CHEMICALS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - Publication Date: April 29, 1957. Copyright © 1957 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem...
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CHEMICALS J Series Added Olin Mathieson's industrial chemicals division has added a J series to its PolyTergent line of nonionic surface active agents. An outstanding characteristic of the new series is said to be the wide temperature range over which the products are effective. The range extends from 0° to 100° C . The J series consists of four compounds of ascending molecular weights. Compounds, described as aliphatic polyoxyethylene ether alcohols, are clear liquids of low viscosity, pale yellow to amber in color, and with a mild odor. All members of the series are good wetters, detergents, and dispersants, says Olin Mathieson, and are stable under a w i d e range of conditions^. Individual members are Poly>Te:rgents J-200, J-30O, J-400, and J-li©. Company says J-3O0, J-40% gfrji J*S90 can be used effectively in t°h:6 pLpspasration of detergent-sanitizersv SADM© 0ÎÎ8, metal cleaners, a n d water p a i s i s . All can be used in acid pieMijnp tmA oil well acidizing operations. jyt§f) earn also be used io break many types @f crude petroleum oil emulsions and can be combined in various ratios with J-200 to give stable oil-in-water emulsions. Olin Mathieson is offering all members of the series in 5- and 55-gal. drums and in tank cars. C1

This can be reduced to 12% by use of antireflective coatings. Another advantage—the film can be produced at temperatures lower than previously required. Because aircraft windshields are mounted obliquely to the line of flight, reducing light transmittance, it is important that any deicing film reduce as little as possible the amount of light transmitted. Battelle scientists say the new indium oxide films meet this criterion. The new indium oxide films can also be adapted for uses other than windshields. Because of the relatively low temperatures used in the coating process, the films show promtsje for a;pp:ltea> tion to various thermially unstable ma-

More from Eastman Eastman Kodak's Distillation Products Industries is offering a group of new organic chemicals. These include: 3 - ( Bromomethyl) h e p t a n e p-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 2-Buten-l-ol 1 - (p - Chlorophenyl) - 3 - hydroxy3>^tefcyltriazine

1, l-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazine 2-Ethyl-2V,iV-dimethylhexylamine Ethyl isocyanate Ethyl methyl 3-methylglutaconate 2-Furanmethanethiol DL-Methoxyphenylacetic acid λ7-Μ ethyl-n-butylamine 2,2'- ( Nitrosoimino ) diethanol p-Toluenesulfmic acid sodium salt. C3

Sesquiterpenes Glidden's Southern Chemical divi­ sion is offering three sesquiterpene fractions in commercial quantities. T h e fractions consist primarily of β-caryophyllene. According to Glidden, this is the first time these products have been available in commercial quan­ tities. The top grade compound contains approximately 90Γ4 of the β-caryophyllene. says Glidden. The second grade is known as purified mixed caryophyllenes; this contains between 75 and &04& ^-earyophyllene. The third grade, crude (garyophyllene, is for use only when okeirMj&al purity or good organoleptic pro^ernfey is>- not re~„Z


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All three of the new sj§sjfuifcer;penes are offered in drum lots an:d 'in 50-lb. and 7-lb. packages. The compounds promise to b e of spBJEikll interest to aromatics proxàueers and manufacturers of fine chemicals. C4

Surfactant from Sucrose Berkeley Chemical has introduced what it says is t h e first surface active agent from sugar. To be marketed as Sucrodet D-600, the compound is a recrystallized sucrose dipalmitate. It was developed primarily for use in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Berkeley Chemical says it plans, within a few months, to follow Sucrodet D-600 with sucrose esters derived from stearic, oleic, myristic, and lauric acids. C2

New Windshield Coating

Î Before and After in Two Minutes

An ice and fog preventive coating for aircraft windshields promises to give better visibility than any coatings now in use. Developed for the Air Force by Battelle Institute, the electrically conducting coating is a tin-doped indium oxide film. T h e new coating has a light loss of only 15 to 2 0 % , say its developers.

