book," please t a k e a few m i n u t e s t o write a review of i t and
send i t t o me. T h e Cookbook Decoder or Culinary Alchemy Explained Arthur E. Grosser. Beaufort Books, New York, 1981
One of my favorite non-texts is Arthur Grosser's "The Cookbook Decoder or Chemistrv Alehemv Exalained." You do not have to be a cook tc, nlrprermt: the pn,ce.-e.:ind m r i w n ~ n of s t c w i prepam tion. Vortl~mewhonninelined tocxperlmrnt in the kitd~rn.Crossrr ~ncludesytmc rwIw\ which ;tlltw the r r i h r t,, irwn sctenrilw principles as well as to enjoy some good food. Some of the recipes use ingredirnt. that arc 11111 tuund 111 ~.veryon..'ik~tchen:r .wrri, tor t r ample, in tila recip. ibr "l)n,wnwl Sole." Hcrwever, i did w t read thi; houk a s 3 "nwkbwk." I read i t n~nlnlvfw informatmn vmtained. Then. im chapter