Chemistry in Finance - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Allied Chemical & Dye Corp. The Syracuse plant of the Atmospheric Nitrogen Corp., a subsidiary of Allied Chemical and Dye Corp., will be...
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February 20, 1931



Chemistry in Finance Allied Chemical & Dye Corp. T h e Syracuse plant of the Atmospheric Nitrogen Corp., a subsidiary of Allied Chemical a n d Dye Corp., will be maintained for research and experimental ptxrposes only, since an increase in the productive capacity at the Hopewell, Va., plant makes i t unnecessary for t h e Syracuse plant t o operate o n a commercial basis. W i t h i n the next four or five months, the plant-expansion program of Solvay Process Co., another subsidiary of Allied Chemical, will b e completed at a reported cost of $5,000,000, making available a considerable increase i n tonnage of soda ash for the Hopewell plant. Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. T h e Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. a n d subsidiaries, including operations of Kirkman & Son, Inc., report a net profit for the year 1930 of $8,550,055, equivalent, after 6 per cent preferred dividend requirements, including allowance for full year's dividends on preferred stock issued for Kirkman o n October 1, 1930, t o $3.76 a share on 1,999,970 no-par shares of common stock. This compares with a net profit of $8,910,631. or $4.03 a common share in 1929. On January 10, 1931, the company filed suit in t h e federal court at Hammond, Ind., against Lever Bros. Soap Co., asking that t h e latter b e restrained from t h e manufacture of Rinso, a soapflake preparation so nearly like o n e manufactured b y Col­ gate that infringement of patent w a s charged and monetary damages demanded. Atlas Powder Co. A t a meeting held o n February 4, 1931, the board of directors declared a dividend of SI per share o n t h e no-par-value com­ mon capital stock payable in casri March 10, 1931, to stockholders of record at the close of business on February 27, 1931. Commercial Solvents Corp. T h e net profit of t h e Commercial Solvents Corp. and sub­ sidiaries for the year ended December 31, 1930, was S2,717,000, equivalent t o $1.07 a share on 2 , 5 2 9 , / 2 5 shares of no-par stock. This compares with $3,667,402, or S 1.50 a share on 2,434,091 shares i n 1929. T h e process of depreciating plant account was completed last year b y writing down the fixed assets of t h e corporation (not in­ cluding assets of subsidiaries) consisting o f land, buildings, and equipment, t o the sum of SI. This "was done by charging the residual value of the plants amounting t o S 1,725,237 against surplus. T h e income in 1931 will be increased from two new sources. Waste carbon dioxide from, the distillation will be supplied on contract to a plant of the D r y i c e Corp. which has been erected next t o the Peoria solvents plant:. Tliis will utilize t h e last by­ product from the company's processes, and is estimated as worth at least $500,000 annually. Trie Commercial Pigments plant, whose income in 1930 was not important, is expected t o yield more this year after completion of additions which will increase its capacity from 10 tons to 20 tons a d a y . Commercial Pigments produces the new white pigment:, titanium oxide, which has been found valuable in many lines. Lindsay Light Co. T h e n e t profit for 1930 of the L i n d s a y Light Co., manufacturers of rare earth chemicals, electric lighting fixtures, and incandescent mantles, was $95,851.70 as compared -with a net profit in 1929 of $78,588.41. After deducting for dividends on the preferred stock outstanding, the company shows earnings of over 13 per cent on the 60,000 common snares outstanding. A t the meeting of t h e board of directors last month, the regular quarterly dividends of IV2 per c e n t a n d an extra 1 / 2 per cent were declared upon the common stock: to stockholders of record at the close of business February 7, payable February 16. Mathieson Alkali Works T h e annual report of t h e Mlathieson Alkali Works for 1930 shows a net profit of S2,096,O06.79, equivalent t o $2.96 a common share, against a net profit in 1929 o f $2,324,276.44, or $3.31 a common share. Monsanto Chemical Works T h e net profit for 1930 of th.e Monsanto Chemical Works is reported as 8763,003.53, or $1.78 a siiare o n 429,000 shares out­ standing on January 2 , 1931. This compares with a profit of $1,691,338.06 in 1929, equivalent to $4.18 a share o n 404,253 shares, or on the present ί2^,000 shares, $3.94 a share. U. S . Industrial Alcohol Co. I n t h e six months ended December 31, the U. S. Industrial Alcohol Co. showed a net profit of $54:0,018.87 a s compared with a n e t profit of $3,024,806.44 for the corresponding six months in 1929.



New u s e s discovered d a i l y f o r

RICE HULLS Among the many uses for Rice Hulls: Packing hygroscopic materials t o prevent moisture absorption. ; filtering and per­ colating; reducing specific gravity of concrete; insulation (hot or cold); sound deadener; ground filler for- cleaning com­ pounds, fertilizer, insect powder, for natural o r synthetic resins, etc. R I C E H U L L S are clean and "springy"; th.eya.z-e light i n weight (only 7}/& pounds per cubic foot) ; they- are free-flowing and non-packing; they are of slow combusti/bility ; they are neutral i n odor.

ANALYSIS: Moisture Protein Ash

Ether extract (Fat) 0.98% Crude fiber... 40.45 Nitrogen free e^x t r a c t . . . . 28.30 (Percentage ASH: to hulls) 95.49% 18.09% 0. 18 0.94 0-16 0.86 0-05 0.28 0.07 0.36 0.30 ' -58

8.05% 3.28 18.94

ANALYSIS O F Silica oxide Oxides of iron, aluminum Lime oxide. . . Magnesium oxide Phosphate as PÎOS Oxides of soda and potash

WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Sold sacked or bulk. Minimum weight, 30,000 lb· carloadLow in price; economical to tzse.

McGill Brothers Rice Mill S T U T T G A R T , ARKLA^SAS

Badger Service Evaporators : Types for e v e r y purpose Distilling Machinery for e v e r y product Solvent Recovery E q u i p m e n t Design and Construction of CorrxpletePlants See 1930 Chemical Engineering Catalog page^ 220—240



mi H Size

Needle V a l v e s are a remarkably good buy. No. 306, as shown, is §1.00- Use them on your air, gas or vacuum lines; in high pressure work, etc. Sent on approval to A.C.S. members. Y o u r dealer o r

je^Inc. Ask for Folder NV.

2 2 A l b a n y S t . , N e w Yorli City.