Chemistry: An approach to understanding science ... - ACS Publications

Science inSociety. The report of Panel IV, Chemistry for. Citizens, atthe Snowmass-at-Aspen Conference listed nine recommendations. All dealt directly...
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William B. Cook

College of Notural Sciences Colorado State University Fort Collins, 80521


Chemistry: An Approach to Understanding Science in Society

Those familiar with CHEMS and CBA will recognize that this proposed curricular program differs philosophically and operationally from programs such as CHEMS and CBA. They performed a major service to high school students who were service oriented and probably headed for careers in science. One result has been a noticeable improvement in the preparation of science-career-bound students entering college chemistry courses. What was not accurately predicted is that the general students of today are not reached effectively by the same approach which worked so well with their science oriented classmates. The Conferees a t the Colorado State University meeting concurred in a belief that 1. For secondary schools, a program for producing materials interests, attitudes, and national priorities of the general for the study of chemistry from a humanistic point of students have shifted significantly in the decade since view should be developed. 2. Television programs for the general public should be deCHEMS and CBA were undertaken. A large perveloped that show in simple terms how science solves centage of the college bound students who are not and creates problems in our world. science oriented, as well as many if not most of the 50% 3. Case histories of applied chemistry should be prepared by of the high school students who do not attend college, groups of appropriate experts in the form of well-docuare never exposed to a course in chemistry. Viewed mented, almost scholarly position papers for the welleducated group of citizens who are the opinion- and only from the narrow goal of producing more scientific decision-makersof our society. experts this fact is not alarming, but from the standpoint of supplying a scientifically informed and literate A National Conference on the Public Understanding citizenry i t is deeply disturbing. of Chemistry was convened a t Colorado State UniverOur challenge as scientists is to go beyond teaching a sity December 12-14, 1970, just six months after Snowgreat deal of science to a few students and try to teach mass "To lay plans which would could be the basis for some science to the much larger number who are not proposals to develop (1) a new, humanistic chemistry attracted by present courses. Somehow we must find program for high school and two-year college students a meeting place where those present realities of our who do not contemplate a career in science, and (2) a future students and science may be brought together mass media campaign to increase appreciation by the more happily. public of the chemical world in which we live." This meeting place, the Conferees concurred, should A summary of the results of this conference appeared on page 91 of the February 1971 issue of THIS more nearly a t the point of the student's interests, concerns, needs, problems, and wants. We must teach Following the conference, two proposals were developed chemistry from a more humane standpoint, not just as and submitted to funding agencies. The first of these, an internally consistent disembodied intellectual exerwhich is referred to as Chemistry: an Approach to cise divorced from the reality of life. We must place Understanding Science in Society (CAUSS) was subit firmly in its societal setting and design our program mitted to the National Science Foundation through always keeping in mind the kind of problems involving the American Chemical Society. science which a citizen is likely to face. We have done This proposal requests support for a new chemistrywell in presenting the experimental dimension and the based science course project aimed a t the general student conceptual dimension of science; the time has come to in secondary school or lower division college. The add the third dimension-the societal and humanistic. objectives of the project are to promote public underThe Conferees emphatically agreed upon several standing of science as a human endeavor and to promote characteristics which should be hallmarks of any new social responsibility on the part of scientists and science program in chemistry designed for the general students teachers. More specifically, the proposed project is designed to develop and gain acceptance for a realistic nationwide program which, above all, will lead students 1. Flexibility, both from class to class and from student to student. to a genuine understanding and appreciation of the 2. Inquiry-, investigation-orientstion with full student inspirit of science and its role in civilization. In short, volvement and participation in the formulation of conwe propose to develop, interpret, promote, and gain cepts before their verbalization (termed the "hands-on" wide adoption for an introductory chemistry-based or the "concrete before the abstrset" approach by the science program of integrated, modular units. conference).

