chemical reviews - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Chemical Society to provide authoritative critical reviews and comprehensive summaries ... Correspondence concerning business matters should be sent t...
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CHEMICAL REVIEWS Published bimonthly by the American Chemical Society at 20th and Northampton Streets, Easton,

RALPH L. S H R I N E R , EDITOR Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas



Associate E d i t o r s NORMAN C. BAENZIGER, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa NORMAN RABJOHN, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri DAVID I. WEISBLAT, The Upjohn Company, Kala­ mazoo, Michigan EVAN C. HORNING, Baylor University, College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

J. V. QUAGLIANO, Florida State University, Talla­ hassee, Florida CECIL




CHARLES R. BERTSCH, Senior Production Editor American Chemical Society Office, 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pennsylvania © Copyright, 1966, by the American Chemical Society. Second class postage paid a t Easton, Pa. This publication is authorized to be mailed a t the special rates of postage prescribed by Section 132.122. CHEMICAL REVIEWS is published by the American Chemical Society to provide authoritative critical reviews and comprehensive summaries of recent research in theoreti­ cal chemistry. The publication of reviews in various fields is scheduled about a year in advance. The Editor welcomes suggestions for timely reviews. All prospective authors should read Articles for Chemical Reviews—Suggestions to Authors in Chem. Rev., 64, 1 (1964), and follow the procedure for ob­ taining preliminary approval before preparing the manu­ script. Uninvited manuscripts will be examined by the Editorial Board but are placed a t the end of the prearranged schedule. Accepted articles for which immediate publication would seem important will be inserted in the next issue of the journal to go to press if the author is willing to pay the manufacturing cost. The insertion of such articles will not affect the publication of other manuscripts awaiting their turn, since the inserted articles will constitute addi­ tional pages to the volume without additional cost to the subscriber. Alterations in an article after it has been set in type are made at the author's expense, and it is understood that by entering such alterations on proofs the author agrees to defray the cost thereof. CHEMICAL REVIEWS articles are listed in Chemical Abstracts. Manuscripts submitted for publication should be ad­ dressed to D R . RALPH L. SHRINER, Editor-in-Chief. Corre­ spondence relating to editorial matters should be addressed to Research Journals Production Office, American Chemical Society, 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. 18042. Senior Production Editor: CHARLES R. BERTSCH. Assist­



Lincoln, Nebraska PETER L. DE BENNEVILLE, Rohm and Haas Co., Spring House, Pennsylvania NATHAN KORNBLUM, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana

ant Senior Production Editor: Assistant Editor:



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AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. RICHARD L. K E N T O N Director of Publications

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