New Products Chromatography System Sigma 115 Level 3 offers control of up to two chromatographic analyzers, a choice of five different detector types, four channels of data, multiuser BASIC programming, computer compatibility, and graphic display of chromatograms. Perkin-Elmer 413
Double Spectrometer Spectramate, an additive dispersion, double Czerny-Turner spectrometer, is an equivalent 0.44 m, f/4 instrument with interchangeable gratings. Resolu tion is 0.2 nm with 1200 groove/mm gratings, and wavelength coverage ex tends from 185 to 900 nm. Spex Indus tries, Inc. 415
Trace Gas Analyzer 150G gas chromatograph incorporates the U-90 ultrasonic detector, which an alyzes a gas by measuring the speed of sound traveling through it. The U-90 op erates with all carrier gases including oxygen and is ideally suited for the de tection of compounds in the low ppm range. Air-actuated valves and a valve timer may be added to automate the complete system. Tracor Instruments
Tunable Dye Laser System Model 2100 Dyescan incorporates a ni trogen pump laser, dye laser assembly, and complete microprocessor control housed in one cabinet. The optically coupled grazing incidence dye laser provides output pulses of 1-ns duration and 25-kW peak power. The linewidth is 0.03 nm at 590 nm. EG&G Princeton Applied Research 420
MAT 212 System includes a high-resolution, double-focusing, sector-type mass spectrometer and is designed for routine and research organic GC/MS analysis using packed and capillary columns in scan and multiple ion selection modes, including accurate mass determination and high-resolution MIS work. Finnigan MAT 403
Voltammetric/Polarography Cell Voltammetric cell features a high-den sity polypropylene top with " O " ring adapters for variable positioning of electrodes and accessories. It can be utilized for a variety of electrochemical studies ranging in volume from 2 to 30 m t . IBM 416
High-Speed HPLC Column The RAC Column, with dimensions of 9.4 mm i.d. X 10 c m , accepts high loads, and provides fast flow rates with exceptionally low back pressure. Flow rates of 4.0 mL/min are routine, and back pressures at that flow rate will rarely exceed 1750 psig. It is available prepacked with one of three Partisil media, each of which contains irregu larly shaped, 5μ m-particles of silica gel. Whatman Inc. 418
associated with conventional bottled standards. The standards, supplied with color-coded labels to prevent errors, in clude 140 Na/5 K, 120 Na/2 K, 160 Na/8 K, and 140 Na/5 K/1 Li. Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc. 422
Decontaminating Detergent Kern DeContam Concentrate is a nonfoaming surface-active agent. It can be used for decontaminating apparatus used in radioactive experiments as well as the skin of operators; for rapid de gassing of metals under high vacuum; for degreasing and cleaning compo nents, vacuum tubes, electronic tubes, cathode tubes, and glass-to-metal seals; and for washing photographic films. Electronic Space Products, Inc. 423
Undiluted Antisera Purge-and-Trap System The LSC-3 semiautomatic purge-andtrap concentrator meets or exceeds all EPA requirements for THM and priority pollutant analysis. It uses traps, sam plers, heated lines, and a gas-handling system. Tekmar 419
Chemicals Automatic Vertical Electrophoresis System is a self-contained unit with a built-in electro phoresis cell, power supply, timer, heater/ dryer, and carrying racks and containers for stains and solvents. Electrophoresis, staining, destaining, clearing, and drying steps are au tomatically controlled by the preset program. Helena Laboratories 401
Ten undiluted antisera for RIA or nonisotopic immunoassay are supplied in two categories: undiluted antisera to hormones (T 4 , T 3 , TSH, HPL(HCS)) and undiluted antisera to drugs (digoxin, phénobarbital, gentamicin, tobramycin, and amikacin). Miles Laboratories, Inc. 424
Flame Photometer Standards Lyte-Trak, a line of ampule-packaged, viscosity-adjusted flame photometer standards, reduces waste and elimi nates the transfer and storage problems
N-Methyl-/V-?-butyldimethylsilyl trifluoroacetamide is a silylation reagent leading to the /-butyldimethylsilyl derivative. Advantages include rapid silylation of active hydrogens under mild conditions and gas-chromatographable derivatives from sulfuric and phosphoric acids. Regis Chemical Co. 425