Chemistry by Radio - ACS Publications

corrosion research· during the last year. The corrosion problems havebeen attacked from two more or less different angles. In the one case every effo...
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of which Mr. H. S. Warren, 195 Broadway, New York City, is chairman, and Mr. H. C. Sutton, 1401 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., is secretary. The Bureau of Standards undertook the investigation of certain phases of the electrolysis problem in 1910 and ha5 since then made important contributions t o the subject. At the beginning of the cooperative work between the Bureau and the Research Subcommittee a policy was agreed upon to the effect that the investigations are solely concerned with the accumulation of facts leading to the establishment of principles upon which conclusions and recommendations may ultimately be based. Mr. Burton McCollum, of the Bureau, has recently proposed a n extended series of tests of samples of many kinds of pipe buried in the soils of known special character in selected localities in many parts of our country. Enganeering Foundation is giving preliminary consideration to a study of that form of corrosion of iron which has been called “Graphitic Corrosion.” The American Electrochemical Society a t its recent meeting named Dr. Colin G. Fink as head of the committee on corrosion investigations. The Bureau of Mines at its Pittsburgh Station is investigating the corrosion of mine waters on metals. The Smerican Soczety of Czvil Engineers has recently appointed a research committee of which Prof. A. M. Talbot a t the University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., is chairman, and F. E. Schmitt, Associate Editor, Engineering News Record, 10th Ave. and 36th St., New York City, is secretary. The matter of corrosion has not yet been considered by the committee, but undoubtedly will be. Some associations, like the National Canners’ Association, and certain corporations like the New Jersey Zinc Company and National Tube Company, have been making studies in corrosion. The committee of the National Research Council will be very glad to be informed of any work on corrosion that is going on or that is in contemplation. Communications should be sent to Paul Moore, Secretary, Division of Research Extension, National Research Council, 1701 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C.


In spite of the general relaxation in chemical and metallurgical research throughout the country, a number of the corrosion problems are so very important and their solution involves such large savings in capital and labor, that a number of concerns and government laboratories felt the urgent need of furthering corrosion research. during the last year. The corrosion problems have been attacked from two more or less different angles. In the one case every effort is being made to arrest the corrosion of the materials now in use; in the second case, new materials are substituted and tried out. There are to-day a series of distinct corrosion problems, in each instance centered about some specific material or article of manufacture. There is, for example, the problem of the corrosion of food containers and the problem of the corrosion of buried conduits and cables. Besides these specific problems, there are the general investigations on the causes of corrosion under varying conditions and of various materials. We cite below a few of the corrosion problems covering specific materials or products; and, secondly, a few of the general topics, closely allied to the corrosion problem, which require further study and research.


Vol. 14, No. 4


Condenser tubes Alloys resistant t o high temperatures Underground cables Corrosion of zinc cathodes Buried iron pipes, posts, etc. Contact metals or alloys Fence wire Catalyzer metals or alloys Flues, stacks, stove pipes Cutlery steels Steel ships and ship fittings Acid tank linings Roofing materials Corrosion of nickel plated ware Mine pumps and other mine equip- Boiler tubes ment Fire boxes Atmospheric corrosion of brass Automobile radiators Atmospheric corrosion of bronzes Insoluble anode Corrosion of iron as affected by presence of small amounts of other elements

GGNERALPROBLEMS Velocity of corrosion as affected by: ( a ) Temperature fluctuations (b) Alternate dry and moist surface. ( c ) Presence of foreign materials. ( d ) Presence of oxide, carbonate or other compound of one or the other constituent of the alloy. (e) Crystal structure and intercrystalline cement.

Properties of the surface film: ( a ) Coefficient of expansion as compared with that of the underlying metal. ( b ) Chemical composition. ( c ) Porosity, (d) Flexibility or ductility. (e) Coefficient of adhesion. v) Speed of renewal or “healing.” (g) Relative hardness. ( h ) How affected during mechanical working.

Corrosion and bacteria. A more complete micrographic investigation of the changes taking place in the film and the metal underneath, during the process of corrosion, is very desirable. Furthermore, we shall be able to progress more rapidly the sooner we agree upon standard tests used to determine the relative corrodibility of two samples. At present it is almost impossible to compare the results of one author with those of another, even when both have used the same materials in their tests. Within the last year decided progress has been made in cutlery steels, in metals and alloys for mine equipment, in cable sheath, in insoluble anodes and in alloys resistant to high temperatures and the corrosive action of molten metals such as zinc, tin, etc. But the corrosion problem, as a whole, in spite of its long past history, is still in its “infancy” and it is only through cooperative effort and a free discussion of results (those suitable for advertising purposes as well as those usually suppressed) that consistent forward strides are possible.

Chemistry by Radio The interest taken by nearly a million people in wireless telephony and the programs prepared for broadcasting from various centers affords an opportunity which is being utilized by chemists. The Publicity Committee of the Detroit Section, under the leadership of H: C. Hamilton, is to have five minutes each week1on the program prepared by the Detroit News. The first of these was given on March 16, “Chemistry as We Meet It Every Day” being the subject. On the 18th from the Westinghouse Station in Pittsburgh the Pittsburgh Section, through the Chairman, J. 0. Handy, arranged for ten minutes which was devoted to a popular story on “Chemistry in Peace and War,” by H. E. Howe. In many other localities chemists can do service to the profession by telling over the wireless telephone the fundamental place which chemistry occupies in everyday life and in all the industries.