Chemistry for engineering technology students - ACS Publications

Abstract. Description of the Bachelor of Technology Program and the chemistry courses it requires. ... Curriculum. View: PDF | PDF w/ Links. Related C...
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Chemistry for Engineering Technology Students

Rita G. Blatt The Pennsylvania State university The Capitol Campus Middletown, PA 17057

Over the years, the bachelor of science programs in engineerine have undereone manv chanaes. In general they have shifted from the applied areas to thr more theoretical areas, and have broadened their currir~llwnto awid narrow spcciahation.' The traditional baccalaureate engineering programs include mathematics through differential equations, basic ohvsical sciences. and eneineerine.. desien courses which emphasizt, research and de~elopment.The engineering technolocv .orurrams at The Pennsvlraniil Srate I!niversit).'-: . Capitol Campus were designed tdfill the gap between the modern engineer and the technician. By contrast, the baccalaureate engineering technology programs include applied mathematics through calculus, applied sciences, and other applications-oriented technical cburses which are intended to provide the graduate with marketable, industry-oriented, . d r ~ g cno m p e t r n ~ e . ~ T hstudents e in these programs receive Rachelur of Tcuhnoloc7. Drgrees rather than the traditional B:~chelorof Scienrr Degrees. The specific degree granting proAritms at Capitol Camput are \\'ater Resources Enyincerint. 'l'echn~~loev.WRET: Elevtrical Ilesirn Eneineerinr l ~n&eer&g ~ e c h Z ~ e c h n o l o ~Ey ,D ~ T ~; e c h a n i c aDesign nolow. , .. . MDET: Buildine Construction Technolow. -. BCT; and Transportation 'l'echnolugy, 'TT. These prngrums are fully accredited by thr Enoineeri'Council for Professional Development, theaccreditkion body of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The Bachelor of Technology Programs (BT) are relatively new, having been first accredited in 1967. I n 1973, only 4500 Bachelors' Degrees in Engineering Technology were awarded throughout the country.Vhe number of graduates has been increasing a t a rapid pace since that time and in the academic year 1978, over 7100 Bachelor of Technology Degrees were awarded. A ~ r i m a r ymission of these B T programs is to provide an educational experience which is professionally relevant, so that the graduates will he able to contribute effectively in their respective fields. One of the techniques incorporated into the programs involves a step-by-step coverage of material to insure optimum learning of content. Relevant applications, demonstrations, and laboratory exercises are built into the courses in an attempt to attain maximum t r a n ~ f e r . ~

for three 11/4-hr lecture periods and one 2%-hr laboratory period per week throughout a ten week term. Although several hundred students are enrolled in these chemistry courses each year, class sizes are generally small, ranging from 16 to 35 students. Facultv members assigned to these courses are responsible for teaching both the-lecture and the laboratory portion for their section. The laboratories are totally integrated into the course; i.e., both lecture materials and laboratory materials deal with the same general topics. This kind of continuity erases the harriers which often tend to crop up in courses of this type by avoiding the feeling on the part of the students that they are taking two separate and distinct courses, one lecture and one laboratory, which are totally unrelated to each other. A course arrangement of the type described herein tends to maximize student-instructor interaction and to encouraae the reinforcement between the lecture and laboratory pokions of the course. It isfelt that both of these factors are advantaaeous for effective learnine in the BT programs. The first chemistry course in the sequence focuses on those basic subject areas included in many of the traditional first year college level chemistry courses. However, the teaching materials; i.e., experiments, examples, and problems tend to he applications oriented whenever possible. The course outline for Chemistry 201 is presented in Table 1.It should he noted that over half of the lecture periods are devoted to the last three main topic headings: Chemical Formulas and Equations, Thermochemistry, and the Behavior of Gases. Ten experiments are chosen by the instructor from the

Descri~tlonof Chemlstrv Courses Chemistry is an important part of each of the technology programs. Chemistry 201 and 202, the chemistry courses which most of the technology students are required to take, have been designed in keeping with the philosophy of these BT programs. While tending to focus on basic knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, direct efforts are constantly made to include relevant, practical, engineering-type applications, problems, and laboratory experiences. With regard to the format of these courses, each class meets

Electron Confiouralions -




This paper has been accepted for presentation at the September 1979 meeting of the American Chemical Society in Washington,

nn "U.

'-% Thomas, W. E., "Engineering Technology Definitions: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" Proceedings: College Industry Edueotion Conference. Jan.-Feb. 1979. Tampa, FL. Moore, J. H. and Will, R. K., Engineering Education, 64,34, Oct. .--,. IJiJ.

