Chemistry Conferences for leachers - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Chemistry Conferences for leachers •^o>TFEFtEXCÈS a n d institutes for col^ lege and h i g h school chemistry teachers o r e being sponsored again this summer ~hy the Division of Chemical Education of the ACS. O n e will b e held at t h e University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, June 1 3 to July 16; another a t Fisk University, Nashville, June 15 t o 24; and the third at Syracuse University, Syracuse, Ν . Υ., July 5 to Aug. 1 2 . " The Southern Session at Fisk is en­ titled the Sixth Chemistry Conference for College and H i g h School Chemistry Teachers. Directors of the session are Samuel P . Massie, professor and chair­ man of t h e chemistry department at Fisk, and John P . Baxter, professor of inorganic chemistry at the University of Arkansas. T h e program will be centered around discussions in confer­ ence groutps. Participants are invited to bring demonstration and other special equipment. Formal lectures •will feature outstanding college and secondary teachers a n d will center around acHvances in inorganic chemis­ try, organtic chemistry, nuclear chem­ istry, and. science education. Field trips to rriodern industrial plants have been a r r a n g e d , also a visit t o the radia­ tion laboratories o f Vanderbilt Univer­ sity. A n o t h e r special event will be a panel discussion a t P e a b o d y Teachers College o n Education of a Science Teacher. Registration fee is $10; participants who will receive credit for two hours of graduafie work in science education will also rpay a $ 1 0 matriculation fee. Housing aTid board will be $40 per per-* son. FuQ scholarships are available from t h e F u n d for the Advancement of Education of the university. North Central Session of the work­ shops, w h i c h is t r i e Second Chemistry Institute for College Chemistry Teach­ ers, h a s a s its a i m t h e teaching of modern tHeories a n d practices in the various fields of criemistry, a n d t h e de­ veloping o f such material i n the best possible manner for its incorporation into t h e college chemistry curricula. A continuous series of lectures will be presented in general and inorganic chemistry over trie five weeks. Staff will b e selected from t h e departments of chemistary, cliernical engineering, and physics at Minnesota, also, well known chemists im the educational and indus­ trial fields will be invited t o give lec­ tures. Members of t h e institute staff will lead discussion sessions, and regis­ trants will establish panel groups, round-tabl^ discussions, and seminars for airing nnutual p r o b l e m s a n d method­ ology. 2424

Director of t h e institute is Robert C . Brasted, associate professor of chem­ istry, University of Minnesota. Tui­ tion fee for t h e institute, which will function as part of the summer session program of the university, is $ 5 9 . G r a d u a t e credit equivalent to five quar­ t e r hours will be a w a r d e d to those w h o desire it. Dormitory accommodations will be available t o all attending. Al­ though the dormitories cannot accom­ m o d a t e children, rooming facilities suitable for families a r e available n e a r t h e campus. Eastern Session. T h e m e of the Sec­ o n d Chemistry Institute at Syracuse will be Research Frontiers in Chemistry. I t was organized to provide teachers of chemistry in the smaller colleges a n d universities an opportunity to study modern chemistry under chemists of

the caliber usually found only in r e ­ search centers. F o r m a l and informal group discussions on teaching p r o b l e m s will be featured, a n d o n the impact of lew concepts and knowledge on trie teaching of t h e standard undergraduate courses in chemistry. Visits to nearby chemical industries will b e arranged. O p p o r t u n i t y will also b e afforded t o observe important research in process at Syracuse Uni­ versity and a t units of the S t a t e Uni­ versity of N e w York at Syracuse. O c ­ casional evening lectures on related fields of science will be presented, also scientific and industrial movies. T h e r e will be an exhibit of textbooks. A grant by N S F makes possible trie awarding of stipends for 2 5 o r more college teachers t o cover in p a r t o r completely t h e expenses of a t t e n d i n g the institute. A Conference on t h e Teaching o f

