Chemical Markets Prices - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

The following prices are for chemicals and related products usually handled in commercial quantities and represent quotations of manufacturers or othe...
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(UenucaiTtùsvi&et'P>Uce& Tli« following prices are for chemicals and related products usually handled in commercial quantities and represent quotations of manufacturers or other primary sources prevailing in the New York nii»rkct a s of July 19, 1948.^ Every effort has been made to keep this list accurate, hut in view of the mc-reut abnormal supply situation, it may not always be possible to obtain items at the prices quoted. Acetuldehy-de, 9Q>%, 55-gal. drums, c.L, wks. lb. O.HH Acctamide, tech., drums, wks lb. 0.38 Acetanalid«, tecri., powd., bbl lb. 0.19 Acetic anhydride , drums, c.l., t East lb. 0.13H Acetone, C P., drums, c.l., 0 . 1 0 - 0 . 1 0 H AcetonitriLe, dru ms, c.l.. wks lb. 0.45 AcetopMea«tiiliii. bbl., 1,000 lb lb. 1.10, c a n s , drums lb. 1.50-1.75 Acid, abiecic, drums, c.L, wks lb. 0.07H Acetic, 56%, b>bl., c.l 100 lb. 7 . 56-7 81 Glacial, syntli., tech., drums, c.l., wks 100 lb. 10.50 U . S . P . , drums, wks 100 lb. 11.50-12.00 A ylsalicylic. U.S.P., bbl lb. 0.50 Anthrarxilic, tech., bbl lb. 1.00 1 10 B a t t e r y , cby., c.l., East, wks. 100 lb. 1.60 Benzoic, tech., bbl lb. 0.43 Boric, t«cli., grran., bags ton 99.00 Butyric, 99%, drums, c.l., wks.. .lb. 0.34 Chloroa-cetic, mono-, tech., drums, wks lb. 0.17 Chlorosxilfonic, drums, c.l., wks. .lb. 0.03J^ Chromi-c, 90.5»%, drums, c.l lb. 0.23H Cinnanxic, rcf _, bots lb. 3 .00-4 .00 Citric, cryst., bbl., c.l lb. 0.25 Cresylio, 50%?, 210-215°, drums, c.l., wks., X gal. 1.61 FluosilLcic,30%,bbL. wks lb. 0 . 0 8 - 0 . 0 9 F o r m i c , 8oor 30%, cby., c.L, f.o.b. wks. _ lb. 0.13>£ Hydrioromic , 34%, cby lb. 0 . 3 5 - 0 . 3 7 Hydrochloric, 20°, cby., c.l., wks. 100 lb. 1.90 Hydrofluoric. 30%, lead cby., wks. lb. 0.08 6 0 % , r-ubbcr drums lb. 0.13H Hypopliosphorous, U.S.P., 30%, 5-gaL. demijohns lb. 0.75 Lactic, tech., 22%, bbl., c.L, wks. ._ 100 1b. 4.40 4 4 % , bbl., c.L, wks 100 lb. 8.15 M a l e i c , powd., drums lb. 0.26 M i x e d , tanks, wks.. .nitric unit, lb. 0.05 sulfuric unit, lb. 0.0085 o Napht:henic,~220-23O , drums extra, Avks lb. 0.15 N i t r i c C.P., cby. extra lb. 0.13 36° Be., cby., c.l., wks., East 100 lb. 5.00 Oxalic, bbl., wks lb. 0 . 1 3 M - 0 . 1 3 H Phosphoric, TJ.S.P lb. 0.12^ Picrauaic, ke gs lb. 0.65 Picric, bbl lb. 0.30 Pyrogallic, tech., b b l lb. No prices Salicylic, tech., bbl., c.l., wks lb. 0.31 S t e a r i c , dbl. press, bags, dlvd lb. 0.32H Sulfatxilic, tech., drums, wks lb. 0.17 Sulfuric, 06° Be., cby., c.L, East, wks... 100 lb. 1.65 66° Be\, tanks, East, wks ton 15.00 60° Bc\, tanks, East, wks ton 12.25 01eTjm,2Q>%, tanks, East, wks.ton 19 .50 T a n n i c , tcchi., 60%. drums lb. 0.68 T a r t a r i c , U>S.P., granular, bbl... lb. 0.42 Alcohol. amyU frompentane, 0.17 *er£, from pentane, t KaL *0.16 ButyL, synthetic, drums, c.L, t East lb. 0.18M tarUcs, t E a s t lb. 0.17 n - B u t y l , fermentation grade, 'cirums, c.L, t - • lb. 0.33 taixks.t E a s t lb. 0.32 Cinnamyl, b o t s lb. 3.00 Denatured, C D . 12, drums, c.L, wlcs., East gal. 0.95H Diacetonc, •tech., drums, c.l lb. 0.14H E t h y l , lOO-proof, drums, c.L, wks., East gal. 18.02-18.11 Furfuiryl, tech., tanks, f.o.b. wks. .lb. 0.18 Isobmtyl, ref., drums, wks lb. 0.13 Isopr-opyl, ref., 9 1 % , drums incl., c.l_, dlvd. gal. 0.50H Phertylcthy-1, box lb. 2.30 W o o d , see ^letlianol