Grenier, G. H., IEEE Transactions OnEducation, E-20 (4) 166, Nov. 1971. 300 / Journal of Chemical Education

Table 1. Course Outllne for Chemistry 201 Main



Topic Subheadings Kinds of Measurements Kinds of Substances

separation of Mixtures me Chemists Approech-Analysis and

Synthesis Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

PeriodicTable Chemical Banding

Atomic Structure

Relative Mass of Atoms and Molecules The Gram Molecular Weight Electron Arranclement in Atoms Quantum


Orbital Diagrams Structure of the Periodic Table Trends in Properties of Elements The Ionic Band ~ h Covalent s ~ond Lewis Structures

Chemical Formulas and Equations Types of Formulas The Mole Concept The Chemical Equation Stoichiometry Enthalpy Thermchemistry Thermochemical Equations Bond Energies Calorimetry First Law of Thermodynamics Sources of Energy Of


Physical Properties of Gases Idem Gas Law

Mixtures of Gases Dalton's Law of Partla1 Pressure

following list and are performed by students in the laboratory during the same week that the topics are being presented in lecture: Laboratory Experiments for Chemistry 201 1. Density Measurements 2. Melting Paint Determinations 3. Paper Chromatography 4. Distillation as a Means of Separation 5. Solubility as a Function of Temperature 6. Percentage of Water in a Hydrate 7. Formation of an Insoluble Precipitate 8. Determination of the Percent of KC1 in a KCI-KC102 Mix-

Table 2. Course Outline for Chemlstrv 202 Topic Subheadings

Main Topic Introduction to Organic Chemistry Fuels


The Solid State


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

&of the Speetronic 20 Activity of Metallic Ions in Solution Corrosion Studies Reaction Rates Molecular Models Determination of Specific Heat Heat of Reaction

Each student is provided a laboratory handout, and a portion of time is taken from the scheduled lecture periods to thoroughly introduce each experiment a t least several days before it is to he performed. The introduction involves a eeneral acauaintance with the exolanation of any new laboratory techniques, emphasis of necessary safety precautions and a general discussion of industrial adaptations of the procedures and techniques. Industrial utilization of information that anv articular kind of experiment can penerate is pointed o u t t b the student. As an-example, the& dents are made aware of the fact that density measurements can provide rather quick, valuable, information in attempting to identify certain metals. Included with each lahoratorv handout are auestions and problems relating to practical aspects of the experiment. The student is required to submit a laboratory report which contains data, calculations, discussion, observations, conclusions, and solutions to the assigned questions and prohlems. Following are some sample questions which have been included in the handouts for experiments 1and 4 on the previous list.


Density: An alloy was machined intoa flat disc, 3.15cm in diameter and 0.45 cm thick with a hole 0.75 cm in diameter drilled through the center. The disc weights 20.2 g. What is the density of the alloy? Percent of Water in o Hydrate: A pound of copper sulfate can be purchased for $4/lb in the anhydrous farm of $3/lb with a pentahydrate composition. If you needed a source of copper ion for copper plating which would be the most economical purchase?

As exemplified by the above questions, Chem 201 is a problem-oriented course. All of the students in the class have had or are takina a calculus course concurrent with chemistry, and, in general,-the majority of students tend to have good problem-solving skills. Although the general societal trend is toward metric and SI units, homework problems are assigned which deal with both English and metric units since many industries which hire our graduates have not yet adopted the metric system. Following are sample problems assigned and discussed in the course. I) Iron pyrites with the general formula FeS2 are found as eontaminants in coal. The FeSz may be converted to ferric oxide durina combustion by reacting according to the followingequation: 4 FeS2


+ 11 O2


2 Fe203 8 SOz

(1) Calculate the number of poundsof oxygen required for the

complete conversion of 100 pounds of pyrites to the oxide. (b) Haw many liters of SO9at standard tem~erstureand Dressure would be produced by eaeh pound bf iron pyrdes converted? 2) Phosphorus is prepared in an electric furnace according to the chemical equation:



Acids and Bases

Oxidation and Reduction

3 SiOz

Hydrocarbons and Oxygen Containing Compounds Fossil Fuels and Combustion Reactions General Thermoehemistry Sources of Hydrocarbans and Pollution Problems Addition Type Polymers Condensation Type Polymers Properties of Polymers Phase Changes Metals and the Metallic Bond Crystal Lanice Structures Transistor Materials Concentration Units Principles of Solubility Colligative Properties Water as a Solvent Natural Sources of Water Water Pollution Nature of Acids and Bases pH Titrations Oxidation Number Electrolytic Cells Voltaic Cells corrosion

