August 27, 1943. Compiled from weekly current price listings in the Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter, with permission of the publisher under its copyrigh...
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CHEMICAL MARKET PRICES August 27, 1943 Compiled from weekly current price listings in tKe Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter, w i t h permission of tKe publisher under its copyright. These prices, unless otherwise specified, are those prevailing i n the New York market for technical grades i n usual large commercial quantities.

Acetaldehyde, drums, c/1., w k s . . . . lb. .11 Acetamide, tech., fiber drums, wks. lb. .30 Acetanilide, tech., powd., bbls lb. .27 Acetic anhydride, drums, c/1., frt. allowed lb. . 11H Acetone, c. P., drums, c/1., d l v d . . . l b . .08££ Acetophenetidin, bbls., 1000 l b s . . . l b . 1.00 Aeetophenone, drums, 100 lbs l b . ' 1.65 Add, abietic, drums, o/l lb. . 08$£ Acetic, 28%, bbla., o / l 100 lbs. 3.38 56%. bbla., e/1 100 lbs. 5.68 Glacial, Synth.. 99.5%, bbla., works 100 lbs. 9.15 Glacial, U. S. P . , drums, w o r k s . . 100 lbs. 10.60 Aoetylsalicylic, TJ. S. P . , bbls. . . l b . .45 Anthranilic, tech., bbls lb. .95 Battery, cbys., c/l-. £. w k s . . 100 lbs. 1.60 Benzoic, tech., bbls lb. .43 Boric, tech., gran., bags ton 99.00 Butyric (99%)(drum8, c/1.,wks. . l b . .22 Chloroacetio, mono-, tech., bbls. wks lb. .17 Cblorosulfonic, drums, c/l., w k s . . lb. . 03 Chromic. 99%, drums lb. . 16 V& CLnnamic, bottles lb. ' 3 . 5 0 * Citric, cryat., bbls., c/l lb. .20 Cresylic, H. B„ 2 1 0 - 2 1 5 ° , drums. c/1., wks., frt. equal gal. .81 Formic, 90%. cbys.,f. o . b . works, c/1 lb. .103^ Gallic, tech., bbls lb. 1.05 Hydriodic, 57%, 5-lb. b o t lb. 2.90 Hydrobromic, 3 4 % , cbys lb. .35 Hydrochloric, 2 0 ° . carboys, c/l., wks 100 lbs. 1.75 Hydrofluoric. 30SS. wks lb. .08 60%, rubber drums lb. . 13 H Hydrofluoeilicic, 30%,bbls., w k s . . lb. . 08 Hypophoephorus. U. S . P., 3 0 % . 5-gal. demia lb. .75 Lactic, dark, 2 2 % , bbls 100 lbs. 2.90 Light, 22%, bbls., w k s . . . 100 lbs. 3.90 Maleic, powd., drums lb. .30 Mixed, tanks., w k s N unit. lb. .05 S unit, lb. .0085 Naphthenio, 220—230, drums lb. .13 Nitric, c . P., cbys ib. .13 36°. cbys.. cA-. wks 100 !Hs. 5.00 Oxalic, bbls.. wks lb. .11*4 Phosphoric, TJ. S . P lb. . luf£ Picramic, kegs.. lb, .65 Picric, bbls ib. .35 Pyrogallic, tech., bbls lb. l.*5 Salioylic, tech., bbls lb. .26 Stearic, distilled,, d. p., bags, dlvd. lb. .152$ Sxilfanilic, tech., 250-lb. bbls lb. .17 Sulfuric, 66°, cbys., c/1., E . wks. 100 lbs. 1.50 66°, tanks, B . wks ton 16.50 60°, tanks, E . wks ton 13.00 Oleum, 20%. tanks. E. w k s . .ton 19.50 Tannic, tech., bbls lb. .71 Tartaric, U. S. P . , cryst., b b l s . . .lb. .7014 Tungstic, pure, 100-lb. pkg lb. 2.86 Alcohol, ethyl, 190 proof, from molasses, tanks gal. 11.90 Amyl, from pentane, tanks lb. .131 Butyl, synthetic, normal, tanks. frt. allowed i n East lb. . 105* Cinnamic, bottles lb. 3.00 Denatured, C. D . 14, drums, c/1., wks., B gal. .54H Diacetone, tech., drums, c / 1 . . . .lb. .1134 Furfuryl, tech., drums, c/1., wks .lb. .22H Iaobutyl, ref„ drums, works lb. . 0860