Aldol, 9 5 % , drums, c.L, wks lb. 0.15-0.16 Algin, drums lb. 0.79 Alum, ammonium, lump, bbl., wks. 100 lb. 4.05 Potassium, lump, bbl., wks.. 100 lb. 4.30 Potassium chrome lb. 0.12 Sodium, bbl., wks 100 lb. 3.25 Aluminum chloride, anhyd., cml., drums, extra, c.L, wks lb. 0.10 Metal, 98-99%, ingots lb. 0.15 Stcarate, ctn.,.c.l lb. 0.44 Sulfate, cml., bags, c.L, wks., t 100 lb. 1.30 Iron-free, bags, c.L, wks.. . 100 lb. 2 .50 Ammonia, anhydrous, cml., tanks, f.o.b. wks., t ton 69.00-70.00 Aqua, 26°, tanks (on NHs content), f.o.b. wks ton 70.50-74.00 Pure, returnable cyls lb. 0.16-0.22 Refrigeration, tanks, f.o.b. wks. .ton 61.50 Ammonium bicarbonate, drums, c.l lb. 0.06 Bichromate, bbl , wks lb. 0.26-0.30 Bifluoride, bbl lb. 0.15H Bromide, gran., N.F., bbl lb. 0.36 Carbonate, tech., bbl lb. 0.08 Chloride, gray, bbl 100 lb. 7 .00 U.S.P., gran., bbl lb. 0.13 Iodide, 25-lb. jars lb. 3.90 Linoleate, 80%, drums, wks lb. 0.40 Nitrate, tech.,, c.L, wks.100 lb. 4.35 Oleate, bbl lb. 0.14 Oxalate, drums lb. 0.25 Persulfate, kegs lb. 0.25 Phosphate, dibasic, tech., 0 . 0 7 - 0 . 0 7 ^ Sulfate, bulk, c.L, f.o.b. cars, producing ovens ton 40.00-45.00 Sulfide, liq. 40-45%, basis 100%, tanks, dlvd lb. 0.08^ Amyl acetate, from pentane, tanks, t lb. 0.23 Chloride, mixed tanks, wks lb. 0.06 Mercaptan, drums, l.c.L, wks lb. 1.10 Amylamine, 100% basis lb. 0.61 Aniline, drums, c.l lb. 0.15 Anthraquinone, subl., bbl lb. 0.80 Antimony chloride, soln., cby lb. 0.17 Metal, doin., f.o.b. Laredo, 0.33 Oxide, bags, c.L, wks., dlvd . .lb. 0.32 Potassium tartrate (tartar emetic), tech lb. 0.44-0.49 Sulfide, bbl., c.L, wks lb. 0.22 Argols, min., 7 0 % , bags, basis 100% 100 kg. 18.00-20.00 Arsenic trioxide (white arsenic), bbl., c.l lb. 0.0&H Arsenous chloride, bots lb. 1.55 Barium carbonate, natural, 9 9 % — 200-mesh, bags, c.L, wks ton 43.00 Chloride, tech., cryst., bags, c.L, wks ton 90.00 Hydroxide, bbl., wks lb. 0.19 Nitrate, bbl., c.L, wks lb. 0.11*$ Peroxide, drums, c.L, wks lb. 0.11^ Stearate, 2,000-lb. lots or more. .lb. 0.49 Sulfate, natural (barytes), wetgrid., bags, c.L, wks.. » . . . .ton 33.30 Synthetic (blanc fixe), dry, bags, c.L, wks ton 77.50 Benzaldehyde, tech., cby lb. 0.45 Benzene, indust., tanks, t 6al« °-21 drums, f.o.b. wks gal. 0.26 Benzidine, bbl lb. 0.77 Benzyl acetate, f.f.CL, drums lb. 0.60 Bismuth, metal, ton lots lb. 2.00 Nitrate, cans lb. 1.60 Oxychloride, drums lb. 3.80 Subnitrate, powd., drums lb. 2.15 Bleaching powder, l.c.L, wks.. .100 lb. 3.50-3.75 Bone black, 4 bbl.—c.L, t East lb. 0.15J4 Borax, tech., gran., bulk, c.L, f. • • -ton 44.50 Powd., bags, c.L, wks ton 53.50 Bromine, cases, 1,000-lb. lots ton 0.23 Bromoform, cby lb. 1.42 Butyl acetate, synthetic, drums, c.L, t east of Miss. R lb. 0.18J^ tanks lb. 0.17