Campus at University of Syracuse

Chemical Engineering Building, University of Minnesota






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June, 1955



Recently, we announced the development of methods for the commercial manufacture of important piperazines and p y r a z i n e s — specifically 2-methylpiperazine ; cis—2,5-dimethylpiperazine ; trans-2,5-dimethylpiperazine ; mixed cis-trans-2»5-dimethylpiperazine ; 2-methylpyrazine ; 2,5-dimethylpyrazine. Now we are happy to state that samples of these products are available upon request·


For polymers : Vinylpyrazine can be prepared from 2-methylpyrazine and formaldehyde and can be polymerized in the same manner as 2-vinylpyridine . . * polyamides are formed by reacting piperazines with various dicarboxylic acids. For pharmaceuticals ; Antiviral activity is reported for sulfa drugs derived from pyrazine while pyrazine carboxylic acids have antipellagric activity and can be prepared from the corresponding methyl pyrazine s by oxidation . . . antihistaminic activity is reported for the 1,4-di-subst itut ed piperazines . . . piperazine. derivatives, especially the salts of organic acids, are particularly effective as anthelmintics. Pyrazine and its homologues have, to date, found use almost wholly in the pharmaceutical field. However, due to similarities in structure and reactions, the pyrazines will probably find applications in fields where the pyridines are presently used. Piperazines, aside from use in pharmaceuticals and for forming polymers, have potential applications in: surface-active agents, stabilizing agents, agricultural chemicals, rubber chemicals, catalysts, solvents, To aid you in your research, we've compiled a 33-page booklet containing excerpts from chemical literature. These excerpts relate to the reactions and applications of piperazines and pyrazines and their derivatives. Copies of this survey are available without charge · . . simply write us on your company letterhead.











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High School Chemistry will be held in conjunction with the institute. Con­ ference members will participate in all appropriate activities of t h e institute, and the problem of integration of high school and college instruction in chem­ istry will be one of the topics discussed in afternoon sessions. The conference is sponsored by N S F and the school of education at the Uni­ versity of Syracuse. Directors of the institute will h e Edward L. Haenisch of the department of chemistry at Wabash College, and Henry E. Wirth of Syracuse University chemistry department. Conference d i ­ rector is Raymond T. Byrne, chairman of science department, Batavia JuniorSenior High School. All participants, except those register­ ing for credit, will pay a fee of $10.

Approved registrants may attend for shorter periods of time than the full session providing they pay the full fee. Three to six semester hours of graduate credit are available for qualified stu­ dents at a cost of $22 per credit hour. Rooms in the new Watson Dormitory will be available at $15 a week p e r person (two in a room) or at $20 for a single room. Meal tickets for t h e entire session (20 meals a week) are available at $84, or individual meals may b e obtained at Watson cafeteria or other campus cafeterias at about t h e same total cost. Dormitory facilities are open to married couples and older children. I n a small cottage set aside for the conference, approximate cost will be $13 a week per person (two in a room ) .

Society of Nuclear Medicine Holds 2nd Annual Convention

cussed, all in relation to the teaching of subject matter at the elementary, junior high, and senior high school levels, are atomic power, solar energy, recent advances in the biology of b a c ­ teria, and conservation. Information about accommodations on the campus may be obtained from the University Housing Bureau, 4 3 4 Sterling Court, Madison, Wis. Nearby hotels are the Belmont, Edgewater, Loraine, and Park. For information about a Workshop in Science, to b e held at the university July 5 to 29, a n d about the eight-week summer session in science education, write to L. H . Adolfson, Education Bldg., University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wis.

The 2nd Annual Convention of t h e Society of Nuclear Medicine will b e held June 17 to 19 in Portland, Ore., at the Multnomah Hotel. A program of about two dozen technical papers and several seminars has been planned. Guest speaker at the society banquet Saturday evening will be John Laur­ ence. His topic: Philosophic and Historical Comments on t h e Develop­ ment of Artificial Radioactivity. 1955 Science Conference The 1955 Science Conference of Na­ tional Science Teachers Association, in cooperation with the University of Wis­ consin summer session, will be held June 29 to July 1 at the university in Madison. Theme of the conference is Keeping Up to Date with the Content and Methods of Teaching Science. Some of the topics that will be dis­

Α Μ Α Summer Program A t Colgate American Management Association will hold a summer program at Colgate University, Hamilton, Ν. Υ., during July a n d August. Among the various




ASSOCIATIONS activities planned are workshop seminarSj orientation seminars, manaerement course, management course for presi­ dents, presidents' round table, course in cost reduction for supervisory management, marketing management course, a n d intra-company manage­ ment meetings. Housing will be avail­ able on t h e campus. For further in­ formation write to Registrar, Α Μ Α School of Management, 300 West 4 3 r d St., New York 36, Ν . Υ. Secondary School Chemistry Teachers Institute

trition Foundation; and G. M. Dack and R. O. Wagenaar of University of Chicago.