T h e report of Panel IV, Chemistry for Citizens, a t the Snowmass-at-Aspen Conference listed nine recommendations. All dealt directly with imf roving communication between scientists in general and chemists in particular, on the one hand, and citizena who are not scientists on the other hand. The Division of Chemical Education responded to Panel IV's challenge and a t the September, 1970 national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Chicago appointed a four-member Implementing Committee to initiate programs recommended six weeks earlier. Highest priority was accorded three of the recommendations of Panel IV. These were



Journal of Chemical Educafion

A multidiseiplinanj base. Chemistry, with its close relation to every day life and living and with the wealth of material it offers for study, makes an ideal starting point for the study of science; but physics, the biological sciences, and the earth sciences should be an inlegral part of any program in chemistry for the general student. Enhancement of the curiosity, sensitivity, and self-fultillment of the individual student. Constant attention to positive human motivation of students through interest, relevance, and enjoyment, with a minimum sacrifice of intellectual honesty or rigor. Elimination of fear of failure. Heavy reliance on materials as opposed to lectures or expository reading so that study may he esthetically and emotionrtlly, as well as intellectually, appealing and satisfying t,o the student. Continual testing of all materials in r e d life situations with open and valid feedback. Building on the base of the tine cumcule. now being developed for the primary and junior high scbools, including Elementmy Science Study, Science Cumoulum Improvement Study, Science-A Process Approach, Del Mod, Intermediate Science Curriculum Project, and Earth Science Curriculum Project. Approval and support by professional societies such as the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Biological Sciences, and the American Association of Physin Teachers. Sincere recognition of the classroom teacher as the strong, independent variable in the program, who must he totally involved at each step in the design, development, and testing of the program. Consonance with the trends of tomorrow in learning and teaching and maximum ease in updating.

Where, the conferees asked, are the materials, the experimental equipment, the films, filmstrips and loops, the strategies and techniques, yes, even the teachers, for such a program in the secondary schools and two-year colleges? How, for example, do we lead a student from a legitimate concern over pollution to an understanding of the concepts of combustion and oxidation which must necessarily form the basis for any solution to the problem? These requisites, the conference asserted, do not exist a t present and their development is worthy of a comprehensive, nationwide program. With an amaeing degree of unanimity for such a diverse group, the conferees moved to the conclusion that the heart of such a program would consist of integrated but interchangeable modular units. The building of a total program for the general student in the secondary schools and two-year colleges will require 1. The development of the modular units, complete with all written experimental and audio-visual study materials and teachers guides, and supplemental kits and packets to enhance p u p work and encourage independent study. 2. Constant testing and evaluation of all materials from cognitive, affective, and psychomotor standpoints, followed by revising, rewriting, and retesting. 3. Ever-broadening teacher training, not alone in the use of the msteridls but in molding the attitudes and styles which make for a wholesome learning-teaching situation in aprogram of this type. 4. Continuous communication with teachers' groups, and teachen and administrators across the nation. informine duction of the new program.

The modules which constitute the core of the program will be studenkentered rather than teacher-centered. This will allow for individual student progress a t various rates in classes composed of students representing

a wide range of academic abilities and interests in chemistry. Studies will be made on the advisability of incorporating performance objectives as an integral part of each module. Use of modular units is entirely in keeping with future trends in learning-teaching and offers maximum ease and simplicity in revising to keep the program up-to-the minute. It is a program designed for tomorrow. All modules will be learning modules. Some will he more affective than others. All will be tested for effectiveness. Modules based on topics of real and current interest to the average general student-topics such as body chemistry, photography, air and water pollution, population control, psychedelic drugs, and energy sources will be motivational. Supporting and undergirding "motivational" modules will be "conceptual" modules, designed to develop the underlying scientific principles basic to the "motivational" modules. These will include such topics ss the kinetics molecular theory, the mole concept, atomic and molecular structure, and oxidation-reduction. Any particular "motivational" module can be coordinated with one or more basic modules, with considerable overlapping to reinforce the learning of basic concepts. The classroom teacher will select the motivational module and the accompanying conceptual modules, according to the needs and interest of his students. In many instances, "motivational" modules could be arranged so as to follow (and be understood by the student to follow) the "conceptual" module or modules relevant to it, and thus become an incentive. Each module will he issued as a complete self-contained packet, taking advantage of all available teaching and learning aids. Our task is not only to create attractive, effective, and pedagogically sound materials, hut to do so in such a way that their acceptance is assured. Success of this plan will depend upon its wholehearted endorsement by both teachers and students. Teachers must be vitally and authoritatively involved in the entire program from its inception. Student reactions must be accurately, objectively, and honestly assessed through empirical experimentation in the classroom in the light of our most up-to-date, scientific studies of student perception and learning patterns. Classroom teachers, themselves are to be the primary source of ideas for modules, but efficiency and uniform high quality will he insured by the leadership of key staff people, skilled in their particular functions. The project will be organized on the basis of approximately six regional centers. Each center will have a director. One of the most convincing confirmations of the validity of the flexiblemodular approach in teaching science to the general student is the fact that leading scientists and science educators at several of the nation's foremost sites for research and experimentation in education have arrived independently a t the identical concept. Some are already underway in working with teachers in developing and testing modules on a limited, local basis. The regional centers will he located largely a t such institutions, perhaps four a t universities for work with secondary schools, and two at two-year colleges. Logical candidates for positions as regional directors are the men and women who already have initiated local projects. As a rnle they have close and effective working relationships with a cluster of area Volume 49, Number 5, May 1972



