Chemistry: a conceptual approach, fourth edition

Charles E. Moriimer, D. Van Nostrand GO.,. New York, NY, 1979. ... Srwral sections ha\,e hem rwiipd in this cd~tiun, notably ... Wavne P. Anderson. Bl...
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Chemistry: A Conceptual Approach, Fourth Edition Charles E. Moriimer, D. Van Nostrand GO., New York, NY, 1979. xiv 815 pp. Figs. and tables. 19 X 23.5 cm. $20.95.


The contents and organization of the fourth edition of this oouular textbook are similar to those of the third editiun. IIOWPWL some irnprowmenls have been made. The t o p ~ of c hvbridizatiun now fullows the trcatment of molecular geometry, and reaction rates and rate laws arediscussed prior to the collision theory of reaction rates. The list of rules for drawing Lewis structures is the best that I have seen in a general chemistry



Srwral sections ha\,e hem rwiipd in this cd~tiun,notably thosedcaling uith the I h h r model, the i'nccrtatnty Principle, normnl~ry. hydrated ions, free energy and equilibrium, molecular structure and acid strength, pH measurement and hvdrolvsis. . . Discussions of cunvcrswn facum, s~uichiumetryond t h w mochrmistry have bren rxpandcd. With a few excrptions, SI units arc uscd rhrou:hout the text. Problems a t the end of chapters are now grouped by topic, and the number of prohlems. as well as the number of in-ehauter examples, has been incrensrd Several mu photographs h a w also been included Those who liked the third edition of this textbwk should be very pleased with the new edition Wavne P. Anderson Bloomsburg State College Bloornsburg. PA 17815

Topics in Current Chemistry, Volume 86. Spectroscopy. M. N. R. Ashford. M. T. Macpherson, and J. P. Simons. Springer-Verlag. New York, NY. 1980. 294 pp. Figs. and tables. 17 X 24.5 cm. $77.40. The spectroscopic investigation of photo-, chemical processes in small molecules through the use of vacuum ultraviolet, ultraviolet (uv), and photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), is the central theme of "Topics in Current Chemistry: Spectroscopy, Volume 86." The book is a compilation of four monugraphs which servc as rha~rrers.The text highliphts the interprrtat~onof rxpetimental rcsult.r olnainrd throuah enrlv 1978 on the following suhjeets: (1) p~otocbekistry and spectroscopy of simple polyatomic molecules in the vacuum uv; (2) far uv absorption spectra of organic molecules; (3) PES of orpano-sulfur compounds; (4) PES in small ring hydrocarbons. The first monograph reviews the literature oublished throueh 1978 on uv and vacuum uv spectroscopy of a representative sample of simple polyatomic molecules. Three hundred seventy one references are cited in producing this revi,:w. There is a special emphasis placed on examining differences between intervalency (valence shell) and Rydberg transitions. The second monoeraoh focuses on the ., phmochcm~ralwnsequencrs of thp far uv absurptitm o f s ~ m r ~hydrocarbonsand le sub s t ~ t u t r daminrs The technical base fur this chapter rests upon the results of far uv studies with reference to PES and quantum ~~~


t.hmretiral cnleulntions. Within this mono~



graph,differencer lretween Hydbergsnd valence shell transitions are reviewed and possible interpretations of representative spectra are suggested. The representative spectra include relevant sigma-electron spectra (e.g., paraffins, silanes); lone pair spectra (e.g., halides, 0x0 compounds), and pi-electron spectra (e.g., simple olefins, cyano, and carbonyl functional groups.) The third monograph reviews the PES of hydrocarbons containing sulfur bonded to one or two carhon atoms, (ex., sulfides, thiocarhonyls.) The presentation is based on illustrative examples rather than on detailed coverage of the literature. However, there are ample references to more specialized review material. Among the different systems considered are the saturated sulfides, unsaturated sulfides, and thiocarbonyls. Some reference is made to variable temperature PES, a technique useful in examining short-lived species (e.g., pyrolysis intermediates.) There is a useful table a t the end of the chapter which contains PES data for 110 organosulfur compounds, molecular symmetry point groups, vertical ionization energies, tentative orhital assignments, and literature references. The fourth monograph reviews P E S and bonding in small ring hydrocarbons. Special emphasis is placed on specific ring systems as examples rather than on exhaustive coverage of the literature. The examples include cyclopropane rings, cyclobutane rings, systems containing a bicyclobutane moiety, cuhane,

Reviewed in this Issue Charles E. Mortirner, Chemistry: A Conceptual Approach, Fourth Edition M. N. R. Ashford, M. T. Macpherson and J. P. Sirnons, Topics in Current Chemistry, Volume 66. Spectroscopy A. Julg, Lecture Notes in Chemistry, Volume 9. Crystals as Giant Molecules A. G.Gaydon a n d H G. Wolfhard, Flames-Their Structure, Radiation and Tempbrature, Fourth Edition Edward Carberry, Glassblowing: An introduction t o Artistic and Scientific Flameworking Fourth Edition New Volumes in Continuing Series Titles of Interest

Volume 59

Reviewer Wayne P. Anderson Fitzgeraid B. Bramwell

A281 A281

Colin MacKay Richard A. Ashby

A282 A282

Jerry W. Ellis

A282 A284 A286

Number 9

September 1982