Much of the time at Une technical ses­ sions will be spent in discussions. Only written discussions will b e considered for publication in the proceedings.

Combustion Conference a t MIT

Phospholipids Tonlc: cf C I O

A n International Conference o n Combustion will b e held at MIT, Cam­ bridge, Mass., June 15 to 17. It will be sponsored by t h e American Society of Mechanical Engineers and t h e Insti­ tution of Mechanical Engineers (Lon­ don) in cooperation with M I T . P a ­ pers will b e presented in abstract b y reporters rather than by the authors.

Secondary school teachers of t h e Pittsburgh area will hold an institute at Mount Mercy College, Aug. 22 to 3 1 . Douglas G. Nicholson, associate profes­ sor of inorganic chemistry at East T e n ­ nessee State College, will direct t h e institute. Discussion will center on ( a ) means of stimulating and encouraging students to enter the field of chemistry as a profession; ( b ) review of recent developments and trends in chemistry; and ( c ) improvement of teaching effi­ ciency through use of improved tech­ niques and novel demonstrations. The institute is open to all interested secondary "school chemistry teachers. Information and registration forms m a y b e obtained from Sister M. Lawrence O'Donnell, Chemistry Department, Mount Mercy College, Pittsburgh 1 3 , Pa.

A Symposium on Phospholipids will b e held at the University of Western Ontario, London, Out, Oct. 12 and 1 3 It is sponsored by the "biochemistry di­ vision of the Chemical Institute of Canada. Further information may be obtained from R. J. Rossiter, University of Western Ontario, London, Ont.


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tronic c i r c u i t . 9084-K.

Incendiary Gels Symposium A symposium on Incendiary Gels a n d Their Instrumentation will b e given at the Army Chemical Center, Md., June 27 and 28. Discussion will cover prob­ lems of interest to workers in asphalt, lubricating greases, bread mixes, paint thickeners, flow of thixotropic gels through tubes, and extrusion of plastic materials from orifices. T h e program is unclassified but attendance is r e­ stricted to U. S. citizens. Inquiries should be addressed to R. Macy, Chem­ ical Corps Chemical and Radiological Laboratories, Army Chemical Center, Md. Food Technologists Convene Radiation sterilization of foods will b e the chief topic at the 15th annual meeting of the Institute of Food Tech­ nologists, which will take place J u n e 12 to 16 in Columbus, Ohio. Promi­ nent scientists working in the field w h o will present papers on the subject in­ clude L. E. Brown ell and H. A. Harlin, University of Michigan; J. J. Albrecht, Harry E. Gunning, and Milton E. Parker of Illinois Institute of Tech­ nology; Lt. Col. Belmont S. Evans, Jr., Quartermaster Corps; C. G. King, N u ­ VOLUME

3 3,







"SPECTRONIC 2 0 " , Bausch & Lomb. A wide range, compact, versatile, direct r e a d i n g instrument, with high d e g r e e of a c ­ curacy, s i m p l e to o p e r a t e , a n d a t r e m a r k a b l y low p r i c e . Effective b a n d w i d t h 2 0 mmu. Provides monochromatic l i g h t in r a n g e f r o m 3 7 5 m m u i n the v i o l e t t o 9 5 0 mmu in i n f r a r e d . W a v e ­ length d i e ! g r a d u a t e d a t intervals o f 5 m m u . Consisting of d i f f r a c t i o n g r a t i n g m o n o c h r o m a t o r w i t h p r e f o c u s e d light source a n d fixed slits; phototubes; electronic a m p l i f i c a ­ tion system and built-in t r a n s f o r m e r for a . c . o p e r a t i o n ; and meter f o r d i r e c t i n d i c a t i o n o f transmission a n d o p t i c a l d e n s i t y . Three controls a d j u s t the w a v e l e n g t h s e t t i n g , l i g h t intensity a n d z e r o , r e s p e c t i v e l y . Results a r e r e p r o d u c i b l e within 0 . 5 % .