21, N O ,

Alcohol, isopropyl, ref.. 91%, drums, c/1., f. o. b. dest gal. Wood, see Methanol Aldol, 95%, drums, c/1., wks lb. Alpha-naphthol, bbls lb. Alpha-naphthylamine, bbls lb. Alum, ammonia, lump, bbls., wks. 100 lbs. Chrome, bbls lb. Potash, lump, bbls., wks 100 lbs Soda, bbls., wks 100 lbs. Aluminum, metal, 98-99%, drums, c/1 lb. Chloride, anhyd., commercial, drums extra, c/1., wks lb. Stearate, bbls., c/1 lb. Sulfate, oomm'l, bags, c/1.. wks. frt. equal 100 lbs. Iron-free, bags, c/1., wks. 100 lbs. Ammonia, anhydrous, fertilizer, f. o. b. wks., frt. e q u a l i z e d . . . . ton Pure, cyls lb. Ammonia, aqua, 26°, tanks (on N*Ha content), f. o. b . wks lb. Ammonium bicarbonate, drums. . .lb. Binuoride. bbls lb. Bromide, bbls lb. Carbonate, tech., bbls lb. Chloride, gray, bbls 100 lbs. U. S. P., gran., bbls lb. Iodide, 25-lb. Jars lb. Linoleate, 80%. anhyd., b b l s . . . .lb. Nitrate, tech., bags, c/1., w k s . . . 100 lbs. Oleate, bbls lb. Oxalate, kegs lb. Persulfate, cases lb. Phosphate, dibasic, tech., b b l s . . . lb. Sulfate, bulk, c/1., f. o. b . cars, ports contract ton Sulfide, liq. 40-45%, basis 100%, tanks, dlvd lb. Amyl acetate, from pentane, tanks, frt. allowed lb. Chloride, mixed, tanks, wks lb. Mercaptan, drums. 1. o. 1., wks. .lb. Oleate, drums. 1. c. I., wks lb. Stearate, drums, 1. c. 1., w k s . . . .lb. Amylene, tanks, wks lb. Anilin oil, drums lb. Anthraquinone. subl.. bbls lb. Antimony, chloride, soln., c b y s . . . .lb. Needle, Bolivian, 67% lb. Oxide, bags, c/1 lb Salts, 65%, bbls lb. Argob, Min. 70%, bags, basis 100%, f. o. b. Spanish ports 100 kilos Arsenic, metal, kegs lb. White, c A i kegs lb. Arsenous chloride, cans lb. Barium carbonate, natural, 99%— 200 mesh, bags, c/1.. w k s . . . .ton Chloride, tech., cryst., bgs., c / 1 . . ton Dioxide, drums, wks lb. Hydroxide, bbls., wks lb. Nitrate, casks lb. Barytes, floated. 350-lb. bbls., wks. ton Bensaldehyde, tech., drums lb. Benzidine base, bbls lb. Benzol, tanks, frt. allowed B. of Omaha gal. Benzoyl chloride, carboys lb. Benzyl acetate, F. F. C . d r u m s . . .lb. Beta-naphthol. tech., bbls lb. Beta-naphthylamine, tech., Bismuth, metal, ton lots lb.




.39 .13 .52 .32 4.25 .12H 4.50 3.25 .15 .08 .23 1.15 2.35 90.00 .16 .04 .0539 .15 .31 .08H 5.50 .13 3.65 .12 4.35 .14 .27 .25M . 07 K 29.20 .07H .14** .06 1.10 .31 .32H .09 . 11H .70 .17 . l&H .15 .40 52.00 No prices .04 1.55 43.00 77.00 .10 .06 .11 27.65 .45 .70 . 15 .22 .59* .23 .51 1.25

Bismuth nitrate, cans lb. Oxychloride, kegs lb. Subnitrate, powd., barrels lb. Blanc fixe, dry. bags, c / l ton Bleaching powder, drums, w k s . . . . 100 lbs. Bone black, 4, bbls., c/1., frt. allowed B lb. Borax, tech., gran., bulk, c/1., frt. allowed ton Bordeaux mixture, drums lb. Bromine, cases lb. Bromoform, cbys lb. Butyl acetate, fermentation drums, c/1., frt. allowed East of Miss., (Effective 9 / 1 / 4 3 ) '. lb. Aldehyde, drums, 1. c. 1 lb. Lactate, drums lb. Stearate, drums lb.

