Chemical Speciation in Ionic Liquids and their Mixtures with Polar

Dec 18, 2009 - Broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) is a powerful tool for studying the nature and dynamics of room-temperature ionic li...
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Chapter 4

Chemical Speciation in Ionic Liquids and their Mixtures with Polar Solvents Using Dielectric Spectroscopy Glenn Hefter,a* Richard Buchner,b Johannes Hunger, b and Alexander Stoppa b a

Chemistry Department, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150, Australia b Institut für Physikalische & Theoretische Chemie, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany * e-mail: [email protected]

Broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) is a powerful tool for studying the nature and dynamics of room-temperature ionic liquids, as well as providing the only means to directly measure their dielectric constants. The DR spectra of neat ionic liquids exhibit many modes, especially at high frequencies, where they reflect ‘intermolecular’ vibrations and librations. Detailed investigations have also been made into mixtures of ionic liquids with molecular solvents of varying character. The spectra indicate that typical ionic liquids retain their chemical nature even after significant dilution by a molecular solvent such as dichloromethane. Contrary to popular belief, there is little evidence for the existence of discrete ion pairs in the neat ionic liquids; such species appear to exist only at high dilution (typically at xIL < 0.1) in molecular solvents.

© 2009 American Chemical Society In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.



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Introduction As for all electrolyte solutions, chemical speciation has profound effects on the properties and behaviour of room temperature ionic liquids. Indeed, chemical speciation is likely to be especially important for ionic liquids because of the concentration of charged particles and the inevitable strong interactions among them. Despite their importance, relatively few speciation studies have been made to date on ionic liquids, either neat or mixed with other solvents (1,2). This is partly because of the problematic nature of such studies: the species most widely thought to be present in ionic liquids, apart from their constituent ions, are ion pairs along with larger (charged or neutral) aggregates. Such species are often difficult to determine by the techniques routinely used for chemical speciation studies (3,4). For example, traditional thermodynamic and conductometric data are often difficult to interpret at the ‘molecular’ level, whilst most spectroscopic methods provide only localised (chromophore-based) information and have specific weaknesses with respect to the characterisation of some types of ion pairs (4). Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) is responsive to the motions of molecular-level dipoles and, as such, has a number of advantages over most other techniques in the study of chemical speciation in ionic liquids (3,4). In particular, DRS has special capabilities for the detection and characterisation of all types of ion pairs, and it is also sensitive to longer-range cooperative motions in liquids, which are likely to be significant in ionic liquids (1,2). Additionally, DRS is the only technique (5) currently available that can directly measure the (relative) electric permittivity or dielectric constant of conducting liquids such as ionic liquids, a very important quantity for understanding and modelling their behaviour. In favourable circumstances DRS can provide detailed thermodynamic, kinetic and even some structural information on the species present in electrolyte solutions (3). DRS measures the response of a sample to an imposed low-amplitude electric field oscillating at frequencies in the microwave (MW) and near-MW region (ideally 0.1 ≲ ν/GHz ≲ 10,000). The quantity usually measured in DRS is the frequency-dependent complex permittivity:

ε*(ν) = ε′(ν) – iε″(ν) where ε′(ν) is the in-phase permittivity component and ε″(ν) is the out-of phase dielectric loss component (3). An electric field is transmitted through a conducting medium by just three mechanisms: the re-orientation of electric dipoles, the polarisation of electron clouds, and the movement of ions. While the second and third of these mechanisms dominate the dielectric spectrum at very high and very low frequencies respectively, it is only the first that is usually of interest in DRS, although it should be noted that for ionic liquids, librations and intermolecular vibrations are common in the THz region (1). The origin of dielectric relaxation is illustrated in Figure 1. At low field frequencies, molecular-level dipoles are able to re-orient with the oscillating electric field vector, corresponding to a (relatively) high solution permittivity. If

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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the field frequency is increased sufficiently, it will eventually outpace the finite rate at which the molecular-level dipoles can re-orient, which is limited by their size, shape and interactions with neighbouring species. At this point, dielectric ‘relaxation’ occurs as the dipoles can no longer follow the field; this causes the permittivity to decrease and the dielectric loss within the sample to increase.

