Chemical thermodynamics: Basic theory and methods. Introduction to

Chemical thermodynamics: Basic theory and methods. Introduction to chemical thermodynamics (Klotz, Irving). Edgar F. Westrum Jr. J. Chem. Educ. , 1965...
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BOOK REVIEWS plow through the tedious examples common to the back-door books. Each chapter ends with a set of exercises for whieh answers are not. given. A few short tables of some of the common statistical distributions are in an appendix. An unusual feature is a bibliography o i shout two dozen hooks and tables for each of which t,he author has provided short critical comments. This is an excellent book for a rather small audience. 1 , l . o ~S. ~ G m w d B l ~ c l r i rLnmp Division Cleveland, Ohio Chemical Thermodynamicr: Theory a n d Methods


Irving Klolz, Sorthwestern Tlniversity, Evanstan, Illinois. Rev. ed. W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New Yrrrk, 1964. xiv 468 pp. Figs. and tahles. 16 X 23.5 rm. SR.75.


Introduction t o Chemical Thermodynamics Iwing Klotz, Northwestern University, Evmston, Illinois. W. A. Benjamin, Inr., Kew York, 1964. s v 244 pp. Figs. and tables. 15 X 23 rm. Paperbound. $3.95.


The revised edition of the original "Chemical Thermodynamics" o i Xlotz (1950) involves an approximate 2R%, increase in rrmtent (and mais hut unlortunetely a 100"; increase in the t,hickness nf the tome!i. Long popular especially with undergraduates for its lurid enposition of standard states in solutions and prartieahle approach t o the calrulations of partial mold quantities nnd Gihhs energy, the extent of revision is greater than the simple increment in page.; I,?. the incorporation of new didarlic urocedures esperially in connertim with the development of the three laws. The second law-a shihholeth to many elrernistr,v st,udents-has nearly three times ss murh space as previously devoted to its treatment especially in terms of the Carnot cycle. After the develnpment of hasir principles in the first 12 chapters, snme ten additional chapters extend the treatment. t o r e d gases, systems of variable mmposition, and mnventional applieat,iuns. More illustrative pnlblems and snme ailswers are now incorporated: numerous examples are solved, some by alternative procedures. A eomllary of this thorrrugh"ens is, of course, a less extensive appliration t o topirs often incorporated in gmduate level course. Consequent,ly such utilization of this text would suggest use of supplementary material. Among roneessionn t o modernization is the adoption of G in preference to I.' for the quantity whieh IUPAC reaommends the name "Gibbs energy," hut which is designated as "Gibbs free energy" or just. "free energy" by Klots. Less intellertuslly stimulating than Wall's, less refreshing and exciting than Denhigh's, and

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BOOK REVIELVS less comprehensive than Pitzer and Brewer's revision of Lewis and Randall, for example, this treatment by Klote is s. book which will continue to recommend itself warmly to students by the clarity, rigor of its development, the logic and systematization of its presentation, and its consideration far the average learner. I t should prove especially useful to supplement physico-chemical texts as this subject and chemical thermodynsmics as well gets introduced into the curriculum a t an earlier level. The paperback "Intraduetion" involves simply the first twelve chapters of the hard cover volume and consequently covers only the exposition of the three basic principles and the application thereof to simple systems of constant composition. Unfortunately, treatment of systems variable composition and aceompawing standard states for which the original volume was especidly used rostricts severely its ut,ility as a textbook in this abbreviated version. Although the printing and composition are relatively free of embarrassing errors, i t is amusing to see the revised edition referred to as "Basic Chemical Thermodynamic9 in the preface of the paperback version.

EDGAR F. WESTRUM, JR. Uniuereity of Michigan Ann Arbor



Journal of Chemical Education

Thermodynamics of lrreverrible


Pierre Van Rysselbel.ghe, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Blaisdell Publishing Co. (a division of Ginn and Co.), New York, 1964. 165 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.5 X 23.5 em. $7.50. Irreversible thermodynamics concern systems which are not in equilibrium. This short monograph introduces the subject and clesrly shows how conventional thermodynamics is extended to the nonequilibrium region. There are clear discmsions on the First and Second Laws and entropy production, the fundamental concept, followed by examples. Consistent with the author's main field of interest these examples deal largely with chemical reactions, but a vmiety of material such as diffusion, thermal diffusion and thermoelectricity is treated in a. simple and novel manner. There are some omissions: The concept of local equilibrium and the Onsager relations might have been discussed more fully, even allowing for the fact that repetition with existing books has been deliberately avoided. The lack of an index is also somewhat irritating. This book is recommended as an introductory text for those with a knowledge of basic classical thermodynamics, and is especially useful as a prerequisite to the sophisticated studies by Prigogine and De Groot. The presentation and explanations in the book will be very helpful as well to workers already using

the methods of irreversible thennodynsmics. HOWARD HANLEY Pennsylvania State University Universitv Park New German-English Chemists

Dictionary for

H. H. Neville, Building Research Sta, tion, N. C. Johnston, Bankheed Academy, Bucksbum, and G. V. Boyd, Northern Polytechnic, London,England. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, 330 pp. New Jersey, 1964. xviii 13.5 X 19.5 em. $8.95.


The more than 40,000 entries in this dictionary were selected for chemists who know only a little German. Therefore many non-technical terms are included, as well as numerous explanations which would be superfluous to one fluent in German. Separable verbs, for example, puezle beginners who have made a quarter hour journey through a sentence and suddenly collide with the verb prefix a t the end. They will find useful guidance here. The compilation is entirely fresh, from a wide range of literature (including patents) in theoretical and applied chemistry. Some allowance is made for differences in British and American usage, hut evidently with mental reservations; there is no trace of concession to sdf- as an alternate to sulph-, and u is not omitted from words ending in -o(u)r. (Continued on pare A 146)