Chemical properties and identification of ions: An introduction to

Chemical properties and identification of ions: An introduction to semimicro qualitative analysis (Whipple, Omer K.) Donald B. Summers. J. Chem. Educ...
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BOOK REVIEWS copy., ;Since 10 years elapsed between the in~tialpresentation of the unedited lectures and their appearance in bound form, it is unfortunate that certain chapters could not have been hrought up to date in their literature coverage generally, and with some mention of solid-state electronic devices specifically. A certain amount of useful informst,ion is to be found in the chapters entitled The Application of Semiconductors to the Detection of Radiation, Detector and Amplifier Systems in Infrared Spectrometry, Photoelectric Devices and Their Applieation in the Visible and Ultraviolet Regions, and Some Optical Problems. Two additional chapters are rather specialired: The Presentation of Infrared Spectra on the Cathode R s y Tube, with particular emphasis here being placed on the use of this technique in studying the kinetirs of rapid reactions, and Polarized-Beam Techniques in Infrared Spectroscopy and their value, a t least in simple cases, in determining approximate bond directions in a molecule. Each of these six chapters in the latter half of the book ia written by a different authority. The disadvantage of multiple authorship is st times apparent in the lack of uniformity of writing style, and in the scooe and level of diffieultv of t,he

tremely lucid manner of


shown there had extended to certain other portions of the hook. To continue in this vein might result in

as a-refereneework for the serious spectroscopist who wishes to learn more about the topics that are included, and certainly the somewhat less expert spectrometer user who is ahle to master the ms,terial presented will have reasonably thorough and useful grounding in electronics, for application not only to his work in absorption spectroscopy buL possibly to other research problems as well. Further, those in education who are responsible for incomoratine into the curriculum basic in-

H. W. SAFFDRD Universitf, qf Pittsburgh Pittsbwgh, Pennsglvania Chemical Properties a n d Identification of Ions: An Introduction lo Semimicro Qualitative Analysis

Omer K. Whipple, California. State Pol.vtechnic College, San Luis Obispo. Wsdsuwrth Publishing Co., Inc., San 310 Francisco, California, 1961. x pp. Figs. and tahles. 15 X 20 rm. Paperbound. $3.95.


I n the preface of this little laboratory book the statement is made that "It is desianed particularly for use in the serond (Continued on page A9221

A920 / Journal of Chemicol Education


givcn to thc salvr.nt nrtion of wstw on eloct,rolytcs, hot thrre is n good devrlopment of I