CHEMICALS FROM THE FOREST - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 12, 2010 - CHEMICALS FROM THE FOREST. Chem. Eng. News , 1963, 41 (49), p 13. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v041n049.p013. Publication Date: December 03, ...
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CHEMICALS FROM THE FOREST Fascinating search for new ways to use forest raw materials Since prehistoric times, trees have been one of man's most abundant resources. From trees have come fuel, shelter, weapons and tools, paper, and now chemicals. Already the Chemical Products Division of Crown Zellerbach produces commercial volumes of these wood-derived chemicals: DIMETHYL SULFIDE, DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE, LEVULINIC ACID, T A L L OIL, T U R P E N T I N E , and a variety of L I G N I N SULFONATES. Now, two newer development items are available in quantities up to 10,000 pounds per month: DIMETHYL SULFONE and DIMETHYL DISULFIDE. As c h e m i c a l s for research we offer working quantities of: METHYLTHIOPHENOL and METHYLTHIOMETA-

C R E S O L , M O N O C H L O R O D I M E T H Y L S U L F I D E , 5METHYL PYRROLIDONE, ESTERS and other derivatives of LEVULINIC ACID, ALKYL and ARYL SULFONIUM COMPOUNDS. To learn more about "Chemicals from the Forest"—and how they can serve you —write for brochures and technical bulletins.