Chemical Scientists - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

velopment and Application. J.L. Beauchamp ... 2:20 Application of a Swept-Poten- tial Electrochemical Detector to the ... or Hawaii dial. (503) 648-07...
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News 3:05 Countercurrent Chromatogra­ phy of Synthetic Peptides on the Ito Coil Planet Centrifuges. M. Knight 3:55 Organelle Fractionation in Aqueous Two-Phase Polymer Sys­ tems Using Countercurrent Chro­ matography. I.A. Sutherland, D. Haywood-Waddington, and T.J. Peters 4:25 Countercurrent Chromatogra­ phy of Biological Membranes in Phase Transfer Systems Consisting of Water-Soluble Polymers. S.D. Flanagan

3:05 Fundamentals of Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Reso­ nance Mass Spectroscopy. M.B. Comisarow 3:45 Identification of Impurities in Electronic Gases Using Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry. W.D. Reents, J r . 4:15 Chemistry of Organotransition Metal Ions in the Gas Phase. D.B. Jacobson and B.S. Freiser 4:45 Reactions of Metal Ions and Their Clusters in the Gas Phase Us­ ing Laser Ionization-Fourier Trans­ form Mass Spectrometry. B.S. Freiser


Symposium on ACS Award In Pure Chemistry


General—Gas and Liquid Chromatography

W.D. Reents, Jr., Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks 2:05 Solution-Phase Metal IonMolecule Chemistry. H. Freiser 2:35 Ion Cyclotron Resonance Spectroscopy: Two Decades of De­ velopment and Application. J.L. Beauchamp

2:20 Application of a Swept-Potential Electrochemical Detector to the HPLC Analysis of Nitrosamines. M.B. Thomas and P.E. Sturrock 2:40 New Concepts for Enhancing the Flexibility of Micromeritics Autoinjectors. H. Joshua 3:00 Calibration Method for PCB Analysis by Capillary GC with Elec­ tron Capture Detection. R.E. Wag­ ner, J.C. Carnahan, and R.J. May 3:40 Internal Standard for Capil­ lary GC Analysis of PCB Mixtures. R.E. Wagner and J.C. Carnahan 4:00 Redox Chemiluminescence: A New Approach to Chromatography Detection. R.E. Sievers and S.A. Nyarady 4:20 Investigation into Relation of GLC Behavior and Structure of Simple Heterocyclic Compounds and Derivatives. S.M. Farroha, A.E. Habboush, and M.B. Hemza

D.E. Jones, Presiding 2:00 Eluent Pressure Detector for Aqueous Size Exclusion Chromatog­ raphy of High-Molecular-Weight Water-Soluble Polymers. R.D. Hes­ ter and C E . Lundy

/Chemical jf Scientists ,' W h a t m a n


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