Butyl lactate, drums, c.L, f -East. .lb. 0.46H Stearate, drums, l.c.l lb. 0.49 Butyraldehyde, drums, l.c.l lb. 0.21 H Cadmium bromide, 25-lb. jars lb. 1.66 Metal, ingots, cases lb. 1.75-1.80 Caffeine, 100 lb. or more lb. 4.25 Calcium acetate, bags 100 lb. 3 00 Arsenate, drums, c.l lb. 0.O9V6 0 10 Carbonate, precip., 500-lb. bags, c.L, wks lb. 0.02H Chloride, bags, flake, c.L, dlvd.. .ton 23.40 Gluconate, U.S.P., bbl lb. 0.58-0.65 Phosphate, feeding grade, bags, wks ton 75.50 Tribasic, bbl., c.L, wks lb. 6.60 Stearate, 2,000 lb. or more lb. 0.46 Calomel, see Mercurous chloride Camphor, synthetic, dom., tech., bbl., contract, wks lb. 0.42 Carbazole, 9 5 % , drums, ton lots, wks lb. 1.10-1.30 Carbon bisulfide, 55-gal. drums, 0.05% Black, channel, paint quality, c.L, f.o.b. Texas points lb. 0.075 Channel, rubber grade, c.L, f.o.b. Texas points lb. 0.0682-0.0732 Furnace, rubber grade, c.L. . .lb. 0.035-0.05 Dioxide, liq., cyl lb. 0.06 Tetrachloride, drums, c.L, Zone 1, t lb. 0.07 Casein, dom., acid-precip., ship'g pt lb. 0.31-0.33 Argentine, ground, bags lb. 0 . 2 8 - 0 . 2 8 ^ Caustic potash, see Potassium hydroxide Caustic soda, see Sodium hydroxide Catechol, C.P., drums lb. 2 .00 Cerium oxalate, N . F . , bbl., wks lb. 0.70 Charcoal, willow, powd., bbl lb. 0.06 China clay, bulk, c.L, wks ton 9.00 Chloral hydrate, jars lb. 0.93-0.98 Chlorine, liq., cyl., c.L, dlvd lb. 0.09H tanks, wks., t 100 lb. 2 .40 Chlorpbenzene, mono-, drums, wks., t lb. 0.06-0.07J4 2-Chloroethyl ether, drums, c.L, wks lb. 0.13^ Chloroform, tech., drums lb. 0.20 Chromium acetate, 7.5% soln., bbl. lb. 0.09^ Coal tar, crude, drums, c.L, wks..bbl. 10.50 Cobalt, metal, 97-99%, kegs lb. 1.72 Oxide, black, keg lb. 1 . 2 5 ^ - 1 . 3 0 Copper carbonate, 52-54%, bbl lb. 0.24-0.26 Chloride, cryst., bbl lb. 0.21 ^ Cyanide, tech., bbl lb. 0.43 Metal, electro., Conn. Valley... .lb. 0.21>$ Oxide, black, bbl., tons, wks lb. 0.29-0.30 Sulfate, bags, c.L, wks 100 lb. 7 .60 Copperas, see Ferrous sulfate •Corrosive sublimate, see Mercuric chloride Cream of tarter, see Potassium acid tartrate Cresol, U.S.P., drums, c.L, wks.. . . l b . 0.17M Crotonaldehyde, 9 1 - 9 3 % , drums, wks lb. 0.17 Cyanamide, 2 1 % N ; 20 lb. N / u n i t , pulvd., wks., contracts unit 2.45 Diatomaceous earth, dom., purif., bags, c.L, Atlantic Seaboard. . . .ton 62.00 Dibutylamine, c.L, drums, wks lb. 0.52>£ Dibutyl phthalate, drums, c.L, dlvd. lb. 0 . 3 7 - 0 . 3 8 H Dibutyl tartrate, drums lb. 0.92-1.02 cr-Dichlorobenzene, drums. . . .lb. 0 . 0 8 ^ - 0 0 9 ^ p-Dichlorobcnzene, drums, c.l lb. 0.12^ Diethylamine, drums, l.c.L, wks. . . l b . 0.71 Diethylaniline, drums lb. 0.48 Diethylene glycol, drums, c.L, t East lb. 0.16H Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether, drums, wks lb. 0.26 Monoethyl ether, drums, c.L, wks lb. 0.18 Diethyl phthalate, drums, c.L, t- • lb. 0.33^ Diethyl sulfate, tech., drums, wks. .lb. 0.15