1.30 3.10 1.20 60.00

Cadmium, metal, ingots, c a s e s . . . . l b . Bromide. 25-lb. jars lb. Sulfide, boxes lb. Caffeine, 100-lb. drums, 10,000 lbs. or more lb. Calcium acetate, bags 100 lbs. Arsenate, bgs., c/1 lb. Carbonate, precip., bags, 50 lbs., c/1., wks lb. Chloride, bags, flake, c/1., d l v d . . ton Gluconate, IT. S. P., bbls., 150 lbs. lb. Phosphate, feeding grade, bags, works ton Tribas, bbls lb. Calomel, bbls., kegs, 50 lbs. or more lb. Camphor, synthetic, dom., tech., gran., powd., drums, ton l o t s . . . . l b . Carbazole, 95%, drums, ton lots, wks lb. Carbon bisulfide, drums, c/l lb. Black, reg., uncomp., bgs., c/1., works lb. Dioxide, liq., cyl lb. Tetrachloride, drums, c/1., frt. allowed gal. Casein, dom., 20—30 mesh, bags, c/1. lb. Cerium oxalate, bbls., wks lb. Charcoal, willow, powd.. bbls lb. China clay, bulk, c/1., wks ton Chloral hydrate, drums lb. Chlorine, liq., c/1., cyl.. dlvd lb. Tanks, wks., frt. equal 100 lbs. Chlorobenzene, mono-, drums lb. Chloroform, tech., drums lb. Chromium acetate, 24%, powd., bbls lb. Coal tar, crude, bbls., c/1., w k s . . . . bbl. Cobalt oxide, black, kegs lb. Copper carbonate, 52-54%, b b l s . . . lb. Chloride, bbls lb. Cyanide tech., bbls lb. Metal, elec lb. Oxido, black, bbls.. tons, wks. . .lb. Sulfute, bbls.. c/1.. wks 100 lbs. Copperas, cryst., bulk, c/1., wks. .ton Cream of tartar, bbls lb. Cresol, TJ. S. P., drums, c/1.. w k s . . . lb. Crotonaldehyde. 97%. c/l., wks lb. Cyanamide, 2 1 % N, pulvd.. works, contracts unit-ton

.90 1.65 1.35

Diamylamine, drums, c/1.. w k s . . . .lb. Diamylene, tanks, wks lb. Diamyl phthalate, tanks lb.

2.50 .QSH 41.50 .11 . 25 1.50 . 1690 . 16f£ .20H .31

2.80 3.00 .07 . 02 Ji 18.50 .52 75.00 .0635 2.95 .41 .70 .05 .03625 .06 .73 .24 .35 .06 7.60 .00 . 05K 1.75 .05M .20 .22 8.25 1.84 . 19 H .23K .34 .12 . 19H 5.15 14.00 . 57 H . 10% .15 1.52H* .61 . 09 H . 2070


Diatomaceous earth, dom., bags. c/1., Atlantic Seaboard ton Dibutylamine, drums, 1. c. l.,wks . .lb. Dihutylphthalate, drums, c/l..wks.. lb. Tartrate, drums lb. Dichloroethyl ether, drums, c/1., wks lb. Diethylaniline, drums lb. Diethyleneglycol, drums, c/1.,wks.. lb. Monobutyl ether, drums, w k s . . . lb. Monoethyl ether, drums, c/1., wks lb. D i e t h y l phthalate, drums, c/1 lb. Sulfate, tech., drums, wks lb. Diglycol oleate. light, bbls lb. Oimethylaniline, drums lb. Dimethylphthalate. drums, c/1., dlvd lb. Dinitrobenzene, tech., drums lb. Oinitrochlorobenzene, bbls lb. Oinitronaphthalene, bbls lb. Dinitrophenol, bbls lb. Oiphenyl, bbls., c/1., wks lb. Oiphenylamine, bbls lb. Oiphenylguanidine. bbls lb.