Hodag Chemical's new antifoam agent, Hodag S-118, has solved a severe foaming problem at Upjohn Co.'s antibiotic waste reduction plant, Kalamazoo, Mich. Before and after photos, taken two minutes apart, demonstrate its success in knocking down foam. The plant has an average daily flow of 100,000 gal.; a substantial proportion of this is antibiotic spent beers. These produce greater quantities and more stable foam than usually encountered in sewage treatment plants. Hodag's S-118 applied at periodic intervals prevents the foam from ever forming, says Hodag. In addition to such waste treatment operations, Hodag S-118 can also be used in a wide variety of chemical and industrial processing operations. C5




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Somewhere there's a chemist who will find what this unusual surfactant was made for This researcher isn't going to turn flip-flops about Du Pont offering him a new chemical—Product BCO. "But, what is there," he'll ask himself, "about this surfactant from Du Pont that makes it so unusual?" The answer: it's amphoteric. Our chemist will know the word. He'll know that this surface active agent will go into solution as either an electro-positive or an electronegative—depending on the solution. He'll know it can be used in either acidic or basic solutions; that it might be useful where the common surfactants have failed. He may even link Product BCO with the Grecian wine jug called an amphora because it had two handles. He may wonder what that extra handle is good for. Well, here at Du Pont we've experimented with it to make a better bond between pebbles and asphalt in

road making . . . and we've studied its use in improving the physical qualities of super-phosphate fertilizer. But we're sure that there are many other uses. That's why we're running this advertisement. Somewhere there is a chemist who will find an outstanding use for Product BCO. And when he does, it will be quite a feather in his cap. Is that man you? Write us on your company letterhead. We'll gladly send that sample. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc. ). Organic Chemicals Department, Dyes and Chemicals Division, Wilmington 98, Delaware.

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1957 C & E N



Briefs . · . • High-purity dicyclopentadiene is be­ ing offered by Enjay. Company says minimum degree of purity is 95%; compound is offered in either drums or tankcar lots. C6 • Tennessee Corp. is offering three liquid detergents identified as Sul-FonAtes X-35-L, X-50-L, and X-60-LT. The compounds were developed to meet the need for low cloudpoint de­ tergents and wetting agents in the tex­ tile and allied industries. C7 • Du Pont's polychemicals d e p a r t m e n t

has developed an improved mold and rope inhibitor for the baking indus­ try. Du Pont says the improved Mycoban sodium or calcium propionate is free of foreign odor, has better uniform­ ity, finer texture, increased density, con­ tains less moisture, and is noncaking.



For low cost production

of industrial


Rapidly expanding markets for industrial acids have intensified the quest for more economical acid production from cheap and abundant raw materials. Low cost Welsbach ozone makes possible many products based on olefins or unsaturated fatty acids, having applications in functional fluids, resin intermediates, plastics and plasticizers. The use of ozone has several important advantages over other oxidants in lowering costs and increasing yields of high-quality products. Besides its low cost per pound of available oxygen, ozone is very specific in its attack on double bonds. And since it contributes nothing but oxygen to t h e reaction, it also greatly reduces t h e extent and cost of product purification. Ozone is generated as y o u need it, eliminating procurement problems, handling and storage costs. The commercial production of azelaic and pelargonic acids by the ozonolysis of oleic acid typifies the substantial reduction in factory costs made possible by the replacement of a n oxidant such as chromic acid with Welsbach ozone. Industrial ozonolysis of oleic acid alone presents a broad range of new product possi­ bilities such as lower cost aviation lubricants having excellent high-low t e m p e r a t u r e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a n d a superior w a t e r resistant nylon. Versatile and low in cost, Welsbach ozone points the way to many new industrial developments, chemical processes and pharma­ ceutical advances. If your problem is one of producing acids from unsaturated raw materials, you should investigate ozone. T h e Welsbach Corporation through constant research continues to enlarge the field for ozone a s a n oxidant. With a n unparalleled background in t h e design and construction of tonnage ozone plants, Welsbach makes available to you a long and varied experi­ ence in ozone application. Why not contact us today for help in solving your oxidation problem?






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• Technical Operations has added krypton-85 to its line. Krypton-85 is said to be particularly adaptable to thickness gaging, offering advantages over such radioactive sources as strontium-90 and thallium-204. Krypton sources are produced by company to within ± 3 % of customer specifications. For applications requiring greater ac­ curacy, tolerance can be held to within ±1%. C9 • Control of siime in paper and pulp water systems can be controlled with Metal & Thermit's new product, TBTO. The new compound is not influenced by pH conditions and extensive testing shows that it is noncorrosive, says com­ pany. Also it has proved safer for humans to handle even though it is said to exceed other toxicants in total effective control of slime-producing organisms. C 10 • Dye developed for cotton and rayon has been introduced by Geigy Dyestuffs, division of Geigy Chemical. Known as Cuprophenyl Green 2BL, color is said to be a bluer, more vivid shade with good dyeing qualities and excellent light fastness. CΠ • Because t r a d e n a m e similar to Nava-

del is already registered in another country, Hercules says it will continue to refer to its new pesticide as Hercules 528.

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