A ? dead, tëiï, ANTU

Other "Pittsburgh" Chemicals


Activated Carbon

Alpha-napthyl-thiourea The cunning, disease spreading, property ravaging rat has plagued the world for centuries and defied destruction by mankind until now!

AlkyI Methyl Pyridlnlum Chloride Alpha Naphthylthiourea Alphanitronaphthalene Benzol—Motor, Nitration, Pure Creosote Cresol—Meta Para, Ortho 2#4—Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Dinltro—-Orthocresol Isopropyl N—Phenyl Carbamate

Now, what traps and guns have failed to accomplish, the chemists* newest poison may achieve. For alpha-napthyl-thiourea, popularlyknown as ANTU,is proving to be the most deadly baiting and tracking poison yet developed . . . but for all its effectiveness on rats it is less dangerous to animals and humans than previous chemical rat killers.

Naphtha, Heavy Solvent Naphthalene Para Amino Phenyl Mercuric Acetate

Phenol Phthalic Anhydride Plcoline—Alpha, Beta and Gamma Pipe Line Enamel Pyridine—Medicinal and Industrial Sodium Cyanide Sodium Thlocyanate Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphuric Acid—60°, 6 6 ° and Oleum Tar Acid Oil Disinfectants Tar—Crude and Road Toluol—Nitration and Commercial X y l o l — 1 0 ° , 5° and 3°

has your number!


c&c (fif^

Pittsburgh Coke & Chemical Company manufactures ANTU in either technical grade or 20% dust concentrate in bulk quantities, ready for packaging . . . part of a line of chemically and biologically standardized rodenticides, fungicides, insecticides and germicides researched and distributed by its affiliate, Pittsburgh Agricultural Chemical Company, Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N . Y . Requests for further information and quotation are invited.

PITTSBURGH COKE & C H E M I C A L Grant Building



Pittsburgh 19, Pa.



2 6,







2 6,



Hexamethylenetetramine, tech., bbl lb. 0 . 2 7 H - 0 . 2 8 ^ H y d r o g e n p e r o x i d e , 100 v o l . , 1 - 3 c b y . , f . o . b . N i a g a r a F a l l s , frt. p d . e a s t of M i s s . R lb. 0.18^ Hydroquinone, drums lb. 0 .90 Indigo, synthetic, 2 0 % paste, drums lb. 0.16i^ I o d i n e , r e s u b l . , jars lb. 2.35 I o d o f o r m , d r u m s , 100 lb lb. 4 .45 I r o n , pig, C h i c a g o ton 3 8 . 5 0 - 4 1 .50 I s o p r o p y l a c e t a t e , t a n k s , t E a s t of Rockies lb. 0.12 L e a d a c e t a t e , w h i t e c r y s t a l s , b b l . . . lb. 0 . 20 A r s e n a t e , b a s i c , p o w d . , b a g s , c.l.. lb. 0 . 231^ Carbonate, basic (white lead), bbl. or b a g s , c.l., N . E lb. 0.19 Metal, N. Y lb. 0.17i^ Oxide, red, b b l . , c.l., N . E lb. 0.20>£ Y e l l o w ( l i t h a r g e ) , b b l . , c.l., f.o.b. s h i p p i n g p o i n t lb. 0.19^ Peroxide, p o w d . , tech lb. 0 .23 S t e a r a t e , 2 , 0 0 0 l b . or m o r e lb. 0.49 S u l f a t e , b l u e o r w h i t e , b b l . or bags, c.l.. N . E lb. O.I034 L e c i t h i n , e d i b l e , d r u m s , c.l lb. 0 . 2 2 - 0 . 2 4 T e c h . , d r u m s , c.l lb. 0.20 L i t h o p o n e , o r d i n a r y , bbl., c.l lb. 0.06% Magnesium carbonate (magnesite), calcined, bags, mines ton 60.00 T e c h . b a g s , c.l., t lb. 0.08 Chloride, flake, d r u m s , w k s ton 37.00 Fluoride, bbl lb. 0.20 Oxide, l i g h t , bbl lb. 0.33 S t e a r a t e , 2 , 0 0 0 l b . or m o r e lb. 0.49 S u l f a t e , t e c h . , 100-lb , c.l., b a g s , X with Cartaret, N . J 100 l b . 2 .30 M a l e i c a n h y d r i d e , d r u m s , c.l lb. 0.25 M a n g a n e s e c h l o r i d e , bbl lb. 0 .18 D i o x i d e , 8 5 - 9 0 % , bbl., c.l., w k s . . t o n 74 . 0 0 M e t a l , 9 6 % m i n . , d l v d . e a s t of M i s s . R., b l k . , c.l ib. 0.32 S u l f a t e , i n d u s t . , bags, w k s lb. 0 .Qb\4 Mannitol, cml., drums, wks lb. 0 .38 Menthol, natural lb. 9 . 5 0 - 9 . 6 5 M e r c u r i c c h l o r i d e , gran, or p o w d . , d r u m s , 5 0 l b . or more lb. 1 . 53 Mercurous chloride, U.S.P., d r u m s . l b . 1 .82 Mercury, 76-lb. flasks unit 7 5 . 0 0 - 7 8 . 0 0