Figure 1. Effect of the frequency of an oscillating electric field on the rotation of molecular-level dipoles (+/– signs refer to the field polarity). These features of DRS are readily seen in Figure 2, which shows the dielectric spectrum of water over the frequency range (0.4 ≤ ν/GHz ≤ 400) at 25 oC (6). The major loss peak in liquid water, centred at ~18 GHz, corresponds to the cooperative relaxation of the three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded water network. The smaller contribution, centred at ~400 GHz and barely discernable in this spectrum, is thought to be due to the rotation of ‘free’ water molecules and/or possibly the effects of dielectric friction (6). DRS is particularly sensitive to the presence of ion pairs in electrolyte solutions. Indeed, DRS is one of the very few techniques that can distinguish and quantify all types of ion pairing (4,7). A typical example, for MgSO4(aq), is shown in Figure 3 and reveals that all three ion-pair types (double-solventseparated, 2SIP, solvent-shared, SIP, and contact, CIP, ion pairs) are detected in such solutions (7), along with the two solvent peaks seen in Figure 2.

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 2. DR spectrum of water at 25 oC; note the presence of two relaxation processes.

DR Spectra of Ionic Liquids The great diversity of ionic liquids precludes discussion of their DR spectra in a completely generic manner. Nevertheless, useful generalisations can be drawn from a consideration of typical spectra. As with most other properties of ionic liquids the most widely studied compounds to date have been the 1,3-dialkylimidazolium salts. A representative dielectric spectrum, for [C4mim][BF4], is shown in Figure 4 (1,8). The spectrum covers an unusually wide frequency range (0.1 ≲ ν/GHz ≲ 3000) and shows a number of interesting features that are characteristic of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. The dominant mode in the loss spectrum occurs at rather low frequencies, being centred at ~0.6 GHz (Figure 4). Although its exact mathematical description remains somewhat controversial, it seems this mode is best described by a Cole-Cole equation (8). Its location (frequency) and intensity (amplitude) have been shown to be qualitatively consistent with the rotational diffusion of the weakly dipolar imidazolium cation (9). On the other hand, quantitative consideration of the DR data, including comparisons with other techniques, suggest that there may be other processes such as cooperative motions from larger aggregates also contributing to this mode (8). Interestingly, and in contradiction to general belief, there appears to be no evidence in the DR spectrum (cf. Figure 3) for the presence of significant concentrations of ion pairs (10). As will be shown below, this is consistent with evidence obtained from ionic liquid/solvent mixtures.

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 3. DR spectrum of 0.36 M MgSO4(aq) at 25 oC, showing the simultaneous presence of double-solvent-separated (2SIP), solvent-shared (SIP) and contact (CIP) ion pairs, along with the two water relaxations (τi = 1/2πνmax).

Figure 4. DR spectrum of [C4mim][BF4] at 25 oC. Component modes for the loss (ε″ ) curve are described (left to right) by a Cole-Cole process, one Debye process and two damped harmonic oscillators. Extrapolation of the ε′(ν) data in Figure 4 to zero frequency provides a direct measure of the sample’s dielectric constant, ε (5). Although this extrapolation is somewhat less accurate for this particular liquid because of the location of the dominant process at such low frequencies, the value of ε ≈ 14 is typical of most of the (largely imidazolium-based) ionic liquids investigated to date (11,12). Such values of the dielectric constant, roughly equivalent to those of medium chain-length ketones and ethers, are considerably lower than the

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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expectations of many researchers. However, they are consistent with the relatively low electrical conductivities and other solvent characteristics of many ionic liquids (8). The DR spectra of typical ionic liquids at higher frequencies (ν ≳ 10 GHz) exhibit a small, almost featureless, but remarkably persistent loss curve (Figure 4) (1). The origin of the contributing modes (clearly many modes are required to produce the observed loss curves) are not well understood at the present time. In part, this is because of the possible influence on the spectra from contributions from even faster modes (i.e., at ν > 3 THz), which makes definitive description difficult; measurements at such high frequencies require highly specialised equipment and very few studies of ionic liquids have been made in this region. Among the various possibilities, it seems likely that librations and intermolecular vibrations make some contribution, although their precise nature remains obscure at present (1).



