Chemistry of exciplexes. IV. Orientation of photocycloaddition of 1, 3

N. C. Yang, Kasturi Srinivasachar, Bongsub Kim, and Jacqueline Libman. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1975, 97 (17), pp 5006–5008. DOI: 10.1021/ja00850a041...
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Chemistry of Exciplexes. IV. Orientation of Photocycloaddition of 1,3-Dienes to Anthracenes Sir:

The conservation of orbital symmetry plays an important role in the orientation of cycloadditions between unsaturated systems. The Woodward-Hoffmann rule of conservation of orbital symmetry predicts that suprafacial photocycloadditions involving 4n x-electrons are allowed processes while those involving 4n 2 x-electrons are forbidden.’ Anthracene reacts photochemically with either 2,5-dimethyl-2,4-hexadiene (DMHD), an acyclic s-transoid 1,3diene, or 1,3-cyclohexadiene (CHD), an alicyclic s-cisoid 1,3-diene, to give 4x, 4 xSadducts l a and 2a, respectively, while 9-cyanoanthracene under similar conditions reacts with C H D to give the 4x, 4irs adduct 2e but with acyclic 2?r, adducts such as s-transoid 1,3-dienes to give 4xs 3e.2.3The photocycloadditions of DMHD and other s-transoid 1,3-dienes to 9-cyanoanthracene constitute an “apparent forbidden” process according to the Woodward-Hoffmann rule, yet they proceed stereospecifically and regiospecifically in both high chemical and quantum yield^.^ Several explanations have been proposed for the orientation of these photocycl~additions,~-~ but no systematic correlations have been presented so far. In our investigation on the nature and behavior of [arene*: 1,3-diene] exciplexes, we studied simultaneously the exciplex fluorescence6 and photochemistry of substituted anthracenes with 1,3-dienes. In this communication, we wish to report the relationship between the nature of exciplex and the orientation of photocycloaddition in arene: 1,3-diene systems. The photocycloadditions were usually carried out in 0.5% solutions of the arene in reagent grade benzene containing 1 M of the diene unless otherwise specified. The light source used was a Hanovia 450-W medium pressure Hg lamp with a cylindrical uranyl glass filter to cut off the light emission below 330 nm from the Hg lamp. The progress of the reaction was monitored by the uv spectrum of the irradiation mixture, and the products were isolated by column chromatography on activated alumina. The photochemical additions of DMHD and C H D to 9,lO-difluoroanthracene (DFA), 9,lO-dichloroanthracene (DCA), 9,10-dibromoanthracene (DBA), 9,10-dicyanoanthracene (DCNA), and acridine were investigated. The quantum yields of the dis-

appearance of various arenes in the presence of 1,3-dienes were determined with degassed samples and a conventional merry-go-round apparatus at 365 nm and ambient temperature (21 f The results obtained are summarized in Table I together with the available spectroscopic data of the corresponding exciplexes and compared with those from published results of anthracene, 9-cyanoanthracene (CNA), and naphthalene.2.3-s







b. X

= =

Y = H Y = F

2a. X = Y = H

c.X=Y=CI d. X = Y = Br

X = CN. Y = H f . X = Y = CY


3b. X

Y = F Y = c1 e, X = CN. Y = H f . x = Y = CN Since all the reactions in this study except that of DFA were carried out under conditions such that 87.5-99+% of the anthracene fluorescence was quenched by the diene, i.e., most of the singlet excited anthracene was intercepted by the diene as the exciplex, most of the photocycloaddition must proceed via exciplex as the intermediate. Judging from the results in Table I, we have found that a c.


= =

Table I: Correlation of Orientation of Photocycloaddition of Arenes to 1,3-Dienes and IArene*: 1,3-dienel Exciulex Fluorescence Photocycloadditiona CHD Arenes



Naphthalene Anthracene DFA

4n 477 (7,70%) 4n + 4n (2a, 96%)


4n + 4n (2c, 60%) 4n + 4n (4c,8%) 471 + 4n (2d, 29%) 277 + 2n (5d, 45%) 4n + 4n (2e, 87%) 4n + 4n (2f, 67%) 4n + 27r (8f, 9%) 4n + 2n (8g, 20%) Biacridan, 35% dihydroacridine, 20% 4n + 4n (4% 4%)

DBA CNA DCNA~ Acridine


Exciplex fluorescence (cm-’)b DMHD

@-ArH 0.23 0.28


IPb (eV) 8.12 7.43



@ArH 0.41


Orientation (%)c 4n + 4n (6)d 4n + 4n (la, 90%) 4n + 4n (1b)h 4n + 277 (3b) 4n + 2n (3c, 60%)



0.65 0.005


i ?

Methylcyclohexane or cyclohexane -e

EtOAc 23,300 -e(DMHD)

Solvent shift



23,300 (DMHD) 23,000 (DMHD)

22,200 (DMHD)



22,200 (DMHD)

21,100 (DMHD)




22,200 (DMHD)

20,700 (DMHD)


4n + 2n (3e, 84%) 4n + 2n (3f, 85%)

0.56 0.016

7.95 -

21,500 (DMHD) 18,700 (DMHD) 19,800 (CHD)


2100 -

Compound 10 (40%) biacridan (30%)

