CHEMICALS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

CHEMICALS. Creatine, Creatinine Set for New Markets. New synthesis slashes costs of biochemicals, paves way for wider commercial applications. Chem...
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Creatine, Creatinine Set for New Markets New synthesis slashes costs of biochemicals, paves way for wider commercial applications Substantial commercial use of creatine and creatinine may be just around the corner. Both biochemicals are now available from Pfanstiehl Laboratories, Waukegan, 111., in bulk quantities and at a new, lower cost (C&EN, Aug. 21, page 35). Back of this move is a new synthetic process developed by Pfanstiehl for making the chemicals. The method, which is based on readily available materials, cuts the price of creatine by more than 7 5 % , according to Dr. W. R. Hendrey, vice president of Pfanstiehl. However, the company isn't ready to reveal any process details yet. Both creatine (methylglycocyamine) and its anhydride, creatinine (1-methylglycocyamidine), are end products of protein metabolism. Both have been around for some time and have been studied extensively by many research workers. Until now, though, high cost and limited supply have hampered use of the compounds. "Our new process removes these barriers and opens the door to increased commercial application," Dr. Hendrey says. Buffering Agent. Current use of the biochemicals isn't very large. Creatinine has the bigger market, is used as a nontoxic buffering agent in certain pharmaceuticals. Physiological properties of both biochemicals have been much discussed in the literature, and some work has been done on possible applications. For instance, creatine is found in muscle as creatine phosphoric acid, and has been used in studying muscular dystrophy. Scientists have found that creatine promotes growth of chick "rice" factor more effectively than glycine does. And others have discovered that creatinine can control experimental convulsions in guinea pigs. The biochemicals also hold promise, though, for other than physiological uses. For instance, they can be used to make synthetic rubber. According to one published work, 0.1 to 1.0% 40



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by weight creatine or creatinine in a salt-containing soap emulsion catalyzes the polymerization of butadiene. Another investigation indicates that about 0.01% creatine in sulfonate detergents will inhibit the discoloration of such nonferrous metals as copper and brass. Creatine can also function as a fat antioxidant. And both creatine and creatinine could find use as reaction intermediates. New vs. Old. Pfanstiehl, a producer of carbohydrates, amino acids, and glucoheptonate industrial chelating agents, has supplied creatine and creatinine for many years. It has produced them from crude creatine precipitate, which is obtained from meatjuice extracts. Made by this process, C.P. grade compounds, in 50-kg. quantities, cost $65 per kg. for creatine, and $80 per kg. for creatinine. But problems arose with the old method. Demand began to increase and supplies of the crude precipitate became uncertain. So about a year ago Pfanstiehl began looking for a better path to creatine, came up with its new synthetic route. Using this method, the company is supplying C.P. material in 50-kg. lots at $12 per kg. for creatine, $45 per kg. for creatinine.

BRIEFS Alkaline solvent for rust, oil, and paint removal is available from Enthone, Inc., New Haven, Conn. Endox L-76 is a nonflammable liquid combination of solvents, chelating agents, and strong alkalies, and can be used for soak cleaning of oily, smutty, or rusty steel. C1 Pressure-sensitive adhesive that has high heat resistance is available from B. B. Chemical Co., Cambridge, Mass. The adhesive, Bostik No. 2105, is designed for automotive, electrical, and similar tapes that must resist high temperatures for prolonged periods without lifting or creeping. C2

Wax product, Advawax 280-F, is available from Advance Solvents & Chemicals, New Brunswick, N.J. The wax has a melting range of 280° to 290° F., and resists almost all solvents, acids, and alkalies, the company says. The wax can be used as a plastic lubricant and antiblocking agent; as an antitack agent in adhesives; for imparting slip and mar resistance to lacquers; or for baked-on insulating varnishes, according to the company. C3

Rare earth selenides corresponding to the 1:1 and 2:3 compositions are available from Kleber Laboratories, Inc., Burbank, Calif. The only specification that can be placed on materials, as presently offered, is the selenium (or rare earth) content, the company says. Selenides of the following rare earths are available: lanthanum, neodymium, gadolinium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, yttrium. Price is $4.50 per gram (minimum 20 grams) or 100-gram quantities at $3.50 per gram. C4

Nonflammable foam-fabricating cement is being marketed by Imperial Adhesives, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. The cement, Non-Flam, can be used by manufacturers and fabricators of polyurethane, polyester, and natural rubber foam, and it eliminates the danger of flash fires caused by static, the company says. Non-Flam is fast-drying, leaves a soft, tight seam with no depression, and doesn't deteriorate with age. C5

Water repellent that resists both drycleaning and laundering has been introduced by Argus Chemical Corp., Brooklyn, N.Y. Called Argus DWR, the repellent is a white, nonionic, reactive emulsion polymer of fine particle size with a solids content of 43 to 45%. It was developed specifically for fibrous materials such as cotton, wool, rayon, nylon, Dacron, Orion, and fabric blends. It is also being marketed as a finish for nonwoven fabrics, and paper, wood, and leather products. C6



packaging material,

Hewfoam, is being offered by H. E. Werner, Inc., Bethel Park, Pa. Hewfoam provides a lightweight, moisture resistant, temperature insulating, and


Celanese VX-555 . . . new acrylic-based




New Celanese VX-555 has been developed by Celanese to offer improved properties. In addition to its outstanding tint retention, durability, flexibility, and adhesion, Celanese VX-555 imparts outstanding pigment binding properties, good scrub resistance, excellent flow and leveling, good package stability, and outstanding color acceptance. • For information, an experimental sample—or both—please write on your company letterhead to: Celanese Chemical Company, Dept.654H,522 Fifth Avenue, New York 36, N.Y.



