. 6.68 Diatomaceous earth, dom., purif., bags, c.L, Atlantic Seaboard — ton 62.00 Dibutylamine, c.L, drums, wks lb. 0.52^ D'ibutyl phthalate, drums, c.l-, dlvd. lb. 0.33H o-Dichlorobenzene, drums.... lb. O. 08>£-0.09>H p-Dichlorobenzene, drums, c.l lb. 0.11—0.12 ^ Diethylamine, drums, l.c.L, w k s . . . .lb. 0.71 Diethylaniline, drums lb. 0.48 Diethylene glycol, drums, c.L, t East lb. 0.1Z Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether, drums, wks lb. 0.26 Monoethyl ether, d r u m s . c.L, wks :. -lb. 0.18



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Dii'thyl phthalate. drums, c.L, t - . -lb. 0.33^ Diethyl suif a. to, t«*ch., d r u m s , wks.. lb. 0. 15 Diethylene glycol mono-oleate (diglycof ole:itcL li*3chtr bbl lb. 0. 37 Κ Dimethylnnilino, drums lb. 0. 2 1 % Dimethyl p h t h a l a t e , d r u m s , c.L, dlvd lb. 0.27 Dinitrobenzene, tech., d r u m s lb. 0. 16 Dinitrochlorobenzene, d r u m s lb. 0. 14 Dinitron:i|>hthalene, bbl lb. 0. 3 5 LMnitro phenol, bbl., wks lb. 0. 24 Diphenyl, b b l . . c.L, wks lb. 0. 15 Diphenylimiine. b b l lb. 0. 2 5 Diphenylguanidine, drums, t o n . . . .lb. 0.35 E p s o m suits;, see Magnesium sulfate Ethanolamine, drums, c l . , t Hast. .lb. 0.32 Ether, solvent, concentrated, 30Olb. drums, f.o.b. St. Louis, Ν . Υ-. Phila lb. 0. 19 Ethyl acuta to, 85 88',' . tanks, t · · -lb. 0. 12 Acetoacctate, drums, e.L, wks.. .lb. 0.55·^ Bromido. tech., OSS. drums lb. 0.36 Chlorido, tech., tanks lb. 0. 15>£ Formate, drums, wks lb. *0. 26 Nitrate, Hots., 1O0 lb lb. 0.98 Ethylaniine, drums, 1 .c.L, wks., 100% basis lb. 0. 18 Ethylene dichlorido, d r u m s , c.L, wks.,t lb. 0.09 Glycol,drums, c.l., % East lb. 0. 1 5 ^ Dibutyl ether, drums, w k s . . . . l b 0.31 Diethyl ether, c.l., drums, f - . l b . 0 . 1 3 - 0 . 1 8 Feldspar, 20-mesh, bulk, wks ton 9.75 Ferric acetate, soin., U.S.P. I X , cby. lb. 0. 17 Chloride, tech., cryst., bbl., wks., t 100 lb. 5.00 Ferrous sulfate, cryst., bulk. c.L, wks 100 lb. 14.00 Film scrap, colored, cases, 1,000 lb.. East, wks lb. 0. 1 3 ^ Fluorspar, washed gravel, 7 0 % o r more CnFa, mines ton 35.00 Formaldehyde, tanks, wks lb. 0.O37 Fuller's earth, spent, bulk ton 2 . 0 0 - 4 . 0 0 Furfural, tech., tanks, f.o.b. wks.. .lb. 0.09 H Glycerol, C. P., tanks, wks lb. 0 . 3 9 ^ - 0 . 4 0 Crude,saponification lb. 0. 297 Crude.soap lye lb. 0. 27



