Chemical market research in practice (Chaddock, Richard E

Chemical market research in practice (Chaddock, Richard E.) J. W. Everson. J. Chem. Educ. , 1957, 34 (9), p A410. DOI: 10.1021/ed034pA410.1. Publicati...
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watered down course of study. I n my opinion, Ahrens, Bush, and Easley have taken a forward step in chemical education ROLLAND J. GLADIEUX MZT.\L.R E ~ E A I ~LABORATORIES C ~ . YO~R N,*~*"A F * L L ~NEV

CHEMICAL MARKET RESEARCH IN PRACTICE Edited by Richard E. Choddock, Director of Development, Virginia Cellulose Department, Hercules Powder Co. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1956. x 196 pp. Figs. and tables. 13.5 X 19.5 cm. $3.


THISvolume, written by men who daily face the prohlems of market research in the chemical industly, ia a timely treatment of a. husiness function discussed hy many in ~ m m years t hut perhaps underst,ood by only a few. The first nine chanters do a commendable job of explaining what chemical market research is, how i t is organized, what i t accomplishes, what kind of people are engaged in market research, and what w e its limitat,ions. The book should hp espeeiall5- ufieful t o the college instructor who wishes t o inform his students of the nature of market research in the rhemical indostry. The business executive who is considering the establishment of a staff group t o perform chemiral market research will also find the hook revealing and though&provoking. There are a fcn topics treated that could well fwm t h ~subject of lively debate among those of us already engaged in rhemiral market research. One of these revolves around the sropc of activity of thc Market Research Department in dcnling with any partirulnv nrohlem. Some of the chapters imply t h a t the rhemiral m s ~ k e analyat t conccrns himself with p~ohlemsof market dewlopment and proress economic evaluation t o a greater degree than prohahly exists in most large chemical rampanies. The hook leaves the imptxssion t,hat a chemical market refiearch group normally covers more ground than most groups probahly do. The last seven chapters are cnac histories illustrating the nature of some of the market prohlems bhat might he encountered in certain spgments of the rhemiral industry. d. W. EVERSON



Walter C.McCrone, Jr., Chicago, Illinois. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1957. vii 307 pp. 118 figs. 2 5 tables. 1 5 X 2 3 cm. $6.75.


"Fusros methods" include (1) the methods and procedures useful in research and analysis which involve heating s compound or a mixture of compounds (Continued n page A41P) JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION