CHEMICALS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Two fatty alcohols developed by Stepan Chemical are claimed to have a considerably greater percentage of unsaturated ... View: PDF...
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CHEMICALS Straight-chain Olefins in Pilot Plant Production Two n-alkenes are in pilot plant pro­ duction by Armour, and it is expected that other members of the series will be added in the future. The 23-carbon 11-tricosene and the 35-carbon 17-pentatriacontene are straight-chain olefins with the unsaturation occurring near the center carbon of the chain. De­ rived from fatty acids, they are ex­ pected to find their primary applica­ tion as chemical intermediates; they may also be of value as components of polymer recipes, special solvents and lubricants. The compounds are readily soluble in nonpolar solvents and only slightly soluble in acetone and the alco­ hols. Physical properties include: 11-Tri- 17-Pentacosene tri aeon tene B.P., ° C., at 2.5 mm.

Iodine No. Mol. Wt. Pour Point ° C. Flash Point, β Open Cut F. Cloud Point β C. Sp. Gr. Physical State

168-170 77 322 -7

197-20 55 490 29

284 17

0.80 Liquid

293 40

0.81 Semisol

Samples of these hydrocarbons are available to interested research people. CS 1

Highly Unsaturated F a t t y Alcohols

Makanol 8 204-219 2.0 138-154 1.0 19-23 265 12%

Makanol 9 205-219 2.0 193-225 1.0 19-21 264 9.0%

Stepan Chemical states that prelimi­ nary research indicates the new alco­ hols have potential uses as esters to aid drying properties of protective coatings and as modifiers in alkyd resins and polyesters. Another possibility is their use in the manufacture of quarternary 2228

• Epoxy resins and their hardeners are offered by Bakélite. BR-18774 and BR-1879-5 resins combine with four new hardeners to form strong lightweight products said to have excellent chemical resistance and electrical properties. Compounds are monomeric, low molecular weight diepoxides and are characterized as rapid hardening, thermosetting resins with 100% reactive components when formulated with complementary hardeners. Hardeners, BR-18793, BRR-18812, BR-18803, and BR-18807, are aliphatic polyamines, synthesized to give new epoxies wide range of curing speed, viscosity, and pot life. CS 3 • α-Toluenef-hiol is offered by Thiokol Chemicad. Called Thiokol ZC-121, product is said to b e 95% pure and boils at 194.8° C. Compound has uses as an organic intermediate where it is de­ sired to introduce benzyl sulfide groups into compounds. It is also of interest as a softening agent for Thiokol polysulfide polymers to obtain soft or putty­ like rubbers and as a corrosion inhibitor in the production of petroleum prod­ ucts. CS 4 • Delusf-erant for n y l o n tricot fabric

Two fatty alcohols developed by Stepan Chemical are claimed to have a considerably greater percentage of un­ saturated alcohols than any other com­ mercially available longchain alcohols heretofore developed. Makanol 8, with a total unsaturated alcohol content of 88%, is a blend of higher carbon fatty alcohols derived through the sodium reduction of soybean oil. Makanol 9, from linseed oil, has a total unsaturated alcohol content of 9 1 % . Other properties of the two alcohols are: Hydroxyl No. Sap. No. Iodine No. Acid No. (max.) M.P., β C. Average Mol. Wt. Total Saturated Alcohols

ammonium types of germicides. Both Makanols react with maleic anhydride to form resinous materials, and their derivatives show promise as lube oil ad­ ditives. CS 2

has been developed by Vikon Chemical. To be marketed under name of Vydul, product is a cationic resin dispersion which ean b e exhausted in a dye beck or padded. It is said to produce a finish resistant to yellowing and with excellent durability to washing. CS 5 • Paper sire, Mersize RM Dry, is of­ fered b y MonsantxTs organic chemicals division- Designed to supplement the company's present paste sizes, product is said t o have the optimum degree of fortification for highest sizing efficiency. Mersize RM Dry can b e used without putting into solution, has low foaming quality, and outstanding aging charac­ teristics as measured by foam index, color, and trouble-free handling. CS 6 • Synthetic resin, Chem Resin G de­ veloped by Chemical Products, for use in protective coatings, paper, metal, and textile processing, forms a waterwhite concentrated solution of pH 5. Solution is stable and compatible in acid, neu­ tral, and alkaline medium. Compound is soluble in most oxygen-containing or­ ganic solvents, and company claims dried film is firm, flexible, colorless, odorless, lustrous, nontacky, and resistCH EM


ant to nearly all hydrocarbon solvents, grease and oil. CS 7 p Liquid seed disinfectant formula­ tions containing mercury are offered b y Du Pont. For use on small grains, they are based on a combination of phenylmereury acetate and ethylmercury ace­ tate. Du Pont Liquid 364 is a concen­ trate to be diluted with water for use · in slurry treaters while D u Pont Liquid 244 is for use undiluted in readyrnix treaters. CS 8 • Silicon carbide deoxidizer for open hearth and electric furnace practices is offered by Electro Refractories & Abra­ sives. Known as Electrocarb SP, prod­ uct is available in different grain sizes and comes in 25-lb. paper bags which may be dropped into melt without add­ ing deleterious elements. CS 9 • Polyester Cement for use in laying up corrosion-resistant masonry is of­ fered by Delrac. Material is said to re­ sist most acid solutions, mûd alkalies, and many solvents. White in color, cement comes in form of powder and liquid for mixing at time of use and can be safely used at temperatures up to 250° F. CS 10 • Degreasing solvent, developed by Octagon Process, removes light oils from metal parts. Called Klearall 9 5 , it is used cold, evaporates rapidly, and can be redistilled. Company says solvent has no objectionable odor, is nonexplosive, does not support combustion, and does not contain carbon tetrachloride. CS Π • Potassium salts of pentachlorophenol and o-phenylphenol are offered com­ mercially by Naftone. To be marketed under name of Kayphenates, com­ pounds were developed to replace use of sodium salts as preservatives in water-dispersed paints. Company claims hazard of efflorescence is thereby reduced. CS 12 • Benzot plasticizer with high sol­ vent pow for synthetic resins is of­ fered by Carbide and Carbon Chemi­ cals. Called Flexol 77-G, compound is said to be completely compatible with polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl butyral, ethyl cellulose, poly­ styrene, acrylates, and cellulose acetate butyrate (37% butyral content). Flexol 77-G promotes rapid fluxing of calendering and extrusion resins and acts as a fusion aid in organosols and plastisols. Compound also has unusual resistance to extraction by mineral oils and gasoline. CS 13 For further information on any item mentioned here, see cou­ pon on page 2234 AND