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Companies added these products to their lines during the past four weeks Material


Acme Star compounds

Acme Wire Co.

Polypropylene (Oleform) Algae and fungi inhibitor (Formula D-130)

New Haven, Conn. AviSun Corp. Philadelphia, Pa. Bird-Archer Co. Philadelphia, Pa.

Fiuorocarbon slip and antistick agent (Rulon) Insecticide (Ruelene 25E) Clothing material (Armalon 97-001A) Nylon resin (Zytel 53)

Dixon Corp. Bristol, R.I. Dow Chemical Midland, Mich. Du Pont Wilmington, Del. Du Pont Wilmington, Del.

Metal-filled silicone resins (Epocast H-1759) Lubricant (Hi-T-Lube)

Furane Plastics, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. General Magnaplate Corp. Belleville, N J .

Protective waterproofing agent for concrete (Surtiseal) Organic dispersives

Guardian Chemical Corp. Long Island City, N.Y.

Polymer emulsions (Neocryl A-400 and A-410)

Hagan Chemicals & Controls Pittsburgh, Pa. Heyden Newport Chemical Corp. New York, N.Y. Hilton-Davis Chemical Co. Cincinnati, Ohio Jefferson Chemical Co., Inc. Houston, Tex. Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. Oakland, Calif. Nopco Chemical Co. Newark, N.J. Noville Essential Oil Co. North Bergen, N.J. Pennsylvania Industrial Chemical Corp. Clairton, Pa. Polyvinyl Chemicals, Inc. Peabody, Mass.

Degreasing compound (MM-17) Acrylic polymer (Acryloid K-120N) Insecticide (Vapona)

Rockland Industries Rockland, Mass. Rohm & Haas Philadelphia, Pa. Shell Chemical Co. New York, N.Y.

Liquid dip coating (Tereco No. 141) Vinyl plasticizer (Flexol Z-88) Plasticizer (Wilmar Polymeric Plasticizer W-64)

Technical Research Co. Seattle, Wash. Union Carbide Chemicals Co. New York, N.Y. Wilson-Martin Philadelphia, Pa.

Curing agent for epoxy resins (Dodecenyl succinic anhydride) Optical brightener (Hiltamine Arctic Paper White) Low foaming nonionic surfactants (Surfonic LF-5, LF-6, and LF-7) Refractory castable material (One Shot) Lubricant additive (Nopco 9390) Three odor masking agents Resin (Piccopale A-55)

Available in commercial quantities unless otherwise noted.


C&EN AUG. 2 8,


Suggested Uses Include Potting, molding, encapsulating, and sealing electrical equipment Automotive parts, electronic components, appliances, and wiring devices Kills already formed growth, and prevents new growth in nonpotable water systems A release agent in molding plastics, rubber, and high polymers Controlling grubs, lice, and hornflies on beef cattle Making protective garments for workers handling missile fuels Wire coating for hook-up wire, control cable, electric blanket wire, and automotive ignition wire Aircraft, missiles, construction and consumer products Lubricating layer becomes an integral part of bearing surface through the action of heat and pressure For protection of sidewalks and concrete roads against salt or calcium chloride applied during winter icing Used in boilers and recirculating cooling systems to minimize sludge formation Use in paper manufacture

Use in catalytic cracking units, in power plants, and in heat treating furnaces Prevents breakdown of lubricants during rolling of aluminum sheet and foil For urethane foam products Reinforcing all types of latex Photographic chemicals; coatings for paper and leather; and floor and shoe polishes For removing heavy deposits of sludge from oil-handling equipment Processing aid for calendering, extrusion, and vacuum farming For controlling cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, and many kinds of flying insects Electronic modules and printed circuit boards Vinyl applications that demand low temperature performance Electrical insulation and tapes, upholstery, refrigerator gaskets, and general purpose vinyl film

highly shock resistant package, the company says. It can be used for large and small volume shipping. The company claims that it is particularly adaptable for use in shipping bottled liquids, delicate instruments, laboratory supplies, glass and chinaware, and the like. C7

Ceramic coating for steel grating has

been developed by Allied Material Supply Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. When fused to steel grating of any design, at furnace temperatures of 1600° F., the coating provides a matte-type finish for a nonskid surface. Weathering is said to have essentially no effect on the surface, and according to Allied Material the coating is resistant to most acids and alkalies. C8

Plasticizer designed to meet the rigid service requirements of high temperature wire insulation is available from Thompson Chemical Co., Pawtucket, R.I. The plasticizer, Truflex 300, has low volatility, inherent resistance to moisture, and outstanding electrical properties, the company claims. The plasticizer blends readily with polyvinyl chloride resins and is compatible with practically all other plasticizer types. It can also be used for calendered items, coated fabrics, profile extrusions, and organosols. C9

Further useful information on keyed Chemical items mentioned is readily available . . .

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August 28, 1961

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