high schools and with colleagues who are expert educational psychologists and curriculum specialists. The regional directors should be excellent chemistry teachers and writers, and interesting chemists. Their roles will be (1) to serve as curriculum developers and writers; (2) to do some classroom developmental teaching; (3) to act as observers, confidants, critics, and friends to the regional cluster teachers who are part of their developmental teams; and (4) to supervise the writing and evaluation of modules developed by teachers and curriculum specialists in their regional clusters. As a rule, they would edit all materials generated and developed in their regions before these materials me submitted to the writer-editor or director of audio-visual aids. The chief locale for the interchange of ideas will be the regional center, where the regional director will keep the development and evaluation of modules on schedule. Two or three regional conferences, planned by the regional director, will be held a t each center during the school year. The conferences will bring together the original teachers and also additional volunteer science teachers and resource people for mutual stimulation, exchange of information and further writing, and for training in the use of the modules. The regional directors will meet regularly as a group with the central staff to assure coordination. Of vital importance to the soundness of the program will be disinterested evaluation of materials being produced and a careful objective and perceptive assessment of student reaction. A highly qualified educational psychologist will be retained on a consultant basis to plan and design the overall testing and evaluation program. The regional director, with his personal knowledge of key people in his area, will help the associate director locate and appoint specialists to accompany the associate director, the writer-editor and the regional director, himself, on individual or joint classroom visitations. Specialists will be psychologists, scientists, skilled teachers unconnected with the project, and curriculum analysts. These visits will be

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Journal of Chemical Educafion

designed, also, to educate teachers in the use of the modules. Only after exhaustive trial and testing will materials be promoted and distributed. I n time we expect the program to become self-sustaining. As the modular approach in the course for the general student is endorsed by teacher training institutions and integrated into their cnmcula, student teachers will become skilled in the use of modules and will rely upon them. We can readily foresee that orgnizations of science teachers will establish continuing committees to work out new motivational modules as society's problems and resources change, and to bring conceptual modules up to date as science advances. This project should provide a model for further curriculum development and revision in chemistry a t the college and university level, as well as in other academic disciplines, and could result in the development of broad interdisciplinary programs. Immediately, we face the challenge of keeping thousands of science teachers in high schools and junior colleges abreast of this new teaching development. The publication and wide distribution of a Newsletter every two months, and frequent scheduling of platform appearances by staff members, Advisory Board members, and dedicated, cooperating teachers will inform and infiuence teacher, student, and citizen opinion across the nation. In addition, news of the project will be submitted regularly for publication in the journals and magazines widely read by secondary school and two-year college teachers and students, such as The Science Teacher, the Journal for Research in Science Teaching, Science and Children, the Journal of College OF CHEMICAL Science Teaching, Chemistry, the JOURNAL EDUCATION, the American Biology Teacher, Physics Today, and the Physics Teacher. Let me report also that a preliminary proposal for the mass media program is at both the National Science Foundation and the United States Office of Education. Each office has indicated an interest in supporting the program.