ACS OFFICIAL REPORTS 1951 being, book reviews and communications to the editor are not b e ing accepted for this journal. S A M U E L C. L I N D , Editor W . A L B E R T N O Y E S , JR., Editor-Elect
Industrial a n d Engineering Chemistry record w a s set i n 1951 for total p a g e s published in t h e ANOTHER technical section of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
The figure was 2 9 8 2 pages, including the index, 3 7 0 a b o v e 1950. Page volume considerably exceeded t h e 1 9 5 0 total, and was just /^» hemical Reoietos, owned and edited by the AMERICAN CHEAII- 1 2 pages more than t h e number printed i n 1 9 4 9 , w h e n a special ^ CAL SOCIETY, is published under a contract with the Williams allocation "was provided t o w i p e o u t t h e backlog o f papers and Wilkins Co. of Baltimore. This agreement provides that t h e accumulated over several previous years. Publication of contributed papers continued o n a current basis journal shall appear bimonthly i n t w o volumes per year. In 1951, Volumes 4 8 and 49, containing about 1100 pages, w e r e throughout 1951 for the second successive year. However, t h e published. There were 19 review articles representing different increase in the n u m b e r of pages, as well as t h e complexity of more fields of chemistry. T h e distribution for the past two years w a s symposia a n d special features have placed additional burdens o n both t h e editorial staff and the printer. A s a result there has b e e n as follows: a "drift" o f the date of publication toward a later d a y of t h e 1951 1950 xnontH, with t h e result that t h e D e c e m b e r issue went into t h e Biochemistry 0 1 Chemotherapy 1 2 mails D e c . 10. A t the end of the year, action w a s started to shift Inorganic 3 4 the publication date back t o the preferred earlier date. Organic 13 9 O n e of the more fundamental changes m a d e during the year Physical 2 4 was establishment of the Engineering a n d Process D e v e l o p m e n t Total 19 20 T h e number of articles in each field varies from year to year section. I n effect, this change divided t h e main b o d y of t h e depending upon the suggestions of t h e editorial board and the technical section into two structural parts. Study of t h e c o n availability of good authors. Since Chemical Reviews limits its tributed articles had shown that an adequate number of t h e m scope to papers which are primarily chemical in nature, o n l y a could clearly b e identified as predominantly o f an engineering few topics in biochemistry and chemotherapy appear. Those or process development nature, justifying establishment of a which are primarily physiological or pharmacological are p u b separate section. A very conservative p o l i c y h a s been followed lished in other review journals. However, a definite effort has in designating articles for the ' Έ & P" section, s o that t h e subject been made to achieve better distribution among the remaining emphasis would b e evident to the reader. D e s p i t e this conserva three fields. Four reviews in inorganic a n d four in physical tive approach, a n d t h e further fact that symposia a n d annual reviews of an engineering nature w e r e n o t included, a total of chemistry are scheduled for the first volume of 1952. T h e editor would like to call attention to the "Suggestions to 8 5 papers had appeared in t h e section (corresponding to 4 8 3 pages ) for the 12 issues of 1951. Reader response w a s most Authors of Review Articles" published in t h e February issue of 1951. This outlines the scope of Chemical Reviews and the pro favorable. Most ambitious single editorial project carried out b y Iù-EC cedure followed in evaluating topics suggested, and gives s u g gestions concerning format, style, and actual writing. An effort in 1 9 5 1 was, fittingly, publication of the D i a m o n d Jubilee History is made t o arrange the publication schedule a year in advance. of 75 years of chemical progress. This 160-page feature appeared All articles, whether or not specifically invited as the result of pre serially in the February t o June issues, a n d later constituted t h e liminary correspondence, are read and carefully checked for bulk o f t h e souvenir volume "Chemistry . . . Key t o Better suitability for publication. If uninvited articles are approved, Living." T h e history project w a s presented i n sections corresponding t o the divisions of d i e A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY. they are placed at the end of the previously arranged schedule. A t the present time manuscripts have b e e n approved for the The historians w h o prepared the various sections were appointed three numbers of Volume 5 0 . Arrangements for reviews for the by t h e corresponding divisions. I n scope, t h e feature was a review second Volume ( N o . 5 1 ) for 1 9 5 2 have b e e n completed, a n d a of scientific and industrial advances, plus brief, individual histentative schedule of publication through December 1952 has tories of t h e ACS divisions. T h e first two of a n e w symposium series intended to run as an b e e n arranged. The editor will b e grateful for suggestions for future review topics and invites correspondence for articles indefinite cycle appeared in 1951. N a m e d "Resources for t h e Chemical Industry," each symposium summarized statistics a n d for 1953. trends in raw materials, power, labor, industrial establishments, R A L P H L . SHRINEB, Editor and other technically important subjects, for a major geographical Chemical M o n o g r a p h s region of t h e United States. T h e first symposium in t h e series P U B L I S H E D during 1951 were t w o n e w monographs, namely, \V. presented data for t h e Southwest, a n d w a s published i n August 17 P. Kelley's "Alkali Soils" and Harold WittcoFs "Phospha following presentation at the 119th national meeting of t h e A C S , tides." T h e results of the Monograph Board's carefully planned Cleveland, spring 1 9 5 1 . T h e second, o n Far West resources, 1 9 4 8 - 5 1 activity in developing an expanded program of pro was presented a t the fall meeting of t h e A C S i n N e w York a n d fessional value will become evident in 1952 and subsequent years. published i n December. T h e 1 9 5 2 production schedule of the Reinhold Publishing Increasing attention was given to t h e forms and techniques of Corp. calls for the issuance of seven monographs whose manu communication o n IùrEC's pages. This w a s o n e of the objectivesscripts have been completed. Reference is had to "Glycols" behind establishment of t h e Engineering and Process D e v e l o p ( G. O. Curme and collaborators ) ; "Industrial Waste Treatment ) ; ment section. Little w a s done t o the main text of the contributed —Stream Pollution Control" ( W i l l e m Rudolfs and collaborators); articles, except t o utilize the facilities of t h e American D o c u "Performance of Lubricating Oils" ( H. H . Zuidema ) ; "Phos mentation Institute for voluminous supporting data n o t u s e d phorus, Phosphoric Acid, Phosphates, and Phosphatic Fertilizers," directly by most readers. However, the abstracts have b e e n m a d e a full revision of Monograph N o . 3 4 ( W . H. W a g g a m a n ) ; more interpretive in nature, though n o less informative i n content. "Soluble Silicates, Their Properties and Uses," a wholly n e w It is Hoped that their value will thereby b e extended to a broader treatise to succeed Monograph N o . 4 6 (J. G. Vail and J. H. range of readers. T h i s change was favorably received, and at W i l l s ) ; "Styrene" (R. F . Boyer, R. H . Boundy and other special the e n d o f the year plans were made t o assemble t h e abstracts ists of The Dow Chemical Co. ) ; and "Wood Chemistry," a c o m in a special feature section to make them more accessible. prehensive revision of Monograph N o . 97 ( L . E. Wise, E . C. Other innovations made over the past f e w years to facilitate Jahn and collaborators). communication were continued. Most of these were reviews of In course of preparation are 3 8 other works—six revisions and one t y p e o r another. T h e "Resources" series mentioned earlier 8 2 n e w monographs. Notwithstanding these commitments the is of this nature. T h e annual reviews of Unit Operations, Unit Monograph Board welcomes recommendations and proposals of Processes, and Materials of Construction w e r e continued. T h e n e w treatises for the series. January Reports section again w a s given over t o a geographical review of industrial developments of t h e previous 1 2 months. W I L L I A M Α. Η AMOR, Editor
Chemical Reviews