CHEMICALS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v032n021.p2146. Publication Date: May 24, 1954. Copyright © 1954 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem...
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MANUFACTURING PROCESSES In the highly specialized indus­ trial plants of today it is not u n u s u a l t o find u n p l e a s a n t odors associated with certain steps of a manufacturing proc­ ess. Often, this odor has nothing to do with the final article but is s i m p l y p r o d u c t of s o m e processing f a c t o r . . . and is fre­ quently strong enough to cause actual physical distress to plant employees. T o dispose of this problem, more and more manu­ facturers are turning to the Industrial Perfumer for assist­ ance. W i t h his special knowl­ edge of chemistry, plus his t r a i n i n g a n d e x p e r i e n c e in m a s k i n g or reodorizing u n ­ pleasant scents, the modern in­ dustrial perfumer can help to provide a solution t h a t will pave the way to greater worker comfort and better employee relations. The D&O Industrial Odorant Labs and technical personnel are equipped and ex­ perienced in all phases of this problem. Consult D&O.



Our 155th Year of Service

DODGE &OLC0TT, INC. 180 Varick Street New York 14, Ν. Υ.

Low Density Siliea G e l Has Range of Applications Davison Chemical has introduced a low density silica gel with a range of proved and potential applications which are said to extend greatly the utility of this compound. Syloid 244 is a free-flowing white powder, weighing only 4.5 lh./cu. ft. as shipped. When mixed in vehicles it becomes transpar­ ent and remains in suspension indefi­ nitely in most organic solvents. Syloid 244 has an apparent particle size of 2 to 3 microns; individual particles are predominantly below 1 micron. The compound has extensive internal porosity and is claimed to have an un­ precedented oil absorption capacity of 240 lb. per 100 lb. of silicon dioxide. An entirely new approach to the manufacture of finely divided synthetic silicas was used in developing Syloid 244. Applications which have been favorably evaluated for it are for anti­ blocking of clear plastic film, as addi­ tive to inks, for vinyl flatting, as cos­ metic ingredient, and for anticaking and thickening of a variety of fluids. Research as to Syloid 244's value for flatting heavy plastic sheeting such as artificial leather has been conducted. Because of its high degree of trans­ parency and well dispersed submicron particles, problems of high gloss and white crea c ing of dark colored plastic fabrics is eliminated. The end result is a realistic matte finish of durable quality with elimination of sticky plastic surface. CS 1

• Trichloroethylene in tank truck quantities is now offered to customers in major consuming areas by D u Pont. Deliveries will b e in two quantities, 26,000 lb. minimum and 12,000 lb. minimum. Company says new service is to meet increasing interest in bulk de­ livery of this solvent. CS 2 • Latex Binder developed b y Rubba, Inc., for jute, sisal, and other fibers, is said to be flexible, quick-drying, selfcuring, and imparts flame-resistant quality to sisal, jute, and hair. Product can stand considerable dilution without impairing binding qualities. CS 3



• Soluble v a t b r o w n d y e has been added to American Cyanamid's line of leuco ester colors. Calco Soluble Vat Brown BY is versatile printing color suitable for roller or screen printing on cottons and viscose alongside azoics, pigments, or other soluble vats where C H E M I C A L

acid aging is used. Manufacturer states dye fras excellent leveling properties for dyeing of cotton, rayon, a n d linen; shows solid surface appearance when used on tightly woven cotton fabrics, slub weave rayons, a n d mercerized broadcloths; a n d is effective on wool where excellent light a n d w e t fastness properties are required. CS 4 ί Gelling a g e n t for all types of aque­ ous systems is offered by National Lead. AnotHer " D u t c h Boy" chemical, Ben-AGel i s a highly beneficiated hydrous magnesium silicate. It has m a n y appli­ cations where permanent thickening or suspe-nsion is required. Product is said to be- unaffected b y heat or aging, and efficient gelling action requires only 1 to Wo based on water content. CS 5 ί Paint f o r m u l a which is rust inhibit­ ing h a s been developed b y Glidden. Nev-A-Rust blends alkyd resins with rust inhibitive pigments and linseed oil to acliieve its characteristics. Designed especially for both field a n d shop coat­ ings o n structural steel, product is said to offer similar protection to any metal surface subjected to oxidation and cor­ rosion. It is unaffected by temperature extremes. CS 6 ί Ultron vinyl film which is oil resist­ ant a n d nonmigratory has b e e n devel­ oped by Monsanto. Ultron R 117 is said to retain its flexibility even after long periods of immersion in oils and water. It also has high resistance to organic a n d inorganic acids, alkalies, animal, vegetable and mineral oils, and a variety of organic solvents. CS 7 ί o-Phenanthroline, m a d e to ACS specifications, is offered as a Fisher Certified Reagent. Compound P-70 in­ dicates oxidation-reduction endpoints clearly a n d distinctively, a n d gives a Beer-Lambert curve for traces of iron. CS8

ί PIcssticizers for use in vinyl and other plastics have been developed b y Na­ tional Lead. Described as having a combination of highly desirable prop­ erties, such as low temperature, flexi­ bility, a n d low volatility, compounds will be coded N L F - 2 1 , N L F - 3 1 , N L F-41, and N L A-54. CS 9 Liquid fixer with high speed which continues to exhaustion point is offered by Philip A. Hunt. Flash-O-Graph is said to fix many more square inches of film or prints and do it more rapidly. Simple dilution controls fixing speed and life. CS 10 For further information on any item mentioned here, see cou­ pon on page 2152 AND