Glycol boriborate, d r u m s lb. 0. Stéarate, drums lb. 0. Hexamethvlenetetramine, tech., bbl lb. O . 2 7 H - 0 . 28 M Hydrogen peroxide, 100 vol., 1-3 cby., f.o.b. Niagara Falls, frt. p d . east of Miss. Ft lb. 0 . 19 M Hydroquinone, drums lb. 0 . 98 Indigo, synthetic, 2 0 % paste, drums lb. 0 . 16M Iodine, resubl., jars lb. 2 .55 Iodoform, drums, 100 l b lb. 4 .30 Iron, pig, Chicago ton 46 . 00 Isopropyl acetate, t a n k s , t East of Rockies lb. 0 . 12 Lead acetate, white crystals, bbl.. . . lb. 0 .27 Arsenate, basic, powd., bags, c.l. .lb. 0 .31M Carbonate, basic (white lead), bags, c l . , N . E lb. 0 . 2210 Metal, Ντ. Υ lb. 0 . 21 H Ovide, red, bbl., c.L, N . E lb. 0 . 24 H Yellow (litharge), bbl., c.L, f.o.b. shipping point lb. 0 . 21 M Peroxide, powd., tech lb. 0 . 41 Stéarate, 2,000 lb. or more lb. 0 . 49 Sulfate, blue or white, bbl. or bags, c.l., N.E lb. 0 . 20 M Lecithin, edible, drums, c.l lb. 0 . \6H Tech., drums, c.l lb. 0 . 15% Lithopone, ordinary, bbl., c.l lb. 0. 06% Magnesium carbonate (magnesite), calcined, bags, mines ton 60. 00 Tech., bags. c.L. t lb. 0 . 08 Chloride, flake, d r u m s , wks ton 37 . 00 Fluoride, bbl lb. 0 . 20 Oxide, light, bbl lb. 0 . 33 Stéarate, 2,000 lb. or more lb. 0 . 43 Sulfate, tech., 100-lb., c.l., bags, f.o.b. plant 100 lb. 2 . 15 Maleic anhydride, d r u m s , c.l lb. 0 . 30 Manganese chloride, bbl lb. 0 . 24 Dioxide, 8 5 - 9 0 % , bbl., c.L, wks.. ton 74 . 00 Metal, 9 6 % min., dlvd. east of Miss. R., blk., c.l lb. 0 . 32 Sulfate, indust., bags, wks lb. 0 . 05 M Mannitol, cml., drums, wks lb. 0 . 40 Menthol, natural lb. 8 . 9 5 - 9.25 Mercuric chloride, gran, or powd., drums, 50 l b . or more lb. 1.53


^^M^^j^HO!Î&^ PROPERTIES: White to yellow needles; M . R . 95-97° C ; B.R. 201-204° C. a t 15 mm. H g ; soluble in alcohol or benzene; slightly soluble in water. USES: A res trainer in photographic emulsions and developers for high contrast effects; produces sharp blacks and clear whites in photocopy.

