Chemistry and Art

This is but another illustration of the success achieved by a marked and characteristic departure from generally believedconcepts. The same is also tr...
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111 tlie resea.rclies OIL elevtrojilating, Fink c:oiicentrnttnl lii-. attention on a method inr.olring nlisolute coiit,rol of the cnt,hodesurface film instead rrf following the aeccpted mrtliod 1 iiivestigatioii of eoont,lesr sohit ions of varying chemical coiit(int and roncentrat,ion. His recent reselrrclies dealing with the mechnirianl involved in the freezing of plnrits are yielding interestiiig results. These are based on the view that the plienon~enaare ronvrrnnd primarily mitt?