Diethyler.e glycol mono-oleate (dig l y c o l o l e a t e ) , l i g h t , bbl lb. 0.37 Dimethylaniline, drums lb. 0.21 D i m e t h y l p h t h a l a t e , d r u m s , c.l., dlvd lb. 0.27^ Dinitrobenzene, tech., drums lb. 0.16^ Dinitrochloi.^benzene, d r u m s lb. 0 . 14 D i n i t r o n a p h t h a l e n e , , bbl lb. 0.35 D i n i t r o p h e n o l , bbl., w k s lb. 0.24 D i p h e n y l , bbl., c.l., w k s lb. 0 . 15 D i p h e n y l a m i n e , bbl lb. 0.25 D i p h e n y l g u a n i d i n e , d r u m s , t o n . . . lb. 0.35 E p s o m s a l t s , see M a g n e s i u m s u l f a t e E t h a n o l a m i n e , d r u m s , c.l., t E a s t . . l b . 0.32 Ether, s o l v e n t , c o n c e n t r a t e d , 3 0 0 Ib. d r u m s , f.o.b. S t . L o u i s , N . Y . , Phila lb. 0 . 19 E t h y l a c e t a t e , 8 5 - 8 8 % , t a n k s , t - • -lb. 0 . 1 6 - 0 . 1 8 A c e t o a c e t a t e , d r u m s , c.l., w k s . . . l b . 0.55^ Bromide, tech., 9 8 % , d r u m s . . . .lb. 0.36 Chloride, tech., tanks lb. 0 .13J4 Formate, drums, wks lb. *0.26 N i t r a t e , b o t s . , 100 l b lb. 0.98 Ethylamine, drums, l.c.l., wks., 1 0 0 % basis lb. 0.18 E t h y l e n e d i c h l o r i d e , d r u m s , c.l., wks., t lb. 0.09 G l y c o l , d r u m s , c.l., $ E a s t lb. 013H D i b u t y l ether, d r u m s , w k s . . . . l b . 0.31 D i e t h y l ether, c.l., d r u m s , t - • - l b . 0 . 1 3 - 0 . 1 8 Feldspar, 2 0 - m e s h , b u l k , w k s ton 9 .75 Ferric a c e t a t e , s o l n . , » U . S . P . I X , c b y . lb. 0.17 Chloride, tech., cryst., b b l . , wks., t 100 lb. 5.00 Ferrous s u l f a t e , c r y s t . , b u l k , c.l., wks ICO lb. 14 . 0 0 F i l m s c r a p , colored, c a s e s , 1 , 0 0 0 1 b . , East, wks lb. 0 .13^ Fluorspar, w a s h e d g r a v e l , 7 0 % o r more CaF2, mines ton 33 .00 Formaldehyde, tanks, wks lb. 0 .042 Fuller's e a r t h , s p e n t , b u l k , m i n e s . . ton 6 .00 Furfural, t e c h . , t a n k s , f . o . b . w k s . . . l b . 0 .09^ Glycerol, C. P., t a n k s , w k s lb. 0 . 3 9 ^ - 0 . 4 0 Crude, saponification lb. 0.31 Crude, soap lye lb. 0.27 G l y c o l boriborate, d r u m s lb. 0.22 Stearate, drums lb. 0.26




