Chemical symbols on auto license plates

~lsan;ples of exl:eptions arc K9.JEI. for an amatpur radio operator, and I'A'lVl'l. for an indiwdual's gwen name. Car3 oprratd by gwernmrnml rmployrrs...
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Chemical Symbols on Auto License Plates Excluding the designations f ~ ;fate r and sear, t h ii~nificanr ~ 'numher" on the 1:rrnse platesof must Am~rirnnnuto. mobiles consists of Arahic numerals ur dume cumbin~riun01 numeral* and upper care letters. When letter.; arr involved. it may he o i some interrsr to note the rhem~calelemmts or possihle cmnpounde repreirntrd by the letters. In considering the possibilit~rs,re\,ernl lim~rarirmssh