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. 0. 40 Sulfate (nickel salts, single), bbl. lb. 0. 18 p-Niitroaniline, kegs lb. 0. 43 Nitrobenzene, tech.. drums, c.L, t East lb. 0.18 Nitrocellulose, ester-sol., 30-35 cps., H. Η - s e c , bbl., wks lb. 0 . 3 2 - 0 . 3 5 o-Nitrochlorobenzene, drums, t East lb. 0.15 p-Nitrochlorobenzene, kegs, t E a s t . l b . 0. 15 N i t r o m e t h a n e , drums, l.c.L, w k s . . . l b . 0.25 o-Nitrotoluene, drums, t East lb. 0.12 p - N i t r o t o l u e n e , kegs, t East lb. 0.30 2-Octanol, drums, wks lb. 0.30 Oil, castor, N o . 3, t a n k s lb. 0.19 Coconut, crude, Atlantic ports, tanks lb. 0.23 Corn, crude, tanks, mills lb. *0.19^ Cottonseed,-crude, tanks lb. 0.18 Linseed, r a w , tanks lb. 0.278 M e n h a d e n , crude, tanks, f.o.b. Baltimore lb. 0 1 5 ^ - 0 . 1 6 Neat's-foot, 15°, ret. drums, wks. lb. 0 . 4 3 - 0 . 4 3 J 4 Oiticica, d r u m s lb. 0.19J4 Oleo, ex Chicago, tanks lb. *0.26 Olive, edible, impt., d r u m s . . . . g a l . 4 . 0 5 - 4 . 7 5 P e a n u t , crude, tanks lb. * 0 . 1 9 Rapeseed, t a n k s lb. 0.23 Red, single dist., drums included lb. 0.1824 Soybean, crude, Decatur, t a n k s , .lb. 0.19 Sperm, natural, winter, d r u m s , .lb. 0.25J£ Tung, t a n k s lb. 0 . 2 3 ^ - 0 . 2 3 * $ P a r a l d e h y d e , tech., 9 8 % . 5-10 gal. drums lb. 0.13J4 Paraformaldehyde, drums lb. 0.24 P a r i s green, dealer, drums, c.L, t - lb. 0.31 Phenol, U . S . P . , drums, c.L, w k s . . l b . 0 . 1 4 - 0 . 1 4 ^ P h e n o l p h t h a l e i n , yellow, barrels.. .lb. 1.00 wi-Phenylenediamine, kegs, t lb. °-76 p-Phcnylenediamine, bbl., t lb. 1.30 Phloroglucinol, tech., fiber d r u m s , .lb. 10.00 C.P., fiber d r u m s lb. 1 3 . 7 5 Phosphorus, red, cases lb. 0.33 Oxychloride, large drums, c.l lb. 0.12J-6 Trichloride, large drums, c.l lb. 0.12^ P h t h a l i c anhydride, bags, c.L, t East lb0.22i£ P l a t i n u m , metal, solid oz. 9 2 . 0 0 - 9 6 . 0 0 P o t a s s i u m acetate, tech., d i u m s . . .lb. 0.32 Acid t a r t r a t e , bbl lb. 0.33*6 Bicarbonate, gran., drums lb. 0.20 Bichromate, bags, c.L, 0 . 1 2 ^ - 0 . 1 2 ^ g Bromide, U.S.P., gran., bbl lb. 0.33 C a r b o n a t e , calcined, 9 9 - 1 0 0 % , c.L, wks l b . 0.07 K - 0 . 0 7 8 Chlorate, cryst., kegs, c.L, wks.. .lb. 0.08*£ Chloride, tech., cryst., bags ton 54.50 Fertilizer (potassium muriate), 6 0 % KiO, mines, unit % / t o n 0 . 3 7 H - O . 4 O C i t r a t e , U.S.P., gran., bbl lb. 0.37J4 Cyanide, d r u m s lb. 0.55* Ferricyanide (potassium prussiate. red), bbl -lb. 0.55 Ferrocyanide (potassium prussiate, yellow), bbl lb. 0.19 Hydroxide, solid, drums lb. 0 . 0 7 \i Metabisulfite, gran., bbl lb. 0 . 1 9 - 0 . 2 1 N i t r a t e , gran., bbl., 10-20 tons 100 1b. 1 0 . 5 0 - 1 1 . 0 0 P e r m a n g a n a t e , tech., d r u m s . . . .lb. 0.21J4 P y r i d i n e , denat., drums gal. 2.49 Quinine sulfate, U.S.P., 100-oz. cans oz. 0.8034 Resorcinol, tech., d r u m s , wks lb. 0.68 Riboflavin, U.S.P., bots ·.. kg. 125.00 Rochelle salt, see Sodium potassium tartrate Rosin, g u m , E , Sav 100 lb. 7.25 Saccharin, 1,000-lb. lots or more. . .lb. 1.50 Silica, a m o r p h . , ground, 325-mcsh, bags, c.L, wks ton 20.00-23.00