55.00 .61 . 2180 .92 .15 .40 . 14 . 22J£ .14^ . 2120 .15 .17 .23 . 1970 .18 .14 .35 .22 .15 .25 .35

E p s o m salt, tech., bags 100 lbs. Bther, concn., drums lb. Nitrous, bots.. 100 lbs lb. Evhyl acetate, 85-90%, tanks, frt. allowed lb. Acetoacetate, drums, c/1., wks. . . lb. Bromide, drums lb. Chloride, drums lb. Formate, di urns lb. Methyl ketone, drums lb. Ethylene dichloride, drums, c/1., wks.. frt. allowed lb. Glycol, drums, c/1 lb. Monobutyl ether, drums,wks. .lb. Monoethyl ether, drums,wks . .lb. Monomethyl ether, drums, wks lb.

1.80 .11 .93

Feldspar, 20 mesh, bulk, wks ton Film scrap colors, dk., cs., 1000 lbs., E. wks lb. Fluorspar, washed gravel, 70° or more CaF«, mines ton Formaldehyde, tanks lb. Fuller's earth, bags, c/1., mines. . .ton Furfural, tech., drums, c/1., f. o. b. works lb.


Glauber's salt, bbls., c/1 Glycol phthalate, drums Stearate, drums

100 lbs. lb. lb.

Bexamethylenetetramine tech., drums lb. Hydrogen peroxide, 100 vol., cbys., c/1 lb. Bydroquinone, kegs lb. Endigo, synth., liq., bbls lb. Eodine, resubl., jars lb. Eodoform, drums, 100 lbs lb. Eron acetate, N. F. IV. cbys lb. Eron chloride, tech., cryst., bbls.. wks., frt. allowed lb. Esopropyl acetate, tanks, frt. allowed lb.

. 1170 . 37)£ .50 .18 . 27 % .09 . 0842 . 15*6 . 16\£ .14)6 .15H

. 13>* 33.00 .04 8.50 . 12*$ 1.05 .38 .26 . 32 .16 .90 . 16*6 2.00 3.95 .17 .05 .10

H*ad acetate, white, broken lb. . 12*6 Arsenate, standard, c. 1 lb. .11 Metal, N. Y lb. .0650 Oxide, litharge,bbls. 20-ton lota.. lb. . 0800 Peroxide, powd., tech lb. .23 Red, bbls., 20-ton lots lb. .09 Sulfate, bbls lb. .0725 White, basic curb., bbls lb. . 0825 JLecithin, edible, drums, c/1 lb. . 28*6 Tech., dms., c . / lb. .26 Hime, live, chemical, bulk, w k s . . .ton 7.00 JLime-sulfur, dry, bags, c/1 lb. No prices Xathopone, ordinary, bbls lb. . 04*6 Blagnesite, calcined, dom., b a g s . . . ton Magnesium carbonate, tech., bags, c/l lb. Chloride, drums ton Fluosilicate, cryst., bbls lb. Oxide, light, bbls lb. ^Manganese chloride, bbls lb. Dioxide, 85-90%, bbls., c/1., wks. ton Sulfate, anhyd., bbls., wks lb. ^lannitol, commercial, bbls., wks. .lb.