9084-K. "Spectronic 2 0 , " B. & L., w i t h blue a n d red-sensitive phototubes and filter; For routine colorimetric determinations. For 115 volts, 6 0 e y e , a.c 230.00

9085-C. Roto-Cell, Thomas, as above, complete with double cell with 10 mm light paths 76.20

9085-M. Special External Voltage Stabilizing Transformer, recommended for use with above for stable operation 30.00

ROTO-CELL, T H O M A S A liquid-cooled double c e l l c a r r i e r , f o r 1 ml sample, f o r instantane­ ous i n t e r c h a n g e w i t h i n the instrument of s a m p l e a n d blank or s t a n d a r d i n t o the light p a t h , g r e a t l y to f a c i l i ­ tate preparation of s p e c t r a l transmission o r a b s o r p t i o n curves.

9 0 8 5 - W . Didymium Glass Wavelength Calibra­ tion Standard, Thomas, for rapid accurate checking of wavelength scale calibration and meter perform­ ance, or for recalibration whern required. Fits sample holder of "Spectronic20>" 9.00

Copy of Bulletin 12Ί sent upon


908 5-C.




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Cuban Petroleum Congress Cuba's first Congress on Petroleum will b e held Oct. 21 t o 2 3 a t Universidad d e Oriente i n Santiago, Among American scientists invited t o participate are Benjamin T . Brooks, Per K. Frolich, Walter J. Murphy, and Robert E . Wilson. Invitations have also gone to A. E. Dunstan of England and to representatives of t h e petroleum industry in Holland, Mexico, Venezuela, C a n a d a , a n d Argentina.

SPI Film Fashion Show Society of the Plastics Industry will stage a vinyl film fashion show a n d exhibit a t the Hotel Pierre, New York City, J u n e 22. T h e show, which begins at 1 P . M . , will be followed by a forum of distinguished speakers from t h e fashion, design, merchandising, and other allied fields. Trie show is part of t h e over-all Standard of Quality Promotion Program of SPI.

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Unsuspected, there m a y be a key point in your development; work that calls for the versatile properties of a phe­ nolic resin. Heat resistance is one of these — it w a s i n s t r u m e n t a l in o v e r c o m i n g "fading" in a u t o m o t i v e brake bands. A permanent boned is another — it holds insulating fibers t o g e t h e r for years u n d e r v a r i a b l e c o n d i t i o n s o f moisture and temperature. Long flex life w i t h abrasion resist­ ance — this combination keeps shoe




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A Symposium on Corrosion will b e held Sept. 15 and 16 i n Montreal a t t h e Sheraton-Mount Royal Hotel. I t is jointly sponsored b y t h e National Research Council's Associate Committee on Corrosion, t h e Montreal sec. ion of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, and the protective coatings division of t h e Chemical Institute of Canada.

TAPPI Statistical Conference T h e Technical Association of t h e Pulp a n d Paper Industry will hold a Conference on Statistics in the Paper Industry July 10 t o 23 a t the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. It will consist of a n elementary and advanced seminar, running concurrently.

CALENDAR O F EVENTS. American Chemical Society 128th National Meeting, Minneapolis, Minn. Sept. 11-16, 1955. Division of Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, 8th Annual Summer Analytical Symposium, Syracuse University, Syracuse, Ν. Υ. June 17—18. Division of Colloid Chemistry, 29th Na­ tional Colloid Symposium, Rice Insti­ tute, Houston, Tex. June 20-22. Division of Organic Chemistry, 14th An­ nual Organic Symposium, Purdue Uni­ versity, Lafayette, Ind. June 13—17.



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Other Organizations Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Joint with Synthetic Organic Chemical Manu­ facturers Association, Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. June 9-11.