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Silver n i t r a t e , bots., 2,500-oz. l o t s . . o z . 0.46>^ Sodium a c e t a t e , N . F . , crystals, 0.07^ Ajatimonate. bbl., wks., t E a s t . . l b . 0.31 Benzoate, U.S.P., drums lb. 0.46 Bicarbonate, U.S.P., gran., bags, c.l., w k s 100 l b . 2 . 3 5 - 3 . 0 0 Bichromate, bags, c i . 0 . 0 9 ^ - 0 . 0 9 J ^ B i s u l f i t e , p o w d . , b b l . , c.l., w k s . 100 l b . 3 . 5 0 - 4 . 0 0 B r o m i d e , U.S.P., bbl., wks lb. 0.33 Carbonate, 5 8 % , light, paper bags, contract, wks 100 l b . 1 . 4 0 - 1 . 4 5 C h l o r a t e , cryst., bags ib. 0.07% C h l o r i d e , b a g s , c.l ton 13.60 C i t r a t e , U.S.P., gran., bbl lb. 0.27H Cyanide, 96-98%, dom.. drums, .lb. 0.15 F e r r o c y a n i d e (sodium prussiate, yellow), b b l lb. 0.12 H F l u o r i d e , 9 0 % , b b l . , c.l.. w k s . . . . l b . 0.10H Fluosilicate, d o m . , b b l . , c.l., wks lb. 0.05 H y d r o x i d e , 7 6 % , solid, d r u m s , contract, wks 100 I b . 3 . 0 5 - 3 . 1 5 j V l e t a l , 5- o r 1 2 - l b . b r i c k s , d r u m s lb. 0 . 1 6 H 0 09 J4 ^ l e t a s i l i c a t e , g r a n . , b a g s . w k s . 100 l b . 3 . 40 Naphthionate, bbl lb. 0 .65 N i t r a t e , crude, bulk, w k s ton 45.00-48.00 N i t r i t e , bbl lb. 0.0734 Perborate, bbl lb. 0A7% P h o s p h a t e , disodium, cryst., bags, c.l., wks 100 l b . 3.50 Phosphate, trisodium, bags, c.l., wks 100 I b . 3 . 50 Potassium tartrate, powd., bbl., 5 , 0 0 0 lb lb. 0.33 S i l i c a t e , 4 0 ° , d r u m s , c.l 100 l b . 1.00 Stannate, drums, wks., t East. . .lb. 0.58 S u l f a t e , a n h y d . , t e c h . , c.l., w k s . 100 l b . 2.10 Crude (niter cake), bulk, wks.ton 20.00 C r u d e ( s a l t c a k e ) , b u l k , f. t o n 2 7 . 0 0 - 2 8 . 7 5


2 6,

N O .


i J 1 |

· Prices on Request · Department of Chemistry U N I V E R S I T Y O F TENNESSEE Knoxville, Tenn.

Sodium sulfate, cryst. (Glauber's s a l O , b a g s , c.l 100 l b . 2.10 Sulfide, c r y s t . , b b l . , w k s 100 l b . 3.50 S o l i d , b b l . , c.l., w k s 100 l b . 4 . 0 0 - 4 . 7 5 Thiocyanate, C.P., drums lb. 0.55 T h i o s u l f a t e . r e g . . c r y s t . , b a g s . 100 l b . 2 90 T u n g s t a t e , tech., bag* lb. 1.33 Solvent naphtha, tanks gal. 0.23 S o r b i t o l , a q . soin., 6 0 0 - l b . d m s . wks lb. 0. 1 9 6 C m l . soin., dins., w k s lb. 0 . 2G Stannic oxide (tin oxide), bbl lb. 0.92-0. 9 4 Stannous chloride (tin crystals), bbl lb. 0.71M Ovide (black tin oxide), b b l ib. 1.31 S t r o n t i u m c a r b o n a t e , tech., b b l lb. 0.14 Nitrate, b b l lb. 0.07·^ Sulfur, c r u d e , bulk, mines t o n 18.00 R e f i n e d , flour, c.l., w k s . , b a g s . 100 l b . 3.70 R u b b e r g r a d e , c.l., w k s . , b a g s . 100 l b . 2 . 0 0 - 2 . (30 Chloride, d r u m s lb. 0.07 Dioxide, liquid, f.o.b. w k s . — single u n i t t a n k s lb. 0. 0 4 5 multi unit tanks. lb. 0.0635 Tallow, extra lb. 0. 13 * X y l e n e , i n d u s t . , e a s t of O m a h a , tanks gal. 0 . 2 8 - 0 . 30 returnable drums g a l . 0 . 3 7 - 0 . 39 Xylidine, d r u m s , $ lb. 0.38 Zinc a m m o n i u m chloride, bbl., c.l.. .lb. 0.0751 Carbonate, rubber, grade, bbl., wks lb. 0.1O% C h l o r i d e , tech., fused, d r u m s , c.l., wks lb. 0.06 Metal slabs, a t Ν . Υ lb. 0 . 1 7 34 Oxide, A m e r , process, bags, c.l.. .lb. 0. 13Yi S t é a r a t e , t e c h . , 2 , 0 0 0 l b . o r m o r e . lb. 0. 4 2 S u l f a t e , c r y s t . , b a g s , c.l., w k s . 100 l b . 5.50 * Nominal. t Freight allowed. X Freight equalized.


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