Figure 5. DR spectrum of [C2mim][EtSO4] at 25 oC. Note the mode due to the rotational diffusion of the anion, centred at ~10 GHz; I-MV = inter-molecular vibration. As [BF4]– possesses tetrahedral symmetry, it does not have a dipole moment and thus does not contribute to the spectrum of [C4mim][BF4] shown in Figure 4. A typical spectrum of an ionic liquid that contains a dipolar anion, [EtSO4]–, is shown in Figure 5 (13). The mode centred at ~10 GHz is readily assigned to the rotational diffusion of the [EtSO4]– anion, since all the other features of the spectrum are very similar to those of other imidazolium salts containing nonpolar anions (Figure 4) (8).

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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Mixtures of Ionic Liquids with Polar Solvents The insights that can be obtained from a single DR (or indeed any other type of) spectrum of a neat ionic liquid is inevitably limited. Understanding can of course be extended by studying the effects of other variables, such as temperature, or by investigating a series of ionic liquids of systematically varying character. Another fruitful approach is to study the effects of mixing ionic liquids with conventional molecular solvents. In addition to the insights that can be gained about the neat ionic liquid from studying the effects of systematic variation in mixture composition, such blends are likely to have many practical applications, e.g., in batteries or as reaction media, where compositional variation can be employed to produce desired properties (2). The range of molecular solvents that can be used as diluents for ionic liquids is almost unlimited. Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) is a good choice because it is fully miscible with many ionic liquids, has a reasonable dielectric constant (ε ≈ 9 at 25 oC) and makes a relatively small, well-known contribution to the DR spectrum. A general scheme (Figure 6) for the dilution of an ionic liquid by a molecular solvent has been proposed by Dupont (14) and it is interesting to investigate how far this scheme is consistent with experimental observations. In essence, Dupont assumes a highly structured form for the neat ionic liquid. This structure is gradually broken down into smaller entities with increasing dilution, forming sequentially: large aggregates, triple ions, contact ion pairs and ultimately free ions. Some aspects of this scheme have intuitive appeal because they mimic the known effects of dilution on conventional electrolyte solutions (7), while other steps are more speculative but, at least in principle, should be detectable using DRS. Relatively few studies of the DR spectra of ionic liquid/co-solvent mixtures have been made to date (2,15). The best-investigated system is undoubtedly ([C4mim][BF4] + CH2Cl2), which has been studied over the entire composition range over the wide (but not ideal) frequency range (0.1 ≲ ν/GHz ≲ 100) at 25 oC (2). The DR spectra obtained for these mixtures (Figure 7) appear relatively simple, showing just two processes: a Cole-Cole (CC) mode at lower frequencies and a Debye (D) mode at much higher frequencies.

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 6. Generalised scheme of Dupont (14) for the dilution of an ionic liquid with a molecular solvent (mol fraction of the ionic liquid, xIL, decreases from top to bottom): TIs = triple ions; CIPs = contact ion pairs; S-SIPs = solventseparated ion pairs.

