CHEMISTRY IN THE ECONOMY - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Aug 1, 1974 - CHEMISTRY IN THE ECONOMY. Anal. Chem. , 1974, 46 (10), pp 229LG–229LG. DOI: 10.1021/ac60346a793. Publication Date: August 1974...
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A penetrating in-depth study that belongs in every chemist's library ...

Chemislry In The Economy

An fanerican Chemical Society Sludi; supported in part by ftie Naumud Science ïoundaUtm Washington, B.C.

CHEMISTRY IN THE ECONOMY This study not only belongs in every chemist's library, but among the volumes of the intelligent layman as well. It's an authoritative, indepth study of all facets of chemistry a n d gives you the what. . . the who . . . a n d the why of today's chemical products, processes, a n d problems. You'll find everything f r o m the original manufacturing process f o r nylon 66 to the iatest company comments on PH.D.'s. From margarine to employment projections, this amazing study covers all the contributions of chemistry to the ways in which we work a n d live. LABORATORY


CHEMISTRY I N THE E C O N O M Y is the result of an intensive study started in 1966 by the ACS Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs. Every chapter teems with information contributed by experts in industry, education, a n d government.

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Just fill out the form below and mail it back to us t o d a y . We'll see that CHEMISTRY I N THE E C O N O M Y will soon be in your hands. AUGUST 1974 229 LG