84.00 .06** 32.00 .18 .26 . 14* 74.00 .11** .35

Menthol, synthetic, cases lb. 6.00 Mercury bichloride, cryst., drums, 50 l b s . or more lb. 2.39 Mercury, flasks, 76 lbs., mines. . . flask 191.00 Meta-phenylenediamine, kegs Eb. .65 Meta-toluylenediaminc, kegs Eb. .70 Methanol, synthetic, drums, frt. allowed, c / l gal. .34*4 Tanks, frt. allowed .'.. g a l . . 28 Methyl acetate, 97—99%, tanks.. .gal. . 10>4 Chloride, cylinders Eb. . 32 Formate, 1. c. 1., drums Eb. . 89 Hexylketone, drums, tech., w k s . . l b . . GO Salicylate, drums Eb. . 35 Monoaxnylamine, drums, c/1.,wks.. Vb. . 61 Monobutyiamine, drums, 1. c. 1., wks Eb. .51 Monoethanolamine, drums, wks . . . l b . .24 Naphthalene, crude, dom., 74 deg., bags, c/l., wks 100 lt>s. Nickel salt, single, bbls lb. Niter cake, bulk ton Nitrobenzene, drums Eb. Nitrocellulose, ester-sol., 30-35, *£, *6 s e c , bbls., wks lb. Nitromethane. drums, 1. c . 1., w k s . . l b . Octanol, normal, drums lb. Oil, castor, N o . 3, tanks Eb. China wood, dms lb. Coconut, crude, tanks lb. Cod. Newf., bbls gal. Corn, crude, tanks, mills Eb. Cottonseed, cooking, bbls Eb. Linseed, raw, tanks Eb. Menhaden, crude, tanks, f. o. b. Baltimore • gal. Neat*s-foot, pure, bbls lb. Oiticica, bbls Eb. Oleo. No. l . b b l s lb. Olive oil, denat., bbls gal. Edible, Calif., drums gal. Palm, Niger, bbls lb. Peanut, crude, tanks lb. Perilla, drums Eb. Rapeseed, denatured, c. i. f gal. Red. dms Eb. Soybean, crude, tanks Eb. Sperm, 45°. bbls Eb. Whale, bbls., natural, refined... l b . Ortho-dichlorobenzene, drums Eb. Ortho-nitrocblorobenzene, k e g s . . . .Eb. Ortho-nitrotoluene. drums lb. Ortho-toluidine. bbls Eb.

2.75 .13 16.00 . 08 . 26 . 25 . 85 . 12$^ . 39 . 0835 . 90 . 12&£* . 16M • 1490 . 08SO . 18M* . 25 .1354* 4.10 -4.50 .0825 . 13 . 2450 . 1150 . 13 K .1124 . 1310 -1070* .06 . 15 . 09 .19

Para dichlorobensene, drums, c / 1 . .Eb. . 11 Para-formaldehyde, drums Eb. . 23 Paraldehyde, tech.. drums Eb. . 12 Para-nitraniline, drums Eb. . 45 Para-nitrochlorobenzene, drums . .. Eb. . 15 Para-nitrotoiuene, bbls lb. .30 Para-phenylenediamine, bbls Eb. 1.25 Para-toluidine, bbls Eb. . 48 Paris Green, dealer, drums, c/1., freight allowed Eb. .20 Perchlorethylene, drums, c/1.,wks.. Eb. . 07S2 Phenol, drums, c/l-. wks lb. . 10 M Phenolphthalein, yellow, drums, ton. lots Jb. .80 Phenylethyl alcohol, bottles Eb. 2.10 Phloroglucinol, tech., fiber drums, . l b . 12.00 c. p., fiber drums l b . 13.75 Phosphorus, red, cases «. l b . . 40 Oxychloride, 175-lb. cylinders lb. . 15 Trichloride, cyl Eb. . 15 Phthalic anhydride, bbls.. c/1 Eb. . 14M Platinum, metal, solid oz. 36.00 Potash, caustic, solid, drums Eb. .06>£ Potassium acetate, U. S. P . bbls . . . Eb. .28 Bicarbonate, gran., bbls Eb. . 19 Bichromate, casks, c/1.. wks. . ..Eb* • 095*8* Bromide, TJ. S. P . , gran., b b l s . . . Eb. .27 Carbonate,S0-85 %, c a l c , casks.. Eb. . 06 M Chlorate, cryst., kegs Eb. . 11* Chloride, tech., cryst., bgs lb. .08* Cyanide, drums lb. . 55 Meta-bisulfite, bbls lb. .19 Muriate, fet., bulk KsO unit . 53M Permanganate, tech., d r u m s . . . . l b . . 19££ Prussiate, red, bbls lb. .70 Yellow, casks lb. .16 Pyridine, denat., drums gal. 1.71 Pyrocatechin, c. P., drums lb. 2.15 Quinine, 100-oa. cans Resorcinol, tech., kegs Riboflavin, b o t s Rochelle salt, powd:, bbls