Figure 7. DR spectra for two ([C4mim][BF4] + CH2Cl2) mixtures at 25 oC: (a) xIL = 0.1; (b) xIL = 0.9. Note that the Cole-Cole (CC) and Debye (D) processes are composites of more than one mode (see text). However, this apparent simplicity is deceptive, as is readily revealed by a closer look at the spectra as a function of composition. Focussing first on the lower frequency contribution: the data in Figure 8 illustrate the real complexity of the mixtures. Thus, the static solution permittivity ε (= limν→0 ε′(ν)) undergoes quite dramatic changes as a function of composition {Figure 8(a)},

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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69 rather than the smooth variation that would be expected from simple mixing. The shape of the CC mode, as measured by the broadness parameter α, also undergoes significant and complex changes with composition {Figure 8(b)}. While a detailed interpretation of the DR spectra for these mixtures is given elsewhere (2), it is interesting to note the influence of composition on μeff, the effective dipole moment for the low frequency process, calculated from the spectra via the Cavell equation (16). The values so obtained (Figure 9) show that at moderate and high mole fractions of the ionic liquid (xIL ≳ 0.3), μeff ≈ 4.6 D, which agrees well with the values of μ([C4mim]+) ≈ 5 to 7 D (depending on conformation) obtained for the isolated cation from quantum mechanical calculations (2). Also at xIL ≳ 0.3, the microscopic relaxation time for this process obtained from the spectra, τ1′, correlates (Figure 10) strongly with mixture viscosities (17). Taken together, these observations suggest that there is an essentially random or homogeneous dilution of the ionic liquid by the CH2Cl2 molecules over the composition range 0.3 ≲ xIL ≤ 1 and that the chemical ‘character’ of the ionic liquid is retained down to quite high dilutions with CH2Cl2.

Figure 8. Parameters derived from the DR spectra of ([C4mim][BF4] + CH2Cl2) mixtures at 25 oC as a function of solution composition: (a) the dielectric constant, ε ; (b) the Cole-Cole shape parameter, α.

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 9. The effective dipole moment, μeff, of the species assumed to be responsible for the Cole-Cole process in ([C4mim][BF4] + CH2Cl2) mixtures at 25 oC, calculated via the Cavell equation. Note that at xIL ≳ 0.3, μeff(obs) ≈ μ([C4mim]+). Similar results have been obtained with other ionic liquids mixed with CH2Cl2 (13,15). At very high dilutions of [C4mim][BF4] in CH2Cl2, the amplitude of the low frequency CC process and thus the static permittivity, goes through a maximum (at xIL ≈ 0.08, Figure 9) and there is a rapid increase in μeff (2). These observations indicate the presence of a new relaxing species with a large dipole moment. The location, nature and magnitude of these effects are consistent with the formation of ion pairs. While the overlap of the ion pairing contribution and that of the cation rotation was too strong to allow their respective contributions to be separated (2), the observed values of μeff at xIL→0 (Figure 9) and the corresponding effective volume of rotation, Veff (18), are consistent with those calculated by quantum mechanics for contact (rather than solvent-separated) ion pairs. As described elsewhere (2), these data can be used to calculate a simplified chemical speciation diagram (Figure 11) which shows that the (contact) ion pairs are significant only at high dilution (xIL ≲ 0.1) in CH2Cl2. Of course, at even higher dilutions, these ion pairs must ultimately dissociate into free ions.

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 10. Relaxation time for the Cole-Cole process, τ1 (left hand axis, points) and bulk viscosity (17), η (right hand axis, line) for ([C4mim][BF4] + CH2Cl2) mixtures at 25 oC as a function of composition. Note correlation between τ1 and

η at xIL ≳ 0.3.