+ CadPOa)?+ 5C


3 CaSiOs + 5 CO + 2P

Atomic weights: Ca = 40, P = 31,0 = 16, C = 12, Si = 28 (a) Calculate the number of pounds of phosphorus formed for each pound of Cax(PO& used. (h) Calculate the number of grams of SiOn required for eaeh gram of P produced. 3) A transportation company specializesin the shipment of gaseous materials. If they had standard size tanks of 10 1,201, and 30 1, and they received an order for 100 1 of a gas at S.T.P., which size container would be required if the gas were to be shipped at a temperature of 80°F, and at a maximum pressure of 8 atms? Show all calculations. 4) Production of Hydrogen: Hydrogen can be produced commerciallyby a well-known process known as electrolysis. Assume the process to be 100%efficientand determine the weight of water in pounds required to produce 750 cubic feet of (Hz)hydrogen measured at 32°F and 14.7 psi absolute. In reviewing these problems one can readily see the industrial emphasis as contrasted with the more traditional chemistry textbook type of problem. Rather than continue to focus primarily on the further development of basic concepts, Chemistry 202, the second course in the sequence, is oriented even more toward applied chemistry or the chemistry of materials. Table 2 contains the course outline for Chemistrv 202. The first part of Chemistry 202 provides an introduction to oreanic chemistrv includin~hvdrocarhons and simple oxygekontaining c~mpounds.Then the emphasis is shifted to applied areas such as solvents, fossil fuels, and polymers. The thermochemistry in this section of the course deals with combustion of fossil fuels, and tends to offer a valuable lead-in to the thermodynamics course which the mechanical students are required to take in their senior year. It has been found that inclusion of a section on nolvmers . . is most valuable to the students since they receive no formal exposure to them in any of their other courses. And, we all know of the immense contributions polymers have made to engineering materials. Undoubtedly, the majority of the engineering technology students will be dealing with them in one way or another throuahout their ~rofessionalcareers. hel latter part bf chemistry 202 deals with water solutions and some typical reactions that may occur in water solutions Volume 57. Number 4, April 1980 1 301

such as acid-base reactions and oxidation-reduction reactions. Each of these topics is developed in a step-by-step fashion, first presenting the nature of water as a solvent, then the nature of solutions, and finally, by including simple acid-base reactions and oxidation-reduction reactions. The laboratory portion of the course is relied on heavily to illustrate those concepts which are presented in the lectures. Ten experiments selected by the instructor from the following list are performed by the students in the laboratory: Laboratory Experiments for Chemistry 202 1. Preparation of Polymers-Bakelite and Nylon 2. Synthesis of Organic Esters 3. Gas Chromatography Separation of Gasoline Samples 4. Molecular Models 5. Temperature and Reaction Rates 6. Conductivity of Solutions 7. Acid-Base Titrations 8. Potentiometrie Titrations 9. Use of Ion Exchange Resins 10. Determination of Water Hardness 1- 1- . Conner Platine 12. Anodizing Aluminum 13. Electrodeposition of Capper 14. Use of Speetronie 20



for so-called "higher level" chemistry courses. They use gas chromatography to separate gasoline and atomic absorption to determine metallic ions in water. In addition, in their exneriments.. thev . use the more common eauioment such as kisible spectrophotometers and pH m e t e i s . - ~ h ealso ~ use some speciality equipment such as electroplating baths, electrodeposition apparatus and ion exchange columns in keeping with the hands-on-approach throughout all of the .. technoiogy programs. Depending on the type of student in the class, the topic emphasis can be modified. For example with the students in the MDET program, more emphasis is placed on fuels and thermodynamic applications; with students in the electrical design program more emphasis is placed on the solid state, nolvmers. and electrochemistrv. fn addition, the students have been required to write papers dealing with some engineering aspects of chemistry. This feature of the course requires the students to choose and investigate topics which are of particular interest to them and in so doing encourages them to become familiar with library source material. Course evaluations have indicated this aspect of the course to be generally well accepted by the studentsand is often listed as one of its major strengths. Also, Chemistry 202 has provided the basis for some of the electrical design projects which students are required to develop in their senior vear. For examole. . . students have desiened electronlatine haths, electronic detectors for hazardous chemicals, and an automatic titratine amaratus. This Drovides further evidence .. of the value placed on the chemistry courses by the students. The primary mission of the Engineering Technology Programs, that of providing an educational experience which is professionally relevant, has guided the development of these chemistry courses. I t bas influenced the selection of topics, has led to the design of many new experiments, and has encouraged an applications-oriented focus throughout.


Considerable time and effort has been devoted to the development of relevant laboratory experiments which are an extremelv. imoortant Dart of the course. As in Chemistr). 201, . a thorough introduction of each experiment is given to the student and emphasis is placrd un developing a rlose relntionship between the lecture tndterials and thr cxpcriments which are th