. 97 M

lb. .68 k i l o 490.00 lb. . 43M


Saccharin, drums lb. Salt cake, bulk, wks ton Saltpeter, gran., bbls., 10-20 tons 100 lbs. Silica, amorph., 96%, 325 mesh, bags, c/1., wks ton Silver nitrate, vials oz. Soda, ash, 58%, light, paper bags, contract, wks 100 lbs. Caustic, 76%, solid, drums, contract, wks 100 lbs. Sodium acetate, flake, 60%, b b l s . . . lb. Alginate, drums lb. Antimoniate, bbls lb. Bensoate, TJ. S. P., bbls lb. Bicarbonate, U. S. P., powd., bbls.. c/1., wks 100 lbs. Bichromate, c/1., wks lb. Bisulfite, bbls 100 lbs. Bromide, U. S. P., bbls lb. Chlorate, cryst., bags lb. Chloride, bags ton Cyanide. 96-98%, dom., drums. .lb. Fluoride, 90%, bbls., c/1., frt. allowed lb. Metallic, untrimmed bricks, drums, f. o. b. Niagara Falls, .lb. Metasilicate, gran., bbls 100 lbs. Naphthionate, bbls lb. Nitrate, crude, bulk, works.. . .ton Nitrite, bbls lb. Perborate, bbls lb. Phosphate, disodium, cryst., bags, c/1., wks 100 lbs. Phosphate, trisodium, bags, c/1., wks 100 lbs. Picramate, kegs lb. Prussiate, yellow, bbls lb. Silicate, drums, c/1., 40° . . . 100 lbs. Silicofluoride, dom., bbls., c. 1. works lb. Stannate, drums lb. Sulfate, anhyd.. bags 100 lbs. Sulfide, cryst., bbls 100 lbs. Solid, 60% 100 lbs. Sulfocyanide, c. P., bbls lb. Thiosulfate, reg., cryst., bgs. 100 lbs. Tungstate, tech., kegs lb. Strontium carbonate, tech., b b l s . . . lb. Nitrate, bbls lb. Sulfur, bulk, mines .ton Chloride, drums lb. Dioxide, commercial, cyl., w k s . . . lb.

1.30 15.00 8.20 17.00 . 32fg 1.05 2.30 .05 .70 .15 .46 1.85 .07££ 3.00 .27 . 06 X 15.70 . 14H .07 . 15H 2.50 .50 27.00 .06$* . l±H 2.55 2.70 .65 .10 • 80 .05 . 33 H 1.70 2.40 3.15 .55 2.25 1.35 .14 .07H 16.00 .03 . 07

Tetrachloroethane, 50-gal.drums. .lb. .08 Thiamine hydrochloride, 50 gram lots gram .32 Thiocarbanilid, bbls lb. .24 Tin, Straits lb. .52 Crystals, bbl lb. No stocks Oxide, bbls lb. No stocks Tetrachloride, anhydrous, drums, works lb. .31 Titanium dioxide, bags, c. 1 lb. . 14H Toluene, tanks gal. . 28 Triamylamine, drums, c/1., w k s . . . . lb. .98 Triamylborate, drums, 1. c. 1., wks. . lb. . 33 Tributylamine, drums, c/1., wks. . .lb. 78 Trichloroethylene, drums, wks, frt. allowed lb. 08 Tricresyl phosphate, tech., drums. . lb. . 25 Triethanolamine, drums, c/1., wks.. lb. . 19 Triphenyl phosphate, barrels lb. .31 Tungsten, tech., powder lb. 2.60 Urea, dom., 46 + % N., bags, f. o. b. wks. or seaboard



Vanillin, 254b. tins



Whiting, comm., dry-grd., bags, c/1., wks ton Xylene, 10°, tanks gal. Xylidine, drums lb.

18.00 . 30 .35

Zinc ammonium chloride, bbls. . . .lb. Chloride, tech., fused, d r u m s . . . .lb. Metal slabs, at N . Y lb. Oxide, Amer., bags lb. Stearate, tech lb. Sulfate, cryst., bgs., c/1., wks. 100 lbs.

.0565 .05 .0866 .0725 .29 3.60

* Nominal.