Chemical Perspectives and Practice: A Chemistry Content Course for

The Chemical Perspectives and Practice course, the goal of which is to foster a broader and deeper understanding of a ... High School / Introductory C...
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In the Classroom


edited by

projects supported by the NSF division of undergraduate education

Susan H. Hixson National Science Foundation Arlington, VA 22230

Curtis T. Sears, Jr. Georgia State University Atlanta, GA 30303

Chemical Perspectives and Practice A Chemistry Content Course for Prospective Teachers within the Framework of a State Systemic Initiative Arnold Craig Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717

For the past four years, the Montana Systemic Teacher Excellence Preparation Project (STEP) has provided a reform atmosphere and start-up support for reform activity. The Chemistry and Biochemistry department at Montana State University responded with three proposed projects. They were the development of more appropriate and student-friendly laboratories in all sections of first-year chemistry, the institution of special sections of first-year chemistry laboratory designed for the needs of future teachers, and an upper-division undergraduate course for potential science teachers. The latter activity is described in this highlight. Since 1990, MSU content scientists have been involved in science education initiatives including NSF-funded projects, Science Teaching Institute of the Rockies (STIR), National Teacher Enhancement Network (NTEN), and Chemistry Concept Workshops (CCW). My participation and experience in those projects strongly influenced the philosophy, organization, and content of the Chemical Perspectives and Practice course. The title fairly conveys the goal of the course, which is to foster a broader and deeper understanding of a few fundamental chemistry concepts by group discussion, instructor exposition, and participantdeveloped laboratory and demonstration activities. The course features student input into topic selection, considerable consulting input by two Montana master secondary school chemistry teachers, and out-of-class projects. The course has been offered for the last three years. We have used “Equilibrium”, “Thermodynamics”, “Rate Processes”, and “Chemical Bonding” as target concepts. It is a four-semester-credit [lecture (3)/ laboratory (1)] course and is currently taught annually in the fall semester. It is a small-enrollment course in which student participation is the ultimate requirement. New material is brought in regularly. For example, recently TI-CBL data acquisition and processing technology, and computer graphics and computational capacity were introduced. All students are required to: •

Keep a journal, which serves as their classroom note repository, primary recording location of all writing and “idea” assignments, laboratory and demonstration notes, their analysis of textbook coverage (see below), and any other material they feel is pertinent to the course. The original journals are never collected; they are intended to be one of the resources students take away from the class. Copies of most other assignments are collected for instructor use and assessment.

Analyze a published, and usually commonly used, college or high school chemistry text for coverage of each concept. Data taken are the number of pages formally devoted to the concept, the location of the introduction, major applications of the concept, and any places where the concept emerges informally. This provides a rudimentary textbook analysis for the future teacher and further exposure to concept principles.

Observe and critique demonstration of studied concepts.

Perform and critique laboratory experiments of selected concepts. Formulate and carry out original demonstration/laboratory experiments of some concepts.

• •

Take part in class formulation and discussions of the major concepts and ways to introduce them to precollege classes at an appropriate level.

Make minipresentations of concepts to the class on a prepared or extemporaneous basis.

Participate in an extracurricular activity in which the understanding and preparation of concept material is demonstrated. Typical activities have been participation in a chemistry concept workshop with practicing teachers, presentation at the annual meeting of the Montana Science Teachers Association, and participation in the Montana State Science Olympiad as event preparers or monitors.

The student response has been strongly laudatory. Comments include: “…made the class very conducive for discussion. I don’t think any one felt intimidated to speak up…”, “The trip to the concept workshop was one of the most beneficial experiences I have had in the preparation for teaching…”, “This class has done more to prepare me for teaching than any other class…”. After initial developmental help from STEP during the first two years, the course is now fully supported by the chemistry and biochemistry department with faculty, teaching assistant, and supplies funding. The departmental faculty are interested and supportive of the course objectives. Acknowledgment Course development was partially supported by a grant (DUE 9255792) from the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education’s Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation Program.

Vol. 74 No. 9 September 1997 • Journal of Chemical Education