“[C4mim]+” “[C4mim]+”

Figure 11. Simplified chemical speciation model for ([C4mim][BF4] + CH2Cl2) mixtures at 25 oC at low xIL. Note that ion pairs (CIPs) are dominant only at very low xIL; “[C4mim]+” refers to all cations regardless of their immediate environment. Turning now to the higher frequency process, centred at ca. 70 to 260 GHz depending on composition (Figure 7) and which is satisfactorily described by a single Debye equation (2), a detailed inspection of the data again reveals this process is a composite of various modes. One of these modes is due to CH2Cl2, while there are at least two other modes associated with the ionic liquid. However, it must be remembered that higher frequency modes that are outside the range of these measurements (cf. Figure 4) may still contribute significantly (1) and care must be taken not to over-interpret the data. Even accepting this

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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72 caveat, the behaviour of the amplitude (S2) and relaxation time (τ2) for this process as a function of composition clearly show the complexity of this process (Figure 12). A full discussion of these data is given elsewhere (2), so only a few points of interest are noted here. At xIL ≲ 0.5, the observed values of S2 are less than the amplitude arising from the CH2Cl2 molecules, SDCM, calculated via the Cavell equation (16). This apparent ‘loss’ of CH2Cl2 molecules from the mixture is possibly due to them being involved in solvation of the ions and/or higher aggregates of the ionic liquid. At xIL ≳ 0.5, the value of S2 is > SDCM (Figure 12). As this is physically impossible, there must be at least one ionic liquid-related mode contributing at these frequencies. This is consistent with the spectrum of the neat ionic liquid, which shows features at high frequencies that probably arise from intermolecular vibrations and/or a cross-correlation of rotational and translational modes (2).

Figure 12. Parameters calculated from the DR spectra for the Debye mode (higher frequency process in Figure 7) in ([C4mim][BF4] + CH2Cl2) mixtures at 25 oC: relaxation time, τ2 (circles, right hand axis); amplitude, S2 (squares, left hand axis). Note SDCM is the expected amplitude associated with the CH2Cl2 molecules (see text). As a solvent, CH2Cl2 is neither particularly polar nor strongly coordinating (19); nevertheless, the DR spectra of its mixtures with [C4mim][BF4] are remarkably similar to those observed for mixtures of [C4mim][BF4] with much more strongly interacting solvents such as ethanenitrile or dimethylsulfoxide (20). This is illustrated in Figure 13, which plots μeff values obtained for the lower frequency process via the Cavell equation. The results are almost identical to those shown in Figure 9. Despite the unusual properties of water as a solvent (19), even mixtures of ([C4mim][BF4] + H2O) (Figure 13) are still broadly similar to the corresponding mixtures with CH2Cl2 (Figure 9). A fuller understanding of these spectra requires measurements on more ionic liquids and over a wider frequency range. Nevertheless, the ability of DRS to provide insights into the nature of room-temperature ionic liquids and their mixtures with molecular solvents is well demonstrated by the data presented here.

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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[C4mim][BF4] in ■ MeCN ● H2O

Figure 13. Effective dipole moments, μeff, calculated from the Cavell equation for ([C4mim][BF4] + S) mixtures at 25 °C: with co-solvent (S) = MeCN or H2O. Note similarity with data in Figure 9.

Concluding remarks The DR spectra presented here, along with the quantities that can be derived from them, illustrate the power of modern broadband dielectric spectroscopy to provide important insights into the nature of room-temperature ionic liquids, and their mixtures with conventional molecular solvents. While interactions in neat ionic liquids are undoubtedly dominated by multiple direct cation-anion interactions, the spectra of typical imidazolium salts show, unexpectedly, that there are few ion pairs (more precisely, few that are stable on the DRS timescale) present in the neat ionic liquids. Such species only appear to form appreciably when the ionic liquid is substantially diluted by a molecular solvent. Little direct evidence has been found to support all of the steps in Dupont’s dilution scheme (Figure 6), but further work is required before the effects of mixing of ionic liquids and molecular solvents can be understood. Certainly, it appears that ionic liquids retain their chemical nature up to quite high levels of dilution, which has significant technological implications.

Acknowledgements GH thanks the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn, Germany, for a Visiting Mercator Professorship at the University of Regensburg during 2008; RB, JH and AS also thank the DFG for financial support within Priority Program 1191.

In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.



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In Ionic Liquids: From Knowledge to Application; Plechkova, N., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.