Magic Ingredient









Box 2 0 0 9 OKLAHOMA

Dept. C Widener B I d g. P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA. CHEMICAL

M e t h a n o l , s y n t h e t i c , d r u m s , c.l., Zone 1. t gal. 0.38>3 t a n k s , Z o n e 1, t gal. 0.28 M e t h y l acetate, 9 7 " - 9 9 % , t a n k s . . . l b . 0.09>4 Chloride, c y l i n d e r s , w k s lb. 0.16 E t h y l ketone, drxams, E a s t . . l b . 0 . 1 0 ^ - 0 . 1 1 ^ F o r m a t e , drums _ lb. 0.35 H e x y l ketone,, t e c h . , w k s . . l b . O.60 S a l i c y l a t e , 50-lb- d r u m s , w k s . . . . l b . 0.40 M o n o e t h y l a m i n e , d r u m s , c.l lb. 0.22 N a p h t h a l e n e ,, c o m . , 7 4 ° , tanks, X lb. 0.05^ « - N a p h t h o l t bbl., T lb. O.70 / S - N a p h t h o l , tech., "bbl.,, l . c . l . , t . -lb. 0 . 2 7 ^ - 0 . 3 2 0.38 ac-Naphthylamine, b b l . , t lb0.70 /3-NaphthyLaniine, t e c h . , k e g s lb. 0.33££ N i c k e l , m e t a l , clecfcxoly t i c c a t h o d e s . l b . 0.16 S u l f a t e (nickel s a . l t s , s i n g l e ) , b b l . . l b . 0.43 ac-Nitroaniline, k e s s lb. N i t r o b e n z e n e , tecfat., d r u m s , c.l., t East lb. 0.10 Nitrocellulose,esterx-sol., 3 0 - 3 5 cps., M , H s e c , bbl., - w k s lb. 0 . 3 2 - 0 . 3 3 o-Nitrochlorobenzene, drums, t 0.15 East ,. . lb. 0.15 p-Nitrochlorobenzene, kegs, t .08-0.09) o - N i t r o t o l u e n c , drxams, + E a s t lb. 0.30 p-Nitrotoluene, k e g s , t East lb. 0.25 Nitromethane, drixms, l.c.l., wks. . . l b . 0.25 2 - O c t a n o l , drums, -wks lb. 0.22££ O i l , castor, No. 3 , t a n k s lb. C o c o n u t , crude, Atlantic ports, tanks lb. 0.23 C o r n , c r u d e , tarxlcs, m i l l s lb. 0.33 C o t t o n s e e d , cru.
2 6,





Large Continuing Supply ACETONE Typical Analysis:


6 0 7


- Methanol


BIOS ^a^arataxce^:





2 6,

1 94 8

Acetone Methanol Specific Gravity @ 2S°/25° C Dryness

80 t o 85% Balance .7905 to .7912 Miscible w i t h 19 vol* u m e s of 66° Baumi Gasoline @ 20° C

Colorless B o i l i n g Point Acidity

54° t o 57° C .01 a s Acetic

Non-volatile Matter

.003 Gr

•r C. C.

WILLIAM D. NEUBERG COMPANY, INC. 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17 • LExington 2-3324

Whiting, limestone, dry-grd., 325mesh, bags, 40 tons, N.E., wks..ton 9.50 Xylene, indust., east of Omaha, tanks gal. 0.28-0.30 returnable drums gal. 0.37-0.39 Xylidine, drums, t lb. 0.38 Zinc ammonium chloride, bbl., 0.0751 Carbonate, rubber grade, bbl., wks lb. 0.10H Chloride, tech., fused, drums, c.l., wks lb. 0.06J* Metal slabs, at N. Y lb. 0.12 Oxide, Amer. process, bags, c.l.. .lb. 0.11 Stearate, tech., 2,000 lb. or 0.51 Sulfate, cryst., bags, c.l., wks. 100 lb. 4.65 * Nominal. t Freight allowed. X Freight equalized.

Careers in


Student opportunity in metallurgy has been analyzed in a 96-page booklet, "Your Career in the Metallurgical Pro­ fession/ ' published by the American So­ ciety for Metals, Cleveland 3, Ohio, and sent to principals and department heads in secondary schools. Prepared by J. W. W. Sullivan of the American Iron and Steel Institute with the assistance of an ASM committee under R. F. Mehl, the booklet emphasizes the need for trained metallur­ gists. 2239