CHEMICALS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Urethane foam components, premixed in a two-part package, are offered by Allied Chemical. Ingredients are mixed in a predetermined ratio...
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FAT-FAX a chemist9s-eye ^Λ Τ view of research a n c M product developments in fats and fatty acids»

20 χ C22

Saturated Fish Fatty Acids

with these chemical properties ( typical analysis ) : * *

CL„, and C,._. Acids lo'dine Value

70% 0.75 2Y-.2R 65 °C.

* Color (5%'' Lovibond) * Titer can be the answer to your problems in the fields of

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Fish acids containing C:n and C:2 chain lengths have demonstrated unique prop­ erties in gelling, thickening, coating ap­ plications, etc. HYSTRENE 24-45 with its higher percentage of long chain acids, concen­ trates these attributes, while maintain­ ing the high quality of a HYSTRENE product. Let our technical research people help you develop new products or improve old ones by taking advantage of these properties.

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ith "Hi-Fi" co\o*

Because of a patented solvent refining process entirely different from that employed by any other manufacturer, Hystrene products are the highest quality fatty acids commercially available today. In color, odor, and color stability, they are unsurpassed. This is a pretty strong statement. Let us prove it !

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Memphis, Tennessee Please send me further details on HYSTRENE 24-45 long chain acids. ADDRESS CITY





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CHEMICALS Really Mixed Up R u b b e r tires may get longer wear from a new synthetic rubber—carbon black masterbatch b y Texas-U. S. Chemical. A n e w process, developed by the company, mechanically mixes carbon black with synthetic rubber la­ tex, gives uniform dispersion of carbon black through the rubber. Result: "homogenized" synthetic r u b b e r which greatly increases tire tread wear, ac­ cording to the company. The masterbatch may also u p t h e durability of other products such as fishing hoots, soles, a n d heels, says t h e company. Big advantage of t h e new masterhatch is its lower content of impurities— unreached chemical residues. Other features: lower p o w e r requirements and shorter mix cycles for the rubber compounder. W. P. Gee, companypresident, says that the new rubber compound has stood u p under severe tire road tests and is now available in commercial quantities. C1

• U r e t h a n e foam components, premixecl in a two-part package, are offered by Allied Chemical. Ingredients are mixed in a predetermined ratio t o give a rigid, nonfriable foam. Plaskon PFR 500 gives dimensional stability at ele­ vated temperatures; Plaskon P F R 501 gives low density foams for fillers. C 2 • Potting compound, b y Carl H. Biggs, offers extreme hardness and a tempera­ ture range from —80° t o 450° F. Com­ pound P-460 is good for protecting elec­ trical components against moisture and fungus, says the company. C 3 ί Barium chloride technical crystals are now offered by Humrnel Chemical for use in making ceramics, dyes, batteries, and insecticides. C4 • Hair s p r a y resin from Ciba claims "humidity-proof" properties. Called Base 325 Ciba, it is a 50'/r solution of acrylic resin in ethanol with 0.99c maxi­ mum -^ater content. C 5 • Anthraquinone p a s t e (307c) is now being offered by H u m m e l Chemical for making dyes tuffs and other organic chemicals. C6 • Hafnium-free zirconium o x i d e and tetrachloride are now available from

Columbia-National for nuclear and re­ search applications. C7 • Adhesive, by Wilhold Products, is used to attach wood members to ma­ sonry surfaces. There is no danger of cracking, chipping, or exposing rein­ forced steel, says Wilhold. C8 • Anderol L-536 is an aerosol rust pre­ ventative offered by Lehigh Chemical. It inhibits rust from all types of metal products, says the company. C9 • Monosodium g l u t a m a t e is offered by Merck to the food processing industry. It comes in coarse and fine crystals. C 10 • Acetonyl a c e t o n e is now available from Aceto Chemical in drum lots for use in dyes, pharmaceuticals, and metallic chelates. C 11 • Gallium eutectic alloys, from United Mineral and Chemical, are n o w avail­ able for high vacuum sealing com­ pounds. They have ΙΟ- 7 mm. H g vapor pressure at temperatures as high as 500° C , says the company. C 12 • Suspension 10 is a finely stabilized, natural colloidal graphite developed and distributed by Joseph Dixon Cru­ cible as a solid lubricant. It comes as a 10r,r graphite concentrate for blending and diluting by the user. C 13 • Super Dylan h i g h - d e n s i t y p o l y e t h y l ­ ene, by Koppers, now comes in a broader range of melt indices. They vary from 0.2 to 9.0 grams per 10 min­ utes. C 14 • New alkyl dimethyl a m i n e s are of­ fered b y American Alcolac as inter­ mediates for sanitizers and catalysts for polyurethane resins. C 15 • Uneek, by Farnow, is a vehicle for tinting colors. Pastes m a d e with Uneek show good stability, no floating, easy handling, and rapid development of color in pastes, says Farnow. C 16 • Fluorescent p i g m e n t s in pink and lemon yellow shades come from Rhode Island Laboratories as an addition to its Violite line. Pigments are com­ patible with aqueous and lacquer ve­ hicles and thermoplastic resins. C 17

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